Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 10

I quickly stand up and hug Chief, kissing him on the top of his head. He struggles a bit and I let him go.

He huffs “Stop it Mom, I’m not a baby anymore.”

“I know Son, I just wanted to tell you my new title says I’m pregnant again.” I tell him. He gets an ecstatic look on his face. Probably. I still can’t tell.

“Really? On the first try? I knew the skill would help, but I didn’t think it would help that much. I didn’t think I’d get that lucky, I didn’t want to push my luck and ask to mate a second time. Does it tell you how many spawn we’ll have.” He asks me with an eager look, yup definitely eager, I can tell this time.

“I have a few things that say they increase the chance of pregnancy, now that I know what that means, if you had one too then that’s probably why it only took once. Does it usually take more? What does spawn mean?” I answer him and then ask questions of my own. Luckily he asked questions this time so I don’t have to feel dumb asking my own.

He sighs “I keep forgetting how much you don’t know, yes from what I can tell from my genetic memory from Dad, it usually takes 5 or more males to impregnate a female. Usually a pregnant female releases 3000 to 6000 spawn. Spawn are babies, like me and my siblings, we are your spawn.” He reveals to me.

“Oh so like the first time I spit out a little over 5000 of you into that pond. I remember my Sex Status menu tells me how many babies I’m gonna have, so let me check that.” I tell him and then think Sex Status.


Sex Status



Oral:1                                      Children Birthed: 5236

    Cumshots:0                                            Male: 4921

    Internal:0                                          Female: 315

    External:0                                            Other: 0









Current Status: Pregnant(15431)

“Why are there so many!?” I scream, louder than I wanted to. That can’t be right that’s nowhere near what it was last time, whats different?

He is startled by my scream but asks “Why would you scream about it, how many spawn does it say I’m going to be the father of?” He doesn’t seem all that concerned so I should just tell him.


He collapses. Weird.

I check him and he’s still breathing but he’s sleeping. Guess mating tired him out too much, poor thing is so weak. Good thing he has me as his mommy. I pick him up, throwing him over my shoulder, and start walking back to the blood pond where he was born.

As I’m walking back my walking smartness kicks in and I realize I have a couple things that increase the number of children from pregnancies. If he has one too then that’s probably how we got such a big number. I wonder why it doesn’t tell him, is it a difference between the menus Players and Monsters get? I’m glad my kids aren’t just croaking at me anymore, that would have been annoying, that title is really helpful.

When we get back to the pond clearing I place him down on the ground in a nice spot. His siblings who are no longer lined up to a bunch of bushes have some wary looks. Probably. Why is it so hard to tell with them? Maybe you have to be part frog to get it. A couple of them seem to struggle with themselves before they come over to me together. They must be worried about Chief since he’s napping, so I reassure them.

“Chief is fine kids, he’s just taking a nap. You can see him breathing see.” I point at his cute little form on the ground curled up. “He got tired after mating, he must have wore himself out, but he did a good job.” I rub my belly “I’m going to be fat again in a few days probably.” They all look at him, and then to my belly, weirdly in sync. Odd. The start murmuring and I manage to hear some of it.

“That crazy..”, “He did it..”, “...didn’t squish him?”, “..think she’d let..”, “Did she say..”, “..he survived.” “…ink Sis is prettier.”

I decide to ignore that last one since they are my cute little kids. One of the two that came over walks forward. He clears his throat. “Mother, we have successfully mated with Sisters and they will soon be heavy with child. As you can see, the pond will not be able to accommodate our spawn.” He points to the gross, blood and meat filled hole in the ground. “As such we will need to find a better location, does mother know of any good spots that we may use?” He finishes asking, but I’m not to sure, the river would just wash the babies away wouldn’t it? Aren’t they the ones who can sniff out water?


New Quest!


You and your daughters are all pregnant with the next generation of your line. The closest suitable location for your family’s spawning is already occupied by another large family of Frogmen. Kill them and take it as you own, but hurry it will be more difficult as your pregnancy progresses.

Timer: 6d 23h 17m

Rewards: 3 Levels, 500 Credits, Land Rights, Relationship + with participating family members

Track? Y/N

Track, Yes. “I do actually know a place, it’s that way.” I tell them, pointing in the direct the tracker tells me. They don’t have to know it’s because of a quest, they can just think mommy is smart. “I’ll have to clear out the other Frogmen living there so we can use it.”

The one who stepped forward to ask earlier speaks “I cannot speak for the whole family like Chief can, but we will be honored to join Mother in battle.” I hear a lot of approvals from the other kids, none of them seem to be against the idea, but can I really let my little babies fight and probably get hurt? They are all so weak.

Beside me Chief starts to get up, speaking to the crowd while staring at me. “We will fight with Mom for this spawning ground. There is no other choice, we are strong because of Mom, and our enemies are weak and inferior creatures. If we have only inherited a fraction of Mom’s blood-lust and strength, it will be an easy fight, no matter their numbers or levels. Our enemies will be crushed before our beautiful white skin, their lesser colors ground into the dirt where they belong.”

I giggle to myself, stupid dirt.

My baby boy is all grown up and leading the family, it brings a tear to my eye, which I quickly wipe away. I like how my babies call me strong and I don’t want them to see it. The gathered siblings cheer and raise their arms, mine raise to show support, but he continues. “Sisters come forward and stand by Mom.” There is some shuffling from the crowd and 14 kids come forward and line up beside me. I guess these are my daughters. They all look pretty much the same… no wait, they all have black spots under their eyes that my sons don’t have. Is that the only indication? Strange. “All those who are with spawn raise your hand.” He tells us, or maybe just them, but I raise my hand too just in case. I see all of my daughters to the side raising their hands. Ohhh, I guess that means I’m going to be a grandma, for some reason the thought makes me feel conflicted. Odd.

“These females are all the future of our line and they need a place to spawn. If that means taking what should be ours by right of beauty by force, then so be it. Who’s going to protect our beautiful sisters and their unborn spawn?” His words cause the crowd of males to roar, well, as much as Frogmen can roar I suppose. “Mom is with us and needs no protecting, we will join her in her bloody slaughter of our enemies.” he yells before turning to me and speaking softly. “Now Mom, lead us to our new spawning ground.”

-POV Blue Frogmen Chieftain-

A horror filled bloody hellscape.

That is what I see before my eyes.

They came out of the woods screaming like Banshees and we laughed at the demons. Why wouldn’t we laugh, there were so few of them and so many of us, we would be able to fill our bellies today. It was a joyous occasion, so why not laugh? Their white skin was odd to us, would they taste any different from our other colored brethren. A new taste for our palettes, so why not laugh? We would be able to spawn more of our gloriously blue family so we were happy. So wHy not laugh? We had plenty of time to prepare for their measly numbers, we were organized and they were tripping over themselves, a few falling to their faces in their mad rush. So wHy noT laUgh? They are naked and weaponless while we have wooden spears, they are obviously suicidal. SO wHY NoT LaUgh?! They are led at the front by a frail looking pregnant female, not even a frogman. Her belly large with spawn and her breasts shaking at us as she runs, it was a comical sight. SO WHY NOT LAUGH?!!

Because She will rip off your legs and force you to watch the slaughter of your family.

Her only warning to me being “Don’t laugh at me stupid frog.”

I calm my tumultuous mind. Closing my eyes does not help, I can still hear their screaming, cries for help and the sound of flesh being ripped and torn. We should not have laughed.

It turned wrong when She hit our front lines, we expected her to be skewered as she ran right into our spears. We expected to see her bleed and beg as we opened up her belly and emptied her spawn onto the floor. We expected the males charging behind her to share the same fate. Our expectations did not become reality.

She crushed through our spears and with her momentum running down hill, hit one of us who… splattered. Perhaps exploded would be a better word for the bloody sight. His gore showered those around him. All of who froze as their brother’s bits and pieces covered them. How should one react to such a thing, it made no sense. We could not have known.

Our spears had snapped against her white skin as if they tried to stab a boulder rolling down hill. All of those behind her took that opening in our lines to get among our fighters. Their shock lasted too long to stop them and what we thought would be a slaughter turned into a melee. Or spears were too long to be effective when bodies are rubbing up against each other, and the white ones had unnatural strength. They were all level 1 or 2 save for Her. So how did they have such demonic strength? It was bedlam and they thrived in it. We could not have known.

Their violence and viciousness was so far beyond any of us had ever seen, ripping off limbs and pulling out tongues with their bare, bloody hands. We are monsters, but they are something else, something horrifying. I calm my mind again. As our lines devolved, no longer organized, I saw Her from my throne, a large log, whittled down for the purpose of sitting upon and overlooking the fighting. She was killing through my children and brothers, making her way towards me. I took it as a challenge and ordered them to let her through. I could not have known.

As She started walking towards me instead of running, no longer hindered in her approach, I saw it.

Level 5

Above Her head was only a level, no race, no title.

Is such a thing possible? I had never seen it before, none of the genetic memories from my ancestors showed such a thing. It startled me at the time, but I was quickly able to judge the situation. She was lower level than me and heavy with spawn. I laughed at Her once more, a loud hearty sound from the back of my soul. I could not have known.

“Don’t laugh at me stupid frog.”

My father had found a sword, made of beautiful iron, in the belly of a beast our family slew. He passed this sword to me when I inherited the title of Chieftain. Poor father was too weak while sleeping so I strangled him. The sword has never failed to cut any of my enemies down. After saying those words, She lunged at me with Her bloody hands. I was confident though and used my level 10 skill, which causes fear in my enemies, a skill truly fit for a chieftain. How could I have known?

My skill simply rolled off of Her, like the spears of our line, like my sword as I tried to defend myself from Her savagery. It was over fast but the pain as I saw her ripping off one leg, and tearing out the other, seemed to last a lifetime. The sounds of my own flesh snapping and squelching will haunt me till I bleed out and die. Hopefully soon.

Now here I am, watching as our numbers once in the thousands, slowly get whittled down by furious white demons splashed with the red of our blood. Our lines our gone now, the demons rampage through our mud dwellings. I see them dragging out the bodies of what were once our women and young. I see their hungry females in the shallows of our lake, slurping up our newly spawned. They are like Her, heavily pregnant, but they did not join in the fighting, they are not like Her. For She is an angel of destruction, sent to punish us for our hubris. We could not have known, so we should not have laughed.

I am alone in the world now, the demons have finished their gruesome work. I spot many of their corpses among my own people’s lifeless husks and I smirk, but do not laugh.

I will never laugh again.


Chieftain Grupnor 2nd Died

-POV End-


That's all the chapters for the first content dump, I'll have another chapter posted tomorrow and every day for the foreseeable future. Until then, here's a message from Opal.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.