Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 209

-POV Citrine-

As Jett’s daughter tells him what I just explained to her about the zombie, I make my other body slow down and ask mom “How do you deal with people liking you that you don’t want to like you?” She responds cheerily “I don’t know anyone like that. Isn’t it better to be liked?” I sigh. Right, I should remember who I’m asking. I adjust my question “I meant romantically. What if someone liked you as much as Amber, but you didn’t share that feeling for them?” I know there’s no way my brother’s feelings are actually that deep, but it should be something mom can understand. I should probably ask someone with more experience, but I only have two bodies, and I want to talk to someone about it.

Opal seems to think for a bit before answering “Would it be rude to just tell them you don’t like them that much?” I can’t help but giggle at her answer. Mom is always so honest, but I feel a little bad for any pursuers that might get that blunt answer. She adds “Probably.” and then continues by saying “I guess it would depend on who it was then, but it’s still important to be honest about relationship stuff like that. Just the other day one of Marble’s friends asked me to marry him at an orgy, and I told him I wasn’t interested. Maybe I should have said it differently. He did seem sad.” Ah, that must have been why Hugo was crying. Poor kid is really handsome and has probably never been rejected before.

Mom adds “Maybe bring a present? I gave him a blowjob but it didn’t seem to help.” I sigh. I’ll have to figure it out myself this time, but at least she helped me realize Jett has probably also never dealt with rejection. He’s the leader of his village and obviously respected by everyone. It doesn’t help that he got a lot of his good looks from mom. If everyone around me wasn’t so gorgeous, I’d probably have a harder time saying no to his advances myself. Looking over at his bare chest, then down to his obvious manhood, I cough to get his attention and say “Can you at least get some pants on?”

He responds with a cheeky smirk, asking “How about a trade. I’ll put pants on if you take your shorts off.” I glare at him and his daughter hits him on the shoulder before whispering something in his ear. “Alright, fine. Let me go find a pair and we can talk about the undead once you’re no longer distracted by my magnificence.” I just roll my eyes and wait for him to enter his room before motioning my niece over. Once she’s close I whisper “I know he’s interested in me now, but you aren’t helping. I don’t like your father like that.” She looks surprised and asks “Why not?” There are way to many reasons to explain to her before he gets back so I just reply “Does it matter?”

She shakes her head and then sighs saying “I suppose it doesn’t.” She then smiles and tells me “When my sisters want to choose a different mate, they let dad get them pregnant as a consolation. He’s very sensitive and that usually makes him feel better.” I stare at her and respond “Yeah, that’s not going to happen.” She just shrugs. It does help me feel less bad about turning him down. I have plenty of time to figure something out, since even if the new zombies can’t get up to the village, I’ll be here a few days to make sure. No need to rush a response since he hasn’t even admitted it yet.

He comes back with tight pants on, his bulge extremely visible underneath. It’s obvious he got pants from someone smaller than him just so he can show off. Uniforms from the armory are very good at hiding such things. Even when Snag was a goblin you couldn’t tell he was hiding a monster in his pants. I resist the urge to slap my brother for being annoying, and instead go into more detail about why I’m here. He scratches his hairless chin. Is that just something men do even if they don’t have a beard?

“Well I won’t say no to a visit from my sister. You can sleep in my bed when you get tired.” He says and I respond “I don’t have to sleep.” I’m pretty proud of it, since my sisters still have to sleep and can’t stay up all night with mom every day. He frowns at my statement, but my niece says “Really? That’s so cool. It must be nice not having to deal with the nightmares.” It throws me off guard and I quickly ask “Do you have nightmares a lot?” She nods and responds “All the time. It’s really annoying, and even sleeping with dad doesn’t help.” I’ve had a friend before that had to deal with a lot of nightmares, and they usually aren’t as happy as my niece Amber. Jett add “A few of her sisters have the same issue. If I fuck them until they pass out from pleasure, then they don’t dream. We haven’t found anything else that helps.”

He seems even more upset by that than me not sleeping with him. Which is a good sign at least. He obviously cares for his children. I wonder about the cause of them having so many nightmares, but I’m not a psychologist. With it happening with more of his daughters though, maybe it’s magical or a curse of some kind. I ask “Do the ones who get nightmares share any skills or did you happen to put the same mark on them?” He shakes his head and says “Those were some of the first things we checked. The only skill that even comes close is Firm, since they inherited it from me. Even then, not all of them with nightmares have it.”

I tell him “It definitely wouldn’t be Firm. You got that from mom and there are probably tens or hundreds of thousands of people with it now who don’t have nightmares all the time.” They both look surprised and Jett asks “She’s had that many children? How?” Right, they don’t really know Opal and haven’t visited our cities yet. I answer “She has, but not everyone gets the skill. I was counting the rest of the family too. Mom isn’t the only one having kids.” We haven’t really done a tally, so it’s hard to say just how many people have that skill. It seems to be like a racial innate skill for the family, since Players can get it even after they’re born.

In my last life we called them racial, since the different races sometimes had them. Strangely, Firm seems to show up later in life no matter which race the family member has. Mom told me she didn’t start with a race, so maybe it’s a glitch or something with the System. Putting that terrifying thought aside, I decide to start telling my brother and his daughter more about our cities and the family. They seem interested and it’s a lot less dreary than talking about nightmares. I’ll see if I can help somehow while I’m here, but I don’t have a lot of hope for it. Dreams were hard to figure out even before magical systems were involved.

Mom flags for my other body to slow down again so we can talk, so I do. She seems really happy for some reason and says “I have a surprise for you and your sisters.” If it has mom excited then it’s probably good, so I ask “What’s that mom?” She wiggles in my arms making us sway a bit in the air. I may be able to lift much more now, but shifting so much weight at once still catches me off guard a bit.

I hear the ding and check the screen that pops up.

Opal has shared the skill (Genuine) with you.

I panic a bit at first, but realize my second body hasn’t disappeared and ask “How?” She could only share one skill with us before. Did her bonus upgrade somehow? In my last life I hadn’t met anyone who got enough free points to actually upgrade their Special class, so I guess it’s possible. She giggles before responding “One of my new bonuses let me share another one with anyone who had ownership rights over me. I remembered what happened with Amber and figured it counted for anyone I’m married to. I’m happy it worked like that.” That is great. Genuine is probably the strongest skill I’ve seen against mental effects, but what else should I expect from a Legendary class named after that woman.

Wait… I still don’t hate my brother, and want to get more marks and piercings. I let out a huge sigh of relief. No matter how great mom’s milk is, I still worried that maybe my feelings were still somehow being manipulated by one of the strange marks or addiction. I feel the same as before, just lighter since a concern I’ve had for a while just got dealt with. I squeeze mom tighter against me and tell her “Thanks mom. You’re the best.” She wiggles a little more in my arms and I decide I should plan something with my sisters for her. She does a lot for us and we don’t do enough to show our appreciation.

Having Genuine means I don’t have to be conservative about how many marks I get from my brother this time. I can probably even get some of the cute ones I wanted before, but would have done something to my mind. I might still get rid of some of the ones I currently have. I have a feeling if I got everything I wouldn’t have any bare skin left at all. The imagery is kind of silly, so I’ll definitely have to pick and choose so my sister doesn’t laugh at me.

Once I finish telling them more about Opal’s Home, I ask “Bro, do you have any new marks, and could you tell me about some of the ones you told me not to get before? I have a new skill that should keep any of them from affecting my mind.” He gets an excited expression before it changes into a frown and tells me “We’ll have to be careful and test if it will work like you say. Don’t hit me if I ask you to do stuff after adding one.” Remembering how he taught me a lesson before, I hesitantly agree. The skill should keep me from doing anything strange against my will. If it doesn’t he’ll probably embarrass me again, but I don’t think he’d take it too far. I’ll have him be specific about what the mark says it will do, just in case.

My niece excuses herself saying “I’ll head to the dungeon for some leveling. You two take your time.” I feel like I might be forgetting something, but I’m too excited for the new marks and don’t think about it. Once we’re in his room, he takes off his tight pants, revealing his naked lower half again. Right, I’ll need to at least stick that in my mouth to get anything. It would be nice If he could just put them on me, but that’s just how the skill or skills work.

I say “I’d like to start with that mark with the cute heart from my first time. The one that had me accepting offers without thinking about it.” He responds “I know the one. Are you absolutely sure you want to try it again?” I nod, but add “Just stop me from going through with whatever embarrassing thing you’ll ask if my skill doesn’t work.” He easily agrees, so I get down on my knees, taking his large cock into my mouth. Like he said before, there’s no reason to actually give him a blowjob, so I don’t move while he touches the middle of my chest. He finally says “Okay, all done. Go check it in the mirror and then we’ll test to see if your skill works.”

I ignore the fact that he still tastes good, and stand up before turning to the mirror. My shirt still covers most of the new mark on my chest, so I sigh and take it off. He’s seen me naked plenty of times, and he didn’t make it weird last time. I’ll leave my shorts on until there’s a mark that would be covered by them. No reason to give him more of a free show. There’s a cute heart, right where it was last time. Now for the moment of truth. I spin around and say “Okay bro, go ahead.” I can’t help but wince a bit, and he asks “Sis, could you let me get you pregnant.”

I answer “Hell no!” with a big smile. It actually worked like I was hoping it would. He grins back at me and says “That’s great sis. I have some others that look really nice, but we should continue to be careful. What works for one might not work for another.”

About two hours later

I look at myself in the mirror. My newest mark right above my slit, under the mark I got from Arhu. Mark of Hidden Infidelity. It’s one of his newly learned ones, and says it will keep my stomach from looking like I’m pregnant when I am. It’s a nice effect and shouldn’t have the possibility to mess with my head. I replaced a different mark that looked a little better but didn’t have the belly shrinking effect.

There were a few marks that we avoided because of how they were worded and we were worried the skill wouldn’t block them. None of the ones we actually tried got past Genuine though, so it’s been a really pleasant experience. I turn around and tell my brother “Okay, since you did such a nice job, I can let you hot-dog me like you requested.” He really has been behaving well, and It’s not like we’re having sex. I’ve done much more embarrassing things with siblings lately. He seems confused, but then happily says “Oh, is that what you call me stroking my cock between your ass cheeks. It is less wordy.”

I roll my eyes at him, but realize he probably doesn’t know the terms for a lot of sex stuff. I should have Cindy add that to the notes she’s putting together to teach my family members. It’s embarrassing to hear everyone not use the proper slang.

*Lewd Scene*




-POV End-

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