Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 221

“You know Opal, most people dodge the acid spit.”

I look up the stairs leading to the dungeon and spot Jim up there with a few others. Right, I’m not dressed right now since the rare boss destroyed the clothes he gave me yesterday. “Is that your son? He looks strong.” Jim says. I smile and wiggle, proud that other people have praised him. He’s still squishy, but it would be rude to tell him that after getting a compliment. I say “Yes, this is my son Garnet. I’ve been teaching him how the dungeons work and getting him levels.” He laughs and points to a woman standing next to him before saying “What a coincidence, my daughter’s party is looking for another person. Why don’t we let the kids play in the dungeon a bit and I’ll help you find new clothes.”

Looking at my sons face, he seems to be staring at Jim’s daughter. She does have beautiful white scales, so I reply “Sure. Garnet, remember to leave if you run into the rare boss, and don’t go past the 10th floor until you’ve reached 3rd tier.” He smiles and responds “I know mom, I’ll be careful.” I also remind him of a few more things, including not to wear any items until I can take a look at them. I’m sure he’ll get the hang of what might be dangerous with enough experience, but until then it’s better if I help. It seems like the rest of the party he’s joining will be women as well, so I hope he can make a good impression. He looks over his shoulder just before entering with them, and I show him a thumb up.

After that, I follow Jim to his home again. “Your daughter is very pretty, your mate must have been beautiful while she was still alive.” I tell him and he coughs a bit before replying “Yes of course. I was planning on going into the dungeon with her if she didn’t find another person, but I think it’s important for kids to make friends.” I nod since that makes sense. Maybe Garnet will be able to get a girlfriend or wife if he makes enough friends. He is a cute boy after all.

Once we’re inside his house he slaps my butt right where his brand still sits. He says “I’m surprised you don’t have a belly today. I was almost certain I would have gotten you pregnant yesterday.” I wiggle from the slap. He’s right though, I really should be showing by now. I’m pretty sure it has to with my new race. Before I can respond, Jim adds with a needy tone “Well, we can always try a few more times while our kids are in the dungeon.” I nod, happy to get the number even higher with him today. I can always pick out clothes after a little bit of fun. I show him my pierced tongue and he grins before saying “We’re trying that out first then.”

About 10 hours later

I fall onto my side after another orgasm. I can’t just fall forward since my belly would get in the way. It finally started showing about 4 hours in, so I relaxed a lot after that. I don’t have to worry about something being wrong anymore. This body really is great for sex now. Looking over at the window I see that it should be getting dark soon. I feel a slap on my ass and Jim orders “Get up slave and get some clothes. My mate will be home soon, and I still have to clean up the mess we made.” I’m not sure why he’s mixing the plays now, but looking at his panting, sweaty form, he’s probably just exhausted. I don’t think any of the mess is from me though. Well maybe 1 or two wet spots from when he really did a good job.

I take one last look at his glistening chest and abs before rolling off the bed. While I’m getting dressed he hurriedly takes the sheets off his bed and replaces them. Watching him makes me realize just how seriously he takes his pretend play. Well, the sex is really good and he’s handsome, so it’s okay for him to be a little weird about something. Before leaving I ask if we’re meeting at the arena again later tonight. He stops cleaning to give me a kiss and replies “Of course babe. Wait an extra hour before going tonight. My wife plans on getting pregnant tonight when she gets home.” He’s so dedicated to the play, it must make him feel really good. After that much active sex, it’s not surprising that he’ll want more time to rest. I nod and quickly leave after that. I wonder if Garnet is still doing the dungeon or if he’s back at Jett’s place?

I decide to check the house first, since if he’s still doing dungeon runs, I might have to wait a while for him to exit. When I get close, I see a woman leaving the house. I’m pretty sure it’s Jim’s daughter. She blushes after seeing me, and runs off. I smile and open the door, walking inside. I hear my son yell from the room “Did you forget something Glory?” He pokes his head around the corner and gets a big grin when he sees me “Mom! Guess what I just did.” I walk up to him and give him a hug, before guessing “Did you just have sex?” He shakes his head and replies “No, she said she’s saving her first time for someone special. Blowjobs are better than I expected though, and it’s all thanks to you mom.” I’m a bit curious how I could have helped with that, but I wiggle anyways and ask.

Apparently, the women in his party didn’t like him at first because of his brown scales. “But I was able to get them all to like me after showing off my ability and knowledge. If you hadn’t taught me so much and let me eat those seeds, I probably wouldn’t have been able to do it.” He finishes, letting go of our hug. He really shouldn’t be that much better than other Players at his tier, but I’m happy to be helpful. I’m proud of my son for being able to convince such a pretty girl. I ask “So did you have sex with all three of them?” He shakes his head and answers with an excited look “No mom, they fought over me, but I ended up picking Glory since she was the strongest and prettiest. She wants to be my mate, but I want more experience before I decide.”

That’s probably smart of him. Most of the bad things that happened to me were because I rushed into something I shouldn’t have. He looks at me rubbing my belly and asks “Oh, am I going to have more siblings soon?” I wiggle and nod, answering “Yeah, let mommy check how many real quick.” I should probably go through all the screens I ignored while having sex with Jim too.


I guess I don’t get a skill every time it congratulates me. It’s a little disappointing. I was planning on getting a lot of free skills by finding married men who were allowed to have sex. Well I got a lot of babies out of it and some fun. I almost forgot about the skill I got last time, doubling the litter size is really good. It too bad that it doesn’t double the whole thing every time, and just doubles each new addition. I wonder how high it would be if that’s how Cheater’s Virility worked? It would probably take a lot of that math stuff Cindy keeps telling me is important. I take one last look at my sex status and tell my son “You’ll have 132 new brothers and sisters once mommy gives birth… I hope Citrine can get here before then.” Having all those kids here would make it difficult to take them back to Opal’s Home and the other places.

I guess they do have wings, so she wouldn’t have to carry them all, but we’d have to wait for them to get to second tier. I think that’s when Citrine said she could start flying by herself. It has been a long time though, so I might be remembering wrong. “That’s so many. Mom, you’re amazing!” Garnet says and I nod. It’s nice to hear. He adds “I wish I was strong enough to get mom pregnant since she’s the strongest and most beautiful.” I freeze in place, not sure if I heard what he said right. I try to clarify with him, asking “What did you just say, could you repeat it?” He blushes, which is really cute, and he hangs his head responding “I know I’m not strong enough yet mom, but hopefully I’ll get there some day.” My mind spins with happiness, but my new feelings with this body stop me from acting on it right away.

Is it okay to do it while he’s thinking about whether he should take that other woman as a mate? If he gets me pregnant will he stop wanting to get stronger since he already achieved his goal? I bite my lip, unsure what to do. I don’t want to miss my chance, but I love my son and don’t want it to hurt him later. I need to think about it and talk to my smart daughters first… I sigh and tell him “I’ll be waiting for you to get big and strong son.” Suddenly I’m frustrated again, since I really want to have babies with a Player son. Instead I ask him to tell me about his day in the dungeon. Luckily this frustration doesn’t spread to my other bodies. I think if one of them was here instead, I’d be having sex right now.

A few hours later

I tuck my son into the sheets and give him a kiss on the forehead. “Sleep well sweetie.” I tell him before leaving the room. I’m frustrated and want to have a lot of sex, so I make my way towards the Arena. Hopefully it’s been long enough. I remember Jim pretending that he had to be later tonight because of his wife… mate. If he takes too long, I might just run the worm dungeon until the Rare boss shows up again.

Unfortunately, Jim isn’t at the Arena when I get there. There’s another man though, so I talk with him a bit while waiting. He seems nice enough, and I enjoy the conversation. Finally he says “Well it was nice meeting you Opal, but I should be heading home for bed.” Jim still hasn’t shown-up, so I ask him “Do you have a mate?” He seems surprised, but responds “Why do you ask?” I clarify with a sigh “I really want to have sex, but I won’t do it with anyone who’s cheating.” He grins and says “Come to my place then and we can continue our conversation.” He says conversation weird, but I think it’s because he’s inviting me to have sex. I happily nod and start following him. Jim is just going to have to miss out tonight. He probably ended up falling asleep from exhaustion.

The next morning

I step out of the man’s house feeling refreshed. He wasn’t as good at sex as Jim, but he could cum a lot. I look at the beautiful sunrise for a few minutes while rubbing my belly. I managed to make it over 200, so I’m proud of myself… I don’t think I asked the man’s name. That was a bit rude of me, but he’s sleeping now, so I can just ask if I meet him again. I need to hurry back to Jett’s since Citrine told me she’d be here soon. I’ll check my screens so they don’t get in the way if something important happens.


I’m pretty surprised and stop walking. I wonder if there’s something dangerous that’s killing women here. I should warn Garnet in case he decides to take Glory as his mate. I wouldn’t want my son getting sad when she dies. Maybe I need to be paying more attention to the zombies. It’s possible they did find a way to get up here and are just sneaking off with people’s mates. I remember what women are used for by the corrupter zombies, and frown. I’ll tell Citrine to keep an eye out, since she’ll be in charge of watching the place after taking me back to Opal’s Home. Right, the skill.

(New)Hidden Embrace: (Passive)

Pregnancies from a spouse that isn’t your own no longer increase stomach size.

I look down at my belly which is still big. It must not work with this one since I was already big. I guess it will help doing stuff when I happen to get pregnant from someone who’s married in the future. I’ll be doing that a lot with this body, since it can get me free stuff now. This man also wanted to do some slave play, so I think it’s pretty common for their race. His brand is a cool black circle on my tongue. I’m excited to see it when I have a mirror to check.

Luckily my son is still sleeping when I get into the room, so I quickly stick out my tongue in front of the mirror… There’s nothing there, just the tongue stud. That’s weird, I was sure he told me that’s where it was. I guess I’ll have to get naked and search. I find it pretty quickly, and realize why I couldn’t see it. It’s on the underside of my pregnant belly, just out of sight above my lonely hair patch. I sigh. I probably won’t be having sex with him again since he lied to me. The brand isn’t cute at all and is just the words “Property of Farns” with an arrow pointed down. I’ll have to remove it before surprising Amber later.

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