Former Fake Becomes Grand Duke of the North

Chapter 58: House Wirt Ball

Lina and I rode in a House Kaltbrand carriage, heading towards the House Wirt ball. It was early evening, and we had just left House Guld townhouse. To avoid giving the impression that I favored House Guld over House Kaltbrand, Lina and I decided to attend the House Wirt ball by ourselves instead of going with the rest of my adopted family. Father and Mother, as well as Sieg and Lady Amalina, would head to the ball in a separate carriage.

This was to minimize the rumors flowing through high society. Still, it wouldn’t stop all of them. There was nothing that nobles loved more than gossip, especially if it meant tearing down others. That was the nature of high society. It could be as vicious and cruel as any battlefield. However, as long as I kept my wits about me, I would be just fine.

Lina and I wore expensive and well-made outfits in the colors of our respective families. However, I wore green and gold accessories, while Lina wore silver and blue ones. This was to show others that we were a couple, even though we weren’t officially engaged yet. Not for the first time, I felt annoyed at Father for making me go through this nonsense.

Until Lina and I were engaged, some men would take that as a challenge and seek to win her heart. They would fail, but the thought of dealing with them gave me a headache. Lina was both beautiful and the daughter of a prestigious family. In vulgar terms, she was quite the catch. Maybe I should just maim any man who approached Lina with ulterior motives. After dealing with the first few, the rest would get the message and leave her alone.

That said, I understood why Father wanted me to find out what House Galdur was up to. Even if the Tower of Magic wasn’t a factor, the imperial succession was. Knowing who House Galdur supported, or planned to support, would prove invaluable. Right now, the Emperor’s children were about even in the fight for the throne, with Leopold being the weakest contender. As one of the four ducal families in the Reichwald Empire, whoever House Galdur supported would gain a significant advantage and upset the current status quo.

“What are you thinking about with your brows furrowed like that?” Lina asked, watching me with a half-smile on her face.

“About how tired I am of balls.” I said, smiling to let her know that I was joking. “First there was the ball Dad threw in my honor. Now, just a few weeks later, we’re attending another one. Why can’t we go to a soirée or a quiet dinner party?”

Lina chuckled, as I intended.

“Poor Wulfram,” she said with mock pity, “How terrible your life must be, to spend the night dancing and socializing.”

“Exactly.” I said. “You understand.”

The two of us stared at one another for several moments, before we burst out into laughter. My shoulders felt lighter afterwards. Despite the obstacles we faced, as long as Lina and I were together, everything would be fine.

Our carriage reached House Wirt’s townhouse within Haven. While they wielded a great deal of influence within Haven’s high society, they weren’t as wealthy as either House Guld or House Kaltbrand. House Wirt’s townhouse within Haven was small compared to Kaltbrand Manor or House Guld’s townhouse. Still, it was quite beautiful. Not only that, but the gardens were extensive. So much so that House Wirt decided to throw an outdoor ball tonight.

After we arrived at the House Wirt townhouse, a servant led us to the back gardens, where the ball itself took place. Flower beds surrounded a wide open space, the latter of which provided more than enough room for dancing. The temperature was on the warm side, for me at least. Dozens of magical yellow lights floated in the air above the dance floor, illuminating the entire space. Tables covered in refreshments occupied one corner of the back gardens, while a band of musicians occupied another.

There were dozens of people milling about, mingling and socializing with one another. Lina and I arrived early enough that the dancing hadn’t started yet. I recognized a few people, either from the reports that the Blue Shadows and Lina had given me, or because I had met them before. Half of them were central nobles, influential figures in Haven’s high society, while the rest were important figures from the Reichwald Empire’s other regions.

To my delight, I saw Duchess Galdur. She was taller than I expected, with a lithe and slender build. Like most other southerners I had met, the Duchess had light brown skin, silver hair, and silver eyes. Her elfin features gave her an otherworldly and mysterious beauty. She also had the mana signature of a Grand Sage, making her formidable as well as beautiful.

The Duchess stood off to the side, flanked by her daughters: Lady Valeska Galdur, heir to House Galdur, and Lady Josepha Galdur. The two of them looked a lot like their mother, beautiful and mysterious. Lady Valeska was nineteen years old and a magician who had just become a Sage. An impressive achievement for someone her age. If it hadn’t been for Emmerich, who became a Sage at seventeen, she would have been the youngest magician to become a Sage.

Meanwhile, Lady Josepha was an Adept, though I doubted she would remain one for long. She wasn’t that much younger than her older sister and House Galdur had always been gifted when it came to magic. I believed that she would become a Sage as well, and soon.

The three of them stood alone. Duchess Galdur’s husband, Duke Rolf Galdur, died some time ago. Like Dad, the Duchess decided to remain a widow rather than remarry. I didn’t know if it was because she loved Duke Galdur that much, or because she didn’t want to bother with another husband. While I knew a bit about her from the reports I read, they didn’t tell me much about what she was like as a person. If I wanted to know that, I would have to interact with her myself.

To my surprise, I saw Leopold in attendance. While Countess Wirt was an influential figure in Haven’s high society, it was uncommon for a member of the imperial family to attend any events outside of the imperial palace. Rather, they preferred to host their own events and have everyone come to them. Based on the crowd that surrounded Leopold, all of whom were part of his faction, I assumed he was here to gather more supporters.

As soon as we arrived in the back gardens, Lina and I approached Count and Countess Wirt. They were a middle-aged couple who exuded an air of grace and dignity. As the hosts, etiquette demanded that we greet them before we mingled with the rest of the guests. The Count and Countess bowed as they greeted us, while Lina and I nodded in return.

“It is a pleasure to have you here, Lord Wulfe.” Countess Wirt said after the greetings. She seemed to mean it too. “You have no idea how delighted I was when you accepted my invitation.”

“It was Duke Guld’s idea.” I said, giving her a polite smile. To avoid confusion, I decided to call Father by his title in public. “He said that there was no better place to make my debut into Haven’s high society than an event hosted by such an influential figure such as yourself, Countess Wirt.”

The Countess looked flattered by this.

“Thank you for your words, Lord Wulfe.” She said, before studying Lina and I. “I have to say, the two of you make for quite the pair.”

Her words were neither a compliment or an insult, but rather a question. Everyone in high society knew that House Guld was my adopted family. Were Lina and I here together as brother and sister, or as a couple?

“Thank you, Countess Wirt,” Lina said, leaning against me, “It’s just a matter of time before we make an official announcement.”

Countess Wirt’s eyes lit up with glee. Lina just gave her a juicy bit of information. A marriage between the heir of House Kaltbrand and a daughter of House Guld would have a significant impact on the rest of the Reichwald Empire. If the Countess used it the right way, she could increase her influence even further.

“But aren’t you-…?” Count Wirt started to say, before stopping himself.

Countess Wirt threw him a glare. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what he meant to say. After all, Lina and I grew up together. Many disapproved of our union. However, Lina and I didn’t care about the opinions of outsiders. We never once saw each other as siblings. As long as our families approved, that was all that mattered.

“I hope you enjoy the rest of the night.” Countess Wirt said, putting on a smile.

Lina and I said our goodbyes, before heading towards the other guests. As we left, I heard the Countess scolding her husband for his tactlessness.

“I’m almost disappointed that Count Wirt stopped himself.” Lina muttered. “We could have set the record straight right then and there.”

“There will be other opportunities in the future.” I muttered. “High society is rife with people who like to involve themselves in other peoples’ business.”

Lina let out a low chuckle at that.

“You’re right.” She muttered. “Here they come now.”

As soon as we reached the dance floor, a crowd of nobles swamped us. Lina and I were among the highest ranking people in attendance. The only ones who held higher status than us were Leopold and Duchess Galdur. This attracted nobles the same way honey attracted flies. Many of them tried to ingratiate themselves with us. We dealt with them while remaining polite but distant.

As Lina and I mingled with the other nobles, I debated with myself on whether or not to approach Leopold. I still felt conflicted on what to do about him. While I didn’t want him to die, and sympathized with his situation, I couldn’t condone the actions he and his father took to gain House Kaltbrand’s support.

In the end, I decided to say hello. I whispered this to Lina, and she nodded in agreement. The two of us walked towards Leopold. He watched us approach with an indifferent expression on his face. However, he couldn’t hide all of his emotions. We had known each other too long for that. I noticed the wariness in his eyes.

His supporters were far less circumspect. Their expressions ranged from wary, like Leopold, to excited. After all, if House Kaltbrand and House Guld supported him, his chances of winning the throne were that much higher. However, if we turned against him, he would never become emperor.

Lina and I bowed as we greeted Leopold. He nodded in return.

“Leopold.” I said after we finished greeting each other.

“Wulfram.” He said back.

An awkward silence descended as the two of us stared at one another. Lina sighed.

“It’s good to see you again, cousin.” She said, breaking the silence. “We didn’t get to talk much the last time we saw each other.”

Leopold gave her a sardonic smile.

“It was unavoidable,” he said, glancing at me, “Considering the circumstances.”

Lina scoffed.

“A simple hello would have sufficed.” She said. “Instead, you ran off almost right away.” She grinned. “However, I might be willing to forgive you if you buy Mika and I something nice to make up for it.”

Leopold chuckled and gave her another smile, a genuine one this time.

“I’ll be sure to do that.” He said. “And… I’m sorry.”

Those two words held a lot of meaning.

“Have you considered my request from last time?” Leopold asked, turning towards me.

I mulled it over, before nodding.

“I have,” I said, “And my answer is yes. I can do that much at least.” I snorted. “Besides, he gave me little reason to think well of him.”

When Leopold and I last met, he asked me to not support his cousin, Prince Cornelius. This was because Prince Cornelius wanted Leopold dead. If he took the throne, Leopold would die. At least if Prince Jeremias or Princess Henriette took the throne, Leopold had a chance at survival. While I doubted that I would support him, I could at least make sure that he didn’t die.

“Yes, I heard about what happened at the imperial palace.” Leopold said. “From what I understand, he thought that he could cow you into submission because of your history and background.”

Lina’s expression darkened.

“Then he is as ignorant as he is stupid.” She said. “Trying to cow a Kaltbrand is as foolish as trying to tame the Barrens, a futile and pointless endeavor.”

Leopold chuckled.

“Indeed.” He said. “Thank you, Wulfram.”

Relief filled his eyes, while guilt filled my heart. Leopold was my friend, yet he felt relieved that I decided against supporting his worst enemy. What kind of friend was I, to elicit such a reaction from him? However, neither could I support his bid for the throne. I was sentimental, but there were limits. Besides, even if I supported him, Mom and Dad wouldn’t.

“We won’t take up anymore of your time, Leopold.” I said. “Have a good night.”

Leopold nodded as Lina and I walked away from him. Before we turned away, an expression of regret flashed across his face. It appeared and disappeared so fast, I almost doubted that I saw it in the first place.

Lina and I continued mingling with the other guests. Father and Mother, accompanied by Sieg and Lady Amalina, arrived just before the first dance. Countess Wirt was beside herself with joy. A prince, the heads of two ducal families, and the heir to House Kaltbrand had attended her ball. When word reached the rest of Haven, her status would soar to new heights.

When the first dance started, Lina and I paired up together. This was something we discussed earlier today. We would dance together for the first and final dance of the ball. However, for the dances in between, we would select different partners. This would give us a chance to make connections and perhaps learn something new. It would also give me the chance to get closer to Duchess Galdur and complete the task that Father gave me.

Of course, I planned on keeping an eye on every man who asked to dance with Lina. If any of them approached her with impure intentions, I would make them pay. I also needed to make sure that none of my partners misconstrued my own intentions. After all, I didn’t want to cause any unnecessary understandings. At least Mother and Lady Amalina were here. I could dance with them without issue.

To my surprise, Leopold asked Lady Josepha to be his partner for the first dance. I wondered if there was a hidden meaning to this action, or if he asked Lady Josepha because of her status. However, that was all I had time to think about before the dance started. After that, I gave Lina my full attention.

I made my move after the third dance. For the second dance, I paired up with Mother. She laughed with a knowing look in her eyes when I asked her, but she agreed. For the third dance, I paired with Lady Amalina. She raised an eyebrow at me when I asked, but she also agreed. Both were excellent dancers, and I enjoyed myself each time. As for Lina, she danced with Father for the second dance and with Sieg for the third dance.

In between each round of dancing, I spent time mingling with the other guests. One of the reasons to participate in high society in the first place was to make connections, so I figured I might as well make full use of my time here. Lina didn’t accompany me, so a few noblewomen grew bold enough to try and flirt with me. I pretended not to notice, leaving them disappointed. However, I did make some useful connections that could benefit House Kaltbrand in the future.

Mingling with the other nobles also gave me a chance to gauge their attitude towards House Kaltbrand. All of them were polite and cordial to me, at least to my face. After all, my father was the Reichwald Empire’s only grand duke. Most of them even meant it, or were at least curious enough to pretend. Dad never participated in Haven’s high society, so I was the first Kaltbrand most of the people here had ever seen.

However, a few of them hid malicious intentions behind honeyed words. With the senses of an Aura Master, I heard them insult me behind my back when they thought I couldn’t hear. I took note of each person who did this. After I returned to Kaltbrand Manor, I would have the Blue Shadows take a deeper look into their families.

For the fourth dance, I decided to stop playing around and approached Duchess Galdur. After one reached a certain age, one wasn’t required to dance when one attended a ball. One could, like Father and Mother, but one didn’t need to. Not only that, Duchess Galdur was a widow, which further exempted her from having to dance. That wasn’t to say that no one asked her. Plenty of men did. However, she rejected all of them. Even so, I figured it was worth a try. If she rejected me, I could always ask one of her daughters.

I approached her and bowed.

“I greet you, Duchess Ingrid Galdur,” I said, “Grand Sage of the Mistwood and Lord of the South.”

Like Dad, Duchess Galdur had a number of epithets. Father did as well, though I never had to call him by any of them because, well, he was Father.

“I greet you, Lord Wulfe Kaltbrand.” Duchess Galdur said with a nod. She looked both curious and amused. “Are you here to ask me for a dance?”

I smiled.

“Yes, I am.” I said. “May I have this dance, Your Grace?”

My actions drew a bit of attention, and several of the other guests seemed intrigued. I could almost hear their thoughts. The heir of House Kaltbrand asking the head of House Galdur for a dance? What could it mean? Duchess Galdur studied me for several moments, before she nodded.

“Very well,” she said, “I accept.”

I took Duchess Galdur by the hand and led her to the dance floor. When we got into position, the scent of her light and sweet perfume filled my nose. From the corner of my eye, I noticed that Leopold had paired up with Lina. Interesting. However, when the music started, I gave Duchess Galdur my full attention. She was a superb dancer, which would make it easy to hold a conversation while we danced together. After the first few steps, I opened my mouth to say something but the Duchess beat me to it.

“I just cast a spell to prevent anyone from overhearing us.” She said. “Now then, Lord Wulfe. What did you wish to speak with me about?”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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