Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 25

I talk to Sapphire about a few things like what she can expect to happen now that she’s locked in a pillory, and what she chose as her first starting class. She says her first class is Healer because she wants to fight with me, which is extra cute, but I don’t have any advice to give her on it since I’ve never taken it. We ask the other women in the room if they have the healer class, but only a couple elves took it for their starting class, and since they are all still level 1 they can’t really help her. Unfortunate.

Before everyone tries to sleep I remember to ask them about how much my Radiant skill increased the health regeneration.

“I watched my health and counted, and it seemed to be about 3 times as fast with both of them up.” One of the women told me, followed by another saying. “I got about the same as Sue.” So if I do some math in my head… each one probably increases natural healing by 1 time. Too bad I’m not affected by Radiant, that would be really useful during long fights. Oh well.

“Thank you for letting me know.” I tell them, and resist the urge to wiggle my butt at them.

“Good night everyone.” I say, which is followed by a “Good night Mom.” from Sapphire, she’s just so cute sometimes. Is it bad as a mother to say she’s my favorite baby so far? Probably.

Hours later

It starts to get bright outside again and I didn’t manage to get to sleep at all, not like I need to, but I was just to excited watching over my baby sleeping. The drool coming out of her mouth is cute too somehow, I’m probably just biased somehow. I hope she doesn’t have too much of a hard time on her first day, so I’ll be extra loud and wiggly today, hoping to offset her popularity as the new breeding slave. The bucket orcs come in and start splashing everyone again, skipping Sapphire since she’s still clean having not done anything yesterday.

“Good morning sweetie, how did you sleep?” I ask her.

“Ssgood slleep.” she tells me with a sleepy lisp, her cute drool getting sucked back into her mouth as she looks around. I see her try to rub her face with her hands, only to remember they are stuck in the pillory. Her eyes gain focus and she looks over at me, cheerfully greeting me “Good morning Mommy.” So I smile back at her and say. “The orcs will be coming in as soon as the ones with the buckets leave, so be ready, and like I suggested yesterday, since you got Firm just try to stay loose and it will hurt less. Mommy will be here all day for you okay?”

She gives me a serious nod and replies “Got it, love you Mom.”

My eyes go wide and I smile at her “Love you too sweetie.” I think she’s the first of my children to say they love me, probably. It makes me so happy I can’t help but wiggle a lot, which catches the attention of the orcs who are just now entering the structure. I don’t mind though, I can take it, and Sapphire is definitely the favorite child now, sorry Chair.

A few hours later

Sapphire wasn’t very good at the being quiet and loosening up advice I gave her, so she’s been almost as popular with the ugly orcs as I am today. Partway through they even started making her give them blowjobs as well, forcing their gross penises into my cute baby’s mouth. She didn’t really fight them on it, probably since she saw me doing it. I’m a bad example to my daughter, but I suppose once she gets the title after today’s assault it will be another source of experience for her. Probably.

I notice some of the orcs grabbing her long ears as they mate with her mouth, but she doesn’t look like she likes it at all, trying to shake them off and whining. I’ll try to remember the orcs that are extra mean to her, but I can hardly tell them apart with their piggy faces. I’ve seen so many of them now that they kind of just blur together in my mind, except for the big penis one of course. It’s hard not to notice the difference between him and the rest. He assaulted my pussy with his stupid club about an hour ago. Rude.

The rough assault of my daughter and myself goes on for hours more before the light from outside starts to finally darken. Sapphire could have been better at not having a reaction if the orcs hadn’t noticed about an hour ago that she really really did not like them touching her ears. Poor baby. Of course they used that a lot, her muffled screams and struggles only making the orcs around her more vigorous. Luckily the last of the orcs have left now and we are waiting for the crate orc to finish, he cleans out Sapphire with his tongue today. Strange.

Once he’s gone I check on my baby. “Hey sweetie, how are you doing?” she looks exhausted, I still remember how hard my first day was so I understand.

“I’m... going to be okay Mom.” she tells me with a couple ragged breaths. “I got the title you told me about last night and have it equipped now.” I look above her and sure enough it says -Human- now. That means she’ll be growing strong alongside me from now on. No, I don’t think the orcs will do anything about an obvious elf having a title of human above their head. They aren’t very smart, and they are pretty distracted while in here with us, I even got 3 more orcs trying to get handjobs over the past day. There was more talk of splinters and a lot of piggy laughter.

“Good job sweetie, just keep hanging in there and we’ll be out of here in no time at all. Love you sweetie.”

“Love you too Mom.” she manages to say and smile at me. I smile back.

About 3 months later


Dark Maiden (Level up)

I don’t know how long it’s been now, it’s just getting plowed day in and day out, eating gross food and swallowing semen. I get taken to the room to give birth about once a week now, and this next one should finish up that quest I got shortly after getting here.


The quest tracker says now, and I’ll be taken to the birthing structure again tomorrow morning most likely. I’m completely surrounded by my own children now and the children of the other women. There are so many of us in here now that a few weeks ago they had to make the structure larger to fit all of the new pillories. None of my other children have inherited Dark Identity yet, so they are safely staying at level 1, not equipping the double edged slave title. Unfortunately, Tasha’s friend she came in with got impatient and frustrated, equipping the title one day about a month ago probably. She died, it didn’t sound nice, I’m glad we can’t see behind us. Tasha cried a lot that night.

It turns out that elves are really rare to come out of a birthing, I only have 21 daughters in the room after almost twice as many birthings. The other women in the room have much less, since they seem to only have 3 - 6 babies each time. Also because of my Mother Opal title and Resilient Womb skill both making it where I seem to get pregnant faster and more often. It’s not an elf baby competition though, probably. I still have the most though.

There’s Ruby, she’s my second favorite after Sapphire, she managed to get Firm and Bloody Cuts from me. Her hair is very red, she’s just as nice to me, and her butt is in front of me all day. She got the pillory on the row right in front of me. Next to her is my third favorite Amber, she also got Firm, but got my Crazed skill too. Her hair is a dark orange color, and she is the loudest of all my daughters here. Those 3 are the only daughters who managed to inherit both Firm and a second skill, a few of my poor daughters didn’t get a single one. They are also my only three daughters with such exotic hair colors, the rest mostly having black or dark brown hair. All of them are pale like Sapphire, except for Ruby who is just as white as I am. If she was born earlier and I didn’t have to stare at orc butts mating with her all day, she’d probably be my favorite.

I don’t tell my daughters my preferences though, that would be a horrible thing to do as their mother. Probably.

It’s much more lively in here at night before we go to sleep, everyone seems much happier than when I first got here. Sure it’s still a horrible situation, but we are all in it together now, one big family. Sapphire has even managed to reach tier 2 in her healing class and unlocked her 2nd class as well. She really liked the idea of her second class being Mage, so that’s what she took. Something about hoping it would help get her more mana for her healing spells. Oh which reminds me of another reason everyone seems in a better mood these days, Sapphire’s second tier gave her a cleaning spell that she can cast on all of us… and it gets everything. I feel so clean, she always uses it on me first, such a nice girl.

Sapphire, Ruby, and Amber are all old enough now to have had a few pregnancies themselves, I even have a few grandbaby elves in pillories up in the front row. My daughters with Firm and I try to be extra loud and energetic while the orcs are here since we are tough and can take it. We haven’t had any deaths other than Tasha’s friend since I got here. It’s a group effort, but we are all surviving here.

One last big thing of note. The orc with the big penis apparently died and was replaced as war chief by one of my sons. I only know about it because he celebrated the occasion by coming the night of, after all the other orcs had already left and assaulted both Sapphire and me multiple times while bragging about it. I’m pretty sure the children in my belly right now are his, since I had been checking my sex status when he came in and it had said Healthy. After he left it said Pregnant (13), which is the biggest pregnancy I’ve had since coming here. I am not looking forward to tomorrow, even with the quest finishing it will surely be very painful.

I managed to get to 25 like planned with 3 hours to spare.


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