Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 81

-POV Snow-

I’m sitting on a chair in a stone room alone. Remembering what happened earlier today I try to cry, but no tears come out and it just makes me want to cry more.

Jeff was having sex with me again, even though I had asked him to take me to mom. He said that we had to stay there till I got pregnant, since that was his job now. I realized he had been tricking me the night before and had started using a skill to make sure I didn’t get pregnant. If I hadn’t used it, maybe we could have left sooner and he wouldn’t be dead.

It all happened too fast. He defended me from the zombies that burst into the room using his shield and sword. I thought it was all settled when he walked towards me and gave me a kiss. I tried to push him off since I didn’t want to have sex anymore, I just wanted to go to mom and get back to my husband as quickly as possible. He only held me tighter as a struggled and then bit my tongue.

It hurt a lot, so I used a skill I got that pushes things away from me. He flew across the room and I saw above his head -Zombie Paladin- Lvl 13. I heard him moan, but it wasn’t sexual like when he was shoving his penis in me. He slowly started getting up so I just jumped out of the window. Firm should keep me from getting too hurt from the fall. I end up landing on my face, but I think I only got a few scratches, with my tongue hurting much worse. I started running in the direction he told me mom’s fort was. As I ran I got a screen that said


Innate skill partially resisted Zombie infection

*Race altered*

I was lucky enough to actually run into Opal’s Home. I was brought through the gate by some nice elves who lowered their weapons when I told them I was looking for Opal. So now here I am, sitting in a stone room, waiting for mom to come help me, and trying to cry. I hear the door open and feel strong arms wrap around me before I can bring myself to look up.

“Snow! Sweetie, you look sick, they told me there would be a zombie here to talk to. Have you seen them, it’s kind of important.” It’s mom, and she still recognizes me, so I sob into her shoulder but still no tears come out. “I can deal with the Liberation stuff with my other body, go ahead and cry sweetie. Mommy’s here for you.” She says while rubbing my back. We somehow end up on the floor with me sitting in her lap with my arms wrapped around her.

I pull my face back and look at the concerned and motherly look on Opal’s face. I don’t have any tears to wipe away, so I start telling her everything that happened after we left Dragon Roost. She looks upset and then mad as I tell her about the sex stuff that happened with Jeff. I then get to the part where Jeff bit my tongue and I saw his new title, and she sighs saying “So Jeff is dead, and that somehow gave Liberation back to me.” I let her talk and she continues “Did he not marry Daria or Sara then, they probably would have gotten it if he did?” I shake my head since I don’t know and she gives me a big hug saying “Sorry sweetie, you can continue.”

I say “I decided to jump out the window, hoping he wouldn’t be able to follow me as quickly and ran into the woods headed here. I got a screen saying my race was altered, so I’m probably the zombie they told you was looking for you.” I see her nod and say “I figured that out when I was holding you. It’s okay sweetie, you can still talk, so I know you’re still my cute daughter.” I hug her tightly again and I feel her hand stroking my head. I feel safe and welcome in mom’s arms, she doesn’t care at all that I probably look a little different or have a new race. She’s still my mom, and I’m still me. I hope Derrik feels the same way, since he’s such a nice man.

-POV End-

I look above my poor daughter’s head again and see -Chupacabra- Lvl 23. She looks like her usual self, except her skin doesn’t seem as bright as it used to, that’s why I thought maybe she was sick. If her race was changed, then that makes sense. I remember now that my grandbaby said she was undead, so I just assumed I was looking for a zombie. She’s still my cute baby, with her fluffy ears and tail. I already told my other daughters what was going on, and everyone is getting ready to go to Liberation. I didn’t tell them about Jeff being a rude pervert since he’s already dead. It was Citrine who told me that if he was moaning and biting Snow then he’s turned fully, and the Jeff we knew is dead.

Citrine is crying a lot too, so she’s going to stay at home with my small body, and help defend this fort in case it gets attacked. I’ll make sure she gets lots of tiny hugs once my body wakes up. For now we want to deal with the attack on Liberation as quickly as possible, so I say to Snow “Hey sweetie, come to my home and stay with your sister Citrine for a bit. I’m going to have to fight off a zombie attack on Liberation.” She stands up off my lap and nods her head saying “Be careful mom, I think the only way he could bite me through Firm was because he bit my tongue. So don’t take any sisters that don’t have Firm.” I tell the other girls who are organizing some of their higher level daughters, and a few are picked out and asked to stay behind.

Ruby has already left after finding and telling Penny what was going on. They need to get back to Ruby’s Rest and make sure it’s able to be defended. We’ve never seen a message before when the Zombies attacked, so since all my daughters are married to me and saw it, they’re worried it’s going to be bad. Well Citrine didn’t see it since my little body is still out, but once we told her she said “That means it’s a major attack, so it will probably affect other settlements in the area as well.” My little body still has my stats, so I hope it can move again soon.

I walk Snow through the house and bring her to Citrine who’s sitting by the fire in the back yard holding my body. When Citrine sees us she laughs a bit and asks “That’s an interesting title, have you been sucking any goats dry lately?” I don’t understand what she means but she’s looking at Snow, who also seems confused. I say “This is your sister Snow that I told you about.” Citrine shakes her head and I see her wipe the tears from her face, before standing up and hugging my white haired daughter. “Sorry sis, I’m a bit of a mess, Jeff was my dad and I didn’t get to spend enough time with him.” My small body was dropped onto the ground when she stood up, but I won’t mention it since it’s not awake to feel it anyways. So it’s probably not rude. Probably.

With them introduced and hugging I tell them “Take care of each other until I wake up.” Then I leave the house to go meet up with the group who’s heading to Liberation. I see Amber has already gotten a new uniform to fit her expanded breast size, so I walk up to her. My other body has already left and I’m going to relay information to everyone on what I see there. “Okay if everyone is ready, let’s head out, your grandma will let us know what we can expect as we travel, so stay close to the group.” Sapphire tells everyone. She has the most experience with the zombies, so everyone trusts her to give the best orders.

We finally leave, probably 20 minutes after first getting the screen, and my other body should reach Liberation in a few minutes. The group will be going a little slower so that everyone can keep up. It’s safer for everyone that way my blue haired daughter says, and it makes sense. I hope that everyone in Liberation can stay safe, Daria and Sara probably don’t even know that Jeff has died. I’m not looking forward to telling them, but it’s not like I’d feel better hiding it from them.

When I can finally see Liberation, the gates are already smashed open and I see people fighting the zombies rushing in. Huge explosions of flame show me where Steph is probably fighting, and I see a lot of other skills hitting the ridiculous amount of zombies of all shapes and sizes. I tell everyone with my other body what I’m seeing and head towards the fire. I know Steph and she doesn’t have Firm. She’s my friend so I don’t want her getting bitten and dying like Jeff.

I charge through the zombies and smash the ones I can while fighting my way towards her. Amber tells my other body “Get everyone without Firm into the Dungeon if you can, the zombies shouldn’t be able to follow them into it.” That’s a great idea, but where I saw Steph was nowhere near the Dungeon, so I’ll have to help her and her kids get to it. I finally get through the zombies and get hit in the head by a sword, but it doesn’t hurt me at all, so it’s fine. I yell “It’s me Opal, I’m here to help.” and see the human who hit me switch his target to a zombie. The zombie grabs the poor man, but I smash it’s head and finally spot Steph. She’s standing on the pig pen wall and shooting flames at the zombies behind the front lines. It’s extremely chaotic but I also see a group of human babies in the pig pen, with Sara standing next to them.

I run up to Steph and say “We need to get the ones without Firm into the dungeon. Getting bit will kill someone and turn them into a zombie. She glances at me quickly before hurling more fire and saying “That’s going to be impossible from here, we need something else.” I think for a second, and since I’m so smart I check my Credits. I have enough, so I move to a clear spot between all the fighting and purchase another dungeon. It’s stairs form in front of me and I yell “Everyone who doesn’t have Firm get down the stairs and into the dungeon!” The people around me that hear start relaying by screaming it themselves, and I start seeing people rush to the doors and disappear. I help Sara with the babies at first, but with less defenders I’m needed to hold back the zombies.

Steph is still on the wall shooting fire and I see her get grabbed. I rush to her, but luckily she was already saved by Daria and I tell her “Get into the Dungeon, everyone else should already be there.” I only see elves with that solid look holding back the zombies now, but some of them are having a lot of trouble. “Okay Opal, be safe, and thank you.” Steph says before disappearing down the stairs and into the dungeon herself. “Mom, how could you build another dungeon, did you meet Jeff on the way here.” Daria asks so I turn to her and say “I’m sorry sweetie, Jeff didn’t make it, we can talk about it later. I have a group headed this way to help with the zombies.” Sara has finished handing the babies to people who then take them into the dungeon, and is close enough to hear.

They both look really upset, but the zombies push past one of the Firm elves and we don’t have time to talk. I fight my way to the elf and smash the zombies off of him before grabbing him and tossing him to the stairs. I yell “Anyone who can’t fight anymore go into the dungeon! Come back out after you’ve recovered your stamina, health or mana!” Our circle is pushed really close to the stairs now, since so many had to retreat into the dungeon, and we’ve had to toss a few down the stairs. They have Firm, so they’ll be fine.

If there weren’t zombies in the back shooting green fire at us, I think this would be a lot easier. I have skills and my body that keep it from burning me, but it’s having a pretty harsh affect on the elves. Daria is behind me casting her lightning skills and Sara is covered in bloody armor, kind of like one of my skills… I’ve been forgetting to use my ally buffing skills, so I quickly cast them on everyone nearby and start tossing out Dark Tendrils to help us keep the zombies at bay. I remember that it’s night and put down some Gloaming Calls behind me, but I can’t watch them crawl out this time.


*Your summoning skill has been blocked by an enemy mage* x3

So one of the zombies has a skill that can block summons? I remember Sapphire telling me that the zombies nearby had a lot of 5th tiers, I wonder if some of them are here. The zombies seem never ending as more of the elves end up getting tossed down the stairs. Didn’t Sapphire say zombies don’t attack at night, have they just been tricking us? I don’t like being tricked, but there’s nothing I can do about it now.

I toss Sara down the stairs after she gets hit really hard by a very large zombie and loses her armor. The other group has finally arrived and I see rain start to fall. I think it’s healing me, but I’m too busy to check my health, which I know some of the larger zombies and some of the green skills have managed to damage. I already told them to see if they can find the one blocking summons, since Gloaming Call should be really useful against these kinds of never ending numbers.


Your Land (Ruby’s Rest) is under attack by a zombie horde. Defend it, or leave it to it’s fate.

Good luck Player.

I tell Sapphire and she says “Damn, take Amber with you to Ruby’s Rest. We’ll push through to your other body here and I’ll take a group of the kids to Sue’s place. If Ruby’s Rest is under attack then she could be too, and they don’t have a lot of defenses.” I nod and give her a hug before Amber and I follow our arrows to Ruby. I hear Sapphire yelling something and see her take off into the woods with some of my granddaughters before I’m surrounded by trees again. Once Onyx and the kids that stayed make it through to the fighting by the dungeon, it turns into a fight where we just swap out people with ones who refreshed themselves in the dungeon. The Healers set up at the bottom of the stairs for anyone who needs healing before they head into the dungeon.

My little body finally wakes up and I’m a bit bigger than before, maybe the size of a toddler. I sit up in Snow’s lap and say “We need to wait at the gate, other camps are being attacked.” It comes out sounding really cute and I get scooped up and hugged by Citrine. “Okay mom and sis, you two head to the gate, I’ll organize all the daughters who stayed behind.” Snow takes me from Citrine who is handing me over… I can walk though. Probably.

Snow gets us up onto the gate and I don’t see any zombies attacking Opal’s Home yet. Citrine soon joins us and I see my grandbabies spreading out on the walls. I place down a few Angelic Sentries to help us when we get attacked and Citrine says “Now we just need to wait, we might not even get attacked here.” I nod in Snow’s arms and get squeezed harder, but of course it doesn’t hurt. Citrine then asks “Mom, can you marry me now since you’re up and we aren’t fighting?” Oh I forgot about that but answer by saying “Citrine my cute angel daughter, will you marry me.” She grabs me from Snow who looks a bit confused and says “Yes Opal, I’ll marry you.” I get the normal marriage screen and accept, getting yet another one.

Citrine laughs and tells Snow “We have marks that let us tell where our spouse is, so until we find someone to get married to, we are married to one of mom’s bodies. That way we can find her and she can find us.” Snow tilts her head, which is kind of cute and says “Oh okay, if I weren’t already married to Derrik I’d ask to join you all, I hope Dragon Roost is okay.” She looks a bit worried, and the name sounds familiar, but I can’t remember who that is. She says “Most people call him Pops, he’s in charge of Dragon Roost.” Oh she married Pops, I remember he seemed like a good guy so I say “Congratulations sweetie. I remember Pops seemed really strong so I’m sure he’s going to be okay.”

As Snow hugs me from the other side with Citrine, Amber and I get to Ruby’s Rest. The gate here is still up, but we see it getting attacked by another endless looking group of zombies. We go to a spot near the walls that’s clear and I toss Amber over the wall, following her with my own Angel Wings skill boosted jump after. We are spotted by Ruby who comes up to us and says “Oh Auntie and Gram, I can take you to Mom.” So it wasn’t Ruby after all, I’d probably be blushing if I had blood.

The real Ruby is behind the gate talking to a bunch more of herself, but the arrow is probably pointing to the one that seems in charge. She spots us and runs up to me, giving me a big kiss, so I guess I was right. She sticks her tongue into my mouth, so I return the favor and for some reason her teeth feel different so I pull back and get another look at her. She sighs and has -Blood Guard- Lvl 35 above her head. She looks like she’d be blushing normally, but I don’t see the red in her cheeks that’s normally there. I give her a concerned look and she speaks up saying “I decided to jump into the zombies earlier since I have Firm, but one of them managed to bite me… in the dick. So surprise, my race changed to something called Vampire.” It is pretty surprising, but I give her a hug and say “Well you still look beautiful wife.”

She squeezes me back and says “You’re the best Opal. Oh it also got me the rest of what I needed for my own Unique title by the way. It’s called (Blood Ruby) and it makes my blood skills better… and helps with getting people I’m related to pregnant.” Amber laughs when Ruby finishes the last part saying “Of course the pervert wife would get incest powers from getting bit in the dick.” I hear a lot of the elves that look like Ruby laughing too, but I’m not sure why.

It sounds like a really useful title.

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