Fantasy Realm – Infinite Worlds Adventure [One Piece] [Harry Potter] [Naruto] [HxH] – [Progression] [LitRPG] [World Hopping]

Chapter 42: Crash Landing, Evil Forest, Prison Cage

Alex clings desperately to a metal beam to avoid being hurled overboard by the explosion.

The bomb’s blast inflicted colossal damage on the Prima Vista, tearing into the poor luxury airship. Many of its propellers sputter and falter, with some stopping completely. Despite this, the airship barely escapes Alexandria’s grasp, struggling free of the chains anchoring it to the castle. Yet it now bears a large gash along its left side, listing dangerously as it limps westward, descending at a slow, uneven pace.

With its controls lost, the ship dips lower and lower, descending toward the dreaded Evil Forest. Through the mist, Alex can see the looming trees of the forest beneath them, thick and dark. The Evil Forest lies in a basin just west of Alexandria, a perilous place shunned by all nearby towns and settlements. Overrun with aggressive monsters, especially malicious plants, it’s a place most travelers avoid at all costs.

Alex knows the forest’s deadly reputation well. “So the easy life in Alexandria is over,” he mutters. “This is the first real test. Welcome to hell, where one misstep means becoming plant food or getting petrified forever.”

As the ship lurches lower, Alex braces for impact and spots Zidane just a few feet away, struggling to maintain his footing as they brace for the inevitable crash.


The airship crashes into the forest, carving a deep path through the thick trees, uprooting and tearing through everything in its way before coming to a slow, shuddering halt. It’s clear from the wreckage around them that the ship is damaged beyond repair.

Alex and Zidane, thrown off by the first impact, hit the ground nearby but, miraculously, manage to land on a soft grassy cliff. Shaken but unharmed, they get to their feet and look over the ruined airship now embedded within the dense, eerie forest.

You have taken 11 fall damage

"Damn, that hurt," Alex yells, grimacing as he tumbles down a slope, rolling over the grass until he finally crashes against a large stone.

Groaning, he reaches into his inventory and pulls out one of his [Freshly Baked Pumpkin Bread], taking a quick bite to heal some HP and boost his regeneration. He knows exactly what dangers are about to appear. Looking over, he spots Zidane next to him, sporting a similar look of mild irritation and relief.

"This is…awkward," Alex says, scratching his head.

Zidane nods with a grin. "Yeah…so let’s bury the hatchet and check if the others landed safely, okay?"

Alex’s expression softens, and he breaks into a smile. "Thank god you’re reasonable, unlike my Captain. This is the forest of death. It’s already as dangerous as it gets, and if we start fighting with each other, we don’t stand a chance."

Zidane glances around at the dense trees surrounding them. "Forest of death? Damn, looks like we really messed up this getaway and landed in the worst place possible."

The two of them head toward the damaged Prima Vista, now half-submerged in the mist and lying at a precarious angle. Though the airship is in one piece, it’s clear it’s been reduced to a glorified wooden shelter, grounded and stripped of its airship capabilities.

As they approach, Zidane spots Cinna, who waves them over with relief. “Zidane! I thought you were a goner! Did you actually jump off the ship, you madman?”

“Cinna, we got thrown off. We didn’t jump,” Zidane replies, rolling his eyes.

“What do you mean ‘we’?” Cinna asks, startled as he finally notices Alex. His hand instantly goes for his hammer.

“CALM DOWN!” Zidane practically yells. “No time for this. Is everyone safe?”

Cinna, still eyeing Alex suspiciously, replies, “We have a big problem. The rusty Captain, the princess, and even that tiny Black Mage got thrown off. Some of the crew saw them fall right off the main stage.”

Alex immediately cuts in, “No time to waste. If they’re hurt or unconscious, they’ll be easy prey for the monsters in this forest. We need to hurry. The ship seems to be blocking off most paths, so the only clear route is south, the same path we likely flew over while we descended.”

“Good thinking,” Zidane says, nodding. “We need to save the princess, or all of this will have been for nothing.”

Alex glances at him, curiosity flashing in his eyes. “I don’t know why you’re so determined to kidnap the princess, but I have a feeling I know why she’d use this as a chance to escape. Let’s save her first, then we’ll talk about it.”

With that, they sprint into the forest, weaving through twisted roots and thick fog as they head south, hoping to reach the others in time.

A few minutes later, a goblin suddenly leaps from the bushes, ambushing them.

"No time for this!" Alex shouts, quickly pulling out his [Mr. 5’s .44 Caliber 6-Shot Revolver] and firing a round straight at the goblin.

You have dealt 28 damage to goblin

The goblin shrieks and collapses to the ground, injured. Without hesitation, Alex steps forward and delivers a deathblow with his [Sword of Pluto], plunging it down into the goblin's head.

You have dealt 37 x 3 = 111 damage to goblin

You have killed goblin

You have received 50 gil

"Ha! At least he dropped some gil!" Alex notes. "Looks like the system adapts its drop rules for this world."

Zidane stares, wide-eyed. "What is that weird weapon? Thank god you didn’t use it on stage, that thing looks dangerous!"

With the goblin encounter over, they press on, reaching an open area where sunlight breaks through the thick canopy.

Alex’s eyes land on Vivi, shivering on the ground nearby, and then on Steiner, who stands frantically swinging his sword at a massive plant monster. The creature, known as the Prison Cage, has an ominous cage-like structure made of tangled roots on its head, and inside it, Garnet lies unconscious, trapped.

"Release the princess!" Steiner yells, his voice desperate as he faces the monster, cornered and helpless.

Alex and Zidane run to his side, and Steiner's eyes light up, finally seeing a ray of hope. "Alex! And you, scoundrel! Help me free the princess!"

Alex nods, caught between intervening fully or allowing things to play out according to the timeline. “Still,” he thinks, “the monsters here are tough. Even that goblin survived a gunshot. I need to help.”

He takes out his revolver, carefully aiming for the lower part of the Prison Cage to avoid hitting Garnet by mistake, and fires.

You have dealt 7 damage to Prison Cage

“Damn! Looks like bullets aren’t effective against plant monsters,” Alex curses as his shot barely dents the thick, root-covered creature.

The fight intensifies as Zidane enters a trance, unleashing a mighty blast of energy. “Free Energy!” he shouts, the attack hitting the Prison Cage with impressive force.

As the monster takes damage, Alex notices it starting to drain Garnet’s life force. “Defeat it quickly, it’s leeching the princess’s life!” he yells, urgency in his voice.

Steiner and Alex hack at the monster with their swords, but the creature’s defenses are formidable. Each strike against its tough, bark-like skin feels like chopping through solid wood.

You have dealt 19 damage to Prison Cage

Zidane unleashes another “Free Energy!” but even that isn't enough to kill it. The monster, barely holding on, retreats into the forest, taking the unconscious Garnet with it.

“NO! PRINCESS!” Steiner shouts, his voice thick with despair.

Before they can regroup, another Prison Cage emerges and quickly snares Vivi, who’s still lying on the ground in shock.

“Take it down fast!” Alex shouts as they charge in. The three of them hack and slash at the beast, with Vivi himself managing to cast his signature “Fire” spell, dealing a direct hit.

Alex sprints toward the monster, slamming his shield against its side. As it recoils, he aims a strike toward its face, noticing that the root armor is thinner there. “That one felt better,” he mutters, realizing he’s found a weak spot.

You have dealt 5 damage to Prison Cage.

You have dealt 24 damage to Prison Cage.

You have killed Prison Cage

You received Chest (Green)

"Careful! It’s releasing spores!" Alex shouts, trying to keep the others clear of the burst of greenish gas.

Despite his efforts, both Vivi and Steiner are hit directly in the face. The spores work instantly, causing both Vivi and the dead Prison Cage’s body to collapse to the ground. Steiner, stumbling, follows soon after.

Alex and Zidane quickly call for help from the Prima Vista crew, who assist them in carrying Vivi’s limp form and leading a confused, dazed Steiner back to the ship.

Alex decides to let Steiner rest in the makeshift prison cell aboard the ship. “I’ll come back for him later, after he’s had a chance to recover,” he mutters to himself.

Once Vivi and Steiner are safe on the airship, Blank and Zidane escort Alex to meet Baku, the leader of Tantalus.

“So I heard that not only Captain Rustbucket but one of his soldiers managed to catch a ride on our ship. Can’t you knights let a bunch of poor workers do their jobs?” Baku grumbles with a sly grin.

Alex returns the grin, shrugging. “Not here to get in your way, honestly. Didn't think I’d be almost killed by the Queen I’m supposed to protect! I still can’t wrap my head around her solution to a kidnapping—shooting down the entire airship with the princess on board. Brilliant plan, really.”

Baku chuckles. “You’ve got a sharp head on those shoulders, knight. So, what’s your plan now?”

Alex sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. “Honestly, I’d rather just get out of here. But I can’t abandon the princess. I heard Blank talking to Vivi about an antidote for the spores. Think you could give my Captain a dose as well? Once he’s up and running, he’ll insist on joining me, and we’ll be out of your way. Our mission is to protect the princess. If there’s even a chance she’s alive, neither of us will give up on her.”

Zidane interjects, “Rusty already took the cure. Anyway let’s all go together. We need to hurry.”

Baku shakes his head firmly. “My mission was to kidnap the princess, but my crew’s safety comes first. We have too many injured who can’t leave yet. We’re staying put for now. You’re free to go after the princess, and we’ll support you where we can. But Zidane,” he turns, his voice hardening, “you’re staying on this ship. Take one step outside, and you’re no longer a member of Tantalus. Am I clear?”

Zidane clenches his jaw, his expression stormy as he turns and walks off, Alex following close behind. Finding a quiet spot, Alex sits down for a few minutes to catch his breath.

Deciding it’s time to open his new chest, he mutters, “Maybe there’s something useful inside. Better check it now.”

Quality: Green
Level: 1
Note: Dropped by a Prison Cage

You received 1000 Fantasy Coins.
You received Plant Essence

[Plant Essence]
World: Fantasy Realm / Final Fantasy 9
Quality: Green
Effect: Instantly heals 30 HP and minor wounds but take 20 HP damage over the next 20 minutes and receive up to 2 random status ailments.
Note: This is a plant essence, not intended for consumption. This item can be found in many worlds and is used in various crafting recipes.

"Ugh, this thing’s useless for now. Looks like it’s meant for crafting or something. Some kind of essence that drops across worlds. Better than nothing, I guess," Alex mutters, pocketing the [Plant Essence] with mild frustration before heading toward Steiner’s makeshift prison room. On his way, he passes Zidane, who’s just come from visiting Vivi.

Zidane calls after him, "Wait... don’t leave yet! There’s something I’ve got to do first. I’m going to talk to the boss!"

Alex shrugs, thinking, "So, he’s off for his farewell duel. Well, time to check on the Captain first."

When Alex opens the door to Steiner’s room, he finds the Captain awkwardly playing with a ragged, poorly-made puppet of Princess Garnet. "Captain, are you alright?" he asks, fighting back a grin.

Steiner shoves the puppet behind his back, looking startled. "Ah, of course! Are you alright? Did they imprison you as well?"

Alex shakes his head. "Not quite, Captain. You might not like this, but I made a deal with them. They’re going to let us go and even help us with supplies. So, no arrests for now. I figured it was the best option. After all, we should hurry up and save the princess, right?"

Steiner immediately springs up, practically vibrating with urgency. "The princess! You’re absolutely right! Good thinking, Alex! We need to leave at once!" His eyes light up, then he suddenly adds, “Wait… during the battle, that little black mage, Master Vivi… his fire magic was powerful! Perhaps he could help us!”

"Absolutely, Captain. His fire spells would be a huge help in the forest. I held back from using my own spell earlier because they’d have hit the princess or Vivi. But Vivi’s magic is precise," Alex replies.

"Let’s go find him at once!" Steiner says, charging for the exit before Alex can even move.

Alex sighs as Steiner bolts out. "Captain... wrong way!" he shouts.

Steiner pauses, flustered, then nods with renewed dignity. “Right, of course. Lead the way, my loyal student!”

Shaking his head, Alex thinks, “This is going to be a long rescue mission.”

Alex Kerber: Lvl 1
HP: 130/130, MP: 80/80
STR: 7 (+1), AGI: 7 (+1), PHY: 7, SNS: 7 (+1), CHA: 7 (+5), MNA: 7, INT: 7 SPR: 7 (+5), LUK: 7
Available Stat Points: 1
Innate Skills: Genius Conjurer lvl 1, Statistical OCD lvl MAX
Free Skill Slots: 0/2, Free Basic Skill Slots: 0/8
Basic skills: Basic Close Combat Prowess lvl 1, Basic Footwork lvl 1, Basic Endurance lvl 1, Basic Long-Range Combat Prowess lvl 1, Basic Eloquence lvl 1, Basic Concentration lvl 1, Basic Meditation lvl 1, Basic Mana Control lvl 1
Passive Skills: Pistol Proficiency lvl 1, Alexandrian Royal Swordsmanship lvl 0
Active Skills: Annihilation Grenade lvl 1
Fantasy Coins: 1600 Soul Crystals: Small x1 Gil: 2050
Current Weapons: Mr. 5’s Revolver (Downgraded) (Deep Blue), Sword of Pluto (Deep Blue) Barbed Dagger (Light Green)
Current Equipment: Commander Shepard’s Dog Tag (Deep Blue), Shield of Pluto (Deep Blue), Armor of Pluto (Blue), Visor of Pluto (Blue), Cuisses of Pluto (Blue), Gauntlets of Pluto (Blue), Sabatons of Pluto (Blue)
Miscellaneous Items: Navalia Wolf Jerky x4 (Gray), Healing Potion x2 (White), Freshly baked Pumpkin bread x 2 (Gray), Various cards x57 (Mix) Jack’s Spare Silvery Mask (Light Green) Navalia Fur Armor (White), Navalia Fur Boots (White), Navalia Fur Gauntlets (White) Solid Marine Saber (Light Green), Plant Essence (Green)

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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