Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 47

As my other body is greeting the new family at the gate, I’m soaking in the hot water with Sue, Tina and some of our daughters. The women rescued from the goblin village are with us. They all got back to camp about half an hour ago. I went to the stream with them since Sapphire wanted to talk to me about the wedding, and we had Steph’s daughter help us heat up the little pool we made before. Seven of the rescued women are human and came from a camp that got attacked by orcs. They managed to escape, only to be caught by some goblins while wounded. The other four rescued women are all short with -Gnome- over their heads.

“So the gnome’s are a rare female offspring from Players and goblins, just like our elves from orcs.” Tina says after one of the short women explains the situation to her. I chime in with “Well you are all welcome here. We had to take this camp from orcs ourselves, so I’m sorry you had to deal with stupid monsters too.” They all seemed to relax a bit in the hot water, but are probably still dealing with a lot of unfun stuff inside like us. Two of the women are pregnant and probably going to give birth tonight. Sue has offered to deal with the goblins that are birthed for them, she knows it’s hard to kill your own babies even if it has to be done.

“Our moms were worried you wouldn’t accept us since we came from goblins, so knowing we’ll be welcomed is a relief. Mother and aunties will talk more once they can feel safe I’m sure of it.” One of the short women says, she has long pointy ears like the elves, only bigger. They are kind of cute, looking basically like short elves. They’re also very nice so far, speaking up for their traumatized mothers and making sure they get everything they need. Sapphire will talk to the gnomes about the orc war later, she thinks telling the humans about it right now wouldn’t be a good idea.

Sitting in hot water like this and chatting with other women is really relaxing, even if I wasn’t dirty beforehand. The family outside the gate has agreed to come to the ceremony, so I tell Sapphire who nods and says “It should be quite the occasion, Amber really should have waited for us like she promised. I wanted to see your expressions as you figured it all out with her, you’re always so adorable when you think hard Mom.” I try to decide if that’s a compliment or not, but end up not caring and splashing her with some water. We both laugh and the gnome woman speaks up again “So you are getting married soon? I think we’d like to go to that if it’s open for us, we haven’t gotten to see much of the world yet.” One of the human women actually says something too “I haven’t been to a wedding in forever even before all this horribleness. Barb, don’t you think it could be fun? Lets all go and see Opal get married.” she shakes the woman next to her who groans a bit but smiles and answers “I could go for a wedding. Yeah let’s do it.” Then the other women all slowly agree as well, they seem really close, I hope they can have a good hug pile later.

A couple hours later

It’s just before sunset and the clouds on the horizon are starting to turn orange, just like Amber’s hair. We are both standing in front of the crowd on a (Guard Post) that she bought as a surprise for the ceremony. So now we’re elevated and everyone is excitedly talking, waiting for us to start. I go through in my head again what Sapphire told me to do. First we wait until the sun is setting, talk about what I think about Amber, and after she talks about me she’ll ask me to marry her and I’ll accept. I don’t want to forget a part since there are so many people here and that would be embarrassing, even without blood.

I glance over at my wife and she seems just as nervous as me, she’s much more composed when we are alone together. Mostly. I look out over the crowd and see some of my frogmen babies. Chair is here again with some of my other daughters, but Chief and Guard couldn’t make it since Guard was spawning soon. Apparently they became a pair a week after I left, Chair said they had a lot of his sisters gossiping since Guard had to beat him up first. He quoted Chief as saying “I will only mate with a woman stronger than me, so Mom is the only option.” Well I’m glad they could get together and make me more grandbabies.

I also spot some of my elf daughters talking to, or at my frogmen daughters. They can’t understand their croaking responses but still are having fun telling them about the stuff that’s happened recently. It’s more like the two groups are talking among themselves, but near each other. It’s interesting to watch. I see Ruby actually next to Tasha, they seem to be getting along again, but I can tell it’s awkward for my baby. Sapphire and Jessica are chatting with the new family from the cave quest. They seem like nice people, especially Stan, he’s telling them all about how to grow some type of medical plant.

The youngest one Jeff, keeps looking up at us and then looking away when I wave. We do look amazing in our white dresses though, so I’d also be embarrassed by the cloths he’s wearing. Luckily Sue got the battle boars to patrol outside the walls during the event, so I don’t have to smell them. I can still smell them as they pass the gate with my other body though, so I just close my nose and mouth when they pass, since I don’t have to breathe.

The rescued group of women are all standing together near the stage and the gnomes are having a conversation with a few of my granddaughters. Daria is telling them about how she was just frying a big lizard with her lightning, and how being a mage is fun. I wonder if there’s a magic for moving me above enemies, so I can drop on them. I think it would be pretty effective, so I’ll have to remember to ask Daria about it later. Sara is just crossing her arms near Ruby and glaring at Tasha.

It seems pretty lively and I like the feeling that everyone being here gives me. Probably vanity again.

Amber takes my hand and yells out “Thank you all for coming, we’ve already married with the system, but we’re here now to affirm ourselves in front of our family and friends.” Everyone quiets down and we turn towards each other, gripping both hands. I look at her beautiful eyes and her wonderful smile and start talking.

“Amber is beautiful and kind. She hugs me when I’m hurting inside, and sits with me when I’m just thinking. Her voice makes me happy when she talks and soothes me when she hums.” I picture her swinging her big ax and continue “She has hair that reminds me of the setting sun, and she’s smarter than me sometimes. We’ve fought together and I hope we can continue to slaughter our enemies side by side, now as wife and wife.” I then think a bit “I’m pretty sure we are both the wife now at least, I might have forgotten that part of what she told me.” I finish and I hear Amber laugh.

She looks at me with a big smile and then starts talking about me “Opal is the strongest person I know, not her levels or stats, but her heart. I’m pretty sure I could beat her up if she weren’t so damned thick skinned and heavy, but it’s going to be hard to catch up with her heart. She accepts anyone no matter what they look like, or who they are. If they don’t hurt her or those she cares about, she’ll make friends with them. Look, we even have frogmen here with us today and she treats them just like any of her other kids. I hope I can grow to be more like her, and I would gladly join her on any battlefield.” she pauses and then asks “Opal, will you marry me?”

I can’t help myself from wiggling a little and answer “Yes Amber, my wife. I love you.”

Amber grabs the back of my head and pulls me into a strong kiss. I don’t remember this part in the coaching, but it feels nice so I wiggle my tongue into her mouth a bit. She pulls back and smacks the top of my head. I hear her and a few others in the crowd laugh and then a familiar chime. Must be something else to do with getting married.


New Quest!


A band of orcs from Big Dick have come to try and penetrate your defenses.

Defend Liberation

Rewards: 2 Levels, 300 Credits, Land Experience

I see the message and hear the sound of a loud horn coming from the forest in front of the gate. I get really excited, I was grounded today so I didn’t think I’d be able to do any fighting with my new wife. I kiss her on the lips again and look into her sparkling eyes. Pulling my lips from hers I say “Lets kill some orcs!” to which she grins and says “Take off your dress first, you are not going to ruin it.” I nod and quickly pull my dress off, revealing my awesome lingerie. Amber does the same and she looks spectacular. “I’m going to get my ax, don’t kill all of them before I get there.” she says and then runs off towards the sleeping structure where she put it last.

I just rush past the crowd towards my body on the gate, which can already see orcs coming out of the forest. My frogmen kids run with me, but my elf daughters and the other in the crowd scatter to go find their weapons.

-POV Tina-

Well my hopes that Amber would rein in Opal’s weirdness have been shattered. Who just strips and runs off to fight half naked? I knew they were hiding something from me, Opal must have found that underwear in the Dungeon. Sneaky. I’m not really concerned about the defense quest, it will be nice to get the levels and Credits though. My daughters giggled at the accidental innuendo in the quest message, but I swatted their butts as punishment. Can’t have them turning into deviants.

I don’t have a weapon, but one of my daughters took Archer for her second class, so we go as a family to pick it up with her. We use some of our mud magic to stick arrows to our backs so she can have extra ammunition for the fight, and then take off towards the gate. I form a set of stairs and then a platform on this side of the wall that our archers and mages can use without going outside the walls. I get help from my daughters and we get something stable set up in a couple minutes.

By the time we get up on the platform Opal and her frogmen kids are already engaging with orcs. I can see the one name Chair doing almost as well as the two Opal’s. I heard he offered to have sex with people who were interested. I might take him up on that, I wonder if he’d be willing to pull out. I haven’t decided if I’m okay having frog babies yet, so that’s the only reason I didn’t approach him earlier. He has some amazing muscles.

Getting back to the fight, we’ve been joined now by the archers and other mages and we’re peppering the orcs as they leave the forest, I see Sue, Tasha, and Opal’s daughters jumping down to fight the pigs in melee. The Battle Boars aren’t fighting, instead they’re at the other walls making sure the orcs don’t get smart and attack from another side. It’s easy to get them to do what we want now since a few of the elves and Sue, took tamer as their second class. I think Sue said she replaced a thief class for it.

The only exciting part of the battle seems to be Chair, no one else has such sexy muscles, but what can I expect from a camp full of women and pudgy orcs as enemies. Sure some of them have a nice jawline and pecs but their fat bellies are a huge turnoff.

I notice the new kid and his uncle jump down too, but they obviously don’t hit the gym in their spare time. Not having gyms nearby in our monster infested world is no excuse for a man, so I look away from them. I use my skill to shoot a jagged rock into the disgusting stomach of another orc as I fantasize about being surrounded by buff frogmen, all flexing their sweaty muscles.

Well you only live once, I’m going to take the frogman up on his offer after the fight.

-POV End-

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