
Chapter 150


The considerable troop that came to my aid decided that I'm in no condition for any rough treatment.
For this reason, they decided to put me in a half-open flesh coach that is protected by interceptors from above.
I appreciate this, as it allows me to see a bit of the surrounding landscape.
Or, well, they might've also not closed it because I mildly freaked out when they were about to finish the construct.

Anyone who has the slightest sense of empathy can understand why I currently have minor issues with being isolated in a cut-off space that I can't escape from.
Since stress on a princess is bad, and because, if I interpret their emissions right, they think I'm already in critical condition, they treat me and my wishes exceedingly gently.
This is all the more favorable, as it seems our destination is quite far away and we're in for a longer surface travel time.
So, as mentioned before, I won't complain.

During the trip, the two beetles I sent away join back up with me yet it seems like they're quite exhausted as well.
After I had a sufficient rest period to calm down and gather my thoughts, I start to assess my new situation.

It should be forgiven that I didn't do so immediately.
At least I didn't break down into a sobbing mess... yet.
However, I should probably talk to someone I trust about this experience.

Anyway, I was taking stock of my current circumstances.
The insect troop around me is what one would expect from a princess' escort.
Even if Lord Zion would assemble all his soldiers, I doubt he could break through to me, so I am safe at last, despite not being underground just yet.
Also, they care quite much about me and are considerate of my opinion.
So they weren't ordered to capture me, but instead safeguard me on my trip back home.

It’s impossible that the queen hasn’t been informed about the incident yet.
With all her loyal subjects, she simply must've heard of it.
At least, judging by the way I’m being treated, I don't have to immediately worry about literally being grounded for crass disregard of safety measures.
This might still come later though.

Scanning their ranks, I believe I’ve made out the one in charge.
That one interceptor's pheromones are slightly indicating so and he's coordinating some of the others.
Having gathered all I could by observing, it seems reasonable to ask my current escort what fate has in store for me.



<Ehk, scriak!/Uh, hello. What's your name?> (E)

<This one is designated Scaras, princess.> (Sc)


Is it just me or is there a pattern here?
That aside, there's something I'd like to confirm.


<Am I right in assuming that you belong to Princess Chera's hive?> (E)


After all, I was headed there in the hope that her troops would save me.
The answer may also be relevant as to whether or not I'm in trouble because the queen is displeased with me.
Princess Chera's troops could have very different directives than what the queen said shall happen to me.


<This is correct. My broodmother is the sole authority in this realm. The one who claimed and cultivated it!> (Sc)


Yeah, as expected.
Formicea are peculiar if it's about their mothers.
As proof, I just need to look at my own beetles. The few remaining...

I should avert my thoughts from this.
The beetles themselves don't like it one bit if I'm sad because of them.


<I have to thank you. Without your help, I'd have been in a pinch.> (E)


To put it mildly.


<There's no need to. You can thank my broodmother later. But it wasn't ever in question if she would help. She simply would never allow harm to befall a princess because of inaction. This would be too far beneath her.> (Sc)


Sigh, seems like this princess has to deal with the high expectations put on her as well.


<Well, still, thank you. By the way, how close are we to the entrance to the underworld?> (E)


I'm not sure if Lord Zion has an endgame where he would send his whole army after us in a last-ditch effort to get me back into captivity.
So I'd rather be safe than sorry and like to know how long it takes till we're effectively out of his reach.


<We already crossed the majority of the distance. The entrance leads to a passageway that directly links to the hive, so you will be protected once we arrive. Princess Chera prioritized the search once she learned about your case.> (Sc)


It seems like Scaras caught on to my worry.
But I wonder, we’ve already been traveling for quite some time.
It seems unusual to me that they didn't already create another passage into the underworld, so we would be in our element again.
On the other hand, we are talking here about a younger hive.
The underground system likely isn't as developed here as it is right around the main hive.
It even sounds rude to have such high expectations.

I check the horizon for the promised entrance, but only see something like an insect guard corridor that likely indicates the direction as they're securing the path we're about to move along.
While further taking in my current environment, I notice that Kyska emits kind of concerned pheromones.
As I don't know my current escort, don't know what she is worried about, and am somewhat disillusioned due to recent events, I speak to her in human words, trying not to emit too many pheromones.


"Kyska, is something wrong?" (E)


My elite nurse quickly catches on to my intention and responds in kind.


"Something about our situation isn't right." (K)


Oh no!
Please don't tell me we're once again getting kidnapped!

What is it now?
Are they from another swarm, helping themselves to a new princess?
I really can't have that now!


"You... Do you think we can't trust them?" (E)

"Trust? Oh no! You misunderstood. These drones certainly belong to Princess Chera, and as such to our swarm. If you focus on that detail, you can even sense the similarity to the queen. Princess Chera is a direct descendant, you need to know. Also, they mentioned that they belong to her. There's no drone that would betray their broodmother like this. You shouldn't apply the human standards of speaking false truths here, my princess." (K)


That makes sense.
If I concentrate, I perceive a distinct hue that reminds me of Uma.


"Then what did you mean by saying that something isn't right?" (E)

"Well, a number of little things. For example, this escort is, by far, too small for its intended purpose of protecting a princess." (K)

"Too small?! I think there are quite many of them." (E)


Kyska gives me a deadpan stare but I don't really get her.
There are around forty guardians, between one- and two-hundred workers.
A hundred interceptors, and two dozen hunters.
If I compare this to my usual escort...

Okay, this doesn't make any sense.
Formicea are overprotective beyond measure of their princesses.
At least I thought so until I was captured.
They tend to send stupidly oversized armies as escorts.
Basically, all of their society depends on keeping us safe.
And in this case, I was not only in dire need but also on the run from a hostile faction.
This certainly isn't the time to suddenly go down to reasonable escort sizes.


"Princess Chera left the main hive around thirty cycles ago. By now, she should have properly established and be able to send much greater numbers. Such treatment of a fellow princess is certainly unbecoming." (K)


Damm, I'm so glad we're talking human.
Otherwise, this statement might've got us into trouble.


"Okay, does this Princess Chera maybe not like me?" (E)

"I don't know, yet there are other things. For example, the majority of the present drones are quite young, yet at the same time, many of them show scarred injuries. Also, there are signs of malnourishment and other ailments. Much of what I see here reminds me of what I gathered from the pheromone pods for my training about treatment during the swarm wars." (K)


Huh, okay.
But wouldn't the queen be aware of it if we were in a swarm war?
That's not the kind of low-scale thing one could overlook.


"Do you have any details about Princess Chera? Something of interest?" (E)

"According to my senior nurses, Princess Chera was always a prime example of a swarm princess, after the queen's standards. She excelled at her role, created healthy offspring, and showed great independence and capabilities to solve problems and find solutions. She's in many ways extraordinary." (K)


Wow, a high-spec princess.
Suddenly, I worry if there's a chance for someone like me to get along with her.
I mean, recently the track record of my successes and failures doesn't look as great.
Before I can discuss further with Kyska, our destination comes into view.
The entrance to the underworld.
This might be for the better, as I believe some of the escort drones started to become suspicious.
There's only so much badmouthing one can do, even in another language.

We are carried into a tunnel that is much narrower than I expected it to be for all the drones of the escort and this close to the hive.
Also, there is just a single junction on our path that leads to a larger tunnel.
It seems like from here on out it was just dug in a straight line straight to the surface.
And then, somewhat abruptly we reach an expanse.
Promptly, I perceive screaking I can only describe as jittery.


<Scrik, skrek, scriak, skruk, screooh, skriek!/Is she here? Did you manage to bring her? Oh, I can perceive something. Yes, those are definitely the pheromones of a princess! But where is she? Heellooo! I'm Princess Chera! Can you perceive me?!> (C)


Suddenly, I feel kind of afraid to answer.


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