Former Fake Becomes Grand Duke of the North

Chapter 51: An Unexpected Meeting

Kaltbrand Manor had two studies, one set aside for the Grand Duke and one set aside for the heir. Baron Kurz showed both to me during the course of the tour earlier. Like with the rest of the manor, the furnishing and the decorations in the heir’s study needed to be replaced. However, it would do for now.

One thing I liked about the heir’s study was that it had a large window with a fantastic view of the western side of the property. Granted, there wasn’t much to see at the moment, but I appreciated the view nonetheless.

A few minutes after Sir Kane and I arrived at the heir’s study, someone knocked at the door. I took a seat behind the old wooden desk within the study. Sir Kane stood behind me, tall and menacing.

“Enter.” I called out.

The door opened and one of Kaltbrand Manor’s servants walked in, followed by a man wearing the gold and green uniform of a House Guld servant. This must have been the man that Lina sent my way. I gestured for the Kaltbrand Manor servant to leave, before I took a closer look at the man. The moment I saw his face, I froze for a moment, before I forced myself to move again. My heart started hammering in my chest, though I made sure not to let my reaction show on my face.

The man was completely average in appearance. Well, average for the Crownlands. He had short brown hair, light brown eyes, and plain features. His skin was fair, though still darker than those from the Barrens. I guessed that he was near my age, twenty years old, or a bit older. However, if he was who I thought he was, then his current appearance was a disguise. I assumed magic was involved.

The man had the mana signature of an Adept, the magician equivalent of an Aura Warrior. I doubted that this was his true power level. Unless I was wrong about his identity, he was more powerful than a mere Adept. He must have used some spell or magic tool to disguise his mana signature as well as his appearance. Still, rather than call him out on his deception, I decided to let the matter play out.

After the Kaltbrand Manor servant left, the man walked over and stopped in front of my desk, before giving me a deep bow.

“I greet you, Lord Wulfe.” The man said. “My name is Elmer. I am a servant of House Guld.” He paused. “Or rather, I was.”

Elmer? He couldn’t have picked a different name? This one was too close to his real name.

“So, Elmer,” I said, my voice cold and indifferent, “Lady Lina sent you here to be my personal servant.”

“Yes, Lord Wulfe.” Elmer said. “From this day forward, I am yours to use as you see fit.”

I looked him up and down.

“Assuming that I accept you as my personal servant that is.” I said. “I may not.”

Elmer stiffened at that.

“Do you find me lacking in some way, Lord Wulfe?” he asked, giving me a wary look.

“So far, no.” I said. “However, you are still a stranger. I don’t know anything about you, including whether or not to trust you.”

Elmer looked thoughtful for a few moments.

“You make a fair point.” He conceded. “However, Lady Lina sent me to you. Surely that counts for something.”

I resisted the urge to snort. I doubted that Lina sent this particular person my way. Elmer must have intercepted the real personal servant somehow, though I didn’t know why. What was he up to? I was tempted to keep him around just to find out.

“Lady Lina’s word counts for a great deal, yes.” I said. “That said, at the end of the day, I must rely on my own judgment. I’m the one who will have to deal with you for the foreseeable future, not Lady Lina.”

Elmer nodded.

“In that case, feel free to put me through any test or challenge you deem necessary to test my competence and trustworthiness.” He said. “I am more than willing to prove my worth.”

He seemed sincere, yet I wasn’t sure if I could trust that. After all, he came to me in disguise and under a false name. However, before I could respond to his words, the door to the study opened and Maria walked in.

“Ah, excellent,” I said, “Elmer, this is Maria. She is one of my current personal servants and your potential comrade.” I looked at my maid. “Maria, this is Elmer. He is the servant sent to me by Lady Lina.”

During the trip south, I informed the twins about Lina’s… request. Rosalind had been both delighted and saddened by the news that she would serve as Lina’s maid. Delighted because she enjoyed serving Lina. Saddened because it meant separating from her twin sister. Maria had been… less than thrilled by the news.

“Oh?” Maria said, her voice cool. “A pleasure to meet you, Elmer.”

If her frosty greeting bothered Elmer, he didn’t let it show.

“A pleasure to meet you as well, Maria.” He said. “I look forward to working with you.”

Maria narrowed her eyes at him.

“That remains to be seen.” I said to Elmer, before turning to Maria. “Elmer and I were just discussing whether or not I should keep him around.”

Maria raised an eyebrow at me.

“Have you come to a decision yet, Lord Wulfe?” She asked.

It was clear from her tone that she wanted me to send Elmer away. I almost sighed. Maybe I shouldn’t have agreed to Lina’s request. However, if I hadn’t, I feared that my spring queen would have done something more drastic instead.

“Not yet,” I said, “I was waiting for you. The two of you will be working together, so I wanted you to hear your opinion first.”

Maria looked at Elmer, eyeing him up and down.

“He looks decent enough and he comports himself well.” Maria glanced at me. “If we go by outward appearances, you could do worse.”

I nodded, before turning to Elmer.

“Tell us about yourself.” I said to him. “Your skills in particular. Convince me to take you on.”

Elmer puffed his chest up.

“I have been taught etiquette and manners.” He said. “I also have experience in serving nobles of your status.”

I nodded.

“That’s the bare minimum.” I said. “Keep going.”

Elmer frowned in thought before replying.

“I’m a graduate from the Tower of Magic,” he said, “And I specialize in mental magic. It’s a versatile branch of magic, one that could be quite useful to you.”

Maria’s gaze grew sharper, and I saw her reach for her side. Elmer either didn’t notice, or pretended not to, and continued speaking.

“Before you say anything,” Elmer said, “No, I haven’t read the minds of anyone here. The Tower of Magic stresses the importance of not abusing one’s powers. Besides, if I tried, you would have noticed.”

After Elmer finished speaking, I studied him for several long moments. Mental magic? Was he even trying to hide his identity? Then again, given his history, I doubted that he had any experience with espionage. Besides, he had no way of knowing how much I knew about him.

I was tempted to just send him away. In many ways, Elmer represented my greatest fears. However, I also didn’t want to waste this opportunity. The two of us were bound to meet anyway. Keeping him around would give us a chance to get to know one another without any emotional messiness. I could also take this opportunity to figure out what his intentions were.

“Very well.” I said. “I’ll keep you on for now.”

Elmer smiled at that. Meanwhile, Maria looked at me in disbelief. However, she didn’t say anything. She must not have wanted to question my decision in front of Elmer.

“Maria,” I said. “As his senior, you’ll be responsible for looking after Elmer. For now, bring him to Baron Kurz and see that he gets situated. Afterwards, return here. There’s something I wish to discuss with you.”

Maria held my gaze for several long moments, before she nodded.

“Come along, Elmer.” She said, her tone cold but civil.

The two of them bowed, before leaving the study.

“What do you think of him, Sir Kane?” I asked, glancing back at my bodyguard.

Due to his position, I hadn’t been able to gauge Sir Kane’s reaction while I spoke with Elmer.

“I think he’s dangerous, Lord Wulfe.” Sir Kane said.

“Because he specializes in mental magic?” I asked.

Sir Kane shook his head.

“No.” He said. “Rather, not just that. It was the way he carried himself. He seemed more like a noble pretending to be a servant rather than an actual servant.”

I nodded. That was something I noticed as well.

“I think he’s a spy.” Sir Kane continued.

“Let us wait for Maria to return and hear what she has to say.” I said. “As an actual spy, she can give us some insight into the matter.”

Several minutes later, Maria returned to the study.

“Lord Wulfe,” she said in a sharp voice, “May I ask why you accepted that man as your personal servant? It’s clear that he is hiding something. Not only that, but he specializes in mental magic. Why would you let someone like that get close to you? If you must keep him around, assign him somewhere else. Don’t keep him as your personal servant.”

Sir Kane opened his mouth, no doubt to berate Maria for her insolence, but I held up a hand to silence him.

“Are you saying that because you mean it?” I asked Maria, giving her a level look. “Or because you’re upset about the current circumstances?”

Maria narrowed her eyes at me.

“I’m not that petty.” she said. “I know my past behavior might indicate otherwise, but I take my duties very seriously. Yes, I am upset about being separated from my sister, but that has no bearing on this matter. You may be my lord, but do not question my judgment or my competence like this again.”

Her words made me realize how insulting my question was.

“I apologize for my thoughtless comment.” I said. “Forgive me.”

Maria closed her eyes and took a deep breath before continuing.

“No,” she said, opening her eyes again, “I should be the one apologizing. You are my lord. It is not my place to question you. I’m sure you have your reasons for accepting Elmer.”

I nodded.

“I do.” I said. “As you said, it’s clear that he’s hiding something. I have an idea of what it is. However, I am unsure of his intentions. Is he friend or foe? That is what I want you to find out, Maria. Keep an eye on him. Also, purchase a magic tool that can defend you against mental magic. While I believe Elmer wouldn’t go that far, it’s better to be cautious in this matter.”

“And if Elmer proves to be an enemy?” Maria asked.

“Inform me.” I said. “I’ll deal with him.” I glanced back at Sir Kane. “The same goes for you. If Elmer tries something, let me handle it.”

The last thing I needed was for either Maria or Sir Kane to harm Elmer. That wouldn’t end well for anyone.

“Now then,” I said, standing up, “We have a lot of work to do in order to get Kaltbrand Manor ready for my parents’ arrival, and little time in which to do it. Let us get to work.”

However, at that moment, someone knocked on the door to the heir’s study.

“Enter.” I said.

The door opened and Baron Kurz walked in. He wore a concerned expression on his face. In his hands, he carried a silver tray with a letter on it. The seal on the letter depicted a golden tree burning with sacred fire: the crest of House Reichwald. When I saw this, I froze.

“Lord Wulfe.” Baron Kurz said, bowing. He placed the silver tray on my desk. “A letter arrived from the imperial palace.”

I knew that House Reichwald would reach out to me, but I hadn’t expected them to move so soon. Which one was it? One of the Emperor’s children? The Empress? Or was it the Emperor himself? Rather than speculate further, I picked up the letter and opened it. After I finished reading its contents, I let out a sigh.

“It’s a summons.” I said, looking at the others. “His Imperial Majesty wishes to see me tomorrow morning.”


The next morning, Sir Kane and I rode a carriage to the imperial palace. I was in a foul mood. However, in contrast to that, the day was bright and sunny. It was perfect for outdoor activities, though I found it a bit too warm for my tastes. After spending three years in the Barrens, the ice and the cold suited me more than southern climes.

People were walking the streets of Haven and enjoying the warm weather. Within the Inner City, this consisted of nobles and their servants. When they caught sight of my carriage, they stopped and stared. Many of them whispered to their companions. The carriage bore the crest of House Kaltbrand, so of course it attracted a lot of attention. Still, that didn’t mean I liked it.

Yesterday, after receiving the summons from the Emperor, I sent a message to House Guld, informing them that I would arrive in the afternoon. I didn’t know how long I would be at the imperial palace, so I thought it was better to play it safe and arrive at a later time.

That was the main reason for my foul mood. I knew that I would have to meet with the Emperor at some point, so I had already prepared myself for it. However, his summons delayed my reunion with House Guld and that annoyed me. Yes, the thought of meeting my adopted family again filled me with anxiety and fear, but I still wanted to see them.

The carriage soon reached the gates of the imperial palace. I had been here once before as a child, and it looked much as I remembered it. Compared to Kaltbrand Castle, which appeared dark and foreboding, the imperial palace appeared grand and majestic. However, it was no less imposing. If Kaltbrand Castle was a grim warrior, then the imperial palace was a domineering sovereign.

Despite the name, the imperial palace was more like a small city situated within the heart of Haven and it encompassed a wide area. In addition to the main building, there were several annexes. All of them were built from white marble and accented by gold, which gleamed in the sun.

The carriage passed through the gates without issue and drove down a long pathway that led to the main building. We passed by several of the annexes, which looked like works of art. When I first saw them as a child, the sight of them left me speechless. While I wasn’t the same child now that I was back then, I still found them beautiful. The gardens, on the other hand, were lacking. They were nothing compared to the gardens at Guld Manor, back in the Riverlands.

Soon, the carriage stopped at the front entrance to the main building and I stepped out. However, to my surprise, I found several knights of the Imperial Guard waiting for me. I frowned. While it wasn’t unusual for Imperial Guards to escort guests through the imperial palace, there were too many of them here for that.

The Imperial Guard in the lead was tall, by Crownlands standards at least, with sun-kissed skin, short blonde hair, and brown eyes. He was handsome, I supposed, though in a bland sort of way. If I saw him at a social event, he wouldn’t have stood out to me. He had the mana signature of an Aura Expert.

“I greet you, Lord Wulfe.” The lead Imperial Guard said. “I am Sir Alwin Bretz.”

Despite his polite manner, I noticed the derision and contempt in Sir Alwin’s eyes. Either he had poor control over his emotions, or he didn’t bother trying to hide his real feelings. Regardless, it was clear to me that Sir Alwin wasn’t my ally. My foul mood grew even fouler. It looked like trouble found me sooner than I expected. I thought that I would at least make it into the main palace. Alas, I was too naive.

“Greetings, Sir Alwin.” I said, gesturing to the large number of Imperial Guards standing behind him. “May I ask what is going on? I doubt you are here to escort me to see His Imperial Majesty. There are too many of you for that.”

While I guessed that Sir Alwin had ill intentions towards me, it didn’t hurt to be polite at first. That way, if something happened, I could claim that I tried the peaceful route. Besides, maybe I was wrong. I doubted it, but it was possible.

“Indeed, Lord Wulfe,” Sir Alwin said. “To ensure His Imperial Majesty’s safety, we ask that all visitors surrender their weapons before they see him. My subordinates and I are here to ensure that nothing untoward happens.”

I resisted the urge to snort. While it was true that guests couldn’t come before the Emperor armed, his personal guards were responsible for disarming guests, no one else. However, rather than make a fuss about it, I decided to comply.

“Very well.” I said. “Sir Kane, you heard the man. Surrender your weapons.”

Sir Kane nodded, before he removed his sword belt and handed it to the Imperial Guard. He also removed two daggers, which he kept hidden on his body, and handed them over as well.

“Satisfied?” I asked.

Sir Alwin gestured to me.

“You must surrender your weapons as well, Lord Wulfe.” He said, smirking.

I raised an eyebrow at him. In anticipation of my meeting with the Emperor, I left my sword in the carriage. Anyone with a functioning pair of eyes could tell that I didn’t have a weapon on me.

“There is nothing to surrender.” I said. “I am unarmed.”

Sir Alwin smirked.

“In that case, I am afraid that my subordinates and I must search you, Lord Wulfe.” He said in a smug voice. “For His Imperial Majesty’s safety, of course.”

Ah, so that was their plan. They wanted to try and humiliate me by insisting on searching me. That, or they wanted me to cause a fuss, which would give them an excuse to take me in custody. Unfortunately for them, I was an Aura Master and a Kaltbrand. Their petty power games meant nothing to me.

“You will not lay a finger on me.” I said.

To emphasize my point, I bared my teeth at the Imperials Guards in a smile. A few of them stepped back when they saw it, their eyes filled with fear. Huh. That was more effective than I expected. Maybe I was more like Dad than I realized.

“If you insist on being stubborn, Lord Wulfe,” Sir Alwin said, “Then my subordinates and I cannot let you pass.”

I laughed at this.

“His Imperial Majesty summoned me here.” I said. “You do not have the authority to bar my passage.” I dropped my smile. “Nor do you have the strength. If you insist on getting in my way, then I will remove you as an obstacle.”

Sir Alwin gave me a malicious smile, before he drew his sword. His subordinates followed his example.

“You dare to threaten us, Lord Wulfe?” Sir Alwin demanded.

I let out a derisive snort.

“You must be addled if you think that was a threat.” I said, calm and composed.

With that, I started walking forward.

“Halt!” Sir Alwin yelled.

I ignored him and continued walking.

“Then you leave us with no choice! You may be an Aura Master, but you can’t defeat all of us without a weapon.

With that, Sir Alwin lunged towards me with his sword. His subordinates followed suit. Where did he get his confidence from? He either had some sort of hidden trump card, or he had no idea how powerful Aura Masters were. Regardless, I didn’t plan on holding back for his sake. However, before I could make my move, someone else intervened.

“What is the meaning of this?” A voice thundered out.

The full might of an Aura Master’s pressure descended upon us. As an Aura Master myself, I felt fine. However, everyone else fell to their knees. Sir Alwin and his subordinates dropped their swords. The sound of clanging metal filled the air. I looked over to the entrance of the imperial palace and found a man standing there.

The man was about my height, but had a leaner and more slender build. He had angelic features. Despite this, he radiated immense power. He kept a thin sword designed for thrusting sheathed at his side. Like Sir Alwin, this man had sun-kissed skin and dark blonde hair, though he had blue eyes rather than brown ones. He wore the uniform of a knight of the Imperial Guard. However, his had more elaborate designs, which denoted his rank.

Werther Bennett, Knight Commander of the Imperial Guard and one the Emperor’s most trusted servants.

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