Foreigner’s Mistake

Book 9: Chapter 221: Demonic Dragon ~ 36

「I don't need a question about me. I'd say I've heard most of what I wanted to hear.」


 The art of 【Otherworldly Repatriation】 does exist, and it is known to Leia's mentor, the Immortal King Yarth. He is based in Rothfort and moves from place to place.

 On the other hand, Satoru also knows that it is possible to unravel the art of 【Otherworldly Summoning】and create sorcery to summon his sister, Alice. There are mysterious conditions such as the flow of the stars and the moon, but Satoru suspects that it is probably the rotation of the stars. This is an area that needs to be studied and investigated, but judging from the way the Holy Dragon talks, there is a good chance that Yarth knows about it.


 All eyes turned to Minerva. Minerva, a beautiful woman with a lustrous and calm impression, gave everyone a kind smile befitting that impression, and then declared,

「Minerva, you know. Minerva is going to give birth.」


 Rico raised an inarticulate voice, Liz gulped harshly, and Isolde averted her gaze downward.

 Solor's expression is nothing to Satoru and Leia. Solor's usual expression is unusual, but Satoru's and Leia's expressions are gone.

 Smiling, Minerva smiled at Satoru and placed her hand on her own chest.

「Always, always. Minerva received a lot of happiness from Danna-sama. So. Thank you.」

 Minerva murmurs enraptured, and Satoru can't speak ― No, not only Satoru, but all of them can't speak.

「It's not like we won't be able to see each other, right? Minerva will be okay, okay?」

 There's no way you're okay, almost everyone thinks. The reason is simple: Minerva's face is smiling, but her voice is trembling.

 When Minerva, who was told she was crazy about Satoru and didn't understand the subtleties of his mind, was asked by Rico, "Can you separate from Satoru?" Minerva said, "Absolutely nooooo!" Minerva's love for Satoru runs deep, as evidenced by her immediate rejection.

 Minerva continues to speak earnestly, saying that even so, she will be all right.

「Minerva you see, she has three things that connect her to Danna-sama: this Magical Slave Crest, Danna-sama and Minerva's child, and the name Danna-sama gave Minerva.」

 After patting the crest on the back of her left hand and her stomach, which was still quite inconspicuous, Minerva smiled. It is true that Satoru named her Minerva. Flying dragons have no concept of naming.

「Oh, but you see. If, you know, Danna-sama can go back to his own world. And when you do, call Minerva, okay?」

「...... That is, of course.」

「Then, M-Minerva is going be all right, okay?」

 Minerva appealed desperately, with a big smile on her face.

 Satoru gritted his teeth.

「I hate this ...... Minervaaa.....」

「Rico, don't cry, okay? Minerva is strong. She'd be fine, okay?」

 Minerva soothes Riko, who clings to her with tears streaming down her face. Minerva smiled at Liz, who had lost her voice behind Rico.

「Liz, too~. Don't cryー」

「Because ...... because ......」

 Liz was also crying.

 The parting of friends who have nurtured a bond up to this point. There is no way that it is not painful. But Minerva's decision is not something that can be interfered with.

「Amazing, Minerva. Y-You've made a decision.」

「Because Minerva was traveling together with Danna-sama because she wanted to have a baby with Danna-sama. Minerva wants to have a baby now that she has pregnant.」

 Leia's voice was also quite shaky as she hugged Liz's shoulder to comfort her. Minerva could tell that Leia was also trying to hold back her tears.



 This female sorcerer, who was incomprehensible at first, can now clearly be said to be trustworthy. Come to think of it, Minerva has never hugged Solor. Remembering that day when Solor had sex with Satoru, she told Minerva that she would surely like Minerva, Minerva hugged the body of the second largest woman among her friends.

 ―Oh, it's nice, after all.

 Minerva's trust in Solor deepened. She looks at her trusted companion and makes a request.

「Take care Danna-sama ...... No, take care of everyone, okay? Keep them safe, okay?」

「Of course.」

 Solor's expression remained motionless. Still, her response is so powerful and determined that Minerva is reassured. It's all right, this female sorcerer rarely gets angry or cries, so she won't make a mistake.

「Isolde, too―」

 Both the swordsman and Minerva were surprised that Minerva was able to call the name of a female swordsman who had recently joined their group for the first time.

「For the first time, my name is ......!」

 Minerva has only known Isolde for a short time.

 Still, her straightforwardness hasn't changed from the beginning because she hasn't changed at all. Minerva can safely entrust her with the role of protecting Rico and Liz.

「Of course! I will protect them with everything I have!」

 Isolde, who pounded her chest with a powerful thump, was also crying a bit.

 Minerva nodded her head and turned firmly to her beloved Danna-sama.

 Minerva was the only one who possessed intelligence among the pack of Flying Dragons, but in a sense, she was lonely.

 Satoru was the one who had carelessly entered her territory.

 Minerva saw the males being taunted, went out and fought, and learned that this human man had a strength that was so out of the ordinary. At that time, his legs were broken into a mess, and he was not even scared when Minerva went on a rampage.

 At first, Minerva wondered if she was going to be eaten. It is natural for a defeated beast to be eaten by its opponent.

 But Minerva was about to give up, thinking that since she had lost, there was nothing she could do about it.

 But Satoru ordered the Immortal King (Leia), who had been under his command, to heal her leg and then let her go.

 At that moment, she truly felt that she wanted this strong male child.



 Not only that, he gave her a name. Minerva had lived as a nameless despite her wisdom, and he gave her a name that belonged to an old mythological goddess.

 Minerva desperately held back, appealing in her heart to her beloved who had made her human, accepted her as a magical slave, given her the opportunity to have a child, and truly impregnated her.

 She wants to say, "Minerva is okay"

「Give birth to a strong child.」


 Minerva also received those words strongly, as she looked him eye to eye and said them firmly.

 This is all right. Minerva told herself.

 Satoru nodded broadly and then slowly turned around.

「Feather Dragon, the Holy Dragon」

「What is it?」

 The strong gaze of the human man, who had never wavered even once in the face of the Feather Dragon, the supreme power in this world, was strong enough to make the Holy Dragon flinch.

「Please take care of Minerva.」

「......I understand. I promise you.」

 There is no denying it.

 The child of Erdeade, named Minerva, is like a grandchild to the Feather Dragon. There is a hint of anxiety about a Dragon People being born, but also a desire to protect the daughter of a Flying Dragon who is carrying a beloved human child for only the second time in history.

 ―This time, I will not fail.

 The first time, I had the misfortune of seeing wizards who were drunk with the power of the Dragon People and their madness. I regretted that I had misjudged human greed, but this time there was no problem.

 The father was not addicted to power, and the mother loved the man who would become her husband and desired a child. No one in the world can use magic to control a Dragon People with a wedge.

 No, strictly speaking, there are some, but they are probably not a problem―

「What about the last question?」

 The Holy Dragon narrowed his eyes and asked the man who was trying his best to control his overflowing emotions.

「The whereabouts of the Demon Race, Hyalvas.」

 ―I see, that is what you are asking.

 The Holy Dragon is impressed.

 Leia Löwenstadt.

 The Immortal King, who has long since fulfilled her role, has summoned this man from another world far away, and he is, without a doubt, strong.

 What awaits this man at the end of his journey, summoned by a secret desire that even Leia herself is unaware of?

 Even with the power of the Holy Dragon, the future is not clear.

 No, it is possible to see the future, but it is blocked by the promise he made to the Earth Mother Goddess.

 Thus, for those who are born into this world what kind of end they will face depends on their own decision. The Holy Dragon, the being of the past, can only watch over them.

「This is a normally forbidden part, but oh well. Hyalvas now wandering in the dimension. She is in search of the Demon King. She is not in this world.」

「I see.」

 Satoru replied somewhat bluntly. The woman who had been the head of the Holy Sword Clan was looking at him with her eyes glazed over ― she would not understand the meaning of the words "wandering the dimension". Satoru seems to understand, if not all of it. I suppose that is the knowledge of the other world.

「I have accepted all the questions from the number of people in the room. I will not answer any of your questions, should you ever visit this place again.」


 Anyway, this is the end of all questions.

 Before the Holy Dragon could say anything, Satoru loosely turned back to one of his magical slaves. Her expression remained somewhat dead.

「Solor. There are a little too many of us, but can we transfer to Yamato?」

 Solor did not answer immediately but glanced at the Holy Dragon. The Holy Dragon understands what she is intending.

「...... Let's temporarily remove the fluctuation」

「If it is the case that then, no problem.」

 Satoru only replied, "I see," and exchanged glances with Minerva again. Minerva nodded "Un", with a smile on her face.


 Satoru stopped at the sound of the Holy Dragon's voice. He stared back at the Holy Dragon with fixed eyes.

 It is an extremely impolite act to stare at the king of this world, but Satoru, and in fact, the Holy Dragon, does not care. According to the Holy Dragon, this rule applies to those born and raised in this world, and Satoru, who was not born in this world, is outside the rule.

 A leaf-like scale peels from the back of the Holy Dragon's head and floats to a stop in front of Satoru's eyes. The scales, glowing gold as the Golden Dragon's other name implies, are floating in midair, waiting for Satoru to pick them up.

「These are my dragon scales. When you hold it and think, your consciousness will reach me. Normally, I am surrounded by fluctuations, or "wards" as you call them, so normal sorcery cannot reach me, but with this, you can.」

 Hmph, with a snort, Satoru picked up the dragon scale carelessly.

「When your journey is over, or when Minerva gives birth, I will need a way to contact you.」

 Nodding silently, Satoru sensed that the Holy Dragon glanced at Leia ― but said nothing in particular.

「Then farewell. 『Foreigner』 Satoru. At the very least, may your journey be a peaceful one.」

 As soon as the Holy Dragon opened his mouth, which had only been open a little for a long time, a roar so loud that it shook the entire mountain, apart from the voice that echoed in his head. It was so loud that everyone except Satoru and Solor covered their ears, and not just for the sake of intimidation.

 The air around this Holy Dragon seemed to have changed, even as his body trembled. Perhaps it was necessary to temporarily release the fluctuation.

 Satoru bowed deeply toward the Holy Dragon. Realizing the meaning of his action, the Holy Dragon simply nodded his head.

「See you later Minerva! We'll absolutely meet again, okay!?」

「I want to hold Minerva and Onii-san's child in my arms too! You have to give birth properly and healthily, Minerva-san!」


 Minerva smiles and nods in return to Rico and Liz, who cry out as if they were dam.

「I will protect everyone for Minerva-sama's sake」

「Me too! So Minerva-dono, you don't have to worry!」


 Solor, who did not say much, and Isolde, with a determined expression, declared to Minerva. Don't worry, these two will make sure everyone is well protected.

「It's not in my taste to dwell on things ....... So. Leave it to me.」


 The short, determined words with slightly moistened eyes made Minerva wobble for a moment.

 But not yet. Minerva gritted her teeth and smiled.

 The little Onee-san is the best Onee-san. If Minerva leaves them to this Onee-san and everyone will be fine.

 Finally, Minerva turned her gaze to her beloved Danna-sama.

 Minerva can't see his figure because it is blurred. Is Minerva smiling well?

「Stay strong until I come to get you! We're off then, Minerva!!」


 Minerva understand.

 Minerva knew Danna-sama was crying, too.

「Take care, on your journey, Danna-sama, everyone......!」

 The moment Solor's 【Group Transfer】 art erased the figures of her friends.

 Minerva's expression suddenly changed.

 She kneeled down on the spot without any strength, her beautiful face contorted into a crumpled mess, and covered her face with her hands.

 She could not stop the overflowing emotions.

 Tears streamed down her cheeks, and she let out a cry.

「Ugh, uahh, uuaaahh, uaaaaaahhh!! Uwahhhh, uuwaaahhhhhhhh!!」

 Minerva fell on her face and hit the ground repeatedly. Tears stream down her cheeks, drip from the tip of her chin, and blossom on the ground.

 Sad, frustrating, painful, and lonely.

 She bared her emotions and cried out loud.

「You've endured well.」

「Because, becauseeeeeee!」[だって、だって]

 Minerva cried out at the sound of the Holy Dragon's voice who seemed to understand.

 She is speechless. She is just sad.

 If Minerva cried there, everyone would be worried. That's why Minerva was holding back.

 She did not want to separate from them.

 But if she continued to follow them, she would not be able to have a baby.

 ―Danna-sama had been very worried about Minerva ever since she conceived the baby.

 While she was happy, Minerva also realized that she was holding Satoru back from returning to his world.

 She was so frustrated at the inconvenience she was causing to everyone, and at Danna-sama's goal of reuniting with his sister.

 She mustn't get in the way.

「I understand. Cry when you want to cry, that's what he used to say to his magical slaves. It is natural for you to cry.」

「Danna-samaaaaaaaaa, Leiaaaaaaaa, Ricooooooo, everyoneeeeeee!! Uwahh, uwaaaahhhhhhnnn!!」

 For the first time in her life, Minerva cried out loud.

 She did not want to separate from them.

 For the first time in her life, Minerva understood how painful it is to cry because of sadness.

 We will see each other again. Even though she knew that. Minerva was surprised to realize that parting was so painful.

 The Holy Dragon lifted his head and looked at his distant descendant, the Flying Dragon, who was trembling with sadness and muttered quietly.

「And probably, him too.」

 * * * * * * *

「Gu......kuhh, kkuuooooaaahhhhhhh!!!」

 Satoru's cry, which he had been enduring for so long, echoed in the sky above the Sacred Mountain where he had been transferred to.

 The flying-type beasts and monsters, who were probably on the lookout for the area, were startled by the scream of grief and moved away from the area at once. Some of them seemed to be knocked unconscious by the pressure of the voice, and they fell into the snowy mountains in a daze.

 Minerva, who had never lied before, told only one lie.

【It's all right.】

 If Minerva cried there, Satoru and the others would surely be worried.

 That is why Minerva held back.

 That's because Minerva's concern was painfully clear even without words.

 Satoru was also enduring.


 Satoru's magical slaves were surprised to see the big foreigner man with an invincible soul, who had never cried in public before, weeping without hesitation, forgetting for a moment the sadness they were also feeling.

 That Satoru was wailing.

 He was so frustrated that he slammed his fists on the ground over and over again, shrugging off both his shame.


 Satoru has never once thought of Minerva, who carried his child, as a hindrance.

 She had never thought of parting, even temporarily, with the woman who had conceived his child.

 However, while Minerva was happy to receive Satoru's affection, she had always been concerned that she was becoming a burden to him.

 So, she voluntarily separated from Satoru, partly because she knew that if she did not separate from him, even temporarily, she would not be able to have a child.

 She even told a lie that she had never told before.

「I understand, I understand how you feel.」

 Leia, who had also been holding back for a long time, shed a single tear and gently hugged Satoru as he crawled to his feet.

「Her strength, even I'm overwhelmed.」

 Satoru somehow values the will of his magical slaves.

 He accepts exactly what they decide to do―That is only because of Satoru's generosity. The only time he was upset was when Liz was about to become his slave. Leia, Rico, Solor, and Isolde are all here now only because Satoru accepted them as magical slaves.

 Minerva decided to remain in this Sacred Mountain. That is exactly what she did by her own will.

 Satoru could not bend that will. Despite his frustration, he accepted Minerva's decision.

 Leia was also speechless by Minerva's strength, which covered up her own pain and cared for Satoru.

「......Satoru, I'm sorry I cried right there」

「Me too......!」

 Minerva must not see our painful faces. Satoru and Leia thought so, which is why they endured until the 【Transfer】. The young Rico and Liz, who had been unaware of this and were reluctant to part, now realized Satoru's state of mind and raised their voices.

「Fine, it's fine. It can't be helped.」[いい、いい。仕方ない]

 Satoru returned, shaking his head strongly from side to side. It was only natural for the two young people to be sad to say goodbye to Minerva, with whom they had traveled together for so long.

 Satoru looked up at the sky. The intensity of his gaze is the strongest he has ever seen.

「I will definitely see Minerva again! I'll see her smile!! So, just wait for me!!」

 Satoru howled into the sky.

 He was saying goodbye to the woman he loved, the woman who bore his child.

 Even if it is a temporary separation, the pain won't change.

 Believing that they would meet again at the end of their journey.

 The journey still continues.

Author note: This brings us to the end of Volume 9.

I apologize to the readers who have been enjoying the story, but as previously announced, the update interval will be changed from every other day to every three days starting with the next volume, volume 10. To be frank, this is because I have been running out of stock.

I hope you will continue to follow me and my work.

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