
A Path Forward 5


Now the princess departs, but not without leaving a huge contingent of those warrior insects in front of the only entrance back into the hive.
Objectively, I don't see us getting past there.
If what she said is right, then she already expects attacks of those freaking crabs on the regular.
So the defenses should be more than sufficient over there.
Quite a paradox if you consider that the very same creatures are also protecting us by manning the fortifications around the camp.

I excuse myself and walk back to the barrier.
While I actually don't really know how to convince these hundreds of people, who on top of the generally rather bad situation also got dragged into a conflict with terrifying monster crabs, that it's in our best interest to fight for our captor, I suppose I ought to start with those of my own former troop who just fought by my side.

I try explaining to them the situation as calmly as possible as to not cause further agitation.
The last thing we need would be a revolt that gets violently suppressed.


"They want us to fight more of these things!?!"

"That's unacceptable!"

"I won't stay here!"


It should've been expected.


"Asiede from thee fact that we don't have a choiece, az all thee surrounding reegions are infested, wee stand to gain from thies." (D)


Now I try to elaborate on the advantages we'd gain from supporting the princess.
While it might only be a shallow condolence for them who're still in a life-threatening situation, it's a good thing for our nation.
However, when I show them the adamantium stone their attitude changes.
The idea that we'd all get handsomely rewarded for our service being a good motivator.
On the other side, I feel like the general situation as well as the darkness all around still weighs heavily on the mood.


"I don't want to remain here."

"Who knows if she will just wait for us to die down here?!"


I'm really giving my all to convince them.
Some might still heed my higher rank, but many are unconvinced, only kept here by the oppression Princess Chera commands.


"ListEn! I'll talk to the princEzz. I mieght be able to convience her about a better treatment. Yet shee was rather adamant about our sErviece heere." (D)

"Ha, adamant!"

"Yea, yeah, very funny." (D)


Though, it's good that some of my men could still keep their humor.




Oh damn!
After another fierce fight we find another dead minster crab to our feet.
The palisade starts looking slightly worn, but we managed without any injuries.
One of the insect wardens got slightly clipped, yet without dire consequences, and the spears probably won't hold much longer.


"How often do these things come?!"

"Are we about to get killed?"


They do have a point.
Not only the wear on our material, but also the mental and physical exertion will eventually wear them down.
We'll need some significant adjustments!


"I'll talk to the princEzz. Shee may not lieke it, but I'll gEt some changEs out of her!" (D)


That's mostly me talking big, but if I act as if I'm fighting for them with Princess Chera here, they will be more likely to listen to me on other things.

Time to test this weird scent mark out.
It's certainly hard to ignore, so the insects should perceive it.
And truly, they part and give way.


<I want to speak with the princess!> (D)


Not exactly sure what I expected, but moments later, one of the flying insects approaches me.


<Follow.> (messenger)


Well, such an amicable invitation.
The tour leads a bit deeper into this base.
These hives are very astonishing structures with all the halls and tunnels that form a big whole.

Eventually, I arrive at a place that looks like it specifically directs me to a structure in the center.
In there, I find the princess.


"Plop, plop, plop"


She's... laying eggs.
I still remember this from the time we had Princess Erys, but seeing it like this, with the original creature, is something else.


<Human!? I didn't expect you so soon.> (C)

<Uh, I'm sorry. Did I come at a bad time?> (D)




At least, I feel like it's a bad time.


<No. Just wait till I'm ready.> (C)


She clearly has far less reservations than Erys about being seen doing this.
While the latter put up a strong front, it was clear that she didn't like it.
This princess on the other hand is absolutely casual about this act.
I do need to say, the simple idea that these hundreds of eggs may in a few months form a ready-made force of fighters is terrific.


I try not to stand in the way and eventually the seemingly never-ending flood of eggs ebbs.

<I held in for far too long. This was relieving.> (C)


Did she say this for me or is she just used to spouting her thoughts?
Yet now she turns towards me.


<I assume, human, that you came to inform me about your progress. Please tell, did you manage to get those unruly humans in line so they may perform in the role I decided for them?> (C)


She says this so matter of factly that it's hard to deny her.
So I should maybe bend the truth a little.


<Yes, I've convinced them.> (D)


Hopefully, this will be enough to convince her.


<YES!!!> (C)


Ehm, excuse me!?


She just sounded like a young child getting an awesome gift.


<Ahem, nevermind. This was simply a very positive moment for me to enjoy.> (C)


I think I need to reevaluate my image of her.
But if she's so positive about this, it should be possible to get some concessions out of her.


<I'd like to add, while they would formally agree to fight as you intended, there are some conditions I'd like to have guaranteed.> (D)

<Conditions? In what sense?> (C)

<In the sense that they will hopefully allow us to perform at the level you intend us to. There are some things that desperately need to be taken care of. For example, the conditions in the camp are not agreeable for protracted combat!> (D)


Hopefully, this wasn't too brazen.


<What is wrong? I thought I gathered all the things you humans would need?> (C)

<There are many different aspects to take into consideration. One would be that we need more light, among others!> (D)

<You require more light? Well, as you wish. If it is necessary, I'll transfer more lightstones to that area. This should sufficiently illuminate the surroundings, even for your kind. What else?> (C)

<While there's still a sufficient supply of weapons, I worry that we might eventually run out against this kind of foe. Not to forget, the barriers will not hold forever and the weapons will break.> (D)


The sad truth is, we got those of our fallen comrades, which greatly exceed our current numbers.
Yet not all of them are still useable, and we mostly need spears.
I would say there are thrice as many as we have soldiers.


<So I'll need to make arrangements before you only have your weirdly soft claws left to fight. That won't do, but it's seemingly no immediate problem. Are you able to produce more of what you need?> (C)


I don't know how much wear the tips can endure, but the shafts should be replaceable.
On the other side, we don't even have wood down here and it's not like there's a manufacture nearby.
The fortifications will need to be produced on site, and we have some among us who could do so, but there are no trees nearby.


<Sadly no. I fear we lack materials and specialized craftsmen.> (D)

<I need to say, you humans are very complicated to maintain. I hope you can make up for this.> (C)

<Unfortunately, there's more.> (D)

<More?> (C)

<Well, the battlesites are too close to the camp. The soldiers need to rest properly to perform well and no man could do so while they have the onslaught of giant creeps in their ears.> (D)

<This will complicate the effective distribution of guardians, but if it's necessary, we can push the frontline to the end of the tunnels. Yet I expect this to stir up the Crusteans, so you should expect immediate fighting afterward. It will require an effort from you humans.> (C)


That might be a problem, but if the fighting continues as is, the troop is going to be too exhausted to fight anyways.
This way, we can establish a guard rotation.
There should be enough of us to efficiently do those.
Also, there's a factor that might help our cause.


<I noticed that you didn't hand out any crossbows. Yet with those, it should be possible to drive back those... Crusteans.> (D)


At least focused fire should help to get rid of some.


<There was a reason for this. I saw how they were used. They are a threat in your hands. I don't trust you to not raise them against me. If I would grant them to you, I would need securities against such a thing. Can you grant them?> (C)

<Don't you already hold all the advantages? You can control the amount of ammunition and your troops surpass ours by far. It would be a simple matter for you to prevent access to the hive and leave us stranded without food.> (D)

<I see. About food... I'll require your partition to supply yourself.> (C)

<What do you mean by this?> (D)

<It’s simple, my storages are running low. I mostly make do by distributing what can be harvested from the Crusteans, yet the main source is currently blocked. Since I don't intend to touch any of what was gathered from your camp, as I fear such a switch to an unfamiliar form of nourishment might be bad for the drones, it means that we'll need to delve into my former mycelium. It's been growing wild since the mushrooms aren't tended for anymore, but should certainly provide the sustenance both our kinds require. And if you can't digest it, you can have the Crusteans.> (C)


Urgh, she probably means raw.


<I fear human meals require a certain degree of preparation.> (D)

<Seriously! You are truly, awfully complicated! So many bothersome things to regard to put you to use! Very well, let's figure them out!> (C)


Uh, okay...

After a long round of back and forth about the things the troops require, we seem to have come to a temporary conclusion.


<Hm, it seems like I'll need to arrange for expeditions to the surface to bring about the required deliveries. Yet those should be safe to perform. Now with this, I hope for your sake that you've nothing else to add, or I don't know how I'll react.> (C)


Alright, I'm treading dangerous currents here, but this has to be addressed.


<I fear there is. I'd like to see the earth mages you separated.> (D)


She stares at me for an uncomfortably long moment.


<As you wish. Follow!> (C)


She leads the way, but apparently it isn't even far, as soon I see the first of the mages I'm looking for.


"Diroen!? What are you doing here?" (earth mage)


At his words, more begin assembling.


"Apparentlye, I'm doieng communiecation servieze. I came to azzure that you're fiene." (D)

"Damn, it's weird to hear words like this."

"It's like that stuff!"

"That it does that."


What are they talking about?


"Ahem. What iez the mattEr?" (D)

"They made us smell some weird stuff. Since then we understand what they're saying. After that they put us to work."


Ah, the potion for receiving their smell language.
Makes sense if Princess Chera has a special task for them.


"What kind of work?" (D)

<I'm present, you know?> (C)


Uh, was this disrespectful?


<I'm sorry. I was just curious.> (D)

<Tsk, humans. It's very simple. I want them to use their abilities to dig through the ground here. Yet apparently they instead tend to laze around.> (C)

"I'm sorry, but we need to meditate. Our reserves are spent." (earth mage)

<Perhaps this one requires the speech treatment. I don't understand its communication.> (C)


At this, the man grows understandably pale.


<That won't be necessary. He merely said that the ability they're using is only useable to a limited degree. After extensive usage, the mage needs to rest to replenish and most were spent after the battle. I'm guaranteeing that they speak true.> (D)

<Understood. Were they at least able to achieve results?> (C)


The man from before looks now helplessly at me, as he's afraid of speaking up with the still looming threat of the treatment.


"You can speeak. I'll tranzlAte." (D)


This seems to convince him to speak.


"As she said, we're supposed to use our affinity with earth magic to manipulate the ground here. It's... quite fascinating. There's a gigantic deposit below us. Adamantium and black iron, among many others. Truly, a whole treasure cave." (earth mage)

<I don't need this kind of information. Can they do it?!> (C)


She doesn't seem interested in the deposits themselves.
But what else would be so important to her?


<Do what?> (D)

<Break through! I want them to break through the plate below the hive!> (C)

<Is there a reason for this?> (D)

<Of course there is! I want to expand the hive in that direction. The conditions there will be more favorable than on this layer.> (C)


Is that it?
She wants to dig up a veritable treasure simply to go deeper?
But for it to be so important to her that she'd be so eager to set the earth mages on the task, it has to be quite the big deal.

Suddenly, the princess brushes past me, towards a hole that's leading down.


<I wish to inspect the work.> (C)


I guess I should follow.
After the shortest distance, I arrive.
It's overwhelming.
The whole wall, the ground, the ceiling, everything consists of black ore.
In between, there are countless gems, so many that they're even lying on the ground.
She's saying that this stretches below the whole hive?
However, I can see that without tools it would be quite a difficult task to crush this ore.
Yet this might be the greatest deposit ever found, even dwarfing the Koresoan mining towns.
Next, the princess picks up one of the gems from the ground.


<I intend to reward those who perform well. Would handing an additional one of these stones to those who brought down a Crustean suffice?> (C)


Oh damn.


<Absolutely not!> (D)

<Not enough?> (C)

<You can't hand out valuables to the men while they're still sitting inside the camp beside each other, without enforcing any order. It would only be a question of time before they turn on each other in an effort to take them for themselves.> (D)

<Problematic. Humans are truly troublesome creatures. Then would you suggest something better?> (C)

<We could set up a guarantee system. This would also allow me to have a certain degree of control over them.> (D)

<A guarantee system?> (C)

<I, or rather your drones in my name, would hold on to the payment until they'll be freed of their service. Then they can receive their share under safe circumstances.> (D)

<It seems having a human has its advantages. Very well, we'll do this as you proposed.> (C)


It's interesting that she's so open about suggestions.
I think there's quite a number of things that need to be solved, yet she's working on them and I see the value in this place.


<I'm sure we can turn this into something that will be favorable for a long time.> (D)

<I had my doubts at the start, but I more and more see what Erys meant. At last, my prospects are improving! I will make this work! See that you meet my expectations, human and it will be to your advantage.> (C)

<Diroen. My name is Diroen.> (D)

<Then serve me well... Diroen.> (C)


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