Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 79

This chapter has an unfun scene. It doesn't have any lewds or Non-consensual stuff, but viewer discretion is still advised. The scene will be placed in spoilers, so if you want to skip it, the rest of the chapter should be fine.

As my pregnant body is chatting with Sapphire and Onyx back at the house, my dungeon body is watching Amber fight the goblins with Citrine.

My angel daughter flew to go take care of the shaman right away this time, since last time he somehow stopped her from flying. My wife is just cleaving the other goblins in half while dancing around the fight. Both of them carry such large weapons, and it looks so cool. It almost makes me want a big weapon, but I already have my fists, and I can’t lose those somewhere. Probably. Actually I have lost them a few times now that I think about it, but they grow back when another weapon wouldn’t. We’ve already had to get Amber a new ax a few times, since the stick part that holds the metal part keeps snapping when she hits hard stuff. Dumb weak trees, I hope we can find a better ax for her than the guard one soon.

They both seem to be enjoying themselves though, even if it is a pretty easy fight with the shaman gone. I squash a goblin who runs at me, and it seemed to be the last one. “Well you haven’t opened a chest in a while mom, so I think it’s your turn.” Citrine tells me and I see Amber nodding in agreement so I walk over to the chest that showed up as they collect the monster orbs on the ground. The goblin dungeon might be easy, but the boss room doesn’t have any goblins that drop a (Small) monster orb. So I don’t know how someone would upgrade it without access to another dungeon that does.

I open the chest and there’s a new potion we haven’t seen before.

(Bodily Illusion Potion)Consume to change or remove a specified body part for 1 day.

So I could walk around without an arm for a day? Maybe I can make my fist really huge so I can smash things easier. I kind of like this potion if I can do that, but I’ll have to save it for a big fight or something. I show it to the other two and they don’t really seem interested. Citrine says “Maybe I can use it to hide my wings for a day if I’m visiting a settlement that doesn’t like other races, but it’s uses are kind of limited.” I tell them my idea of giving myself a big fist and they both giggle. Amber says “You would think of that my adorable wife.” I take it as the compliment to my smarts I’m sure it is. Probably.

“Well we should probably just save it for a situation where it would be helpful, unless we find more of them of course.” Citrine says and I agree, telling them “I think Onyx is about to give birth and Sapphire is really close, so we should head back now if we want to be there for it.” Amber puts the orbs we got from this dungeon run into the chest and we leave. We have enough time, so we put the orbs from all our runs today into our orb chest and leave it in the building. Citrine gathers up all the potions into another chest for us to bring back to the house. We decided to let the new kids use our orbs if they need to buy new cloths or armor, and take the leftover chests if they want them. They don’t have a lot of stuff to call their own yet, but everyone wants chests to put stuff in.

As we are about to leave the building we see a big bed appear at the bottom of the stairs carried by 4 elves. They must have met Snag, so I say “Do you 4 want some help getting that stuff up the stairs?” while going down to help them. I know how hard it is to get this thing up the stairs quickly with only 4 people. “That would be great grandma, we were finally able to get him to cum by all stroking his giant cock at the same time. There’s no way we’d be able to do it normally.” I nod and another one of them speaks up saying “Poor Virginia passed out as soon as he poked her with it.” Amber and Citrine start helping out too, and we help them get the bed out of the building easily. They thank us and start taking their new bed home.

“It’s good they thought of a way to finish him off without getting impaled, when I saw them carrying the bed I was ready to use my healing skills on them.” Citrine says as we walk back to our house. Amber adds “It’s nice to see he treats the low tier girls good as well.” I nod and say “I feel a bit bad for him not being able to have sex with people normally like he can with me. If he can have fun with everyone by being stroked though, then I hope he’s happy enough with that.” I smile and think about how busy he’s going to be once my granddaughters tell the others how they can get a bed without getting ripped apart by a giant penis.

We get home a few minutes before Onyx pushes out her baby. We’re all surprised when she tells us she’s only having one this time, since elves usually come in at least 2 or 3. We make sure she’s comfortable in the main room, where there are already a few of her black haired daughters that decided they wanted to be here too. Since they look a lot like her, they also look a lot like me, so it’s good company. We end up putting Sapphire next to her too since she starts needing to push as well.

Onyx’s baby finally comes out and I check it’s race, thinking it might be different since there’s only one. -Incubus- Lvl 1 it says above the little baby boys head, and when Onyx sees him she sighs and says “That’s sad.” I see her eyes tear up so I go next to her and hug her asking “Why is that sad sweetie?” She just sniffles, but Citrine is the one who answers “Incubus are monsters, like orcs or lops, when they grow up they’ll kill any other males they see and try to rape any females.” Oh that is pretty sad then, so it’s like when we had orc babies in Liberation.

*Not fun content – Not lewd*




As Sapphire finally pushes out her last kid, this one with red hair, I finally need to start pushing with my other body. So I lay down next to her and I hope I don’t end up with a monster baby too. Amber holds one of my hands, having helped me lay down, and I start pushing.

Suddenly my vision goes white, and I get a familiar feeling, but I can’t recall what it is, until I can finally see again. I have a third body somehow. I look down at my new body with all 6 of my eyes and it’s an adorable baby body. “Wow that baby looks so much like you Opal… wait, why does it have a neck and stomach mark already?” Amber asks in confusion, so I say from my little baby mouth “Bllbbb fffggguuu” Okay well that didn’t work out well, I guess it’s still developing that part. So I say with one of my adult bodies “That’s because I’ve given birth to another me somehow. I can’t talk with it yet though.” I am able to stand clumsily though and kind of wave my arms at her.

Onyx scoops me up and grunts since the new me is still heavy, but she manages, since she’s gotten a few tiers already. “No fair I wanna carry baby mom!” I hear Citrine complain and Amber says “It’s a little strange, and we can talk about the implications later, but we don’t know how long she’ll stay like that so we need to take turns.” I nod with my baby head and I hear an “Awww” from Onyx and Citrine. Well it feels kind of nice being held, so I can see why my babies always crawl on me after being born. “I want a turn with tiny-mom too, I’ll go last though since I still need to feed my own babies.” Sapphire says while pulling out a breast. I ask “Oh yeah, Sapphire you don’t have Bountiful, so do you want some of my milk before it stops. Little me doesn’t need it. Probably.” She nods, so I take off my shirt and scoot over next to her, where she leans over, still holding her own baby to her breast, and latches onto my nipple.

I feel a tugging on my nipple, but none of the pleasure that normally comes when breastfeeding. Sapphire pulls back and sighs saying “Mom, you don’t have any milk.” That’s strange, I thought I made milk when I was pregnant. I think for a bit as I put my shirt back on, and remember that I didn’t have any milk when I had my frogmen babies either. Maybe it depends on what kind of baby I’m having? I tell the others my idea and Citrine says “Well maybe you only make milk if the baby needs to drink it, I know frogs don’t need milk, and you don’t need to eat or drink, so that’s probably it.”

Onyx tries to press my face to her own nipple but I say with the body sitting next to her. “You have Bountiful sweetie, even if I needed the milk, I would just pass out if I drank from you.” She puts her shirt back down and says “Well that’s no fun, I wanted to breastfeed mom.” Amber seems to get excited, but then frowns saying “Because of that orc, I have Bountiful too, that would have been so much fun.” She pouts and I see Citrine doing the same.

I sigh and say “Well we don’t know for certain that one body will make the others pass out from drinking it, so we might as well test it now.” They all cheer, even Sapphire, but I guess Amber and Citrine are still producing a little milk from when they gave birth last. I’m the only one who seems to stop so quickly. So I latch onto Onyx’s offered nipple, and hope the milk doesn’t make me pass out before I can get to everyone.

I’m sure they’d be disappointed.

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