Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 185

Opal’s Bunny body

After finishing the talk with my son, he says “Now mom, when we’re going down the stairs I’m going to hit your butt. It’s what I always do with the women I take to rooms and my friends will ask about it if I don’t.” He seems a bit nervous while telling me, so I assure him with a pat on the head and respond “I understand sweetie. Do you need to cum on my face too? I remember Citrine had a bunch when you came out.” He winces at first, but answers “No mom, she asked me to cum on her face. I usually get to finish inside since so many women like angel babies.” I decide not to tease him about not minding if he gave me more angel babies. He’s had a hard enough time tonight.

Thinking about what he said, I wonder how many angels live in Barrier now. I did see a lot of white feathery wings in the crowd when we made the announcement. It was a tiny amount in comparison to the bunny ears though. I feel like I’m about to have an idea, but it fades away when I feel a slap on my ass and hear “I’ll have to pick you again next time too. Don’t disappoint me. Remember to show up.” I look over at my son with a smile and wiggle. We split up and he goes to a group of men who loudly greet him. None of them are men that I’ve had sex with tonight, but my other angel son is with them. I wanted to get more sex in, but it looks like everyone else is done. Even Amber isn’t standing on a number anymore.

My son’s wife claps her hands and announces “That’s it for tonight. I’d like to thank everyone who decided to show up to our little party and remind you to stay safe on your journey home. There were no major incidents tonight, so we won’t have to add any more rules. If anyone is willing to stay and help clean up, we would be grateful.” I wonder how often they have to add more rules? If she mentioned it then it must happen a lot right? There’s no reason not to stay and help clean, but I don’t have any skills for it so I’ll have to ask how I can.

It turns out that most people just left, including Jessica. I know why she left though. As the Landowner of Barrier she’s very busy. Her extra body can only spend so much time not being in the dungeon or doing quests if she wants to keep up with everyone else. She couldn’t do much at all before getting her second body. Surprisingly, the ones who stayed are Citrine, Amber, and the three human men. I don’t think everyone is too busy to help, so maybe I should talk to my kids more about being nice when they’re born. With everyone leaving but the humans, I feel a bit disappointed in my family members.

“Looks like we’ll have some of the young ones help this time guys.” One of the human men says with a kind smile. Both of my angel sons have left, but his wife the hostess has stayed and responds “More help is always better, thanks for staying.” She then turns to the men adding “I know you old codgers just stick around to gossip while cleaning the rooms.” The men all chuckle and one says “That’s not the only reason. Where else can a bunch of old guys like us feel useful? What’s a history professor going to do to a monster in the woods or dungeon?”

The other men nod along, but I can tell they’re happy to help tonight. Roy is one of them of course and I did have sex with the human who spoke up too. We’re all still in masks of course. Amber speaks up asking “So what kind of cleaning are we going to be doing?” It turns out that my son’s wife has a cleaning spell and will be in charge of the actually cleaning part, everyone else will be fixing the bedding and gathering the dishes that were used in the main room. Amber says “I have cleaning skills too, so I can help you out with it.” She responds “Sure, but let me show you what to look for in the first room so you don’t miss stuff. Could you men show these ladies how to set the bedding and where the dishes go?”

We end up dealing with the main room first, since we’re already there. Amber leaves to go make use of her cleaning skills. As we’re collecting the dishes and taking them to a room called a kitchen, Citrine asks “So were all of you professors?” It looks like she’s asking the man who spoke up earlier about it. Roy is the one who answers “All of us worked together at the University of Canton before the system came. We had to be evacuated to the center of town with everyone else. I doubt the campus is doing well outside the walls.”

I remember there being abandoned structures all around Barrier. If it was just the center of an old human city then it makes sense, but why wouldn’t they put a wall around the whole thing if they built it? I think about it and remember that Citrine and Cindy have both mentioned that there weren’t monsters before the system came. That must mean the wall is new? Probably. Maternity didn’t have a wall at all. Citrine talks to them some more about the university thing, but I’m not sure what a lot of the stuff they say means. I’ll have to ask her later.

“You’re pretty curious for an angel. I don’t mean any offense though, it just seems that the other races usually act more sure of their own knowledge.” One of the men says, and she responds “Oh... well I found some books while exploring Maternity and read about schools.” I think I know why she’s really like that, and giggle a bit while trying to get the sheet under the mattress correctly. I mess it up though and Roy has to show me again. “You would have made a fine student, it’s too bad there probably won’t be any schools to work at for a while.” The other man says to my daughter.

The men seem a little sad after he says it, so I decide to change the subject and ask “Why don’t you three level up more? I’m sure you could be useful as a Guard or scout. I have a human friend who’s older than you and he is high tier.” I remember them saying they wanted to be useful. Roy answers “You did a good job on that sheet, now let me show you what to do with the pillows. To answer your question, we just have a hard time being violent even when it’s needed.” He places a pillow with a sad face and continues “I still can’t believe those bastards actually used the System’s slavery. If we were braver men, maybe we could have done something to stop them…”

His friends nod and one of them adds “They really do deserve to rot in that prison for a while. They basically enslaved kids by taking other races along with their human slaves. Once again, I mean no offense. Your people just seem very innocent in a lot of ways… Not including in bed of course. Miss bunny here rocked my world pretty hard not long ago.” I giggle at that and follow Roy’s instructions on placing the blanket, getting it right the first time. I’m pretty proud of myself and do a little wiggle.

So they don’t like fighting. I know a lot of my family is the same and I wonder if these men chose Abstain like they did. If so, they’d have their normal stats, but most of the Abstain kids find other ways of helping the family too. I suddenly understand why these men probably choose to help clean up every time they come here. Maybe I can ask Jessica to think of some way for humans like them to help the city too. Life must be pretty hard if you don’t like fighting stuff.

The next room is Citrine’s turn to learn how it’s done, but she gets it much faster than I did, and we are soon joined by Amber as well. Using a skill to clean all the rooms must just be much faster. My son’s wife tells us that she’s headed home, and leaves us to finish up. Amber ends up being the fastest at fixing the bedding once she knows the proper way to do it. We only end up taking an hour after she joins to finish everything. “Thanks for showing us what to do and talking with us.” I tell the men once we leave the building.

One of them responds “It was nice to have some help this time. If anything we should be thanking you. Will any of you be coming here regularly?” I tell them that I plan to, but Amber and Citrine both say that they’ll be coming sometimes but can’t make it often. They don’t have as many bodies as me, and even if it was for free points, this place isn’t as useful as an orgy or monsters in the dungeon. I’ll know what my daughters think of their time tonight soon, but we split up for now so it’s harder to guess our identities.

I’m the first to make it to Jessica’s house, and let myself in since she gave me permission before the sex party. I look around a bit, but she left a chest in front of her personal dungeon so she must be in there leveling right now. I close the lid so she knows I’m here and head to her cooking room to make some food for my daughters. I hear a knock on the front door a few minutes later, and open it to let Amber and Citrine inside. They help me finish making the food, and Jessica joins us once it’s all done.

My brown haired daughter takes a bite out of her eggs and asks “So what did you all think of the party? Find any good sex partners tonight?” Amber is the first to answer, saying “It was alright, but I think I prefer sex in large groups more. I have Opal for intimate one on one sex.” I’m a bit surprised at first, but know she really does seem to like the orgies we’ve been to. I decide to tell them “I had a lot of fun talking to the men that picked me. I don’t really get to do that in the big orgies. Oh, one of the humans knows my name.”

I then explain what happened with Roy without telling them his name and Jessica says “It’s interesting to know your other fluids have similar effects to your milk. If you had blood it would probably have the same properties. You’re right that you shouldn’t worry about him knowing your name. Do you remember that short census we did after the announcement the other day?” I nod. Pops made his Guards go around and write down everyone’s names. He said it would help with the doppel things, but I wasn’t paying a lot of attention to the specifics.

Jessica continues “Turns out that just over five percent of Players in Barrier are named Opal. It is more popular with women though.” I think about it, since I’m not very good with numbers... It’s probably a lot. Citrine tells us “I enjoyed myself and the masks made it exciting. I was able to let loose more knowing that they don’t know who I am. I was a bit disappointed by the performance of a few of the guys though. So next time I come I might reject them if they pick me again…” She sighs and then adds “Finding out that I fucked my own son was a bit of a blow. I won’t be doing it with my kids again, but I can’t say that it was bad.”

I tell her about what our son said to me, and she smiles replying “Don’t worry mom, I’ll talk to him tomorrow so he doesn’t have to stew too long with regret. Thank you for comforting him.” I’m happy that she’s taking it well. We’ve talked a lot when compared to most of the people around me, so I know how she feels about sex with most of the family. She says it’s because she used to be human, which I have a hard time relating to. It’s her feelings though, so I won’t try to convince her to think like me. I haven’t exactly had a lot of luck getting my own sons to do it anyway, so maybe I’m the strange one this time.

I remember part of the conversation with the first son and decide to tell Amber “Wife, I was told the other sex party will have group sex. I don’t think it will be like our orgies, but we could give it a try if you prefer it that way.” She seems to be interested so I’ll have to ask my son more about the other place’s rules and stuff. Citrine says she’d prefer to do the same place again next time she’s free, and Jessica also won’t be doing the group one either. Will it be like a date I can have with Amber sometimes then? If so then I have even more reason to find out soon.

Citrine brings up the human men being teachers to Jessica, and they start talking about education or something. I don’t really understand all of it, but I do get that it might be able to keep more of our kids safe during quests and in the dungeon. I suggest they discuss it with Cindy since she’s pretty smart about that kind of stuff. Of course, I also offer to give them Credits if its needed. Remembering something important I add “Snag can probably help too. He’s really smart and said he wanted to be useful.” The older human men reminded me of my goblin friend once I thought about it a little.

I wonder if dungeons have goblin universities?

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