Football's No. 1 Prodigal Son

Chapter 3

The news of the incident was a big success.

December 12, 2002.

Manchester City suddenly announced that Yang Luo, a mysterious American tycoon, had bought all the shares of Manchester City for 88 million pounds.

Yang Luo also paid off the club's millions of debts while taking over the club. Together with the service fees paid to JPMorgan Chase, the estimated expenditure was 100 million pounds.

This news immediately set off the media.

Yang Luo?

Who is this person?

Even the most knowledgeable people could not find any information about him.

It was not until Yang Luo and John Waddell appeared at the press conference together that the reporters were surprised to find that Yang Luo had an oriental face and was quite young.

Perhaps he was another rich second generation?

Such a question flashed through everyone's mind.

After the host's brief introduction, all the media couldn't wait to start asking questions.

A reporter stood up first: "Hello, Mr. Yang, I am Pierre Smith, a reporter from The Sun. I think everyone doesn't know much about you. Can you briefly introduce yourself?"

The Sun?

Yang Luo frowned. Doesn't this newspaper like to make gossip?

It's obvious that they want to ask questions and dig out some explosive news.

So he said expressionlessly: "I am a Chinese American, 24 years old, unmarried."

Pierre Smith was stunned for a moment, and asked unwillingly: "As an American, what drove you to come to the UK to acquire such a club?"

Yang Luo glanced at him: "Love for football!"

Pierre Smith was stunned and had to sit down angrily.

Unexpectedly, this young man was so watertight that no useful information could be dug out.

At this moment, a reporter from the Times stood up and said, "Hello, Mr. Yang. I am Kevin Johns, a reporter from the Times. Have you ever worked in football before? What is your purpose for acquiring this club?"

Yang Luo did not hesitate: "I have never worked in any football-related work before. As for the purpose... I want to build Manchester City into a top team, or even the greatest British team."

As soon as this sentence came out, the reporters in the audience immediately became agitated.

At this time, a reporter from the Guardian stood up.

The Guardian is a local newspaper in Manchester, and naturally many reporters are die-hard fans of local teams, and the man in front of him is a Manchester United fan.

He stood up with a teasing look on his face: "Mr. Yang Luo, I think you may not know much about English football. To become the greatest team in England, you need to surpass too many teams. Let's not talk about Manchester United, Arsenal and Liverpool, just Blackburn and Aston Villa are enough for Manchester City to chase for a while."

Yang Luo glanced at him: "Mr. Reporter, what's your name?"

The reporter raised his eyebrows: "My name is David Jones."

Yang Luo smiled: "Mr. Jones, how old are you this year?"

David Jones said: "I am 3 years old this year. Eleven years old, what's the problem? "

Yang Luo glanced at him and said, "You are lucky to have enough time to witness the rise of Manchester City. When you are fifty, you will definitely believe what I said today. When that day comes, I will invite you to witness it all."

David Jones nodded, "I also hope that Mr. Yang is more than just a good talker."

Yang Luo said, "Being a good talker is the specialty of you reporters. I am only good at making dreams come true."

David Jones wanted to say something else, but Yang Luo directly signaled the next one.

Then, another reporter stood up: "Then Mr. Yang, what will you use to support your idea? You know, building a giant is not a matter of one day or one night."

Yang Luo had a blank expression on his face: "I have money."

The reporter didn't expect him to give such an answer, and suddenly didn't know how to respond.

John Wardle on the side also showed a helpless expression. This young man is rich, but he is too arrogant...

However, when he thought that Yang Luo bought the club with cash, he immediately understood his confidence.

This kid seems to have a lot of money!

If he can really invest real money in the club, maybe he can really improve the performance of Manchester City Club.

However, to make it the most successful club in England?

He himself did not believe this.

After the press conference

After that, all the reporters could feel the difference of the new boss.

Perhaps, it should be called arrogance?

Especially the Guardian, the title they gave was: Complete amateur, complete arrogance!

In this report, they attacked Yang Luo mercilessly, believing that he, an amateur, would eventually lead Manchester City to the abyss.

Among Manchester City fans, there were also endless voices of opposition to Yang Luo.

Many fans surrounded the headquarters of Manchester City Club to protest the acquisition.

Especially the Manchester City fan organization 1894 Group, their protest was the loudest, and they asked the club to give an explanation.

John Waddell, who was about to take the money and run away, had to stand up: "Dear fans, you have to believe in Mr. Yang Luo, his financial resources are far stronger than ours, and he will give Manchester City a better future."

A fan in his thirties stepped forward: "We want tradition, we want love, not cold capital!"

John Waddell recognized him as the famous Manchester City fan leader Gran Stone, who has a high status in the hearts of Manchester City fans.

He knew he couldn't offend this person, so he had to explain patiently: "I love Manchester City Club like everyone else, but with my financial resources, I can't lead Manchester City to go further. I hope everyone can give Mr. Yang more trust!"

Gran Stone said loudly: "How can I trust an outsider who has never been in contact with football?"

Just then, a voice sounded: "Does it matter whether you trust me or not?"

Gran Stone was stunned and turned to look at the man.

Yang Luo came over: "I bought Manchester City with real money, without any so-called financing means to get something for nothing, which is a hundred times better than you who only know how to wave the flag and shout slogans. Don't use love to make things up. I spent nearly 100 million pounds to buy the club and paid off the debt. What did you do?"

Gran Stone was stunned and speechless.

Yang Luo added: "Real supporters should be patient with the team, instead of coming here to speak out at the beginning. So, I hope everyone will give our management some more time. I promise that the club will be much better than you think!"

Gran Stone's face was uncertain and he didn't say anything.

But most of the fans nodded, seeming to be very satisfied with Yang Luo's statement.

They came to the club to ask for an attitude, and since Yang Luo had said so, they naturally achieved their goal.

Yang Luo clapped his hands: "Then everyone go back, I hope everyone will continue to support Manchester City!"

After that, he turned and left, leaving only Gran Stone standing there, with an uncertain face.

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