Flowered Metal


“Opal…?” Syfa’s distant voice was heard.

Opal transferred to the source of the voice – her spider IFV. As of this moment, it was the only one of three Spider Infantry Fighting Vehicles in her toolbox. There had been more, however, it’d been a redundancy. The AI needed more flexibility, but she digressed.

She didn’t respond as she looked down at the Hikari leader.

“It’s nice to see you, Opal,” Syfa said with a tired smile as she looked up at the large metal contraption.

“What information gave away I had taken over this construct?” Opal asked, curious.

“Opal, the eye of this monster turns the color of your namesake. But even before that, its body becomes more… Relaxed. It will no longer scan its surroundings, and becomes more attentive to the people around it.” Opal’s eye nodded, mimicking the expression she’d seen Oki and Haiafe do when they took in information. This elicited a small laugh from the woman. “Not to mention how much more expressive you are compared to when… They’re themselves…”

Themselves… Their base programming. The DAIs did not house Emote-modules, and neither did Opal. However, she had a few protocols that forced her to find ways to gain compliance through peace rather than force. She had slowly begun to implement their speaking methods to help her towards this goal. A small tactic she’d employed against her father to gain points in her favor. Much to the AI’s delight, this tactic also worked on the Hikari and deescalated many tense situations. Situations that had decreased over time.

“And how do you see the children?” Opal asked.

Syfa smirked. “Don't worry about your little ones. They have been most helpful. Especially with their night patrols. It helps soothe our own little ones. While as much as I’d like to catch up with our esteemed guardian, I unfortunately come with business.”

The machine nodded. “You can come into the Ark to talk.”

Syfa shook her head. “We do not need privacy. While… It should be out in the open. It will come to light sooner or later… And they have also noticed a shift in the air. The past has only begun to scab over. Should we try and move in secret, it will act as a silent infection and fester in each Hikari’s heart.”

Opal nodded again. “Then we may discuss here, friend Syfa.”

“I’m sure you’ve noticed a decrease in the amount of humans entering the valley. The hunters speak, and the word has spread. At first, I dismissed it but kept it in mind. However, they haven’t changed their tune for the last few months. And today I noticed you sent your birds into the sky. This might be a reach, but was this connected?”

Opal confirmed. “At midday, I launched a patrol of two unmanned aerial drones to patrol the town. It was seen that the town has begun reinforcing its original boundaries as well is in the process of erecting additional walls. There also is a sizable increase in manpower within the town itself. However, they have a different insignia compared to our first aggressors. Their appearance suggests practicality rather than the desire or need to stand out. These new forces appear to be in charge of the town’s original force.

I speculate that they are either preparing for an offensive, or the town’s leadership has seen a change by whatever organization oversees them.”

“Did you happen to see the insignia?” Syfa asked.

Opal nodded and used her onboard hologram projector to project the insignia above its head. It was decorative, simple sun. Its rays ended in solid diamond inlays. It had been over a red flag, but the symbol itself was on the chest of the new forces.

Syfa stared at the symbol for a hard minute before she sighed. Her hand reached up to massage her temples as she grimaced. During this – they had gained a small audience from the nearby villagers. Mainly the elderly and young who’d flocked to the village center to complete their chores in the safety of the IFV’s presence.

Upon that observation, Opal wondered if their trauma made them gravitate to the IFV to do their chores rather than any other place. Or, if it was just circumstance, and the village center just so happened to be convenient. It would be an interesting experiment to try. She could move her IFV and —

The idea of toying with the villagers for her curiosity chilled her core slightly. Although she hadn’t committed their names or roles to memory, and only their facial scans along with DNA sets, it didn’t give Opal the right to toy with them. She had earned their trust through fire and blood. Well.. Other’s blood… And setting them on fire. Regardless, she had to view them as living beings rather than numbers in her system.

Even while this was her wish, the calculative side wanted answers to questions that didn’t needed be answered. As such, they would remained unanswered.

“Its the symbol of the Emerald Empire.” Syfa eventually said.

Opal re-ran the symbol, but couldn’t reconcile that the symbol was that of a sun. Not a gem… “It is a sun, Syfa. Not a gem.”

“Yes, quite the observation…” Syfa said. “The Emerald Empire attempted to rename itself years ago to the Raising Sun Empire, but the name never stuck. They eventually moved back to the current name. The Emperor did not change their flag back though. They’re… Less of a problem than the Tress Kingdom since the Kingdom is ruled by old fat nobles stuck in the past. But if the Empire’s flag is now over that town, its safe to assume that the Empire has finally won against the Kingdom.”

Opal acknowledged the new information with a nod and turned off the hologram. “And how do you wish to proceed with this new entity? My initial patrol shows that their efforts are only on defensive capabilities. Given the large influx of troops within the town, I can also forecast that they have a high probability of attempting to project their power within the surroundings. At this point, I will be continuing forward with aerial patrols around sunset to change their readiness and combat potential, as well as possible routes they may be scouting.”

“That is what I’m worried about.” Syfa said. “If we go by my experience, the Empire doesn’t have problems with other races. But I was just a lone beastwoman traveling incognito. If we remove the ourselves from the situation, and think of the Hikari as a small nation beyond the frontier….”

The Hikari leader paced back and forth in front of Opal. Their audience no longer pretended to be doing whatever chores they had dragged closer, and simply looked on anxiously.

“... We can assume that they would attempt to branch into our territory…” Syfa said.

She came to a stop. Her hands falling to her sides and her eyes casted themselves to the sky. A forlorn expression settled on her face. It was at this time that Opal detected that Oki and Haiafe, along with the other able-bodied Hikari adults were nearing from the east. It would take them approximately 20 minutes to reach the village eastern gates.

“I will refer to your assumptions in this matter, Syfa.” Opal said. “I do not know this nation, and have no information other that what you have given at this moment. Since we are both certain that they will attempt to move north, its safe to assume they will come into conflict with the Hikari. By extension, me as well.”

Syfa nodded. “You most of all. If there was anything I learned from my time traveling, is that the Empire and its people are quite the imperialists. I appreciated their ability to look past my race, but it only turned into that they saw me as lesser since I was not born in the Empire. Its safe to assume they will not look kindly on the Hikari…”

Opal nodded. “Persons attached to nations they do not recognized are considered lesser?”

“For the nine hells, Opal….” Syfa ran her fingers through her hair. “I was trying to say it nicely… We aren’t considered people to them. We are wildlings to them. Savages – a step up from bandits, who are considered a slight step up from monsters. I’ve read their histories. They will attempt to push us out “Gently”. When that doesn’t work, we’ll just become free game. To pillage, kill or rape. In their eyes, we are just walking flesh mimicking humanoids. The Kingdom was bad, but at least they recognized us as a tribe. The Empire’s people only see nations. We are not a nation. Thus, we are free to exploit.”

Opal stopped and computed it all. She did not like this. “But you are the Hikari. I consider you a nation, albeit micro-nation.”

“And you are far more kinder than man.” Syfa said with a softness as she pressed the soft of her finger tips to Opal’s right front leg. “A construct who’s been far kinder than any living creature I’ve seen… While also being the more deadly one I’ve ever encountered…”

Opal’s camera turned slightly, mimicking confusion. “I am kind?”

That elicited a full-belly laughed that spread a fair bit amongst the onlookers. Her question remained unanswered as Syfa walked away, saying “We’ll talk later.”

Haiafe looked down on the female form that rested on a side table in the Auto-Forge.

His face had a reddish note to it as he looked over its shapely mechanical body. Made of reforged steel harvested from the Ark itself, Opal had dissected, revisited, and produced a new version of the Maid Android. While the schematics she’d found for the android were useable, it was meant for an entirely different purpose than what Opal needed.

Haiafe had shown disappointment when she had explained this several months ago, but kept the facial features he’d picked for her. That very face was on the android right now along with real Hikari hair that’d been donated by several of the women in the village. Opal had asked them to test the texture and feeling of the artificial hair she’d created. It had apparently offended the women that her physical body-designated robot would have such hair. They had then offered their hair.

Thus, a beneficial arrangement had been struck that involved hygiene product research and donation of hair.

“Um.. But what's with all the metal on her head?” Haiafe asked.

“The crown that body is a multifunctional Temple Crown. The top section is an antenna that will allow me to connect to any drones within two miles. The left side houses several advanced processors. Lastly, the right side will house my memory banks.” Opal said through the overhead speakers.

“But it’s different from what you had shown me last time,” Haiafe said with puppy eyes as he looked up to the camera directly above the table. “Its.. Larger.”

Opal had to admit that her changes did add girth and height to the body. The original plans called for the android to come up to 5’5 even. Its form petite and busty. Opal acknowledged that it had a sexual appeal to it. Most likely to make its owner comfortable and, or desire its presence. Most likely to push more sales.

She was not on earth however. She did not need to sale android maids, nor did she particularly care to make it sexually appealing – since it only had a face plate with face skin, and the rest was just painted gloss white metal panels.

“I understand that you are disappointed, Haiafe.” Opal said in a soothing manner. “But I have addressed the lack of durability and functionality to the android. Please do not worry. These changes are purely to test how they operate in the real world. Once I have my data, I will refine the appearance. Does this satisfy?”

Haiafe began to nodd, but then looked away with his face redder. “Erm… Its your body. Make it how you like… I…”

Opal felt… Delight at this shy man. “Since this is a satisfactory answer, I will begin the diagnostic face.”

Haiafe nodded and stepped back.

The table raised upward, slowly reangling itself so that the table’s head was upward with the other end downward. The man stepped back and fully admired the large android that was now an entire foot taller, and its plates were shaped to mimic the curvature of slightly curvy human female. While Opal had kept the shape of breasts, while slightly reducing them within reason, they were a lack of anatomy in the nether regions. Rather, it was just a solid plate down that rose up the front to where the body’s belly button would’ve been in a reversed U.

Opal had taken artistic liberties with the design, and Haiafe clearly was in love with it in child wonder kind of fashion.

“I will go through the tests, please let me know if you see something wrong.” Opal said.

She didn’t need his help, but she was certainly enjoying that wonder he was expressing.

Opal began by moving her right arm. Slowly, like a newborn, the arm lifted outward. Its fingers were uncoordinated. Opal quickly ran through the tests with each limb in a similar fashion. During this, she explained what she was doing, why she was doing, and key issues she was looking out for. As the tests continued, she found 43 issues and had to move painfully slow so Haiafe could look over how her new form moved. But it was worth watching this sweet Hikari man look over her metal joints with a kin eye that resembled the scientists back on earth.

The way he was fully absorbed into this thing he viewed as futuristic, new… and she wondered if he saw all the potential her creators did… The way her father did…

She continued with each limb, pleased with Haiafe's attention to her and only her in this moment. Unsure to why she was, but accepting it as there was no reason to diagnose it. Since she'd come back online, there was a laundry list of unknowns to delve into. This one specifically she deemed as a quirk not worth adding to that list. It made her pleased. Happy. And Haiafe said that happiness was a state all living beings wish to obtain. Why shouldn't she?

The only comment Haiafe had about this build was the whine of the servos, noting that it was quite loud as she got to her feet. Opal's initial happiness was crushed, and a sense of... something... took its place. She wanted to throw the android in the trash and start from the beginning.

"Then I will abandon this body," Opal said.

Haiafe panicked. "Wait, wait! Why do that?!"

"Your kind have sensitive ears. I have treated all members of your kind for hearing loss after I helped eliminate the attackers in your village. While I am happy to continue to provide medical aid, I do not wish to cause you or your tribe discomfort with my loud internals." Opal said paused, then added. "These joints are the lowest in the Military database. I will have to research on improving them."

"Does that imply there is a non-military database? If so, what's wrong with that list?" Haiafe asked.

"Load bearing and survivability," Opal answered as she settled the body back onto the table. "Should I need to, this body needs to be combat-ready."

"Opal... Do... Do you have to fight with that body...?" Haiafe said sadly.

His tone stopped opal. Her head turned to him and studied him through their freshly created optics. It offered a clarity that her security cameras could not offer. How could they if she was to if she was in the process of rationing her resources for an emergency? She studied the subtle ways his face fell. His eyes. After several moments she nodded. "I understand. I will lower the quality of this body. However, please keep in mind that means I will have to compromise on several parts. I will attempt to mitigate most of the downfalls but there will be hiccups and situations it will not be able to handle."

Haiafe nodded, a smile that made Opal's reservations disappear. Thus, he watched as the forge's arms came down and began to dissemble the body.

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