Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 183

-POV Jett-

I walk out of the dungeon happy with myself. I managed to get enough levels for more marks and some of them sound promising for my mark loving sister. I pick up the chest I used for storing items between tries and think of all the fun things we can do together on her next visit. I’ve done a lot of thinking about why it was so much fun, and came to a conclusion. She treats me like my children treat each other and not some kind of superior. Everyone around here gives me the respect I deserve as their father, but I always felt alone.

I can’t help but think about her last visit again, and sure, her ass was wonderful when I stroked myself against it. I can do that with almost anyone here if I just asked though. No, my mind goes to her original disdain for me as it slowly turned to small affection. The way she teased me like I was her younger brother and even laughed a few times at my expense. I could tell that near the end she really cared for me, and even gave me a look of pity a few times. I’m the Wyverchief, father of the tribe. I didn’t think I needed or wanted pity from some woman.

I was wrong.

What I’ve been missing is companionship. Someone I can rule beside as an equal. I know she likes my marks and piercings, so perhaps that’s a good way to start. The games we played that involved almost, but not quiet having sex helped to endear me to her. So why couldn’t it be used the other way around? I should think of more such games if I really want an opportunity to bond with her. The marks are only for getting her to my door.

Suddenly I start to worry about my chances with such a strong woman. Gripping my hand against my chest, I breathe in and then out. If I’m not strong enough now, I can simply work harder in the dungeon or on quests. I get my comfortable happiness back and straighten my stature again as I walk. Perhaps I can convince her to have real sex at some point. I’m very confident in my skills of a sexual nature, and she’d surely be the one to pursue me then. I can’t help but chuckle out loud with pride and a renewed confidence.

I see Amber, my orange scaled daughter standing at my door and looking at the sky. She notices my approach and smiles at me. She says “Dad, you just missed Auntie. If I knew you’d be out sooner than normal I would have had them stay.” I just missed her? Normally I’d be in the dungeon for a few more hours, but I got excited by my new marks. My chest grows slightly heavier again and I ask my daughter about the visit while we head inside. She replies “Well they seemed in a hurry, they’re going to some party tonight and wanted some earrings for the elf woman she brought along. Oh, she had the same color hair as me and even the same name. They told me she’s your sister too, so maybe you remembered the name and gave me the same one. That would be pretty cool right dad?”

I nod, since that would make sense. I got rid of that bracelet after Amber was born though, so I can’t recall my reasoning. She says she’s my oldest and I feel bad sometimes not remembering her birth since it must have been glorious. I believe the cow woman to be her and a few other’s mother because of their scales, so perhaps the cow and this elf woman shared a father. If I’m to believe my sisters, the small pale woman is their mother and mine, and she has no orange on her person.

My daughter adds “Don’t worry, I told Auntie you should have more marks soon and she agreed to visit again in a few days.” I let out a sigh of relief, I worried that it would be longer before she came again. I give my daughter a pat on the head and thank her before asking “So did you enjoy picking out earrings for them?” She answers with a cute smile “It was tons of fun dad, and I made sure they didn’t get any with bad effects. It was so funny when she picked out the Earrings of Shrinking and I pointed out they would make her boobs smaller. The look of horror on her face was amazing. We ended up agreeing on two pairs for her, one that just increased mana a little, and one that didn’t do anything. They were very pretty.”

I nod along and start undressing. I ask “Did Citrine not take any new ones?” My daughter shakes her head and answers “She said they were in too much of a hurry, and since she was coming back in a few days, she could just look then. Auntie does have a lot of piercings already, so finding better or new ones would take a long time.” I can’t help but smile since that means she’ll be here even longer next time. Piercings are easy to come by, so I won’t ask her to pay me for them when she returns. My daughter did a good job and I didn’t even have to ask her to.

She blushes as I start taking off her clothes as well. It’s best to reward her and get some practice in for myself. Hopefully I’ll need it in a few days to woo a bride. Amber asks “Can we only do the mouth dad? I’m going to Brandon’s house soon and you know how weird brother gets wanting to lick your cum out of me when he smells it.” I chuckle, knowing how my son’s attraction for me unnerves my daughter. I’m pretty sure she has a crush on him but won’t accept that he doesn’t like women.

“Sure my beautiful daughter, but I don’t want to hear complaints about you trying to force yourself on him again. Family members aren’t slaves, so you have to respect their preferences.”

-POV End-

Opal’s Bunny body

I put on my new mask and start skipping to the party house. Jessica says this one is much cuter. Since she left to the party earlier so we wouldn’t be seen walking together, there will be three of my daughters going tonight. I was so happy when Amber told me in the dungeon that Citrine came back early and was bringing her to the party. I still can’t keep a big smile off of my face, but I stop skipping. It was sending my heavy body too high into the air and causing some street damage. I’ll give Jessica some Credits later for it.

When I get to the house, it’s still pretty empty so my other daughters shouldn’t be too late. I spot my son’s wife and walk up to her whispering “Hey, it’s me. Let my son know.” She nods and I move over to the bins. There’s another black haired bunny woman getting undressed so I join her. She’s not as white as me, but her hair is just as black so she may be a daughter or granddaughter. I start up a conversation “Hi, this is kind of my first time here. Oh, I forgot to ask them if we make up fake names to tell people.” The woman shimmies out of her panties and responds “I don’t come that often, but I haven’t heard anyone else use any names. They usually just call me sexy or sugar.”

So I should just avoid names altogether, that’s good to know. Her mask isn’t as cute as mine, but it’s not bad. She sticks around a bit while I finish getting naked and we chat. Once I’m done she walks with me to the main room, and I spot Jessica’s naked form standing across the way talking to someone. I have to remember not to make it obvious that I know her in normal life, but I wiggle a little. The list of people I can see is

2 angels, both male.

3 humans, all male.

6 hounds, 4 women and 2 men.

6 bunnies including me, all female.

12 elves, 8 women and 4 men.

That’s 29 total with 11 men and 18 women. More people will probably show up later, including Amber and Citrine. They’ll probably start it soon though, since I was told they usually start when 30 or more people have showed up. I hear a loud clap and turn to see my son’s wife enter the room. She announces “Thank you all for coming this evening. We’ll be starting now, so women stand on a number of your choosing.” Everyone starts moving and I follow my new bunny friend to some numbers written on the ground. I hear a familiar voice ask out loud “Why are we starting with so few today?” I guess Jessica was expecting more people by now.

As I stand on a big number 7, my husband’s wife answers with a happy tone “It seems like we had some competition spring up down the road. I’m all for more wonderful places like this being made. It does however mean we might have less visitors for a week or two.” She then laughs a bit and adds “I already warned them to add a rule about biting, so you won’t find any luck there either.” My daughter looks upset by the news. Oh, I remember them mentioning having to add that rule for someone. I’d let her bite me since it wouldn’t hurt, but I don’t have a penis and she likes those. Should I ask where she bites people or would that be rude?

With that settled and all the women in numbered spots, the first to choose is an angel man. He points to me and says “You all know I can’t resist a new bunny girl. Beautiful number seven, will you hop to a room with me?” That must mean that the other one is my son. They both have the same hair color so I couldn’t tell. I nod and respond “Show me the way.” His package is bigger than the other angel’s so I feel a little bad for my son. He takes my hand and leads me up the fancy stairs and into a room. Once the door is shut, I fall to my knees and reach for his penis. He isn’t stiff yet, so I’ll have to get him up first.

He backs away from my hands and stutters “M-mom, it’s me. We aren’t going to have sex.” Oh! So my son chose me. I do a little wiggle but then think about it and stand up asking “If we aren’t going to have sex, then why did you pick me?” He wipes his forehead with his wrist and answers “Sorry mom, but since I’m one of the hosts, everyone knows my preferences by now and I always pick new bunnies. I thought you knew it was me.” I shake my head and tell him how much he looks like the other angel man.

He chuckles a bit and says “Well that’s because he’s my brother. Don’t worry, I already told him who you were and the plan, so he shouldn’t pick you.” I frown a bit, knowing again that my boys don’t want to have babies with me. I smile again though, remembering what his wife told me last time. “Well did you want to chat a bit while we wait son? I don’t get to talk to you much.” I ask while moving over to the bed and sitting on it. He sits next to me and takes off his mask. I do the same and Amber’s body in the dungeon tells me that her and Citrine have arrived.

“How is other mom doing by the way? I haven’t talked to her for a while either.” My son asks and I respond “She’s doing well I think. She has been pretty busy though. If you want to talk to her you can, you just have to invite her like you did me.” He looks a bit thoughtful and then says “She’s pretty distinctive with her black wings, so even if other angel women show up I should be able to spot her. Sex is nice and all, but a chance for alone time with each of my moms sounds even better. I assume she’s coming tonight then?” I nod and he smiles. Our other kids didn’t get her black wings, so I guess from what he’s saying, that the grandbabies didn’t either.

We chat for a few minutes, but I notice his penis grow stiff when I wiggle while explaining our fight with the orc camp. I decide to tell him “You know, it’s been a long time since you’ve had any of my milk. It’s healthy and a good source of free points.” I wanted to say more and tell him I could get free points from his cum, but that sounded like a sneaky way to convince my son. So I stopped myself. He happily accepts my offer and starts breastfeeding. I stroke his hair and can tell he’s enjoying himself. At one point he reached an arm around me and played with my cute bunny tail, but his erection had gone down. So I don’t think it was sexual. Unfortunate.

Once he says we’ve been in the room long enough, we put our masks back on and head out. Coming down the stairs I spot Amber standing on a number and wiggle a bit. I already explained that we have to pretend not to know each other, but how could I not recognize my wife. Citrine must be in one of the rooms since I don’t see her, so I stand on the open number next to Amber. The men tease my son a bit since I didn’t look exhausted coming out. I can understand since a few other women that must have been picked have disheveled hair and blushed faces. “She was too much for me, what can I say. If you want a wild ride, give her a shot.” My son says while winking at me. He’s such a good boy.

Due to the uneven numbers between men and women, and the rule about all women being picked before others going twice, I won’t be able to get picked right away. Oh well, the night just started and I’m excited to try out new men. I notice that Amber has some really pretty earrings on. So I compliment her on them in the dungeon. She seems really happy with it and gives my tiny body a kiss on the head.

A few minutes later I see Citrine coming down the stairs and stop myself from waving to not give us away. She looks like she had a lot of fun in there and I can even see a bunch of cum on her face. Her marks look really cool when glistened with sweat and the chain between her nipples is fun to watch as they bounce with every step down. When I notice who her partner was, I’m surprised. Then I realize that my son didn’t have time to tell his brother that their other mother was coming too. My other angel son then slaps his mother’s ass and says loudly “Go stand on a number you sexy bitch.” before turning to the other side of the room and continuing “Men, this new piece of ass is fucking amazing. I would suggest taking advantage of her tight pussy while she’s here tonight.”

I see Citrine puff her chest out with pride, but also see my other son motioning for his brother to come to him. Citrine stands on the other side of Amber just as the two brothers leave the room. I have a feeling I know what they’re talking about. I wonder how Citrine will feel about it when she finds out. I remember her being against having sex with her brothers, but I don’t know if that goes for her sons too. I am a bit jealous, but from all the cum on her face, she’s not trying to get pregnant either.

I tell Amber in the dungeon what’s going on and she laughs. Since she came with Citrine, it’s not weird if they talk. So She leans over and whispers really quietly into her angel sister’s ear. Citrine goes really pale and then starts blushing heavily. I’m really glad I don’t have to worry about that. Blood is such a detriment for squishy people. Shortly after, the two brothers reenter the room, and the one that was happy and boastful on the stairs earlier, is now ghostly pale. Well, at least Citrine only seems embarrassed now and isn’t leaving. I see her glancing at her pale son a few times and I wish her other body was back already so I could talk to her.

Well, the night is just starting. I hope the next guy who picks me actually wants to have sex.

Don’t worry, next chapter will have lewd scenes. I’m not trying to tease everyone with this masked party I swear. Also, the normal upload schedule should resume soon. Thanks to everyone for sticking around.

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