Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 190

I watch as Citrine flies off towards Barrier, her body soon obscured by the ring of smoke around me. My daughter is right. She’s doing what she can and not complaining about it, and I can do the same. She’s also right about me being awesome and helpful. She didn’t word it like that but I can assume that’s what she meant. My babies really are the best.

There’s not much I can do with my bunny body. The portal and fire hounds can kill and distract way more spiders than I’d be able to alone. They’ve just pushed out further than I can go without the skill turning off. It’s more important to be helpful than to fight, and with that thought I stop my attempts to break out of the giant boss spider. It’s not heading towards any of our Land, and I don’t want it to change it’s mind after enough power attacks. Well, I’m getting a ton of free points swallowing all of the stuff inside it. I rub my belly, hoping that the pregnancy won’t be a problem.

I’m also getting free points from killing spiders. I had forgotten about Grim doing that. Usually I’m not killing enough monsters in dungeons to really make a difference. With all the spiders around my bodies, I think I’m getting more from their deaths than from the cum. It’s hard to say though, since I don’t see a reason to stop doing either of them long enough to figure it out. Other than the texture and taste of the fluid being unfortunate as usual.

Since I can’t do much else, and my bunny body won’t be using mana, I decide to test out some of my newer skills. Sapphire’s interesting use of my Dark Tendrils made me want to find more fun stuff like that. Unfortunately most of my Mother class skills only work at night or in a dungeon, so they’re off the table. Looking through the newer skills of my other classes… I don’t seem to have gotten a lot that are activated. The higher tier I’ve gotten, the more my skills tend to be passive. I wonder if that’s just for me, or if other people are similar?

I don’t have anyone to guard here, so my tank skills can’t really be tested either. Looking through my various Breeder skills from the two classes, there isn’t much difference. I got another type of Charm skill…

Burning Desire: (500 Mana)

Target becomes more susceptible to charms and fire damage until end of combat.

Well it’s not exactly a charm skill, just helping with my charms. Oh! I wonder if I can charm the spider I’m stuck in? My hound body tries to cast it, but it fizzles like so many of my other skills have. Unfortunate. Maybe I should have tried before it knocked Amber and me off and dug itself into the ground. Is it still in the ground, or has it resurfaced somewhere? I think it’s still moving either way.

None of my other targeted skills seem to be working inside of it, so I guess I was being too hopeful. At least I’m able to fight with all my other bodies, poor Citrine hasn’t been able to fight at all. Remembering my daughter’s words about me being amazing, I look through my list of skills again for something useful. I spot something that I forgot about, and might be useful for me. At least if it works like I hope it does. I have so many skills that almost never need to be used.

Safe Keeping: (Passive)

Children born in a hostile environment will be stored. You may remove them at any time.

Will it work for babies if I end up having them inside of the spider? I don’t think I’ll be able to track down and open up this boss spider with my daughters any time soon. So I’ll have to hope it does. Seeing the skill does lessen the stress I was feeling. So I start looking through the passives more carefully as well.

-POV Tina-

I take a seat on the wall we’re building to regain my lost mana. It’s not a fancy or thick wall, it’s only meant to force the bugs to change directions a little. I haven’t seen the giant spiders myself, but from what I was told they’re bigger than me. A shiver runs down my spine. I’ve always hated bugs, and the thought of ones so big and in such large numbers makes me want to hide in a hole or burn everything. My skills are mud and stone based, so building a wall is all I can do. I doubt bug spray would work, even if I found any.

Of course my vacation would be interrupted by giant spiders. I was surprised by the lack of zombie attacks against the towns here. Well, Barrier gets them what I would consider a normal amount compared to the lake. The lake is small though, so do zombies just hate frogmen, or is it a geographical thing?

“They’re almost here, we’re leaving!” My elf daughter yells. She somehow got to 7th tier and was put in charge of the wall’s creation. I’m not jealous of course. She worked hard for it, and I have been spending a lot of time having sex with muscular frogmen. My daughters even made a construction group that goes around the different towns and helps make homes and stuff. I’m proud, but having such successful children when I’m this young is a bit surreal. I hop off the wall and run, following my daughters and a few others with similar classes and skills.

When we get far enough away, my daughter uses a skill and a tall circular rock rises out of the ground. Stairs appear up the side of it as she uses more skills. She motions for us to go up, and when we get to the top, she makes the stairs disappear into the tower again. Everyone seems a bit tired from using so much mana so quickly, but we all gaze towards the wall we built. It stretches pretty far into the distance, and is about 10 feet high, but it was rushed, so it’s not exactly pretty or uniform. Most of it is mud, with a few places being stone.

I think the stone parts are from people who don’t have mud skills. I know I used mud since it’s cheaper for my mana

In the distance, I can see some sort of black mass approaching. Knowing what it is, I feel myself shiver again. I hate bugs. Minutes later, the front of the wave of spiders gets to the wall and turns slightly. The mass’s angle shifts and a majority are redirected the way we were hoping. Unfortunately some of the large spiders crawl over the wall. Seeming to spot us, they head towards the stone tower my daughter made. I’ll be honest, I panic a bit. Zombies are one thing, but giant creepy crawlies are another.

The first spider that makes it to the tower gets a large rock dropped on it and splats, sending gross stuff everywhere like it was smacked with a giant shoe. I remember doing such things myself with small spiders invading my happy place back home. Most of our mana pools are probably pretty low after our hasty construction, so I really hope these spiders can’t scale sheer rock. “Wait until they’re climbing up to use your skills. Some of them might just pass us by.” I say, used to helping defend the lake from the walls I made. A good deal of zombies would waste time going around looking for a hole instead of trying to climb or hit the walls. I’m hoping it’s the same for the spiders.

It doesn’t turn out to be so easy, and spiders start climbing the sides of the rock tower. I wait until one of them is a bit higher, and push the rock I made off the edge towards it. I see others doing the same, and as my rock hits the ground, it crushes the spider beneath it. Rocks can be pretty handy for defense. The phrase tickles something in my brain, but a sense of deja vu isn’t nearly as concerning as giant arachnids trying to eat me.

An hour later

Sweat beads down my forehead and back. I use the last of my mana to once again send a rock spike down onto the climbing bastards. It hits 4 of them this time before impaling into the ground below. The piles of rocks and mud have grown again, so I hope my daughter can make the tower taller soon. She’s done it a couple times now when the spiders have gotten too high with our rubble. I swap with the elf behind me to recover mana.

I hear a yell and look over to see a spider having ascended the other side of the tower. There’s a man yelling as it holds him down and lunges it’s large fangs. A rock slams into the thing and sends it back over the side. I told my 7th tier daughter to save her mana for situations like this. The rest of us don’t have a ton of combat skills, so the best use of our mana is dropping rocks. She’s different, having done most of her leveling fighting. Her skills of course reflect that. You get classes and skills based off of what you’ve done, and building isn’t a very violent profession.

We still can’t let up, even with her covering us. The wave of spiders was redirected, but we’re still getting stragglers. I hear flapping sounds and look up to see a group of angels descending. Did I die? I shake the silly idea out of my head. The lead angel, a strong looking man, lands and says “Citrine-mom sent us to pick you up. It took us a while to find you, but it looks like you’re all still alive.” My daughter steps forward and says “There aren’t enough of you. Take the lowest tiers first.” The angel shakes his head though and chuckles a bit saying “Unless you weigh as much as Opal-mom, we can carry two of you each.”

A ray of light streaks and hits another spider that made it over the edge, killing it. “Hurry up and grab on unless you want to be spider food.” Another of the angels says, opening his arms. He is by far the most muscular. He can’t hide it under those clothes, my eyes are too sharp. I run up to him and hold on, rubbing my face a bit against his pecks. “Whoa miss, it’s alright. We’re here to take you all to safety.” He says, rubbing my back. What a strong feeling hand, I bet he could toss me across a room.

Lost a bit in my fantasies, I only notice now that we’re all in the air flying. I can see my daughters and the others holding onto other, less muscular angels. It seems I got the big hunk all to myself, and his arms wrapping around me are like a sexy vice. The stress of big bugs and running out of mana washes away as I get romantically flown through the sky like in a superhero movie.

Between this angel and Chair, Opal can really make some strapping sons. Knowing her it’s probably just luck after having so many. I’m sure she won’t mind if I try to seduce this son as well. He is practically asking for it with these muscles. I look up at his face and say “Thank you. You’re my hero.” He doesn’t seem to react, so I poke him a bit in frustration. He looks down at me and I smile, repeating myself. He shakes his head and starts talking, but I can’t hear anything he’s saying over the rushing of wind…. Oh.

Well, I’ll just have to convince him to sleep with me once we land. For now I’ll press myself against his wonderful chest again and indulge in the embrace of the perfect specimen I caught.

-POV End-

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