August 12, 2029, 18:14

18:14: [Gaunt] made it to a more open area. just by the subway, some old buildings. maybe shopping district?? idrk this place

18:15: [Gaunt] dont go down there btw its full of gas.

19:56: [Kiki] That sounds bad! Are you okay? I hope it didn’t make you sick. I didn’t see a subway so I can’t come find you yet.

19:58: [Kiki] I made it to the skyscraper! I’m setting up camp there now. I’ll be back to talk in about an hour.

20:07: [Gaunt] yeah felt gross for a bit but im ok. kinda sucks i was hoping wed be closer by now

20:10: [Gaunt] well im okay with the gas thing but actually i wanted to mention the other thing. i didnt really wanna say anything but idk could you like look out for me or something im actually kinda hurt

20:11: [Gaunt] i have like antiseptic n shit tho so ill be fine for a bit but like yeah

21:03: [Kiki] Okay I will. I’ll get you as soon as I know where you are. Try to hang on till then. I’ll bring medical supplies if I find some tomorrow.

21:03: [Kiki] Also I found some weird pills. They’re yellow and as big as a big Tylenol. They have those capsules you can pull apart. Anyone know what they are?

21:04: [Gaunt] ok great

21:04: [Gaunt] also sry i have no clue

21:04: [Kiki] That’s okay. I didn’t think anyone would know. Still good to check.

21:06: [Kiki] I got here okay but it wasn’t fun. A stray dog attacked me. I had to throw rocks to scare it off. I got stuck in a hole. I wasn’t paying attention. My leg got caught in some rubble. I had to use a pipe to pry it free.

21:07: [Kiki] I found a bit of water but no food. It’s been a rough day. :’(

21:07: [Gaunt] shit fr

21:07: [Gaunt] glad u got out of it ok tho

21:09: [Gaunt] things suck lately. well i assume idk about you guys but my life is a little bit askew given circumstances

21:10: [Gaunt] but thats the hand were dealt ig, just gotta keep pushing thru it

21:11: [Kiki] Thanks. Talking about it helps.

21:11: [Gaunt] its nothing. im here for yall, things are tough. Spike too even tho u seem the quiet type.

21:12: [Kiki] Yeah life was good before today. Hopefully we can all get home soon. My parents are probably worried. My brother too. You’re right. We just gotta keep going.

21:12: [Kiki] I’m here for you too. If you ever want to talk I’ll listen. It goes both ways.

21:16: [Gaunt] thanks

21:16: [Lyre] Bone pain

21:16: [Gaunt] bro what

21:19: [Kiki] I’m sorry, Lyre, but I don’t understand. Can you elaborate a bit more?

21:21: [Lyre] That’s what the pills are

21:22: [Kiki] Okay, thank you.

21:22: [Gaunt] Oh yeah, I forgot we were talking about that. Thanks Lyre

21:24: [Kiki] Also, Spike, are you okay? Just checking since you haven’t said much.

21:25: [Gaunt] i mean lyre apparently already knows where you are so you might as well tell us how youre doing. i dont bite

21:25: [Spike] Im alive

21:26: [Gaunt] great everyone made it thru the first night ok

21:26: [Gaunt] actually is this the first night i was like unconscious and idk how long its been

21:27: [Gaunt] anyone know when this all started??

21:27: [Kiki] It’s still the first night. I was at home this morning. Woke up here this afternoon. It’s the same day. I’m sure of it.

21:29: [Gaunt] ok good. still dk where i am tho. Fuck

21:30: [Kiki] I don’t know either. It’s frustrating because I should know. I have a good sense of direction. But the thing that brought me here went too far. It’s too far for me to get a good sense of how far. Don’t know the exact direction either.

21:32: [Gaunt] ??? did you get kidnapped

21:33: [Kiki} Kind of but not really. Some weird creature grabbed me. They had venom that knocked me out. Brought me here and left I think. I think they wanted to eat me but couldn’t.

21:34: [Gaunt] yea nah thats fucked man sorry to hear that

21:34: [Gaunt] kinda wish i remember tho, i got on a train and blacked out. idek how long i was out or anything

21:36: [Gaunt] really stupid of me to end up there in the first place but crazy how it ended up this bad yk

21:37: [Kiki] Yeah you couldn’t have foreseen this. How did you end up there? I was just chilling in the woods. :(

21:38: [Kiki] How’d you end up here Spike?

21:42: [Gaunt] some randos at work asked if i wanna go backpacking. didnt even know them n i said yes anyway?? yea so i was lost even before the train incident

21:43: [Gaunt] and now im even more lost

21:43: [Kiki] Well it’s not your fault that you ended up here.

21:43: [Gaunt] yeah guess not

21:47: [Kiki] It probably wasn’t a good idea to go hiking with ‘randos’, but you couldn’t have expected it to end this badly. And we all do stupid things sometimes. One time, I almost got hit by a car on a busy street because I wanted to grab a necklace someone had dropped there. I don’t think my friends will ever let me live it down.

21:52: [Gaunt] yeah

21:54: [Spike] I dont remember

21:54: [Gaunt] same bro. trauma i bet. whatever happened probably sucked but itll come when were ready

21:55: [Kiki] Oh that sucks. I hope you figure it out eventually.

21:57: [Spike] I hope so

21:58: [Gaunt] im turning in. see yall soon.

21:58: [Kiki] Goodnight! I’ll sleep now too. I want to get an early start tomorrow.

August 13, 2029, 6:03

6:03: [Lyre] Don’t go too far

6:32: [Kiki] Don’t worry, Lyre, I’ll stay here for today.

6:33: [Kiki] Going scavenging today. Wish me luck! I’m pretty hungry so hopefully I’ll get some food at least.

6:33: [Kiki] Safe travels, Gaunt!

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