Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 54

We manage to get through the camp unnoticed, but when we get to the gate Daria, Amber’s kid, spots us. She must have taken over watching the gate this morning. She waves at us and yells “Mom, grandma! Good morning!” before jumping down and hugging us. She then sniffs and pulls back from her hugs “You two are really gross right now, are you headed to the stream?” she asks and then spots my belly, looking from it to Jeff and then getting a grin “Did you three have some fun?” She asks us so both of them blush, luckily I don’t have blood and simply respond “Yup, it was a lot of fun. You should try him sometime.” Daria laughs and hugs me again saying “Grandma you’re so silly sometimes, but I’ll think about it.” I wonder why I’m silly, but I won’t ask this time since I know those explanations can take a while, and we want to get clean.

Daria opens the gate for us and says “Wait for me at the stream, I just have to get someone to replace me here. I got all gross hugging you two, so I’ll be there right after.” I stop and say “Amber, Jeff, you two head there first. I need to wait for Daria so she doesn’t walk to the stream alone.” They both agree and head off while Daria says “Oh I forgot about that rule, thanks Grandma, you’re the best.” before dashing off towards the sleeping structure.

She gets back with a yawning Sara, who blinks when she sees how dirty I am. She pulls back from her aborted hug and tells me “I’ll get a hug from you when you get back from washing Grandma. Now I know why Daria needs to go to the stream.” I nod, but ask her why she isn’t at her mom’s fort. She responds “No comfy blankets there yet.” I should probably let them take one of my two blankets there right? “You can take one of the blankets there today, I know Ruby and the others will be more comfortable away from the group if they have it.” Sara almost hugs me again, but manages to stop herself. “Thanks Grandma, you’re the best.” she tells me, which I agree with by nodding.

After we get out of hearing distance from the gate Daria says “I’m surprised you’re willing to let go of one of those amazing blankets.” I shake my head and remind her “Remember, Richard and Cindy said they’d be willing to give us blankets when we visit.” She slaps her own forehead and says “I forgot, now I feel a little selfish wanting to keep both blankets here.” I don’t think that would be selfish, blankets are great. I’m glad we didn’t ruin any in the dungeon yesterday.

I ask her “What did you mean earlier when you said I was silly sometimes?” she stops for a second, but laughs and then we continue walking as she answers “Because Grandma, then it would be him having sex with me, my mom, and my grandma. That’s three generations.” I just put on a confused face, so she continues her explanation “That’s why you’re silly grandma you don’t even get why that’s a little weird. Well I might try, but I don’t think I could do it with you two watching.” Ah so it’s one of those embarrassing things I don’t understand. I nod and say “Thank you for explaining sweetie.” and pat her head. She giggles and then excitedly says “Oh! I got my third tier yesterday. I’ve been going into the dungeon a lot with Sara and my other friends. That’s why auntie Sapphire picked me to watch the gate.” I tell her “Oh that’s great! You’re becoming the best mage, just like you told me you would.” she nods and says “The ring you gave me has been helping a lot, since it scales with whatever my regular mana regeneration is. So even though I’m a mage I can be useful in the dungeon for longer before running out of mana.” I didn’t even think about that being a problem for people who don’t punch things, but I guess it would be.

“Do you want to do some Dungeoning with your grandma later today? I can run you through it really fast.” She gets sparkles in her eyes and says “That would be amazing. I’d love to go with Grandma.” she then looks down at my belly and asks “Are you going to be alright to go in the dungeon later though?” Oh right. I answer “Maybe, if I can’t do it today then we can do it tomorrow, how does that sound.” She hugs me, already smelly from hugging me before, and says “Sounds good.” I tell her “Oh your mom is pregnant too, it’s just not showing much yet, so you’re going to have some more siblings soon.” she wiggles in excitement saying “That’s so cool, our family is getting bigger. Makes me want to try out Jeff more now, that way I can have my own kids.” She laughs and I realize none of my grandkids have had kids yet, well, none of my elf kids at least. It’s hard to keep track of all my frog babies so I gave up.

We get to the stream and find Amber and Jeff having sex on the shore. I guess they got too excited being naked and clean again. Daria yells “Mom, at least go in the bushes.” she then sighs and takes her cloths off. We both go and start washing our cloths in the stream first, trying to ignore them while we do so.

4 hours later

I’m sitting in the stream behind Amber, helping her wash off again. We have both had a few more turns with Jeff. Daria was too shy to do it around us, but ended up getting too excited and dragged him into the woods. We heard a lot of moaning, but it seems to have stopped. Sure enough, Daria and Jeff come walking out of the woods holding hands, with Daria rubbing her belly with a smile. They sit in the stream across from us and she announces proudly “Jeff is my boyfriend now, so he can’t have sex with someone else, we decided to be exclusive. Also, I’m going to have babies now too.” she is smiling a lot so I’m happy for her “Congratulations sweetie, don’t worry, we won’t have sex with your exclusive boyfriend anymore.” I tell her and Jeff looks a little sad for a second before smiling again and saying “I love Daria, she’s the perfect woman, so I’m willing to just be with her.” Daria shakes her head and says “I didn’t mean Mom and Grandma, they don’t count, just don’t go into a dungeon with them for a full day again without bringing me along. I meant normal people, no sex with aunties, my sisters or my cousins without permission first, and don’t even ask about people not a part of the family.” Jeff has a shocked expression and asks “How is that exclusive then?” to which she answers “Well Mom and Grandma are exclusive, Mom explained it to me. We can’t date anyone else, and we have to ask to have sex with other people. I’m just saying I won’t ever say yes to someone not in the family.” Amber and I both nod since it makes sense, but by the look on his face he doesn’t seem to think so. He sighs and says “Okay honey… Opal, how is your stomach so big already? I just saw you.” I look down and sure enough, both of my body’s bellies are about the size right before I normally give birth. Daria gets big eyes and says “I wanna watch this time!”

We all decide to head back and when we get to the gate Sara waves at us and lets us in. “Sara, Jeff is my boyfriend now. You should have sex with him now so we can have babies at the same time.” Daria blurts out causing Sara and Jeff to stiffen so she continues, addressing Jeff “Jeff, I give you permission to have sex with Sara, she’s my best friend.” Jeff holds up a hand and says “Wait, we don’t even know if she wants to sleep with me, you can’t just push your friend into a situation like that.” but Sara says “Okay it sounds like fun, but you have to be there to hold my hand in case it’s scary Dar Dar.” Daria sighs and says “Don’t call me that in front of my boyfriend Sara, it’s embarrassing, and I accept your terms. Grandma, try not to give birth until we get back okay. I’ll try and make sure they’re quick.”

They are quick too, all three coming back to the gate we took over watching after about 20 minutes. They both are holding one of his hands now and Sara is rubbing her belly. When they get to us Sara says “We decided to share him since we are best friends, so he’s exclusive with both of us. We decided that Auntie Amber will have to ask permission to have sex with him again, since she’s not my mom, but Grandma can still borrow him without asking since she’s both of our Grandma.” Daria finishes for her, saying “Sorry Mom, but Sara is my best friend, so no free pass anymore. Grandma, don’t take him for too long without telling us where he’s going to be okay?” I nod and Amber sighs saying “Oh well, at least my baby is happy. I’ll ask next time I want to borrow him, this camp needs more men around.” Jeff just looks dazed, I think we might have had too much sex with him lately. I wonder if that’s unhealthy.

I feel like my body at Ruby’s Rest is about to give birth, so I tell Amber and the new trouple that it’s happening soon and have my other body find Ruby. It doesn’t take long and now both of my bodies are on their backs. Ruby and Amber hold my hands.

Opal at Ruby’s

“You know mom, you’re leaking milk.” Ruby mentions. Oh that’s right, I tell Ruby “Hey Ruby, drink some of my milk, it’s a surprise but you can’t tell anyone except Sapphire. Amber already knows.” she looks at me with a weird face and responds “I’m not really interested in that kind of thing Mom.” So I say “Trust me sweetie.” and she sighs, but places her soft mouth on my nipple and starts sucking. I moan in pleasure, it’s so much better when milk is getting sucked out. Ruby starts sucking harder, but then pulls back and gulps before saying “Why is it so delicious? Is that-” but she doesn’t finish since it looks like she got a screen and then she yells “For real?!” I nod and puff out my chest, proud. “Hurry up, it only works for a short time after I give birth.” She just shakes her head and goes back to sucking on my nipple.

Opal at Liberation

I ask Jeff to go get Sapphire since this body has started leaking milk too. It doesn’t take him long to return with her and Amber says “Could you three leave the room for a bit while we talk to Sapphire?” They agree and once they’re gone Amber tells Sapphire “Drink some of Mom’s milk, trust me.” she looks at me and raises an eyebrow, to which I nod and smile. She sighs and gets down next to me, placing her lips around my nipple and sucking, she keeps sucking until she gets the screen though. She looks up at my face, still latched on, shrugs, and then continues sucking out my milk. Amber laughs and goes to my other side, soon joining her sisters in gaining free points.

Opal at Ruby’s

The stimulation is too much for me and I let out another moan. I feel Ruby grab my other breast as she sucking, her eyes closed. This feels so good, I wish I could make milk all the time. I only barely register pushing out my new baby until I hear a cry and both Ruby and I look down, her mouth coming off of my nipple. Are those feathers? Ruby holds the new baby up for me and it has little white wings and above it’s head says -Angel- Lvl 1. Well that’s new, I was expecting it to say human since that’s what Jeff is. Ruby hands her to me and she almost looks like she’s shining, definitely a cute baby. Ruby watches with a smile as I start getting the new baby to breastfeed, and then joins her new sister in draining my milk.

Opal at Liberation

Sapphire pulls back from sucking on my breast and says “This is great Mom, it’s only been about half an hour and I’ve gotten 20 free points. We can’t let other people know though.” Amber pulls her mouth off my other nipple and licks her lips saying “Yeah, we know. It’s just for us three sisters for now, we should tell Ruby soon.” I sigh since they aren’t drinking my milk anymore, but inform them “Ruby is already busy with my other body so she knows. Now you two can continue after I have these babies, because Daria really wanted to watch this time and It’s starting.” They both hug me and then Sapphire goes to get the others. A few more of my curious granddaughters have joined them now, so the room is pretty full.

I start pushing out the first baby in this body and I manage to see Jeff collapse. Lucky for him his new girlfriends manage to catch him before he hurts himself falling. I guess we probably did have too much sex with him. I’ll try to remember to use moderation with weak people. Probably.

Strangely all of these babies come out as -Human- Lvl 1, so I’m even more confused by my new angel baby. I think about it as I’m breastfeeding the new babies for the first time, and maybe it has to do with the skills she inherited? I did just get my Angel Wings skill, I’ll ask her when she’s grown up which skill she inherited and check. Everyone besides Sapphire and Amber have left, and I see them both eyeing my breasts, but they’ll have to wait till their siblings are done. I realize I’ve had my first non-monster boys, and I hope they grow up as nice as their dad.

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