Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 192

Opal’s Hellbitch body

I’ve been wondering where the stuff I swallow goes. I’ve eaten a lot of food before, but this cum I’m surrounded by shouldn’t fit inside of me at all. Since I’ve been drinking it for over half a day now and haven’t exploded or even gotten bigger, it must be like my babies. Sure I get a bigger belly when I’m pregnant, but Cindy says it’s weird that women can fit so many babies inside of them at all. I just took it as normal. I’ve seen Amber’s belly get a little bigger when she eats too much so the fact that I can eat more and not show a difference must be weird too. Well, they all have blood so maybe it has to do with that. Kind of like blushing.

My belly is pretty big right now, but that’s because I’m pregnant and about to give birth. It shouldn’t be much longer now and I’ll see if that skill works like I’m hoping. I wonder how much I’ve actually swallowed so far?


Title earned

Oh nice, it probably has to do with the huge amount of spiders I’ve killed recently. Maybe a title like Spider Killer, or Leg Breaker. All I can see in here is screens anyway, so I’ll check it with this body so my others can keep fighting.

Cum Guzzler: End/Wis +5 Increased pleasure from ingesting sexual fluids.

You have orgasmed after swallowing a large amount of cum. You get more pleasure from it.

I pull my hand away from my slit and stop drinking the cum. I did climax, but it was from masturbating, not from swallowing cum. I don’t have anything else to do with this body, and so much fighting and spider squishing got me a little excited… Well, I can tell my daughters how to get the title now. I know they don’t always like giving blowjobs, but more ways to gain pleasure during sex are always searched for. We’ve had a few conversations after orgies about how to get the most fun out of different things. The stat increases aren’t very useful anymore at our tiers, but it’s another title to add to the list for the lower tier kids.

I shrug internally. I guess my stay inside of the gigantic spider won’t be as bad anymore if drinking this stuff makes me feel pleasure. I’ll have to be careful not to knock myself out, but ever since this body changed to Hellbitch, my pleasure ceiling before that has gotten higher. If I do pass out though it should just be with the one body, and it’s not like I can continue swallowing while knocked out. So I’ll just wake up shortly after. I probably won’t push it that far of course, and just stop drinking before I pass out.

Sapphire takes out the last spider around us with an arrow to its head. One of the others that came to help us cheers, and soon everyone is celebrating loudly. I hug Amber and Sapphire’s bodies. Their other bodies showed up a few hours ago with our reinforcements from Opal’s Home. It wasn’t a lot of people, since most were sent to defend Ruby’s Rest, but it was really nice fighting with so many family members. Their voices do seem a bit muffled. That’s probably because I got used to the loud sounds of the battle with spiders and haven’t gotten used to normal volumes again. It happens a lot when I fight tons of stuff at once.

I feel a tingle and realize that Sapphire has cleaned everyone present. Spider guts are pretty gross, and there was no reason for her to clean us while fighting since we’d just get covered in spider bits again. I thank her and see Citrine fly down to join us. “Sis, I’m going to fly one of your bodies to Ruby’s Rest. Their Healers are pretty burdened right now and they could use as much help as possible.” She says facing Sapphire, but turns to me and says “Mom, the rest of you should head to Opal’s Home. A large enough group got around our defenses at Ruby’s that it might cause a problem there soon. I’ll be back to give people rides, but it’s better if you all start running now.” I nod and she picks up one of Sapphire’s bodies before flying away.

“Alright everyone, you heard Citrine. Follow mom’s big body back home. I’ll have one of my bodies stay back to guide those who can’t run fast.” Amber says to everyone. I suppose that makes sense, so I start running towards my Citadel. I’ll have to go a little slow with my Lofty body, but since Amber is willing to have a body stay behind, the really slow people won’t get lost. The markers for owned land are really useful.

“Hey mom, can I get a ride. I’m not a very fast runner.” My blue haired daughter asks after running up beside a couple of my bodies. Amber sticks her tongue out at her sister and responds “You just want to be carried sis. You don’t need to make excuses.” I agree and nod, answering “Sure sweetie, I’ll slow down for a second so you can catch up to my Lofty body.” I do like carrying my babies sometimes. The fact that she asked makes me pretty happy. She smiles as I slow a tad bit, and then scoop her up and onto my larger shoulders. Once she’s on, I go back to the normal speed of course. We are still in a hurry.

She holds onto my head and starts kicking her legs out cutely. I haven’t spent a lot of personal time with Sapphire lately. We’ve been busy with other stuff like leveling and orgies. When I do have free time with one of my bodies, it’s usually spent with Amber. So it’s nice to see her happy just riding on my shoulders. The pack doesn’t need as much watching as it used to, so I really should do something other than pack sex and leveling with her after this is all dealt with. If I don’t count the frogmen, she is my oldest daughter.

“Hey sweetie, do you want to have a date with mom later?” I ask her, and she stops kicking her feet for a few seconds before resuming with a giggle. “It’s not called a date if we aren’t in a relationship mom. I’d love to hang out with you though. Did you have anything in mind?” She responds and I think about it before shaking my head. I’m not sure what we could do other than just some other orgy, but we do that all the time. She says “Well I’ve always wanted to see your lake. Can we go there together in a few days?” It was pretty nice with Amber, so I answer “Yup, that sounds great sweetie. It’s really pretty and you can meet your frogman siblings too.”

She rubs my head, and I can’t help but wiggle my bunny body in response. All my other bodies are running or surrounded by cum, both of which make wiggling pretty difficult. Citrine’s other body lands next to me and the portal saying “You look happy, and I haven’t even told you the good news.” I give her a hug and ask “What’s the good news?” She squeezes me back and tells me “Barrier just finished up the last of it’s spiders. I wanted to check on you before going to pick someone else up for Opal’s Home.” Using both bodies for that will be more efficient, and I guess she doesn’t have other stuff to do yet.

She continues “It looks like you’re getting closer to finishing here too mom. It will probably only be a few more hours. Once you do finish I can give you a lift somewhere.” I shake my head at that, still happy that I’m almost done with this boring part. I tell her “That’s okay sweetie, this body is just headed back to Barrier anyway, and it won’t take me that long to run.” She looks a bit down and I add “But if you don’t have other stuff to do by then, I won’t say no.” That perks her back up and I give her a kiss on the forehead. “Alright mom, I’ll try to finish up everything else I have to do before then.” She says before wiggling a bit and flying away with a wave.

Her wiggles are getting cuter. I’m proud of my daughter’s growth.

-POV Citrine-

I can’t help but smile. Mom is always thinking about how I’m doing over herself. She hardly reacted to almost finishing off an absurd amount of spiders, but when she saw I was just a little disappointed, she immediately changed her answer to make me feel better. Having such a caring mother feels really nice.

I thought doing all this flying back and forth would be boring or tiring, but I’ve instead realized I might like flying more than fighting. Well, I was never as into fighting as mom or Amber. I just didn’t think the adrenaline could be topped by flying. Long flights are the best so far. I just feel free in the sky. It might be different if I was constantly attacked by monsters like I am when I’m running places. It’s not to surprising to me that there aren’t flying monsters everywhere to do just that. In my last life people realized flying monsters were super rare pretty quickly. There were even attempts at making new planes that would work with magic.

Unfortunately, nobody figured it out that I know of. The way that certain technologies just stopped working just doesn’t make sense. Everyone understood already that magic could do crazy things, but why didn’t old guns, bombs and vehicles work? Well, I was never the smartest and even the big brains couldn’t figure it out. So I gave up trying to make sense of it. I didn’t think I’d be able to fly like this starting at such a low tier. I am higher tier now, but in my last life only a few classes got to fly and it was usually 7th or 8th tier. Since no one got higher than that, it really shows how hard it was to achieve.

I could fly almost right away in this life. It did take some practice at first, but once I was up in the air it was like riding a bike… I was always bad at riding bikes as a kid, so I guess it was easier than riding a bike. It’s just an expression I suppose. The point is, flying is pretty great, and flying with mom is even better. I should carry her little body to Opal’s Home for the defense next. Squeezing her in my arms as we fly places is so comforting. Her normal bodies are too heavy to really be comfortable. I still like doing it though. She is my cute mom, even if it’s like carrying around a boulder.

As my marked body drops Sapphire off on the wall, she starts giving out orders to everyone standing around. I take off into the air again. I don’t envy my sister having to pass out orders. I’ve always been kind of a loner, and I’d probably just mess it up. I know Sapphire doesn’t like it either, but at least she’s good at it when she has to be. If most of our 7th tiers weren’t away at Ruby’s Rest, I’m sure one of them could take care of it for her.

I hear the howls of the hounds signaling where the spiders have advanced to. With their advanced senses and the ability to outrun the spiders, they really are a good choice. It was initially suggested that I keep watch, but I can’t see through the trees in most places so we needed someone on the ground. It really was a smart suggestion from Snag. I wonder what other ideas the strange goblin shut-in will have for us now that he’s come out of his shell. Watching him spending all day in his room reminded me a little of myself before the system came the first time. Sometimes the rest of the world just isn’t appealing after a bad break up.

Pushing old hang-ups back out of my brain, I rush towards mom and the others. Based on those howls, the spiders will probably be at the walls before I can finish two more trips. If I’m not carrying mom I can do two people, but seeing mom help will raise everyone’s morale. So I’ll just do her Eidolon body next and stick to others after that. Making such important decisions is always difficult. I have to remember people’s lives are on the line, even if it means less time cuddling Opal.

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