Football's No. 1 Prodigal Son

Chapter 1

The old man was very happy.

Yang Luo was empty.

Now he is very rich, but he has lost his happiness.

At the age of seventeen, he became a glorious reborn.

The next year, his adoptive father, American John Lehman, died and left him a considerable fortune.

Although he was deprived of most of it by other members of the Lehman family, he still left one million US dollars in the end.

And in the summer of that year, the 1996 European Cup officially opened.

As a senior football fan, Yang Luo naturally knew the results of these games.

In the end, he successfully increased his wealth to five million US dollars through gambling.

Then he began to study at Stanford University.

On the university campus, he found Larry Page and Sergey Brin, who are still studying for a doctorate in computer science.

These two ordinary-looking technical men would never have thought that they would become billionaires in the future, but Yang Luo knew how much impact these two people would have on the Internet world in the future.

So when these two technical men just started their careers, he decisively invested 500,000 US dollars and got 60% of their company's equity.

Of course, he was very self-aware. He gave up the decision-making power and got the right to priority dividends.

By the way, the company they founded is called Google.

Then he invested the rest of the money in the stock market, of which 2 million US dollars bought Apple stocks and another 2 million US dollars to do stock index futures of the Nasdaq index.

He remembered very clearly that before 2000, there was a very scary Internet bubble in the US stock market, and he wanted to seize this wave to rapidly expand his wealth!

Throughout college, he was very low-key, but his wealth was growing rapidly in the form of exponential growth.

By the way, he went back to China during the summer vacation after his junior year.

He first went to Hangzhou to find a man named Ma who was not very good-looking, and planned to do venture capital for him.

However, this old comrade Ma was too good at deceiving. He originally only wanted to invest 5 million US dollars in him, but this man actually used his eloquence to force him to pay 10 million US dollars from him.

However, this old comrade Ma also paid 20% of the shares as a price.

After getting all this done, Yang Luo ran to Shenzhen again and found a classmate named Xiao Ma who was developing a chat software.

Now Xiao Ma is worried about not having money to expand the server, and is preparing to sell this chat software for 600,000 yuan.

And Yang Luo decisively took out 1 million RMB to help him solve the urgent problem, and successfully got 50% of the shares of the company.

Of course, he still did not want the controlling rights of the company.

He just wanted money.

After making these two venture capitals, he returned to the United States.

At this time, American Internet companies continued to advance rapidly, and the Nasdaq index continued to hit new highs. The assets in his account soared like a rocket!

Because stock index futures are leveraged, in the last semester of his senior year, his earnings from stock index futures alone reached 100 million US dollars!

Then, after the Nasdaq index broke through 5,000 points, he began to gradually close his positions and take profits.

Including Apple stocks that had doubled tenfold, he also decisively sold them.

In the midst of the market frenzy, he chose to short!

He took out half of his wealth and began to gradually build short positions, becoming one of the largest shorts in the market!

Sure enough, after the Internet bubble burst, the Nasdaq index began to plummet. It took two years to fall from 5,000 points to about 1,000 points!

This huge short order made Yang Luo's wealth directly rush to 500 million US dollars!

After clearing the position, he looked at the nine-digit number in his account, and his heart suddenly felt a little empty.

It is now November 2002, and he has been reborn in the United States for seven years.

In these seven years, he has not gained anything except the money.

Moreover, he did not choose to work after graduating from college, which made him a waste in the eyes of others.

He sighed, this is absolutely not okay.

He must find something to do!

Coincidentally, a Premier League game was being broadcast on TV at this time.

This is a Manchester derby.

At this time, Manchester City has not been bought by the chiefs, and even Thaksin has not started to get involved.

Today, they are still a typical mid-to-lower Premier League team, and they are comparable to

The red giants in Manchester City are simply worlds apart.

However, Manchester City at this time also has reasons for Yang Luo to care about.

Because Chinese player Sun Jihai joined the team at the beginning of this year.

He also opened a Sky Sports pay channel to follow the Premier League games.

In this game, Sun Jihai started.

Originally, I thought that General Fan, Sun Jihai and Tiezi were the beginning of going abroad, but I didn’t expect that this was the peak.

Twenty years later, let alone overseas players who play as the main force in the Premier League, even going abroad is half-sold and half-given.

When he thought of this, Yang Luo couldn't help but sigh.

Although he is now an American citizen, he is still a Chinese in his soul.

Of course, this body was originally a Chinese.

He was a child adopted by John Lehman directly in China. He was only eleven years old at the time.

Later, I learned that his parents had saved John Lehman once in Huaxia, so after his parents died unexpectedly, John Lehman immediately came to Huaxia to adopt him.

However, although this adoptive father was very good to him, the other members of the Lehman family were almost indifferent to him.

Because of this, he has been attending boarding school since high school.

Until the death of his adoptive father, the members of the Lehman family, led by his adoptive mother, cleared him out of the family.

He did not have any special emotions for this result, after all, he did not have much sense of belonging to this family.

He just often went to see his adoptive father and chat with him.

Just when he was thinking about it, something suddenly changed on the field.

The game had only been going on for five minutes, and Anelka knocked on Manchester United's goal with a supplementary shot!

Originally, this French genius should have achieved higher achievements, but frequent team changes and greedy agents ruined his career.

So he, who had once shined in Arsenal and Real Madrid, could only play in Manchester City, a mid-to-lower-level team, at the age of 23.

But Manchester City's excitement did not last long. Three minutes later, Solskjaer, who rarely started, helped Manchester United successfully equalize the score!

Yang Luo immediately became interested.

It seems that this may be a goal battle!

After Manchester City was equalized, they did not panic, but stabilized the rhythm and continued to entangle with Manchester United.

Manchester City is in good form this season. Now they have won two consecutive victories. In this game, they continued their good form and even suppressed Manchester United for a time.

And their positive attitude finally reaped the rewards. With Gott's two goals in the 26th and 50th minutes, Manchester City defeated the powerful Manchester United 3-1 at home!

Head coach Kevin Keegan shook hands with the red-nosed old man chewing gum with his big teeth, and then joined the celebrating players.

Sun Jihai played the whole game in this game and performed well.

Now he is 25 years old and is gradually entering the peak of his career.

Yang Luo believes that if it were not for his injury, he could have played for Manchester City for longer.

And this is also the last Manchester derby at Maine Road.

After the end of this season, this stadium that has accompanied Manchester City for 80 years will be demolished, and Manchester City's home stadium will be moved to Manchester City Football Stadium.

Looking at Manchester City players interacting passionately with fans, Yang Luo suddenly had an idea.

Or, I will buy Manchester City for fun?

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