For Your Failed Unrequited Love

Chapter 58

Lucy made up her mind. She nodded and said,

“Then, I’ll be there.”

Lucy accepted the invitation from Adrian. She was still worried that she might face Felix, but for now, finding a sponsor is more important. 

* * *

Two days later, weekend evening.

Members of the book club, dressed in suits and dresses, walked out of the main gate.

Soon several white luxurious carriages arrived before them. All of them were carriages sent by the Duke of Berg at Adrian’s request.

“Wow, it’s fancy!”

Colin opened his eyes wide and exclaimed. As soon as the carriage stopped and the coachman opened the door, Colin quickly approached. But someone snatched him from the back. It was Jemima.

“You’re not a book club member. Why are you joining us?”

Colin, who almost stumbled and fell, managed to balance himself and pouted his mouth at Jemima. He looked really upset. 

“I got an invitation from Adrian, too!”

Then she led Lucy’s hand toward the other carriage in the back.

“Let’s ride separately from them!”

He heard Jemima’s squeaking sound behind him.

Colin still huffed and helped Lucy get into the newly chosen carriage. Lucy climbed into the carriage, slightly rolling up her blue dress. There was already someone riding inside.

“Oh, Rosé-sunbae.”


Rosé, who was sitting with her legs crossed, greeted Lucy and Colin, who was riding after her. Wearing a dark green dress, she was breathtakingly beautiful and charming today.

“Did you get invited, too?”

Colin asked as he sat down.


The embarrassing answer came proudly.

“But I thought it would be fun. I can’t miss a party like that.”

“Can you go in without an invitation?”

Rosé waved her hand as if she were not worried.

“If I tell Felix, he’ll let me in. He owes me something.”

When she said that, Rosé showed her teeth and growled as if she had remembered something unpleasant.The door closed and the carriage began to move slowly. Soon the carriage ran vigorously toward the Duke of Bergs mansion, not far from Bethel.

It was a fast but stable carriage. Lucy sat next to the window and looked out at the scenery. The hills and trees whizzed past. Lucy suddenly became nervous after the carriage started. She never thought she’d be invited to Berg’s mansion.

She wondered what kind of people the Duke and Duchess would be, but the thought of facing them for the first time made her feel scared. In addition, it was worrisome for Lucy to see herself at the banquet and think about how Felix would react.


Deep in thought, Lucy stumbled down from her seat. This luxurious carriage was shaken greatly because of a large stone.

Fortunately, no one was hurt. Instead, Lucy’s small handbag rolled down to the floor of the carriage. Colin held Lucy’s hand so that she could get up and bowed down and picked up the bag.

“Hey, Lucy! You have to get the invitation!”

Colin said, picking up the invitation sticking out of her open bag.

“Without this, we can’t even go in! ……What is this?”

The invitation wasn’t the only thing sticking out of Lucy’s bag. Colin gathered and grabbed scattered papers around the invitation.

“Request for sponsorship?”

He looked into a piece of paper and murmured. Among the papers he held was a document proving Lucy’s grades.

“Give it to me!”

Lucy hurriedly snatched the papers from Colin’s hand as she was arranging the hem of her dress that had been turned upside down by the fall.

“……What’s all that?”


Lucy answered as if nothing had happened, but Colin’s eyes narrowed. Colin, who grew up with Lucy, was quick-witted this time.

“Are you trying to get a sponsor there by any chance?”

Colin’s face, asking that, seemed more despondent and disappointed than ever.

“Is it because you came in 4th place this time? You’re worried that you won’t get a scholarship?” 

Colin poked questions out, but Lucy folded the papers in half and put them back in her bag without answering.

“My father told you not to worry about money! Why do you worry about this!”

“How can I not worry? I know everything about the estate!”

In the end, Lucy couldn’t hold back and screamed.

“The flood has cut the crops in Brom by half! Because of that, the lord owes another estate.”

Colin shut up at her words. Lucy’s heart was breaking. Those were the last things she wanted to talk about in front of Colin. She never wanted to hurt him.

There was a long silence in the carriage. All they could hear was the sound of horse hoofs and wheels running vigorously.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Then they heard an applause breaking the silence. Lucy and Colin turned their heads at the same time at the sound that suddenly came. Rosé was still sitting with her legs crossed in a haughty position, looking at the two with satisfaction.

“Your friendship brings tears to my eyes.”

Rosé wiped the corner of her eyes with her thin fingers. Of course, there were no tears.

“When I was young, I had a lot of childhood friends who were like my siblings.”

Rosé suddenly turned his eyes out of the window and looked sad.

“But they’re all gone now. They had a different feeling towards me.”

Rosé kept looking out the window with a mournful look, and there was silence again in the carriage.

Several trees flicked past the window, and then she opened her mouth.

“But surely it would be reassuring to have a capital aristocrat as a sponsor. Especially if you’re from a rural area.”

She moved her eyes from the window and looked at Lucy.

“Even if it’s not necessarily a tuition issue, it’s good to make a connection in advance when you don’t have a backer in the capital. It will be much easier to settle in the capital after graduating from the academy.”

Lucy had not yet thought about her post-graduation career. She couldn’t decide whether to stay in the capital or go back to her hometown. Still, what Rosé said seemed reasonable. Lucy listened attentively, and Rosé offered a suggestion with a sneering smile.

“If you’re looking for a sponsor, do you want me to introduce you to someone I know?”

“You know someone?”

“Yeah, you can’t just trust anyone and choose a sponsor? There are so many pervs in the world. Especially a girl who looks innocent like you is the number one target. So, we have to make sure that we have someone who is guaranteed to be your sponsor.”

Then she recommended her uncle, Wayne Millard, as a sponsor. He was the younger brother of Rose’s father, Count Millard, who had no title, but he was a rich man who built a huge guild with his own strength.

“He’s single and doesn’t have any children, so he spent his entire life saving money on dogs. But a few years ago, he became interested in nurturing talent, and he’s been looking for children who need sponsorship. My uncle would be happy to support you.”

Rosé affirmed with an expression of certainty.

“Because he’s the second son, he’s been out of my grandfather’s interest all his life, unlike his eldest son, my father. Maybe that’s why he gets excited when he sees people who have skills like you but don’t have support. I heard he’s attending the banquet, so I’ll introduce you to him tonight!”

“Are you sure he’s a good person?”

Colin stepped in before Lucy could answer back. He squinted doubtfully with an uncharacteristically sharp face.


Rosé immediately frowned as if displeased.

“Who are you doubting? Why would I introduce her to a strange person?”

Rosé opened her eyes and shot back at Colin. Colin faltered for a moment in her ferocious spirit, but soon confronted her again with straight shoulders.

“But isn’t it best to have a sponsor who treats you like his own child and can support you with affection?”

Colin’s mouth, biting as sharp as Rosé, was sulky. He understood the situation that Lucy was trying to be sponsored by a noble other than his father, but he just felt disappointed.

“My uncle can support her with affection!”

Rosé shouted in high spirits. Then she began reciting the support his uncle had provided to the warded, one by one.

“Last year, the kids my uncle sponsored went to the southern part of Paganya to explore the ruins! Of course, my uncle paid for the trip! And twice a month, he gives them a chance to eat with successful people in different fields! For example, the great actress Elijah Cole……  Lucent, the genius painter…….”

“Hold on!”

Colin hastily raised his hand and intervened.

“Elijah Cole? Are you talking about Elijah Cole, the main character in “The Hill of Dawn”?”

Colin’s eyes widened with surprise. He likes to watch plays and is also interested in acting, and he has always said Elijah Cole whenever he is asked to pick the actor he respects the most.

Rosé raised her chin as she looked at Colin, who instantly changed his attitude and shone his eyes. There was a smug smile around her mouth.

“Yes, the famous Elijah Cole! We had a few meals together. She has an ear for singing, so she gave me some advice.”

Colin gave Rosé an envious look like a puppy who quickly became gentle.

“Wow, Elijah Cole and a meal…….”

Rose raised her chin even more pompously as she saw Colin looking at her and muttering like a dream. That put an end to the heated debate about who is more suitable for Lucy.


Colin slanted over Lucy. He whispered secretly with a desperate look like a puppy who had his bowl taken away.

“If you get a chance to eat with Elijah Cole, don’t forget me.”


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