Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 64

This chapter involves some darker themes involving addiction. Reader discretion is advised. Today will be a triple upload to finish off the volume, since there really isn't a good stopping spot until the end.

We make it out of the cave with Snow on my back. That’s what I named my only surviving hound daughter. “Okay hold on tight, we need to hurry, I’m worried about your sisters.” I feel her squeezing tighter and I start running in the direction of my wives arrows. I still can’t help but want some of the hounds addictive cum, but Snow assured me it will go away if I don’t have any for a while. I shiver a bit and try to shrug it off.

We make it to Liberation within an hour and it’s walls are now made up of the stones I saw in the dungeon. They are also wider and taller, so I run around to find the gate since I’m not sure I can jump it with Snow on my back. We find the gate and it’s now the sturdy looking boss doors from the Dungeon as well. I hear a yell from atop the wall next to it “Mom!” it sounds like Sapphire and the gate opens. As I’m walking in I let Snow down and catch my blue haired daughter’s flying hug. “Mom is alive, I’m so glad.” she says while crying into my shirt. I brush her hair with my fingers and ask “Where are Ruby and Amber? Are they in trouble? I got captured again and don’t know why they didn’t come for me.” I’m crying a little now too so Sapphire squeezes me tighter and says “They never came out of the Dungeon the night you disappeared.”

I start to panic, but remember that they are still alive in my Status. “They are still showing up as alive in my Status, so they must have been captured in the Dungeon. Why would they fight another (Rare) boss though after what I told them?” I say. Sapphire pulls back and says “I’m glad they’re alive, we weren’t sure. I don’t see how it could be anything but a (Rare) boss though. We need to figure out if we can get to them somehow.” I nod and ask “Is there anything else important… other than the announcement earlier?” She sighs and says “We need to attack the fort soon, it’s producing too many orcs and we’ve been getting attacked every other day. We’ve already taken the rest of the camps.” I check my Land menu since I didn’t notice any messages other than the Scenario one in my haze. Sure enough there are the camps, still unnamed. I didn’t designate anyone else to get them.

“We had an easy time taking them, but we can’t do anything with them yet so we just have people watch them in shifts to make sure other monsters don’t move in.” I sigh, I want to just use both of my bodies to run the dungeon in hopes of popping into their boss room. I only go in with one though, since I have to stay out here and help everyone take the fort. I then wave over Snow and say “Sapphire, this is your sister Snow, can you take care of her and show her the things she needs to know?” Sapphire hugs Snow and says “Leave it to me mom.” I made Snow a Guard on the way here, so she should be able to get cloths and a weapon with her sister’s help.

I want to break down and cry, but I can’t, I need to do things. I want some cum, but I need to take that fort instead. I go to the Quest Board and take the quest for it, while my other body is running through the dungeon. Jeff walks up to me and asks “So Sapphire told us you made it back, are you okay?” I shake my head and say “No, I’m not okay, but get everyone ready to attack the fort that’s going, I can take all their attention making it easier for the rest of you. Where is Jessica?” He sighs and gives me a hug, but quickly pulls back and says “I’ll get everyone, Jessica should be by the Pig Pen.” I hug him back and say “Thanks Jeff.” Then I head towards the pigs.

“Jessica.” I call my daughter and she turns around. When she sees me she runs up and hugs me saying “Mom! We didn’t know what happened to you. I told everyone you were still alive, otherwise the camp would probably switch ownership. We were still worried though. I’m so glad.” I squeeze her softly back and then focus on transferring ownership of the new camps to her. She had asked for them before, but I was gone and couldn’t give them to her until now. She freezes and then says “I can deal with those later, but thank you mom.”

I hug her for another minute, but feel myself starting to tear up again so I pull back and say “I’m going to be taking the fort now, and I’ll need everyone's help after to think of a way to get to your sisters in the Dungeon.” She asks “So they are still alive too?” I nod and see her smile so I answer “I’m married to Amber and Ruby and they still show up as alive in my Status. We just need to get them out.” She wiggles and says “I’ll do everything I can. I won’t be able to help with taking the fort, since my classes aren’t really useful in a fight.” I pat her head and assure her that it’s okay.

I see a bunch of people gathered at the gate and find Sapphire who tells me “We’re all set Mom. Some of the kids from Ruby’s Rest are going to come help defend Liberation while we’re gone.” I notice there are a lot more elves than I was expecting and realize many of them are males. I guess my daughters and granddaughters got busy making babies in the month I’ve been away. If there are similar numbers at Ruby’s place, then it shouldn’t be an issue defending the new camps after we take the fort. Probably.

It’s night by the time we see the fires inside the enemy fort. My daughters said it would be easier to take at night, and we won’t have to worry about them making hostages of their captured women. They let women sleep at night, we all remember that. Since it’s night I decide to use a skill I haven’t been able to use yet from my Seething Darkness class.

Gloaming Call:(350 Mana)

Summon shadows that attack enemies until end of combat. Only works at night or in Dungeons.

It’s really expensive so I hope the shadows are helpful. I tell everyone to wait, and to summon stuff if they have it. I hear a few people say they can summon things, so I go ahead and use my skill. I see an even darker shadow form on the ground in front of me. I see a hand made of shadow grab onto the grass next to the shadow, and pulling itself out of a hole, a shadow figure is revealed. It’s shaped like me, but it’s a pitch black shadow, and I see it’s form shifting slightly, It steps to the side and I see another figure climb out of the ‘hole’ shadow. This continues until 10 shadows have crawled out, and then the ‘hole’ disappears. “That’s pretty creepy mom.” Sapphire says and I look over and see a water woman standing next to her, it’s shaped like her too. I giggle a bit and then say “You probably don’t want to watch this part then.” and I cast Gloaming Call 10 more times. A bunch of shadows shaped like me start crawling out. They aren’t as beautiful as me so it’s okay for them to resemble me.

I look around and see a few others have summoned things, mine isn’t even the creepiest. One of the elves that looks just like Ruby, but without the giant penis, summoned 4 balls of tentacles made of blood that make gross sounds as they roll around. She must be one of the quadruplets from when Ruby got herself pregnant. I need to save her soon. I want hound cum. I sigh.

Once everyone signals that they are ready we send my shadows in first since they are hard to spot at night. We see them squish and shift under the gate, so I order everyone to charge. By the time we get to the gates they are already opened by one of the shadows and we hear orcs squealing in horror from around the fort. We have gotten into the fort without a fight, this shouldn’t take long.

I see a big orc running towards us with a big ax and I get ready to intercept it, but suddenly shadows with my shape jump out of it’s shadow and their forms seem to splash around him and then cover his whole body. Well… except for his mouth, he flails his arms as we hear a gnawing sound and then he’s squealing in horror loudly so we can’t hear the gnawing anymore. I walk up to him while he’s screaming and he falls over, his form still covered in my shadows, and starts convulsing. His screams stop and his mouth then gets covered by the shadows, I can hear chewing and scraping sounds coming from him for a solid minute, but then the shadows break up into 4 and shoot in different directions, leaving nothing behind of the orc but his ax. Odd. I thought only 3 shadows jumped on him. I’m probably just remembering wrong though. Probably.

I charge further into the fort and find a group of 5 orcs. From behind me those 3 rolling tentacles of blood shoot forward at the faces of three of the orcs. I engage with the other two and as I’m smashing the first one’s head I see the blood tentacle balls go into the orc’s mouths. I grab the second orc and slam it on the ground, stomping it’s skull while it’s prone. The three orcs are on the ground now grabbing their necks, but they can’t squeal. It should be fine to let the summons finish them off, so I take off to find more orcs to kill.

1 hour later

I’m letting the women captives out of their pillories now as the sounds of orc’s squealing in the night seems to have started lessening. It turns out that the shadows from my Gloaming Call skill can multiply, so they were killing orcs faster then me. So I came to let the women out since the shadows can’t do that, it’s not because they were better at fighting than me or anything, it’s not a contest. Maybe. I probably won’t use the skill much.

Once the squeals die down it’s finally quiet and I can think. I need a hound. I hear a chime and it’s Flatbox telling me the quest is complete and the fort is now mine. The women we released take the option of being taken to Ruby’s Rest and Liberation, since they don’t want to stay here if they have other options. I can understand that. They were captives here, some of the structures in Liberation still make me feel uneasy when I pass them. It’s one of the reasons Amber and I decided to move here instead. I miss her.

I’ve gone through the Dungeon a few times already, but it’s always the same regular boss orc in an arena. Sapphire has grown close to a lot of the kids from when we all got pregnant so she’s been staying at Ruby’s Rest most of the time. I’ll be guarding the new fort alone tonight since it doesn’t have anything for sleep yet and I don’t need to sleep. I almost ask Sapphire to stay with me and tell her she can lay her head on my lap to sleep, but I stop myself. She has other family and friends and it would be rude to ask her to sleep without a bed.

I check my levels from the dungeon today and the hound den.

(4)Angelic Mother Level 11,(3)Seething Darkness Level 43, (2)Protective Mother Level 9

I also have two new skills to check, one from Angelic Mother and one from Protective Mother.

(New)Winged Sentry: (500 Mana)

Summon a winged statue to guard a location and warn you of intruders.

(New)Mother’s Love: (40 Stamina)

Increase your Strength and Endurance until end of combat.

Winged Sentry should help me tonight guarding and Mother’s Love should be useful in a lot of situations. Luckily neither of them was useless, but I haven’t gotten any skills from my Breeder class in a while, so I shouldn’t be too surprised. I probably should tier it up though, since I’m going to need to be stronger if it ever lets me into the boss room with my daughters. I hope it does soon. I need a hound inside me. I focus on Seething Darkness and tier it up.


Options for your Tier 4 Class.

*Rare option available* Rare classes give more stats per level for their Tier due to the difficult requirements.

-Growing Night-(Rare)Vit/End/Wis +16, Int/Dex+8 Free Points +40

You have continued on the path of the Seething Darkness. This is a continuation of your current Class.

-Deviant Matriarch-(Rare)End/Int/Wis +16, Vit/Dex +8 Free Points +40

You are the mother of deviants. You get this option for birthing more than one (Rare) race, for having many sexual titles, and for owning more than one Land as a family.

-Familial Birther- Vit/End +16, Int/Wis +8 Free Points +32

You are a mother and a lover. You get this option for having children with your children on multiple occasions.

Growing Night continues my current class, but it’s skills don’t really seem to match my style of fighting. It is Rare though, so it’s a maybe. Deviant Matriarch gives me the stats I don’t get from Angelic Mother, and it talks about my kids twice. I miss them. It’s Rare too, so I’d probably pick it over Growing Night. The last option talks about my children, but it’s not rare, and I think it would give me more Breeder like skills anyways. I think about it and select Deviant Matriarch.


(Tier 3)Seething Darkness Level 43 is now

(Tier 4)Deviant Matriarch Level 1

Seething Darkness stats per level removed.

Deviant Matriarch level 1 skill unlocked

I check the new skill first hoping that it will be useful.

(New)Deviant Nature: (Passive)

Increase attractiveness and chance of (Rare) races being born.

I sigh. I always like the skills that make me more attractive, but it’s not exactly useful for any of my current problems. I have more than enough Credits to get a Dungeon set up here already, so I should see what other structures are available here. I should probably also name the place, so I open up the menu for Development while I try to think of a name.


Credits: 289,007

Available Structures: Max 1 per Level

(Dungeon)Can be farmed for resources and experience. Cost:100,000 Credits

(Quest Board)Allows Inhabitants to take local Quests. Cost:20,000 Credits

(Well)Inhabitants may spend Stamina here to produce water. Cost:2,000 Credits

*Orc Camp Exclusive*(Pig Pen)Inhabitants may spend Stamina here to produce pigs. Cost:20,000 Credits

Available Modifications: Max 1 per Level

(Magical Warding) Lowers the chance of Monsters attacking. Cost:50,000 Credits

I have enough Credits to get everything, but should I? I need a hound inside me. I shake my head, Snow said it will pass. I’ll just get everything. I first get the Modification since Ruby told me before that they effect the whole fort, so you don’t have to worry about where to place them. I miss her. This one should help me defend the fort by myself too. I pay for it and see the walls under me glow a bit and then return to normal. I then hop down and walk to one of the walls away from the structures, and Place the (Pig Pen). Should I try to get some Battle Boars so they can help me defend too? I’ll wait for now, I shouldn’t get attacked tonight since we just finished off the orcs.

I place the (Quest Board) next to the gate, since the Armory will go around here when I get one. I then walk to the center of town and place the (Well). I don’t need water but my kids will. What I need is hound cum filling me up. No, I need to focus on where to put this Dungeon. It doesn’t need water like we thought in Liberation, so I can put it somewhere better this time. I find a nice out of the way structure to put it inside. I figure, this way we can have a place to put all the stuff as soon as we get out that won’t get wet if it’s raining. So I pay for it and watch as the stairs grow downward like last time, only this time it’s inside a building.

I should go put down a few of those Winged Sentry things on the walls of the fort so I can know if anything attacks, getting past the warding modification. I put down two at the gate, they looks like they are made of stone and have wings like Citrine. I hope she’s okay. They have my body shape, and their faces look kind of like me, but I’m more beautiful. I also put down 4 more at other places on the wall, I wonder how long they last. Well, only way to find out is to use them.

With them guarding and the (Magical Warding) I might as well check out what’s in this dungeon. Will it be orcs too? I make my way to the structure that holds the dungeon and on the way there I remember I need to name the fort… I want it to be a home where I can be with my family and they can be safe. I decide to name it (Opal’s Home). I need to get stronger and get my kids back. So I get to the dungeon and enter it. It has the same kind of empty hall leading to the first door, lets see if it has orcs. I open the door and freeze in place. It’s two Hounds. I need them, I want their cum inside of me, it’s important.

I slam the door and run out of the dungeon breathing hard. I need to go back in and let them fuck me, their cum is important, it fills me up inside. I miss my kids. I go to touch the dungeon door to enter again, hesitating. As long as it wears off on my other body I can get levels with that body in the dungeon and get Free Points with the hounds here right? That’s right, I forgot to check my free points after the hounds.

Free Points: 3275

Wow, that is a lot, but if I had both of my bodies taking their wonderful cum inside me for a month, then it makes sense. Probably. I make the rest of my class skills permanent to distract myself. Why am I stalling, there are hounds right inside the dungeon, and they can get me even more free points. I should put the rest of these into my stats. I try focusing on putting 200 into every stat that isn’t Strength.


*Can only allocate a max of 300 stats per tier using Free Points*

It must mean total, since I was only trying to put 200 in each of the stats. So at tier 4 that’s… 1200 total? I’ve already put 598 into Strength because of Arhu. I shake my head and shiver. That means I can use 602 more. If I split that between the stats that aren’t Strength, that’s… 120? I could really use some cum inside me right now. I shiver again. Do I want it to be split evenly though? I should do 200 to Vitality, Endurance and Wisdom, to increase my Health, Stamina, and Mana. I put them in and suddenly feel a little stronger. I leave the two extra for now. Do I have anything else that I need to do? I lick my lips and reach for the door again, but hear something muffled and in the distance so I stop. I hear it again but it seems a bit closer. I turn from the dungeon slowly and shiver.

I open the door of the building and hear “Mom! Where are you!” I slap both of my cheeks and run towards Sapphires voice. My baby want’s me and that’s still more important than hound cum. I finally see her and my eyes start watering. She runs up to me and throws her arms around me asking “What’s wrong Mom?”

All I can say as my legs give out is “Help me.”

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