
Chapter 12


<Another place?> (E)

<This one should be of great interest to you.> (K)


She helps me stand up again and supports my body a bit.
I don't think it is necessary.
It wasn't this exhausting and I can still walk fine.
Yet Kyska is not the type to risk anything.


<Fortunately it is not far. I would like to take care of your body, my princess.> (K)


We are going to the huge pillar in the middle of this whole place.
Gigantic wouldn't be enough to describe it.
In width, it is far bigger than the castle of Osari.
Not to mention the height.

Around the entrances on the ground a fairly large number of guardians... well, guards them.
They keep relentless watch for any irregularity, assisted by an even greater amount of workers.
This kind of security makes me nervous.


<Is it really okay if we go in there?> (E)

<They cannot deny you the access, princess. Especially not to this place.> (K)


I become anxious.
Especially as I still don't know what kind of place we will visit.
Inside it is not much different from the tunnels I'm used to.
However, I notice it is considerably warmer in here.
Also, there is an increased number of nurses around.
All of them seem to be flustered by my approach and stop their work when I come close.
I am quite sure I am not fit to be the kind of person who causes something like this.


After climbing some tunnels up Kyska stops after entering a room.
Then she invites me inside.
The interior looks strange.
It is still warm and the air feels humid.
There is a large amount of some kind of tubs.
All of them round with an opening between inwards slanted sides.
Those I see are empty, but Kyska urges me to approach a certain one.


<Here my princess, look!> (K)


I come closer to the tub she stands by.
And I don't really know what I see there.
There is a white wormlike creature embedded in this structure.
Not really a worm, as I can see six appendages protruding out.
It crawls in there and lies in some kind of yellowish-white fluid.
Then I realize.

All the nurses around here...


<This is the incubator my princess or the nursery as conceited as this notation might seem coming from me. The eggs are brought here and tended to until they have matured enough after they hatched. This station here is for the freshly hatched and when they reach their next stage they will be brought to a more open one. And so on and so on.> (K)


This creature looks a bit weird, yet not as bad as one might believe considering how most of these insects look.
Yet, I can already relate the form a bit to the adult version.
It is not cute like a baby, but I understand it is a defenseless young being.


<So this is one of the swarms babies? A hatchling from the queen?> (E)

<Oh no princess, it is not.> (K)

<Crrk?/What?> (E)

<It is yours. This is your brood which already hatched. A perfectly healthy worker. In many of the other incubators lie the same. And this nurse there right now brings the next one. They are all your hatchlings here. Your contribution to the swarm.> (K)


This is my brood?
I haven't directly seen everything, but there are so many tubs.
These are all mine?

I can't!

I can't be the mother of such an amount of creatures!


<Why? Why do you show me this?!> (E)

<You said you wouldn't know what you are doing here. So I thought you should see it. This is what you are creating, the future of our swarm. This isn't foreign to you. This is exactly what you are. You are producing brood and they are completely normal like all the other hatchlings. You aren't wrong or strange. You are a swarm princess.> (K)


This strikes me.


I feel wrong in a fundamental way.
My mind flies apart.
They are so many if I think about it.
Seventy-eight if I counted right.
Well, they counted.

I don't have any motherly feelings.
Too many for that and it happened too fast.
Yet I feel strange when I look at them with that thought in mind.


<Will... Will they be treated well?> (E)

<Naturally! They will all grow up healthy and then fulfill their role. There won't be any discomfort with their position. They are made like this. To feel fulfillment by pursuing their respective tasks. Made by you that is.> (K)


I've made them.
I've made those creatures that will grow up to be like any of these swarm members.
I produce workers, warriors, service units, and more.
This is nothing I can deal with.
This will be an army.
A part of a perfect system.
And I am literally laying my part.

This feels, wrong!

Not right!


An army!


<But-but don't use them against humans. Please! I don't want to have them killing like this.> (E)

<If it is your wish, princess. You have a say in the decision of their assigned roles, in accordance with your contribution. So if this is your will, then it's fine.> (K)


At least I can decide this.
If I would have produced an army against mankind here I could just despair.
It is hard to settle my mind with this.
It shouldn't surprise me.
I knew what happened there.
But seeing the real deal is something completely different from having the eggs just taken away without the need to think any longer about them.


<Are you seeing now princess? You made so many new entities for the swarm. You are worth every little bit of support we can give to you.> (S)


Suki did hold back for now.
I guess she was ashamed of what she said before.
I can somehow understand what she says.
Every larva will be a part of this all.
Every entity I create is a member of the swarm.
New power.
Strengthening the swarm.
In that way, they say I'm worth all of them and like this offer me their lives.

I don't hate these insects.
They are incredibly weird and scary.
And what they did to me is just not right.
But being truly evil is different.
With such a power they could overthrow nearly everything.

But they don't.
They react but aren't going to make aggressive moves.
Also, they eat mostly plants or mushrooms.
That is not unlikeable.
And just like them, when something trespassed and threatened our fields we would defend them too.
Considering how they were burned down.

So not directly evil.
Just pragmatic, maybe a bit harsh.
To me that is.
Yet, I can also decide things here as it seems.
This might be good in itself, as I can guide them to a degree.
Preventing war and such.


<I think this concludes our excursion princess. You should go to rest. At another time we can visit the other facilities, like the chamber of knowledge or the training grounds. The main gateways might be a little off-limits. But the storage halls or the building sites could be of interest.> (K)

<Chamber of knowledge? You mean a library? You have books here?> (E)


I can read a little, but books are incredibly expensive and my mother had only a diary crudely written by some ancestors.


<Books? What is that?> (S)


I held my hopes too high.


<Books are... something to store information. With symbols that resemble words. Many flat pages bound together to tell what the creator wanted to pass along. Uh, pages are something like a very thin fabric. Do you not have something like this?> (E)

<Nothing like this, my princess. While there are symbols for abstract concepts such as numbers, we mostly use depictions in combination with pheromones. Like this, the exact occurrence will be relived by the user. There are also pheromone containers with only the scent.
It can be... troubling at times to use them, as the feelings of the creator become rather vivid. Especially when recalling disasters. For this task, there are specialized units only existing to interpret and hold count over the knowledge. Especially to assist such beings as a princess in their decisions.> (K)


So something like a librarian, but not quite.


<Maybe we can introduce books? It might be possible to obtain them. And knowledge can't be wrong! It could be that we could find some common ground with the other humans. Or we can exchange wares? It could maybe work out.> (E)

<Vou have interesting ideas, my princess. Maybe. Yet, be careful in your pursues not to put yourself at risk.> (K)

<Yes, I know.> (E)


Sometimes this level of consideration is exhausting.
We walk higher on the pillar.
It seems we will take one of the bridges to connect us to the side where my room lies.
And apparently something like a whole district dedicated to me too.


The ways are very straight so we make it rather fast to the bridge.
But suddenly Kyska and Suki freeze.
My still present escort seems to grow agitated as well.

On the other side of the bridge, I see a gathering.
And then an insect comes closer.
This is novel, as before all of the fairly numerous insects we encountered on this stroll instinctively gave way and kept their distance from me.
But not this one.

I would compare it to Kyska and Suki, but this wouldn't get it right.
This one walks as they do on two legs.
Yet it is far more steady in its stride and the appendages look sturdier, while its figure is wider.
Two pairs of wings, different from the single pair of those nurses I've seen.

And it looks strong.
Not much more than a worker in its build, but more the demeanor.
As if it received training.
Like a knight in comparison to a peasant.

Every entity around is fixated on this being and I can understand why.
It has this presence.
But some looks are directed at me for some reason.
At a fast pace this being approaches and promptly closes the distance.
It comes to a stop so close in front of me that I fall startled on my butt, scraping my wings a little.


<Something stirred up the nursery! So I came to find the reason! And what do we have here?> (?)


I am startled and at a loss for words.


<The scent is interesting. Very intriguing. You would think...> (?)


With the way it stands wide in front of me I can see through its legs.
And that's when I see that it has the same protruding thing I have on my back.
This being is a...


<Princess! That's it! But why? It looks uncommon. And unsteady. What are you?>

<Princess Liseti, please allow me to answer.> (K)

<If it leads to insight. Talk!> (Liseti)

<This here is princess Erys. She descended from a species on the surface but was chosen by the queen to become a princess. Her background makes it at times difficult for her to adapt to the situation and so she is like this now overwhelmed by your presence. However, I can testify that she is worthy and after such a short time already very productive if this answer satisfies you, princess.> (K)


Thank you for talking Kyska.


<Fascinating, which species you said she originates from?> (L)

<Humans, princess. The outer appearance is common, but variates as I've examined some corpses. Yet, albeit that you won't find many similarities anymore. Her body did undergo a thorough metamorphosis.> (K)


I don't like to hear that, but am unable to speak and can't really deny it.


<Crrrr!/She looks healthy.> (L)


Abruptly that thing raises my head with two of its arms and looks in my face.
At the same time, it grabs my arm.
This treatment is rude but it doesn't hurt.
Probably the armor.


<The sensory organs seem all to be present. It's missing two appendages, but the existing ones are well developed and the body has a good structure. You said she already started production?> (L)

<Seventy-eight eggs in one and a half intervals!> (S)

<I spoke to your peer, but you are dismissed. So all in all she makes a fine impression, if not for her demeanor.> (L)


Promptly this creature grabs me by the shoulders and lifts me up.


<A princess does not crouch on the ground! You have a greater value than this! I am Liseti. One of the two princesses this hive houses, besides the queen. Yet now it seems there are three. It is a fine occurrence to make your acquaintance.> (L)

<Sc-scrik!/Th-thank you.> (E)


My insect screeches, I still did not come to like, sound quivering and unsteady.


<My, my. You seem troubled. I think you should rest now. If I've understood right this all must be fairly overwhelming for you, so don't overstrain yourself. That is not good for your production. I think I will come to visit you soon if you are better. Yes, this might be right.> (L)


She turns around and walks back on the bridge.
Yet, after some distance she suddenly turns to the side and jumps off, only to ascend directly after this in the direction of the top floors.
Her entourage on the other side of the bridge looks troubled, but a good dozen of winged insects jump after her and follow behind.
Those as well look sturdier than nurses.
Some kind of winged combat unit?
Mankind would be so done for in a conflict.


A short time after this, some winged nurses fly slowly in the direction that intimidating princess went.
Yet, I need to say she was far friendlier than I thought.
It was a little rude how she grabbed me, but disturbingly I have a carapace there so I didn't feel much.
The way she acted so superior I was sure she would despise me.
The inferior creature that is in a position it shouldn't be.
But she said that I'm a princess.
Even this kind of superior being here is accepting me as such just like that.
I wouldn't have thought this would be the case.


After this incident, my nurses lead me over the bridge in the direction of my place.

It is strange to refer to this place as home, yet it is somehow.
It is my private space, somehow.
Also, these two are nice, somehow.
And they care for me, somehow.

It is strange, but this place feels calming.
If not for the fact that this Liseti wants to come here.


<Do-do I have anything to fear from this princess?> (E)

<Princess Liseti? No, I wouldn't say so. She is stern but fair. And no one in the swarm is judging you for your background. All that matters is your contribution. And you do, my princess. You are doing great!> (S)

<And you shouldn't have chimed in Suki! You are far too used to princess Erys being so lenient! A princess has not to be disturbed if she does not wish for it.> (K)

<She was so... straightforward and everyone was hesitating. Couldn't she just have killed me if she wanted?> (E)

<Such a thought! The problem is that a princess can't be disturbed, so she can act unhindered. On the other side, a princess that kills other princesses is a huge threat. If she would harm you for no reason this could be seen as an act of rebellion, acting rouge. And she would probably get liquidated. As sorrowful it would be to lose not one but two princesses.> (K)

<You two don't need to call me always "princess". It feels strange to me. I mean, I was a commoner my whole life. Very low in the social structure. This treatment is hard to get used to.> (E)

<I'm sorry, but a princess is a princess and has to be referred to as such. Princess Liseti was right in this regard. You still don't know your value and act too lowly. The role you perform cannot be measured high enough. Even if almost any member of the swarm would die. If the princesses and the queen survive the swarm would be back at old strength in two years. You mean future, my princess!> (K)


This society is built on innate self-sacrifice from all of its members.
All but the princesses.
They can produce the other units and are like this precious to them.
I grow quiet and after a while we return to my district, as strange as it sounds to call this place that.

We enter my room again and I have to sit on the stool so that the two can get started.
They make me take off my clothes, but I'm allowed to keep at least my underwear after I explained its importance.
Kyska isn't too pleased, as its condition isn't the best anymore and is set to bring me some new soon.
And so I sit there.
Getting cleaned by my attending insects, as the being inept to do this myself, that I am.

I recount the occurrences today and come to the conclusion that it was quite eventful.
The places I went to, the meeting with the princess, how the escort mutilated that bug, and most troubling to lay eggs again.
In hindsight, the part where I laid eggs was the worst.
And this time was especially bad, as it happened on that stroll.
Doing it might be bad on its own, yet not having any control over it is worse.
So I ask.


<Kyska, about... laying eggs...> (E)

<Yes, my princess?> (K)

<I know I have to do this, but... Is there any way to prevent it from happening? Not whole, but so that I know it won't happen for a certain time?> (E)

<Oh, princess. That is a troubling request. I would prefer it to dismiss your question.> (K)


She is hesitating, so there is something, but she just doesn't want to tell me.
Yet I need to know.
I feel pure dread imagining it might happen while I talk to my family.
And also, if it would happen when this other princess comes.
She might even be pleased that I am so diligently, but I would die because of shame.


<Please Kyska, I need to know.> (E)

<If you order so, princess. There are two ways, yet I would abstain from both of them. The first is, to put your body under heavy pressure. You would simply will them to stay inside. However, this is absolutely not advised. The strain on your body would be terrible and detrimental to your health. You are simply not thought to hold them in. So please, don't do this.> (K)


This sounds quite worrisome and the fear I perceive from Kyska is genuine.
Maybe this really is just for emergencies.


<And the second way?> (E)

<This one is not as invasive on you but has its own demerits. With a special breathing technique, while applying rhythmical pressure on the producing facilities within your body, you can stimulate yourself. If you do this, you can force the eggs to emerge directly. So you are empty and don't have to expect a laying interval anytime soon. The drawback is, that you take from the eggs some time in your body. Like this, they might become less healthy or worse too weak to live. And it isn't good for you to force such things instead of waiting for the time.> (K)


It sounds really bad.
I would maybe damn innocent lives like this.
Just for my own benefit that’s a bit much.
But maybe just for meeting my family.


<Right, thank you for telling me.> (E)


I feel a bit dejected, that I can't prevent it despite knowing.
After that, I eat a bit.
Kyska insists on a large amount to "replenish my resources".
Then to spend my time I try to practice my human speech again.
My progress is satisfying.


"Seee, see I kneew, knew I could do thies, this. Crk. This iez, is; hard." (E)

"You aree gEettieng betteer aend bEetter prienceeess!" (S)


Suki is getting good too.
Not perfect, but enough to perform a proper conversation where she can relay everything she wants.


"Youur progreEss is greeat too." (E)


Yet, Kyska...


"It is good to see that you are enjoying yourself princess. I am glad that you can perform so well. Your mind should be like this eased." (K)


This is just unfair!
Even her insect accent is barely perceivable.
Is she a human in disguise?


This training is very exhausting since my mentality is urging me to keep the clicks and screeches for my speech.
So after I finished I drown myself again in my tub, while the two give a massage to my wings, leading me fast to doze off.

It was quite the eventful day.


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