For entertainment, lift Boss Yang’s skirt at the beginning!

Chapter 192


Ye Mei didn't understand what Qin Feng meant at all, and stared at him in great confusion, not knowing what he was trying to do.

They came out to work, and the auction of things had nothing to do with them, could it be that he suddenly became interested and wanted to join in the fun?

Seeing that she didn't speak, and seeing the puzzlement on her face, Qin Feng said simply.

"In an environment like an auction, the people who go are either rich or expensive, and they all have some economic strength, as long as we can attract attention in the crowd, are we afraid that no one will notice?"

When he said this, Ye Mei's eyes also lit up, and she felt that it was indeed a good way.

Thinking of a very real problem, I instantly languished again.

"I'm afraid it will cost a lot of money, in that environment, even if it's tens of thousands of dollars, I'm afraid that "two-one-three" won't have much effect at all, this ......"

Ye Mei wanted to speak and stopped, frowning, and felt helpless.

In comparison, Qin Feng seemed much calmer, without any sorrow at all.

"Don't worry, as long as you can solve it with money, it's nothing, don't worry!"

These words came out of his mouth and made Ye Mei feel special, obviously at an age that is more careful than herself, she doesn't care about money at all.

If someone else said this, Ye Mei would definitely think that the other party was pretending to be able to say it, but he didn't feel this way.

On the contrary, it will make people convinced, and there will be no doubts.

Ye Mei checked, and there happened to be an auction tomorrow, in a museum in the local city center.

"When you auction a collection in a museum, do you want to auction off the contents of it?"

Ye Mei nodded and explained briefly.

"That's right, there will be some such activities every once in a while, as for the reason, I don't know very well, it seems that it can't be sustained, after all, it requires a certain amount of expenses, so I use this way to auction the collection. "

For this approach, Qin Feng couldn't understand it at all.

Originally, it was used to collect antiques, but in order to support the opening of the museum, the contents were sold, and I don't know what the beautiful people were thinking in their heads, so there was no way to understand.

Regardless of the reason for this, there is such an opportunity anyway, and that is to seize it tightly.

After eating, Qin Feng asked Ye Mei to take him around the neighborhood, and the two played from morning to afternoon, not wanting to come to work at all, but like they were traveling.

"Boss, are we sure we don't plan for tomorrow's auction? If we don't, I'm afraid I'll be caught off guard tomorrow!"

For this, Qin Feng was not worried at all.

"Don't worry, as long as the money is well prepared, there is nothing to worry about. "

Seeing that he looked calm and relaxed, Ye Mei didn't say anything, but she was a little curious about Qin Feng in her heart, and she didn't know what his economic strength was.

can open a company and sign so many stars, the family must be very rich, even if it is not the richest man in the country, I am afraid that it can be sent to the top of the ranking.

How much money Qin Feng has, I'm afraid he doesn't know himself, and he hasn't calculated it at all.

When eating in the evening, Ye Mei took the computer and showed Qin Feng the things that would be auctioned tomorrow.

Many of these things are not very expensive, and there are even auctions that start from a few thousand.

After glancing at it, Qin Feng frowned.

"None of these things are good, and even if you buy them, they don't have much value. "

Ye Mei adjusted the picture to the better ones in the back, and when she saw it, Qin Feng's eyes lit up.

There are old gold, and there are some jade carvings, and the room for these things to appreciate in the future is very large.

After knowing this, Qin Feng made a decision.

"Our goal is to focus on the next few lots, and forget the first ones, it doesn't make much sense. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In this regard, Ye Mei also agreed and asked.

"Which lot is it?"

"All. "

The answer was nonchalant, and he didn't care at all, just like he usually said casually.

But Ye Mei was stunned for a moment, completely lost her mind. []

After coming back to her senses, she looked at Qin Feng in disbelief and asked.

"All...... How much does it cost?"

"Not much. "

It was another fluttering sentence, which made Ye Mei completely subvert her cognition0 ..

She knew that Qin Feng was so indifferent, not because he was bluffing, but because he really had strong economic strength, he would inadvertently reveal his emotions of indifference.

In that case, she didn't have much to think about, and it wasn't something she needed to care about.

It wasn't until nine o'clock in the morning the next morning that they entered the auction site.

The rules here are that anyone can enter, but there are certain requirements, but anyone who comes in must take away one or two things, otherwise they will not be able to leave, and the fine paid can buy several things.

So much so that there were not many people at the scene, and most of them were empty seats.

Qin Feng and Ye Mei chose the position of the first row, so that they could see the whole picture of the auction items more clearly.

Before the official start, Ye Mei turned her head and whispered in Qin Feng's ear.

"I don't know much about these antiques and stuff, and if there are some fake antiques mixed in and trying to fool us, we don't know, that's bad!"

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth were slightly hooked, and his face was full of calmness.

"Don't worry, I'm here, no accident!"

For his confident appearance, if you were at the beginning, you would definitely have some doubts and feel that he was reckless at a young age.

After being in contact for so long, he can be regarded as having some understanding, knowing that he is not pretending to be 0.7, but has real ability and ability.

Besides, the person in front of her was Ye Mei's idol, and after this contact, she felt that she didn't like the wrong person.

The first few things are used for hot fields, but they are small objects that can be seen in ordinary times, and they have no collection value for more than ten years or twenty years.

After a few years, you can indeed make some money, and Qin Feng didn't pay attention to these small money.

His time is precious, and it will be worth a thousand dollars in the future, so naturally he will not waste his mind on such a small business.

Now he is doing a big deal that makes sure he doesn't lose money, and he can determine the future market trend and how to make money, everything is under control.

Originally, Qin Feng looked drowsy, until he saw a collection that was about to be auctioned, and his eyes lit up instantly.

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