Former Fake Becomes Grand Duke of the North

Chapter 4: The Fake Heir

My jaw dropped and I stared at Grand Duke Kaltbrand for five long seconds. When dealing with nobles, especially those of high rank, it was best to hide one’s thoughts to avoid giving anything away. However, the grand duke’s words caught me so off guard that I couldn’t help but reveal my shock.

“Excuse me?” I asked in an incredulous tone. “I think my ears must be defective, because it sounded like you wanted me to pretend to be your illegitimate child and heir.”

Grand Duke Kaltbrand nodded.

“That is correct,” he said. “Your ears are working just fine.”

I opened and closed my mouth several times, unable to say anything in response. When Sir Kane first mentioned this job, I assumed it had something to do with demonic beasts. After all, like any other mercenary in the Barrens, I made my living by hunting demonic beasts. Not only that, but I was one of the best at it. Even when I realized that this was no simple job, I still assumed it had something to do with demonic beasts.

It would never have occurred to me that Grand Duke Kaltbrand needed me to pretend to be his illegitimate child and heir.

“Why?” I asked when I regained enough of my composure, though I remained unsettled. “Why… Just why? Don’t you have several potential heirs to choose from? Why do you need me to pretend to be your illegitimate child and heir?”

Grand Duke Kaltbrand took the bottle of wine and filled his glass before answering.

“How much do you know about the political situation here in the Barrens?” he asked, before taking a sip of the wine.

I frowned at him.

“As much as any other commoner does,” I said. “And more so than most. I did some research before I came up here, and I’ve lived in the Barrens for long enough to get a grasp of the general situation.”

“Then you know how… unstable things are.”

“Yes,” I said with a nod.

Grand Duke Kaltbrand ruled the northern region of the Reichwald Empire, which was also called the Barrens. It was a cold and desolate land, with little in the way of arable land, thus the name. However, despite that, the Barrens was a thriving and prosperous region. In terms of wealth, it was second only to the Riverlands, the breadbasket of the Reichwald Empire and an important trade hub. This was because the Barrens had an abundance of mana crystals.

Mana crystals were an important resource to the Reichwald Empire. They powered magic tools, which were a vital part of daily life. The nobility in particular relied on magic tools for the conveniences they provided. Magicians also needed mana crystals, since they served as an additional power source for their magic. In short, there was a high demand for mana crystals and that demand allowed the northern lords to grow wealthy and powerful.

The Barrens also served as the barrier that protected the rest of the Reichwald Empire from demonic beasts. Far to the north, beyond the Frostspire Mountains that served as the Reichwald Empire’s border, was the Edge of the World. It was the source of the demonic beasts that sought to eradicate all life. The only reason why they hadn’t yet was because of House Kaltbrand and its vassals. That was why Grand Duke Kaltbrand was called the Shield of the Empire.

These two factors gave House Kaltbrand a lot of power and influence. In terms of both military might and wealth, no other family could match them except for House Reichwald, the imperial family; and maybe not even then. However, House Kaltbrand now faced a succession crisis. That was because Grand Duke Kaltbrand hadn’t named an heir.

Grand Duke Kaltbrand’s wife died a long time ago and the grand duke has remained unmarried ever since. According to the rumors, it was because he had loved his wife so much that he refused to marry another woman. However, despite years of marriage, Grand Duke Kaltbrand and his wife remained childless, thus leading to the current situation.

House Kaltbrand had several collateral lines, so there wasn’t a shortage of potential heirs. The problem was, Grand Duke Kaltbrand hadn’t picked any of them to succeed him. Aura Masters lived a long time, but no one lived forever. More than that, the demonic beasts were a constant threat. Aura Masters were powerful, but they weren’t invincible. It was possible to kill them.

If Grand Duke Kaltbrand died without naming an heir, then it might lead to a civil war among the northern lords. The imperial family would intervene before it grew too bad, but a lot of people would still die.

Fear and uncertainty were rampant across the Barrens. The commoners were worried because they didn’t know who their next lord was going to be. Meanwhile, the northern nobles were divided into various factions, each one supporting a different candidate to become the next grand duke/duchess. While these factions were civil to each other for now, in public at least, no one knew how long that would last. Sooner or later, they would start taking action to eliminate their rivals one way or another.

As the grand duke said, the situation was unstable and the longer it went on the more unstable it would become.

“My closest advisers and my vassals have pressured me for years to pick an heir,” Grand Duke Kaltbrand said. “And I can no longer put them off. However, in my eyes, none of the current candidates are worthy of becoming the next Grand Duke or Grand Duchess.”

I narrowed my eyes at him.

“I still don’t understand why you need me to pretend to be your illegitimate child,” I said. “If none of the current candidates are worthy, then find someone who is. Why do you need a fake one?”

“I do have someone in mind,” Grand Duke Kaltbrand admitted. “However, they’re not ready yet, nor do they have a faction of their own to support them. If I revealed them to the public now, they would become a target of countless plots and schemes. I am the Grand Duke, but even my power has limits. I need more time to prepare, which is where you come in.”

I leaned back in my chair and took a moment to think it over. I think I understood what Grand Duke Kaltbrand wanted from me.

“You want to use me as a distraction until your real heir is ready,” I said. “Everyone will be too focused on me to notice what you are up to.”

Grand Duke Kaltbrand nodded.

“Yes,” he said. “You’ll also act as bait for my enemies.” His expression hardened. “Someone is working behind the scenes to interfere with the succession of House Kaltbrand. It took me a while to notice, since they have kept themselves hidden and have only moved in subtle ways, but I caught on to them eventually.”

I frowned.

“How do you know this?” I asked.

Grand Duke Kaltbrand grimaced.

“Over the years, ever since my wife died, the potential heirs with the strongest claims to House Kaltbrand have all died under suspicious circumstances,” he said. “Now only three are left, the ones with the weakest claims. I believe someone eliminated the others in an attempt to force me to choose one of those three.”

This didn’t surprise me. When there was more than one potential heir to a noble house, especially one as prestigious and wealthy as House Kaltbrand, conflict inevitably arose. Sometimes these potential heirs would decide to take matters into their own hands and eliminate their rivals one way or another. Assassinations and warfare were two such methods.

“Someone is interfering with the succession of House Kaltbrand,” Grand Duke Kaltbrand said. “They’re either working with or using the remaining potential heirs in order to fulfill some unknown purpose. I do not know what that purpose is, but I intend to find out.”

When he said that last sentence, his eyes glowed with divine power for a brief second.

“You want to use me to force these unseen enemies into making a move,” I said. It wasn’t a question.

Grand Duke Kaltbrand nodded.

“Indeed,” he said. “I’m hoping that the introduction of a new variable will be enough to disrupt their schemes and reveal who they are.” He gestured towards me. “They will target you in an attempt to eliminate you, or use you for their own ends. I intend to use you as bait in order to catch them in the act and find out who they are.”

Things were starting to make sense. Whoever became the heir to House Kaltbrand would become the target of countless dangers and schemes. In order to protect his real heir and buy time for them to get ready, Grand Duke Kaltbrand wanted to use me instead. It was similar to how some nobles used body doubles in order to protect themselves from assassins.

I grimaced. This meeting had turned out to be far different than I had expected. Pretending to be the heir to House Kaltbrand, with all the dangers that entailed? Deal with nobles and their schemes? Risk my life in a battle that I had no stake in? I would have to be insane to accept. I left that world behind me when I left House Guld, and I had no intention of stepping back into it.

However, I couldn’t just refuse Grand Duke Kaltbrand, not without a good reason at least. He ruled the Barrens. If I offended him, then my life would get that much more difficult. I needed some excuse to turn this job down.

“I understand your intentions,” I said. “However, I must ask again. Why me? Why not have a trusted ally or subordinate pretend to be your illegitimate child and heir? I’m an outsider.”

“That’s part of the reason why you are a perfect fit for the role,” Grand Duke Kaltbrand said. “As an outsider, you have no ties to any of the current potential heirs, making it less likely that you’re an agent working for any of them.”

“I could still be an agent working for this unseen enemy of yours,” I pointed out. “My presence in the Barrens could be part of an elaborate scheme to get me close to you.”

“Given what I know about your history, I doubt that,” Grand Duke Kaltbrand said in a dry voice. “Another reason why you’re perfect for the role is that you were raised and educated as a noble. Whatever their reasons for adopting you, House Guld still treated you as one of their own. There are few people better suited to pretending to be my hidden heir than you.”

Damn it. None of my excuses were working. I would have to play my trump card.

“Regardless of my capabilities,” I said. “I am still an outsider. More than that, I am a mercenary. My loyalty can be bought if the price is right. Why would you trust me with something as important as this? How do you know that I won’t sell you out the moment I get a chance?”

Grand Duke Kaltbrand gave me a cold smile. Unlike his earlier smiles, he kept his teeth hidden.

“Other than the fact that you’ll forfeit your life the moment you try?” he asked. “It’s simple. Jagged Tooth Pass. Almost all of the other mercenaries who had been hired to protect Jagged Tooth Pass last year fled when the battle turned hopeless. You stayed until the very end. Why?”

I clenched my fists and didn’t respond.

“Why did you stay and fight instead of fleeing and saving your own skin?” Grand Duke Kaltbrand asked. “That doesn’t sound like the actions of a mercenary only interested in coin and nothing else.”

I didn’t answer him. I couldn’t. When Grand Duke Kaltbrand realized this, he relented.

“Regardless of the reason, your actions speak for themselves,” he said. “Based on what I know about you, I believe you can be trusted with something as important as this. I’m not the only one either. In fact, when I first came up with this idea, Sofie here was the one who brought up your name.”

I looked at Knight Commander Bardin in surprise.

“I’ve had my eye on you ever since the battle at Jagged Tooth Pass,” she explained, speaking up for the first time in a while. “Sir Kane hates mercenaries, so we were all surprised when he started singing your praises.”

I resisted the urge to blush. When I asked for Sir Kane’s help in joining the Coldsteel Knights, I had expected him to put in a good word for me with his superiors. I suppose he had done exactly that, though not in the way I expected.

“At first I intended to invite you to join the Order of the Coldsteel Blade,” Knight Commander Bardin said. “However, when this lunk came up with this harebrained scheme of his, I told him about you.” She gave the grand duke a scathing look. “I never actually expected him to choose you.”

Grand Duke Bardin gave her an offended look. However, from the twinkle in his eyes, it was clear that he didn’t mean it.

“‘Harebrained?’” he asked. “I think you mean brilliant and well thought out.”

Knight Commander Bardin snorted.

“I meant what I said, you delusional fool,” she said. “The only reason why I’m going along with it is because I can’t think of any better alternatives.”

Grand Duke Kaltbrand gave her a triumphant grin. Knight Commander Bardin rolled her eyes in response.

“Well then, Wulfe,” the grand duke said, facing me again. “What do you say? Will you accept this job?”

I studied him for several long seconds.

“I’m trying to find a way to decline without offending you,” I said.

Grand Duke Kaltbrand looked surprised by my candid words, before he burst out into laughter.

“I hadn’t expected you to reject me without even hearing about the payment for this job,” he said when he calmed himself down again.

“It’s a matter of risk and reward,” I said. “Nothing you can offer me will be worth the risk involved. Wealth is meaningless if you’re not alive to enjoy it.” I nodded towards Knight Commander Bardin. “The succession of House Kaltbrand has nothing to do with me. Why should I get involved? I’m better off rejecting this job and joining the Coldsteel Knights. Unless that was just a lie to get me here.”

I didn’t think Sir Kane had lied to me about that. However, it was possible that his superiors, the grand duke and the knight commander in this case, had lied to him.

“No,” Grand Duke Kaltbrand said. “That wasn’t a lie. If you reject my offer, then I’ll let Sofie bring you into the Order of the Coldsteel Blade as she originally intended. However, before you reject me, let me make the actual offer first. If you still don’t want to do this job even after that, then you can say no without worrying about offending me.”

I wanted to say no right away and be done with it, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to hear him out first. After all, no matter what he said, it wouldn’t change my mind.

“One year,” Grand Duke Kaltbrand said while holding up one finger. “I want you to pretend to be my illegitimate child and heir for one year. In exchange, I’ll give you a title, a fief to go with it, and a mana crystal mine.”

That was a tempting offer, one that most mercenaries would accept without hesitation. House Kaltbrand enjoyed a lot of autonomy and independence, which was why they could bestow titles, something that was the purview of the imperial family. However, as tempting as this offer was, I only needed the title itself. I could do without the fief and the mana crystal mine, though both would make me quite wealthy. Why risk my life for a title, when I could join the Coldsteel Knights and earn one that way? Fighting demonic beasts was easier and safer than dealing with nobles and their plots.

“What title?” I asked, out of curiosity more than anything.

“Count,” Knight Commander Bardin answered, surprising me.

I wasn’t the only one. Her words caught Grand Duke Bardin off guard as well, though he did his best to hide it.

“I don’t have any heirs,” Knight Commander Bardin said. “And I don’t intend to marry. If you accept His Grace’s offer, I’ll adopt you as my son and make you the heir to House Bardin.”

I stared at her. Becoming the heir of the Iron Countess herself? That was like a dream come true for me. It was almost irresistible. Almost, but not quite. I was still better off rejecting the grand duke’s offer and joining the Coldsteel Knights.

“Even so, my answer is still-…” I started to say, but Knight Commander Bardin cut me off.

“I’ll also take you in as my disciple,” she said. “You may be an Aura Master, but there is a world of difference between a new Aura Master and someone who has been an Aura Master for more than twenty years.”

I made an undignified, choking sound as I resisted the urge to squeal with joy. Becoming Knight Commander Bardin’s disciple alone was reward enough for taking on such a dangerous job, even without the title. My excitement faded away when the rest of her words hit me.

“He’s an Aura Master?” Grand Duke Kaltbrand asked. “You never mentioned this before.”

“How did you…?” I started to ask then stopped.

Ever since I became an Aura Master, I kept my true strength hidden. I always took care not to reveal myself. So, how did Knight Commander Bardin find out?

“I was there at the battle of Jagged Tooth Pass, remember?” she asked with a smirk. “I noticed back then, which was part of the reason why you caught my interest.”

Grand Duke Kaltbrand let out a low whistle.

“An impressive achievement for one so young,” he said. “I’m almost tempted to adopt you myself and make you my actual heir.”

“You shouldn’t joke about something like that, Your Grace,” Knight Commander Bardin said.

“You think that was a joke?”

I shook my head as the two continued to bicker with each and considered my options. Joining the Coldsteel Knights and earning a title that way was the safer option. However, it would take longer. A lot could happen in five years. On the other hand, accepting Grand Duke Kaltbrand’s offer meant placing myself in significant danger. As an Aura Master, my chances of survival were much higher, but not guaranteed. Still, I would only have to pretend to be his heir for a year. Not only that, but I would become Knight Commander Bardin’s disciple. That alone would make all the risk worth it.

“I’ll do it,” I said.

The grand duke and the knight commander stopped their bickering and looked at me.

“I’ll do it,” I repeated. “I’ll pretend to be your illegitimate child and heir.”

A wide smile stretched across Grand Duke Kaltbrand’s face. It seemed genuine. Somehow, that made it look more dangerous than any of his previous smiles.

“Excellent,” he said. “Shall we head to Kaltbrand Castle now to write up the contract?”

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