Foreigner’s Mistake

Book 4: Chapter 34: Discovery ~ 08

「I'm back. ...... What's wrong? You're so worn out.」

 The first thing Riko saw when she returned to her room after shopping was the sight of Satoru lying on the bed, naked and limp.

「...... Minerva had sucked me dry.」

「That's amazing」

 Rico laughed at Satoru's statement that he had been robbed of his energy. Minerva's sexual appetite is quite high, and her intercourse is like that of a beast. Minerva is breathing contentedly and giggling in her sleep.

「How'd it go over there?」

「I'm just connecting today. I've done the minimum amount of shopping. I guess I'll start gathering information tomorrow.」

 *umph* As Satoru sat up, Leia sat down at her desk and looked down at her magic book. - neither of them had any expression. The perceptive Rico noticed the discomfort immediately.

「...... What happened?」

「My Lord and Minerva got tangled up with some hoodlums in the town.」

 Leia shrugged her shoulders and explained. Give her a brief history.

「They were saved by a patrol guard from the academy who interrupted there. ......」

 Rico's eyes narrowed at Leia's explanation.

「Patrol? The rumor about detecting the strength of the opponent? Isn't that a bad idea?」

「Did you know that? That's a good possibility.」

 The patrol guard of the Academy of the Wise have the same jurisdiction as the Knights of the Land of Ares. If he compare them to his original world, they are like a private police force. Their greatest advantage is that they can detect the strength of their opponents, and although it is not known exactly how they do it, they are marked as a group to watch out for even in the Thieves Guild. They are a capable group with their trademark metal armor of white sheet metal with gold ornaments.

 Realizing that they might have caught the attention of a nasty person, Rico put the items she had bought on her desk and let out a sigh.

「......I thought I could relax a bit while gathering information...」

 This was a big city. There would be a lot more to gain than just shopping. Perhaps that's what she was expecting, but Satoru interrupted her.

「I'm not going to take my time. I want to go back to my world as soon as possible, you know.」

「Hmm, ......, that's about it.」 [TLN: sorry bit hard to translate, んー……それはそれとして ]

「Don't say that.」[それとすんな]

 Riko was unfazed by Satoru's grumbling.

「You know the phrase, "More haster, less speed"?」

「...... There is such a thing in this world, isn't there? I know it.」

「There's also a saying, "Haste makes waster".」

「You have that too?」

 There is a strange common denominator. In his original Earth, there were similar sayings that were expressed differently in different regions, but here, the sayings are the same. He wonder if it's because the grammar is similar to that of Japan in his original world that the proverbs are made similarly. It is possible that the language Satoru speaks was controlled by magic when he was summoned, so it was replaced by a similar language on its own.


 *grab* Leia reacted sharply and made a mark with her left hand. There was a small *crack* sound.

「What is it, Leia?」

「Someone was trying to peek into this room with the art of Distant Vision. I immediately crushed it, though.」

 Satoru was half-amused at the fact that it was possible to destroy it, but at the same time he was ashamed of himself for not noticing the discomfort. It was Leia who had put up the warding in this room in the first place. She may be a bit of a dunce, but when she's concerned about something, she's concerned about it. He guess that's why she was able to notice it.

「Uwahhh, ......, that's definitely...

 At the sound of Rico's voice, Leia nodded gravely.

「Indeed. I'm sure it has something to do with the academy........This could get a little more troublesome than I though.」

 A heavy air settled over the room. It was only a suspicion at this point, but considering what Satoru had done so far, she couldn't think of anyone who would go to the trouble of looking at them from a distance. She's almost certain of it.

 The fact that the Academy of the Wise, the highest academic institution in the world, had been checked would inevitably lead to trouble. This is the kind of trouble that Satoru has been trying to avoid as much as possible.

「What should we do?」

 Haah, when Rico looked at Satoru with a sigh, Satoru asserted.

「I won't do anything. I'll go directly to them tomorrow and ask them what they're planning.」

「That's just like Satoru.」

 Rico smiled bitterly. Satoru had gone straight for the jugular in his own case, too. He wondered if it was because he was overconfident in his abilities, but in reality, it was because he thought it would be wrong to fight until he had thought it through, and whether it was manly or simply stupid.

「We're not being watched, right?」

「Well, yeah.」

 As soon as Leia found out that someone else had touched her wards, she easily crushed her opponent's "Distant vision" art. The accuracy of Leia's "Warding" art is unparalleled. In the beginning, the art of "Warding" itself was very effective as a means of perception against the arts of "Distant vision" and "Distant hearing", but Leia did not realize that the art of "Detection" was actually outside of that perception. However, he can't say that Leia is out of her depth by doing this.

 This is because the "Detection" art has the property of not being able to detect if you are trapped inside a ward, while the "Search" art, which identifies and pursues Satoru, can detect them.

 Rico thought for a while and then looked up.

「 ...... I think it's fine to get in, but can I give you suggestion?」

「What's up?」

「I don't think I should be here with you.」


 Leia, not Satoru, raised her voice in question. There is a possibility that they might get into unfashionable trouble with the Academy of the Wise. If that happens, they will have to leave this town immediately, and it will not be convenient for them to have friends who are away.

「At this point, it's Satoru and Minerva who have caught their attention, right? In other words, from the Academy's point of view, I'm out their radars.」


「I think it's great to have a force that the other side doesn't know about, in case something happens. Even for a small piece like me.」

 Oh, Satoru marveled at Rico's opinion. She is absolutely right, the enemy is not yet determined――but it is very inconvenient for the academy to know their strength. Of course, Rico isn't the only one. Leia is the same. The more trump card you have when the time comes, the better.

「I approve of Rico's opinion. All right, Rico. Come here.」


 Satoru pulled away Rico's hand and sat her down between his knees. He rubs her breasts from behind.

「Hiya ...... yan, what, uuuhh....we're gonna do it? Hiyann!」

 He tweaked her nipples from above her clothes, and that was enough to make Rico let out a sweet moan. For the past two weeks, she has been held twice every three days, and Rico has been completely developed. When she is intoxicated, Rico becomes bolder, but until then, she is rather shy, which tickles Satoru's fancy.

「We're gonna do it」

 Rico's clothes had large underarms. Rico's panting became louder as he put his hand in there and played with her breasts heavily through her underwear.

「I-I thought you were squeezed by Minerva!? Fwahhh, yaahh, my breasts」

 Rico's sensitivity is also good. She is ready to open her body whenever and wherever he is asked, but even so, she is still embarrassed when she has to do it. However, she doesn't reject what Satoru does. She is happy that Satoru wants her.

「Ah, ...... My Lord? What should I do?」

 Satoru laughed at Leia's question, two-thirds in disbelief and the rest with an honest smile.

「You can do whatever you want....... The problem is that Leia can't touch Rico.」

「Ah, wh-what would I do if I was touched!?」

「Well, you know, a lot of things.」

 In fact, he have yet to do threesome. The main reason is that Leia can't participate because of the Immortal King's special ability, "Life Force Absorption," and in terms of sexuality, Rico and Minerva don't get along very well. Minerva is always open about her desire for Satoru, but Rico, who is shy, takes a step or two back.

 While she was writhing in agony, Satoru took off all of Rico's clothes. He crawled his tongue from her neck to her sides. Rico shivers in pleasure and humiliation, but does not rebel.

「D-don't. ...... I haven't even wiped myself down yet. ......」

「I'll wipe it off myself later.」

 Satoru's large hand moved suspiciously, and Rico shouted honestly.

「Uwahhnnn, Satoru, you're such a perveeert ......Aahh, yaahh, the tip ......」

 Rico's pink nipples, which had begun to assert themselves so quickly, were tugged and Rico was debauched. It was as if a switch had been turned on. Leia sighed as she looked at Rico.

「Fumu.......For today, I'll stay back. It seems that Rico has a habit of taking pleasure in being watched.」

 When Leia confessed, Rico shuddered. She had thought that she might be like that, but when someone pointed it out to her face to face, she felt embarrassed first.

「Aahh, I'm not like that,...... auhh, Nnhh......fuh」

 Satoru's fingers drifted down to her lower body, blocking Rico's rebuttal. Leia smiles nastily.


 That's exactly what he thought from the very beginning. Not only was Rico paying attention to Leia gaze, she was even paying attention to Minerva's gaze when she was a flying dragon. He can be sure of it, because she writhed every time. There is a predisposition in Rico to feel when she is looked at.

「Houh. That's good to know.」

 Satoru grinned and made an evil face. Satoru himself had a hint that this might be the case, but there was no mistaking Leia's opinion. Satoru's muttering, filled with addiction, sent a shiver down Rico's spine.

「That's not good! Aah, nyan! Aaah, uwaahh!」

 Rico's near scream was interrupted by a finger entering her vagina. Satoru's fingers had already figured out where Rico was feeling. The top underside of the vaginal opening - the G-spot - is where Rico feels the most.

「But if you get used to it, it can be annoying. I'll measure it with my measuring beads when you're done. Don't pass out.」

 He wonder if half of what Leia said to Rico with a grin reached her. It has become a routine to measure the soul with the measuring beads after the act or the morning after. How the numbers are changing is under Leia's control, and she has not been told how much Rcoo's soul is currently increasing.

「Even if, you say thaat, I-I don't knyow, aahnn, I don't knyow about that!」

 The rhythmic stirring of her vulva was slowly causing Rico's thoughts to wander. She was told not to faint, but in Rico's case, she felt too much and would faint one out of two times.

「If you do pass out, we'll do it tomorrow morning. ...... In that case, my Lord, why don't you pour it into Rico once? I can't compare it.」

「If Rico goes down, you're next, okay?」

 Satoru told her with an evil look on his face. Leia's reaction was that she had stepped on a snake, but no matter what the situation, when her Lord ask her, she can't refuse that. There have been a few times when he have ejaculated twice a day, but the only times he ejaculated three times have been on the day he made Rico his magical slave and when he stopped for a bath in between trips. The day he made Rico a magical slave, he had one early morning and two at night, so he had no time to spare, and Leia was frankly terrified by Satoru's immortality.

「Oh, the horror of it. ...... You're a sex maniac, my Lord. I wish you good luck, Rico.」

「What do you mean "Good luck"!? Yaaaahhhhhhh!」

 As Leia hid in the shadows, Rico's winning voice rang behind.

 * * * * * * *

「You don't even want me to see it?」

 Rico winced at the sound of Satoru's voice as she was hugged from behind and her earlobe was lightly bitten.

「Uuhh......It's not that I don't like it, but......Unyannn」

「You're so beautiful naked.」

 He crawled his fingers over Rico's skin, enjoying the feel of it. Then a strong voice of denial came from Rico.

「That's not true! I have skin like this, I don't have beautiful skin like Leia, and I don't have style like Minerva-eekkk!」

 Rico's speech was interrupted by Satoru's firm pinch on Rico's nipple. It was one of Satoru's pet peeves to belittle herself more than necessary.

「Don't look down on yourself. Rico you had your own unique charm. That's what I like about you. Isn't that enough?」

 The relentless three-point attack on her nipples, pinching them between his thumb and middle finger and kneading the tips with his index finger, caused Rico to easily give up with her voice sweet.

「Yahh.....I-I understand. ...... I'm sorryy. ...... So please don't pinch my nipples.」

 Satoru loosened his fingers and gently rolled the nipple in his palm, enjoying the feel of he breast with his fingers. Rico's voice contained a hint of sensuality.

「Rico was erotic and cute when you sucking hard on mine while masturbating, you know?」

 When she think about it, her face had turned bright red with shame. Satoru pointed out that Rico's face turned red again and she looked down.

「Because ...... only to Satoru I can be shown such embarrassing things. ......」

「I don't have a taste for showing off my body to strangers, either.」

 Riko's naked body is very attractive. She has a different appeal from Minerva and Leia. However, Satoru has a strong sense of possessiveness, so he doesn't want to give others - especially men - the opportunity to see Rico's naked body. He was even a little uncomfortable with the fact that she showed a glimpse of her cleavage to the gatekeeper when they entered the town of Reyeld, even if it was to cover up Minerva's slip of the tongue. He was aware that it would be very unpopular to blame her, so he let it slide.

「Does that mean ......Nnfuh, that it's okay to show off, if you're not a stranger.......?」

 She's implicitly referring to Leia and Minerva. The first time she did it, she showed it to Leia, but other than that, Minerva, especially in her flying dragon form, watched her closely. She guess she was learning by watching human sex acts. It seems that even if you are dealing with a different species, you can't stop the shame.

「You know what I mean.」


 Satoru pulled Rico's hand down and pushed her down, then split her legs with his other hand and stripped off her underwear. As soon as he did, Rico cowered in shame and used her free hand to cover the important part.

 Instantly, Satoru's movements stopped and he looked at Rico. No words were spoken. He just stares at Rico with a cold gaze. Rico also understood the meaning of Satoru's gaze.

 ――Are you going to rebel? That kind of meaning. It's a silent pressure. A creeping sense of immorality ran down her spine, and just as she was about to remove her hand from its hiding place, she heard Satoru's cold voice.

「Spread it out yourself.」

 Rico froze as she realized what that meant. But Satoru's expression remained stern. There was not the slightest sign of forgiveness.

 She was so embarrassed that she could feel her face turning red, as if it were on fire.

 ――I don't want to do such an embarrassing thing, but Satoru wants to, so what should I do?

 She hesitated again and again, and then gave up and spread her labia with her left middle and index fingers. The most embarrassing part of her body was exposed to Satoru's eyes. She could feel Satoru's eyes on it, and her lower body itched. She also felt the wind, which was not supposed to hit her there, and her cheeks colored with shame.

「Uhh...... Uuhhhh~hhh...... th-this is so embarrassing......」

「I like seeing Riko's face writhing in embarrassment.」

「I-I can't say no to that if you say that... ...... nyaan......」

 The way she wiggled her hips was so cute that Satoru stopped trying to hold back. Following his instincts, he brought his face close to Rico's crotch and kissed the petals. Instantly, Rico's hips bounced.


 Embarrassed to be making such a charming noise, her hand that had been spreading her labia parted and tried to hold her mouth. But.

「You have to keep spreading it.」

 At the sound of Satoru's voice, her hand stopped and she slowly spread her labia again. Satoru smiles in satisfaction. Satoru's smile, filled with anger, sent a shiver down her spine. At the same time, an irresistible feeling welled up in her heart.

「Nyah, ahhh, ...... Nyah, somehow today's Satoru is different from usual......」

「You don't like it?」

 "No," Rico shook her head. The tingling that rose up from her heart made her feel honest.

「Can you command me to do more?」

 After saying this, Rico's face reddened as much as she could. She seemed to think that she had said a ridiculous line.

 After all, Rico is a M too. However, the direction is different from Leia's. Leia's is domination. She is intoxicated by the fact that she is being subjugated and surrendered to, but Rico's M-ness comes from shame. She seems to get excited when she is ordered to do something more embarrassing.

 Satoru runs his tongue around he spread labia, enjoying Rico's reaction. Eventually, the tip of his tongue touched the foreskin-covered pubic mound, and Rico's hips jumped.

「.......Ah, that place, in Satoru's world, what do you call it?

「That place? You mean here?」

 He kissed her clitoris, which had started to make a small claim, and this time it shrank back. But she still kept her hand on her labia, spreading them.

「Uwahh! R-right, that place!」

 When he lightly poked it with his fingertips, the foreskin rolled up to reveal a small red treasure ball. Just a puff of air was enough to make Rico's hips tremble.

「It's clitoris」

 He touches her exposed clitoris with the tip of his tongue. A sweet voice rang out, and Rico's hips moved lasciviously. It's a weak point for Leia as well, but it seems that Rico is also vulnerable because of the mass of sexual zones.

「My clitoris........feels so good.」

 She shook her head reluctantly, but a moan of sensuality escaped her mouth. Rico felt her sweet breath naturally become ragged and loud under the assault of Satoru's tongue. She spread her labia with her left hand, so her legs were spread wide and she couldn't even close them. Dreaming of herself in just her skirt, Rico felt a definite tingle of shame and immorality.

 Satoru stopped his assault on her clit and slouched up.

「You want to l-leave my skirt on.......?」

「It's more lewd that way.」

 Satoru smiled at her with a villainous look on his face, and Rico could feel the heat rising all the way to her ears. It was certainly more embarrassing to leave something on than to be naked.

「Geez. ...... Satoru, you such a pervert. ...... But I love you」

 He stretched out his body and kissed her, and she kissed him back. Rico's sensuality was getting the better of him. The kisses are usually small, like a nibble, but now she's tasting Satoru's saliva like she's devouring it.

 The devil whispered in Satoru's mind that he should enter her ijust like that. The devil was not Leia. It was a demon in the name of his own mischievous mind. He lifted Rico's hips, keeping their lips and tongues entwined. He was in a sitting position.

「Come on, spread your legs. You can put my cock in yourself.」

「Nnhhh ...... L-like this ......?」

 Satoru shook his head at Rico, who was on her knees exploring the tip of Satoru's penis. It's not a very embarrassing position then.

「Stand on your feet.」

 After a moment, Rico realized the lewdness of her posture as she honestly put her feet up. Her hands were around Satoru's neck, and her legs were open in the shape of an M, and her posture was in full view - very, very erotic.

「Nyaa...... this is, too leeewd...... Hmmfhhh」

 *slhp-slhp* and feeling the glans hit the vulva, Rico slowly sinks her hips, feeling the angle of Satoru's penis as she shakes her hips.


 Satoru's hips slowly sank, and Satoru's penis was contained within Rico's vagina. He vaginal canal is widened as if to check the thickness of Satoru's penis, and the folds envelop the meat stalk. She was enjoying the length of his penis as it was being slowly inserted into her vagina, and with a lewd *slhkk* sound, it was finally all in. It was tight.

「Ha, haah.....I-It's all in. ...... this is so deep. ...... It feels so good. ......」

 Rico shuddered as she felt Satoru's penis throughout her vagina, savoring the sensation to the fullest. Satoru's penis pulsed inside her body, making her feel like a hot rod from the inside out. Even if she doesn't move, it feels too good. But today, Satoru was a little more devilish.

「Come on, come on, don't just feel yourself. Make me feel good too」

 His mind was satisfied just by inserting himself and seeing Rico's lustful expression, but his body was not satisfied. At Satoru's command, Rico began to move her hips awkwardly.

「Niaaa...O-okay......Nnhh, khh, fuhh, nyaaa」

 Rico's characteristic is the lightness and softness of her body. As the movement of her hips became hotter and smoother, she moved in a lusty way, trying to feel all of Satoru's penis with various hip movements that Leia could not experience. When he occasionally thrusts from below, Rico jumps in response.

 Suddenly, Rico felt a gaze from someone other than Satoru. Leia must have dived into the shadows earlier, so this gaze――

「Ha, ah.....? Mi-Minerval!?」

 When she glanced back, she noticed that Minerva was lying face down on the bed, flapping her legs and looking at Rico. Minerva's gaze from behind, looking intently at the insertion point, caused Rico's shame to reach its maximum. The movement of her hips, which had been moving so lasciviously, stopped and she began to panic.

「I've been noticed.」

 Minerva, who stuck out her tongue like a naughty child, moved her body closer to Rico, as if she had noticed her. She looked at Satoru's penis as he inserted himself, and at Rico's vagina as it was being inserted. Satoru thrusts up from below as Rico panics, unsure of what to do.

「C'mon, don't stop your hips, Rico.」

「Ha, nya, yessshh ...... nnnhhhyaa, aaah, nuh-uh!!」

 She was confused at first, but as Satoru relentlessly pushed up from below, the grind of her hips quickly increased. It was more of a rubbing motion, but now she was moving her hips up and down violently. In this movement, the length of Satoru's penis can be fully appreciated.

 While enduring the humiliation of Minerva's gaze, Rico's hips moved in a seductive manner and her voice was louder than usual. After all, the excitement of another person's gaze seems to be great.

「Mmm-Fufu. Rico is cute and lewd」

「No, ...... don't say, that. ...... mmm, ha!」

 She didn't want to be seen and tried to hide her joint with the wrapped skirt that was still around her waist, but Satoru quickly stopped her.

「Don't pull down your skirt.」

「Nya, ah......, y-yes......」

 Rico has no choice but to obey Satoru's cold-hearted command. She was so embarrassed that Minerva was able to see the joint――but she couldn't stop her hips. When he saw the expression on Rico's face as she moved, biting her own fingers and straining to speak, he felt a surge of desire to abuse her, and he jerked his chin toward Minerva.

「Minerva, take a closer look.」


 Rico's face turns even redder with shame. In response to Satoru's voice, Minerva crawled up to the joint area as if she were devouring it. Satoru shifts his hips to make it easier for Minerva to see. The sound of *slhp-slhkk* must have reached Minerva's ears. When Minerva's breath hit her buttocks, Rico shuddered in shame.


 The movement of Rico's hips as she slammed up and down, enjoying the length of Satoru's penis, was fascinating. The long strokes of her hips, the sound of her hips slamming up and down, the sound of Rico's lustful moans.

「How it is?」

 In an attempt to humiliate Rico further, Satoru asked Minerva meanly.

「Wow, ...... this is amazing, it's bubbling. Rico's pussy is tingling too!」

「Noooo, ...... It-It's embarrassing ......nyaaaa!!」

 Satoru attacked Rico, who shook her face in embarrassment, by thrusting his hips up from below. It was a completely aggressive move, whereas before he had only thrust up occasionally.


 Minerva let out a startled surprise. A little bit of Rico's love juice flew onto her face due to the violent movement.

「Eekk, ghh, kwahhh, yaahh, It feels, It feels gooood, uaahhhh, aaahhhhh!」

 The sound of panting and slapping hips echoed through the room. Even though she knew Minerva was watching, Rico's sensuality had reached a point where she could no longer stop. Minerva's head bobbed up and down as she watched the huge grind of her hips. Eventually, as if Minerva had an idea, she began to pull herself closer.

「Ufufu~, It feels so good, Rico. Minerva will help you too.」

 Minerva's tongue attacked Rico's anus. It wasn't quite an accurate attack because she was moving so violently, but Rico writhed violently at the newly added pleasure.

「Yahh! No way. ...... Nonono, that place, is not good!」

 *poke-poke* Every time the tip of Minerva's tongue touched her asshole, Rico shook her head loudly. Rico's brain melted to the marrow as her vagina was prodded by Satoru's penis and then by the tickling sensation that assaulted her other hole. A muddy wave of pleasure coursed down her spine.

「Don't, yahh, f-forgive mee! Satoru, I can't! I'm going to faaaall!!」

「Oohhhh, you can cum Rico. I'm gonna pour it in you, too」

 An inexplicable sense of immorality tightened Rico's spinal cord. She know that there is a magic called "Birth Control". But the thought that she might conceive Satoru's child, just as Minerva wanted to, filled her with a mixture of immorality, anticipation, and fear.

「Really!? Yes, yes, give me a lot!」

 She wasn't thinking about anything else. She just wanted the hot liquid to pour into her womb. Rico moved her hips with that one thought in mind. The movement of Rico's hips synchronized with the movement of Minerva's face, which was licking her anus. Rico's consciousness rapidly faded as Minerva's tongue drilled into her anus with precision and a new sense of pleasure washed over her.

「......Noooo, Minerva, don't lick that placee.....Aahhh, aahhhhh, I'm gonna crazyyyy.....!!!」


 Immediately after Satoru's moan, Rico's brain sparked into a blank as the hot sperm slammed into her womb with great force.

「Noooooo!!! Aahhh, aaaaaaahhhhhh――――!!!」

 Rico clung to Satoru with her whole body, her body twitching wildly as she received the sperm that Satoru was spitting out. The heat was so intense that Rico's consciousness faded and he slumped back against Satoru, and she fainted.

 Good grief, with a wry smile, Satoru lifted Rico's body and withdrew his penis.

「Wow, ...... I'm jealous, Rico. It looks feels good ......Hyaaa!」

 The last of the droplets splattered on Minerva's face, who was watching closely. Minerva looked at the white liquid flowing down her cheeks curiously in her hands and licked it off.

「Moo...... not very tasty......」


 Satoru's semen and her own love juices are dripping from Rico's vagina. She was bouncing from time to time and had some reflexes, so it wasn't as if her life was in danger. Satoru carried her to the other bed and covered her with a sheet. Wiping herself off would have to wait.

 After carefully tucking Rico in, he turned around to see Minerva on Satoru's bed, looking at him with expectant eyes. Even though he had already sex Minerva, her sexual appetite was more than just a little over whelming. She is ready to pounce on her prey like a panther――She is not a panther, but a flying dragon.

「It's-Mi-Ne-R-Va, turns!」

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