
A Messenger’s Assignment 1

This is going to be a little interlude, featuring Alea.


- Alea -


Today was a rather good day.
It's certainly positive that this princess returned.
The weeks before were only filled with the frantic search for her so now I'm sure that things can finally calm down.
For me, this means that I won't have to lead any more insect-killer troops.
That was a stressful job, I can tell ya.

Aside from this, my current life is... complicated.
It was especially difficult when my wings broke out of my back.
It even had to happen right in front of Millie.
From when she touched me there I learned that they're incredibly sensitive.
With this, the thought that I could rip them off to look even remotely normal again was directly dismissed.
The intensity of her touch was a clear warning sign not to trifle with that.
Since then, those little sprouts have been constantly growing and by now reach over the edges of my torso.
It was quite troubling when I had to forego hiding them below my clothes and instead cut holes for them.
My other issues, like this beak inside my mouth, or the flexible internal shell are at least not as present.

Millie is doing just as well.
She developed quite big bulbs on her sides which shift at times.
It seems those are soon going to break out along with her wings.
She complains sometimes about the discomfort that comes with them, but it doesn't seem to be too severe.
In general, she seems rather content in her current job as Honiu's attendant.
Though, she developed a kinda concerning obsession with insect eggs and larvae.
Yet she assured me she's fine. 

On my side, Honiu is keeping me busy.
I have to constantly run through the palace, delivering messages.
Not that I’d say it's a hard job.
I don't feel tired, no matter how much I run.
However, this servant outfit she makes me wear is ridiculous.
In the beginning, I was constantly embarrassed about the way I looked when I had to go to real people and not just relay something to a drone.

But as I said, it could be worse.
I have a nice warm room, more than enough tasty food, and occasionally I get stuff if I ask for it in return for my work.
Not always though.
While Honiu doesn't seem to have a system, it appears she considers how much I deserve to get in certain intervals.
By the way, for some reason, Honiu insists on giving me my assignments personally.
Why that is so is beyond me.
I'm more than aware that she has hundreds if not thousands of messenger insects at her disposal.
Yet somehow she seems to have taken a liking to me.
Can't figure out another explanation.

So it comes that I have once again to go to her new throne hall, as this is something like my default station, right next to her.


"There yuuu are, Alliie!" (O)


Oh, my brother.
I successfully got rid of him earlier with my more than decent walking speed, but it seems he knew that I would return here after completing my last job.
Is he aware that he's basically posing as a guard for Honiu like this?
In general, it seems like no matter what we do, we are somehow playing her game.

Since his transformation, Owen has often been moving out with me.
Honiu doesn't seem to think much of it.
In her mind, it seems to be something along the lines that a guardian protecting a messenger is completely normal.
That's apparently what he is.
A guardian, or something similar.

Regarding changes, he might have got it better than me.
In general, he grew quite a lot and got much bulkier.
Easily one head taller now and much wider in his frame.
It basically looks like he spent all his life training his muscles.
Aside from this and his slurring speech, there's barely anything to see.
His fingertips darkened quite a bit.
Maybe his nails got sharper.
Hah, he even said he hurt himself once by scratching his butt.
Seriously, did he really have to go so hard there that he got himself bloody at that spot?
Still, different from me he only seems to have got the good stuff out of that change.
Even his theoretical role description sounds too good to be true.
I mean, he only has to sit somewhere and it's considered fulfilling his role.

Owen honestly isn't doing much.
Well, he might be supposed to guard certain places, but as I said, Honiu is rather lax about this.
Owen still doesn't even attempt to cover his disdain for this princess.
So, according to this weird princess, it's already enough if he just sticks around.
His presence in itself is supposed to increase safety.
She really doesn't know my brother.
He might, at most, protect me and the other children.
But maybe this is already enough if the need arises.

Anyway, once I enter the throne hall, Honiu's gaze instantly settles on me.
She waits till I'm standing in front of her.


<Screek!/I can see you want something from me.> (A)


I'm nowadays rather often using the insect screeches.
It's more comfortable and Honiu does react more favorably to this.
Yet that doesn't mean I'm neglecting training my human words.
I even got somewhat decent at it again.
I mean, it would be stupid if I couldn't even speak properly.
While I may look that part, I don't also have to talk like a freak.


<I want you to deliver an invitation along with a gift to a certain human. You should remember. She was present before. One of those higher ranks. No idea what these humans find with those. Yet she's cooperative, which is convenient.> (H)


Oh please, don't tell me...


<I hope you don't mean...> (A)

<Yes, exactly that one. It's a duchess or so.> (H)


Duchess Carina!
I barely interacted with that woman, but that was already enough.
The way she stared at me whenever she found me standing next to Honiu still gives me the creeps.


<I decline!> (A)

<You can't decline. You're a messenger. You have a role to fulfill.> (H)


Oh hell, I will!


<Nothing you say can bring me to go to that person!> (A)

<A pity. Even though you recently showed improvements in your efforts. I even considered granting you a boon.> (H)


A boon?


<What exactly are we talking about?> (A)

<Suddenly so curious? Maybe you would make a better scout? But your interest is founded. After all, I specifically prepared this in case you'd overcome the next threshold.> (H)


At this, she reveals without greater explanation an object that can only be considered a treasure.
A mirror!

And yes, it is a treasure.
Not only are mirrors stupidly expensive, this one outclasses all the others.
Clad in gold, it's adorned in all kinds of jewels.
I still remember how I first saw it in the palace.
Well, mostly I looked into it to check my appearance.
Yet the piece itself is just as beautiful.
Would she really give something like this to someone like me?


<I noticed how you seemed fascinated by this little thing. I'll admit, its function, albeit without any immediate practical use, is interesting. Yet it can't have been too important since it was no trouble acquiring it.> (H)


Sure it wasn't.
She controls the town!


<But why did you prepare this for me?> (A)


As mentioned before, doing something like this requires a certain amount of effort.
It shouldn't be feasible to prepare extra stuff when she can just assign another drone.


<I am aware that humans require an incentive to do things. Providing a sufficient reward may pose as a good example for the other human drones. So, little messenger. Is this reason enough for you to act in accordance with your role?> (H)


I'm certainly not sure how I feel about the idea that she thinks of me as her loyal subject.
Though, I probably can't argue that much about this since I accepted her mark.
It may not seem like much that I simply have her scent now on me, but in reality, it's a big deal.
I now have a constant reminder of her with me, wherever I go.
It may not be annoyingly present, but whenever I let my mind drift or concentrate on this particular semblance I can't help but think about her.
So to say, in some way, Honiu is always with me.
Which means, I can't really deny my relation to her anymore.


<Fine, but I'll only deliver the message and then I'm out!> (A)

<What else would a messenger do?> (H)




<Also, I want an escort!> (A)


No way will I meet this woman without any protection.


<You shall have it if you deem this necessary. Your critical thinking is one of the merits that define your value.> (H)


I need to keep a straight face.
Sometimes she just drops stuff like this.
It's... nice that she appreciates me, but nothing she needs to know.
So I better leave now, before I slip up.


<There should be a map within the human structures. Just tell them I sent you!> (H)


Might be better if I know the way.
Also, it's true that at the moment, dropping Honiu's name opens doors.
Nobody is willing to defy the super-powerful insect that basically controls everything in the capital.
It's maybe even more effective than having all these monsters behind me.
To be honest, being treated with respect isn't all that bad.

So I'm leaving the hall only to be ambushed by Owen again.


"I've heeeard everything! You're heeeaaading out again! I'm coooming with youu!" (O)


I know there's no convincing him otherwise if he's like that.


"Do what you neeed to. But don't be a botheer!" (A)

"Of couurse!" (O)


Hopefully, he'll keep his part.
I can't afford to mess up this job.
I really want that mirror from my princess!


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