Former Fake Becomes Grand Duke of the North

Chapter 55: Homecoming

As Father and I exited the carriage, I took a moment to study the House Guld townhouse. It looked the same as I remembered. Strange. A part of me expected it to look different, even though only three years had passed since I last visited. Everything else had changed. Still, I appreciated that it remained as I remembered. It gave me a sense of coming home.

Despite calling it a townhouse, the place was just a bit smaller than Kaltbrand Manor. It was also two-stories tall and took up a large plot of land within Haven’s Inner City. However, there was a sense of life and vitality to the House Guld townhouse that Kaltbrand Manor lacked. For one, it hadn’t been abandoned for more than twenty years. It was a place full of life and laughter. The building itself was also like a piece of art, a wonder of architecture.

The beautiful and vibrant gardens that surrounded the place contributed as well. They were Mother’s handiwork. She enjoyed gardening. I asked her why once, when I was a child. She told me that she enjoyed the satisfaction of nurturing life. Intrigued, I gave it a try once. However, I gave up since I ended up killing more flowers than I grew.

To my surprise, no one was outside to greet Father and I. This was unusual. When the head of the household left or arrived, there was always at least someone there to see them. I glanced at Father and gave him a questioning look. He shrugged, before grinning.

“I didn’t tell anyone that I was leaving.” He said. “If I had, they would have insisted that I bring an entire contingent of knights, and I didn’t want to bother with all of that. So, I snuck out.”

I stared at him in disbelief. So that was why Father didn’t have any knights guarding him. A part of me had wondered about that. Even I, an Aura Master, had a bodyguard shadowing me.

Wait a moment.

“You weren’t trying to get kidnapped on purpose, were you?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at Father.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He said with faux innocence. “I was impatient to see my son after three long years, and waiting for a contingent of knights to escort me to the palace would have taken too long.”

I resisted the urge to grab him by the shoulders and shake him.

“Father!” I said. “What were you thinking? You’re the head of House Guld! You can’t afford to be this reckless.”

Father rolled his eyes.

“You sound like your mother.” He said. “She’s always nagging at me about these things.” He started speaking in a high pitched voice to mimic Mother. “‘No, Karl. You can’t let yourself get kidnapped by the Tower of Magic in order to find out who they’re supporting. What if something happens to you? I swear, if you make me a widow, I’ll ask the gods to bring you back to life so I can kill you again.’” He shook his head. “Why can’t she trust that I know what I’m doing?”

I gaped at him with my jaw hanging open. Was Father always this rash? In my memories, he was always a kind and reliable man, someone I could depend on no matter what.

“Besides,” Father continued. “I knew that you would protect me if the Tower of Magic tried anything, and I was right.” He smiled. “It all worked out in the end.”

I stared at him for several moments, unsure of how to respond to his words. In the end, I didn’t need to. The door to House Guld townhouse slammed open and Mother marched out, followed by a small army of servants.

She looked the same as I remembered, with cream-colored skin, golden eyes, and hair like sunlight. It was as if she hadn’t aged at all over the past three years. She wore a deep green dress. Her features were like that of an angel, soft and delicate.

However, right now she looked like an avenging angel. I stepped back when I saw the fury in her eyes. The servants behind her all wore worried expressions on their faces.

“Karl Guld!” Mother thundered. Even when she yelled, her voice sounded pleasing to the ears. “What in the world were you thinking?” She reached us and jabbed Father in the chest with her finger. “You know that the Tower of Magic is after you and what do you do? You sneak off on your own without a single knight to escort you! Are you trying to worry me to death? If so, your plan is working.”

Father raised his hands in a placating gesture.

“I just took a quick trip to the imperial palace.” He said. “I didn’t want to cause a fuss by telling anyone.”

Mother’s left eye twitched.

“You didn’t want-… You caused an even bigger fuss by not telling anyone!” She yelled.

Father reached over and grabbed me, before pulling me in front of him. He moved so fast that I had no time to react.

“Well, I knew that I was going to bring Wulfram back.” He said. “So, I didn’t see the need to bring any knights with me. He’s an Aura Master and a Kaltbrand. The safest place in Haven is by his side.”

Mother turned to me and her eyes widened, as if she just noticed my presence. I stood there, stiff and frozen. Father’s actions had caught me off guard and I didn’t know how to react.

“Wulfram?” Mother asked, staring at me.

I swallowed.

“Hello Moth-”

Before I finished speaking, Mother engulfed me in a hug. The light floral scent of her perfume filled my nose. A wave of homesickness washed over me, and I realized in that moment just how much I had missed Mother’s embrace. I returned her hug and wrapped my arms around her.

“My little Wulfram is back!” Mother wailed.

A part of me wondered if my adopted parents had always been so… Melodramatic. In my memories, Mother had always been calm, composed, and elegant. However, the woman in front of me was anything but. That said, I didn’t hate it.

“Where have you been?” Mother asked after pulling away. She started fussing over me. “I’ve been so worried about you?” She slapped my shoulder. “You’re just like your father, running off without a word and making me worry about you. If it hadn’t been for Lina letting us know that you were fine, I would have turned the entire empire upside down to look for you. How could you do that to us?”

Guilt washed over me.

“I’m sorry.” I said. “I was just so focused on my own troubles, that I didn’t realize how my actions would affect everyone else. I didn’t mean to worry you. I promise not to do it again.”

Mother gave me a stern look, before she nodded.

“Good.” Her expression softened. “And welcome home, my son. It’s good to have you back.”

The servants behind her all bowed as one.

“Welcome back, Lord Wulfram.” They said in unison.

I nodded to them and smiled.

“See?” Father said. “All’s well that ends well.”

Mother narrowed her eyes at him, before grabbing him by the ears and yanking him forward, until their faces were less than an inch apart.

“For Wulfram’s sake, I will forgive you this time, Karl.” She said in a cold voice. “However, don’t pull something like this again.”

Father didn’t look chastised by Mother’s words. Instead, he wore a serious expression on his face.

“You know why I did what I did.” He said. “The Tower of Magic won’t stop unless we deal with them.”

“Then let someone else handle them.” Mother said. “There’s no reason for you to do it yourself. You’re not a young man anymore, Karl. You’re the head of House Guld and a father of five. Act like it.”

The two of them stared at each other for several seconds, neither one saying a word, before Father sighed.

“Very well.” He said. “I’m sorry for making you worry, Dear.”

“Good.” Mother nodded and let go of Father’s ears, before facing me. “Let’s go inside. Mika organized a little party to celebrate your return, Wulfram, and it would be a shame to let all of her efforts go to waste.”

With that, she turned around and walked back towards House Guld townhouse. Her movements were graceful and elegant. No traces of the avenging angel from before remained. It was as if she never existed in the first place. Father and I glanced at each other, before following her inside while Sir Kane and the House Guld servants fell in behind us.

The interior of the House Guld townhouse was as beautiful as the exterior, if not more so. However, I paid little attention to all of that. Instead, I focused on the group of people waiting for me just beyond the front entrance.

Aside from the servants, who perfected the art of blending in with the background, there were four of them. Lina and Mika stood next to one another, the latter vibrating with excitement. Sieg, my eldest brother, stood a little ways away from them with a young woman by his side.

This young woman was tall and slender, with sun-kissed skin and long brown hair. She was pretty, though not a great beauty by any means. However, her most striking features were her eyes. They were a light violet, which was an unusual eye color. She studied me with an expression of polite indifference on her face.

The moment I entered House Guld townhouse and crossed the threshold, Mika ran forward and hugged me.

“Wulfram!” Mika said, beaming. “I’ve missed you!”

I chuckled and returned her hug.

“We just saw each other yesterday.” I said.

Mika pouted as we pulled away from each other.

“And?” She asked. “I still missed you.”

Lina smiled.

“Mika was looking forward to today.” She said. “So, she was a little upset when we received your message saying that you would be late.”

Mika’s pout deepened.

“Why did that old man summon you to the imperial palace anyway?” She asked. “What did he want?” Her gaze sharpened. “Did he bully you?”

“Mika!” Mother scolded. “That ‘old man’, as you put it, is His Imperial Majesty and your uncle. You will give him the respect he is due.” She paused. “As for why he summoned Wulfram to the imperial palace… Well, we’ll leave that for later.”

Mika crossed her arms and muttered under her breath. I smiled, before turning my attention to Sieg and the violet-eyed woman standing next to him. My smile faded as I faced my eldest brother, and I felt more than a little nervous. The rest of the family had forgiven me for running away, but that didn’t mean Sieg would.

“The prodigal son returns.” He said in a sardonic tone. “Hello, Wulfram.”

“Hello, Sieg.” I said. “It’s good to see you again. I hope you’ve been well.”

Sieg snorted.

“I’m better now that you’ve decided to stop hiding away in that desolate wasteland to the north. ” He said.

With that, he walked over and pulled me into a hug. Relief filled me, and I wanted to laugh at my own foolishness. It seemed that I had been worried for nothing.

“There’s someone I wanted you to meet, Wulfram.” Sieg said after we pulled away from each other. He gestured to the violet-eyed young woman, who stepped towards us. “This is my wife, Lady Amalina Guld.”

The woman bowed to me, while I nodded in return. I knew who she was, though we had never met before. Sieg and Lady Amalina had been engaged to one another since they were both children, as part of a deal between House Guld and House Schultes. The two of them married each other a few months after I ran away from Guld Manor. However, before that point, Lady Amalina never once visited Guld Manor. That was why she and I had never met before today. Instead, whenever Sieg and Lady Amalina spent time together, they did so at her family’s estate.

“I greet you, Lord Wulf Kaltbrand.” She said in a polite and cool voice. “It is an honor to meet you.”

“I greet you, Lady Amalina Guld.” I said. “The honor is mine. I’ve heard a lot about you. I look forward to us getting to know each other better.”

Lady Amalina nodded, but otherwise didn’t respond.

“Now then,” Father said while making a shooing motion, “With all the introductions out of the way, let’s head to the dining room.” He glanced at me. “We prepared a special luncheon for today.”

We followed Father’s directions and headed to the House Guld townhouse’s dining room. I escorted both Lina and Mika, one on each arm, while Father escorted Mother and Sieg escorted Lady Amalina.

For the luncheon, it seemed that Mika had ordered the cooks to prepare all of my favorite foods. However, I spent more time talking than eating, since everyone kept asking me questions about my life in the Barrens. Even Lady Amalina asked me a few questions. Not that I minded. I was just happy to be reunited with my adopted family.

At the end of the luncheon, the servants brought out a massive cake. It was five tiers tall and it took four servants to carry it to the table. I stared at the cake in disbelief.

“Why?” I asked Mika, flabbergasted.

Mika snorted.

“What do you mean, ‘why?’” She asked. “This is a party, and no party is complete without a cake.”

I almost pointed out that there were several kinds of parties that didn’t involve cake in the slightest, but refrained. Mika put in all this effort for my sake, and I didn’t want to act like an ungrateful cad. So, I cut the cake and gave everyone a slice. However, there was plenty left over afterward. I stared at the remaining cake, worried about what to do with it.

“Don’t worry,” Father whispered in my ear. “The rest is for the servants.” He eyed the cake up and down. “There’s enough for everyone to get a piece.”

I nodded, before I started eating my slice. However, from the corner of my eye, I noticed Mika frowning at her slice.

“What’s wrong?” I asked her, concerned. “Do you not like the cake?”

Mika shook her head.

“No, it’s not that,” she said, “It’s…” She paused. “Nevermind, it’s nothing.”

I gave her a teasing smile.

“Come now,” I said. “Don’t be like that. Tell me. Otherwise, I’ll assume that I’m the problem.”

Mika studied me for a moment before answering.

“I wish the whole family was here.” She said in a quiet voice. “We’re still missing one person.”

The dining room fell silent at that. Lina glared at Mika, while the rest studied me with wary expressions on their faces.

“You mean Emmerich.” I said.

Mika hesitated, before nodding. I could understand her worry. Emmerich Guld was a sensitive topic for me. I spent years convinced that Father and Mother adopted me as a substitute for him, thanks to Baroness Lafrenz’s manipulation and abuse. When Emmerich Guld returned alive and well, I feared that they would throw me away and abandon me. So, rather than wait for that to happen, I ran away and ended up hurting the people dearest to me. However, I couldn’t run away again. Rather, I wouldn’t.

“I agree.” I said, feigning nonchalance.

Mika blinked at me in surprise.

“You do?” she asked.

“Yes.” I said. “I think it’s time Emmerich and I met.” I glanced at Lina. “However, from what I’ve heard, he’s on a sabbatical in the Mistwood.”

As I expected, Lina showed no particular reaction to that. So, she really had nothing to do with “Elmer” showing up at Kaltbrand Manor and pretending to be a servant. He must have done so of his own initiative.

“Yes.” Mother said, a frustrated expression on her face. “That boy is obsessed with magic. He spends most of his time researching in his lab and conducting experiments. Sometimes, I have to drag him out of there so he can get fresh air and sunlight.” She smiled at me. “He reminds me a little of you and your obsession with swordsmanship.”

“Hey!” I protested. “I’m not obsessed. I just have an appreciation for the sword.”

Everyone else, excluding Lady Amalina, chuckled at that. And so, we averted a potentially awkward moment and enjoyed the rest of the party.

After the luncheon, most of us retreated to the drawing room and continued catching up. Lady Amalina excused herself, saying that she didn’t want to intrude upon our reunion further. We tried convincing her to stay, but she remained adamant. In the end, we let her go.

Afterwards, instead of talking about my life in the Barrens, it was my turn to ask questions and find out what everyone had been up to during the past three years. I learned a bit from Lina and Mika, but that wasn’t enough for me. After three years apart, I wanted to make up for lost time. I was like a man dying of thirst in the desert who just found an oasis. I wanted to spend as much time with my adopted family as possible.

The hours passed by, yet I hardly noticed. It was after the servants arrived and announced that it was time for dinner that I realized how long we had been talking. After eating dinner, I decided it was time for me to leave, albeit with great reluctance.

“What?” Mika asked. “No! Why can’t you stay for the night?”

I gave her a sad smile and shook my head.

“I can’t do that.” I said. “It would give people the wrong impression. As the heir to House Kaltbrand, there are certain proprieties that I must observe.”

Mika drooped at that.

“Don’t worry,” I continued, “I’ll be back tomorrow.”

Mika perked up at that.

“Do you promise?” She asked.

I chuckled at that.

“Yes,” I said. “I promise.” I glanced over my adopted parents, who stood a little ways away. “I need to discuss something important with Father and Mother.”

Father raised an eyebrow at that and Mother gave me an inquisitive look.

“And what is that?” Father asked.

I reached a hand towards Lina, who looked confused at first, before her eyes lit up with understanding. She smiled and grasped my hand.

“Our engagement,” I said, facing Father and Mother. “Lina said that we already have your blessing, but I would like to formally propose.” I smiled at Lina. “It’s only proper, after all.”

Father and Mother looked surprised by this, before the former let out a wicked laugh and rubbed his hands together.

“Oh, this is going to be fun.” He said. “I’ve always wanted to be the overbearing father-in-law. Don’t think I’ll go easy on you just because you’re my son, Wulfram.”

“Father!” Lina scolded. “Don’t be mean.”

Father looked affronted.

“What? If this is enough to scare him away, then clearly he doesn’t deserve you.”

Lina turned to Mother.

“Mother,” she said, “Please talk some sense into him.”

Mother rolled her eyes at Father’s antics.

“Karl,” she said, a warning in her tone, “Be nice.”

Father let out a resigned sigh.

“Fine.” He said.

Sieg stepped forward.

“Don’t worry, Father.” He said. “I shall test Wulfram in your place.”

Father gave Sieg a grateful look.

“Thank you, my son.” He said. “I knew I could count on you.”

“Sieg!” Lina exclaimed, a look of betrayal on her face.

The two of them started bickering. Meanwhile, Mika grabbed my free hand.

“Don’t worry, Wulfram.” She said. “I’m on your side.”

I smiled down at her.

“Thank you, Little Sis.”

Mika beamed at me, before the two of us turned to watch Lina and Sieg argue with one another. A wide smile on my face. I missed this. It felt good to be back home.

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