Fantasy Creation Game

Chapter 9

The next day, early morning

""Brother, there is a voice message for you."

In the bedroom, Xun'er woke up Ye Chen who was sleeping late.

Ye Chen has not yet strengthened himself and has not reached the state of not eating, drinking or sleeping. In addition, he has been thinking about the plan of the creation game these days, so he is still a little tired.

"Text message, whose is it?" Ye Chen rubbed his eyes and asked

"Of course it's your sister." Xun'er pouted and said

"What did she say?"Ye Chen sat up and asked

"She said in the voice that on behalf of her roommate, she thanked you for your help last night, and also reminded you not to go out recently, even though you are a stay-at-home mom. Hum! This"humph" was her original words."

Xun'er said with a smile, the master's brother's sister looked so cute. It was obvious that she wanted to thank her brother, but she was embarrassed to admit it, and she was embarrassed to say it to his face. Tsk tsk tsk tsk……

"Well, you can reply to her and ask her to be more careful and not to leave the school unless necessary. Things are not peaceful recently."

Ye Chen smiled and ordered

""Oh." Xun'er nodded and did everything.

"What's going on on the Internet now?"Ye Chen asked about the business.

"Brother, look for yourself, these are all the messages from 12 o'clock last night." Xun'er listed the messages.

Internet headlines: [Shocking, two moons in the same sky last night, time and space are confused, actor"Lü Xiaobu" awakens the power of his past life, transforms into the ghost god Lü Bu, fights the ninja god Hattori Hanzo, demolishes the building, shocks China.]

Weibo headlines: [Time travel? Decisive battle on the top of the Forbidden City, is this malicious hype, or is the world real?]

Forum headlines: [Newton is the biggest liar in history, gravity is the biggest lie in the world, we actually live in a fantasy world]

"Ahem."After seeing the forum headline, Ye Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

If Newton saw this headline, I wonder if his coffin lid can be pressed down.

However, some people refuted the moderator, and their arguments were well-founded.

"Newton later changed his ways, and in his later years he devoted himself to theology."

"The above person is right. No wonder many scientists believe more and more in the existence of gods the more they study science."

"plus one!"




"Well, the effect is good, but now these comments and headlines should have been deleted."Ye Chen said

"Yes, but I can restore it instantly and make it impossible for anyone in the world to delete it."Xun Er raised her nose and said proudly.

"No hurry, I want to see the online comments after the harmonization."Ye Chen is not in a hurry, the most delicious food should be tasted last.

Xun'er nodded and listed the information from this morning.

The headlines of the whole network: [Two moons on the same day, time travel? No, it is an epoch-making technological attempt, the era of full information projection shooting has arrived.]

The Weibo of the Love Apartment Legend crew @吕小布@all fans: [Thanks to the country for its support, thanks to technological innovation, thanks to the generosity of the Forbidden City, our new play has such a major breakthrough]


"Explain everything with science? That's really a clean sweep."

Ye Chen sneered. As he read, he found a ridiculous title in a novel forum.

[A love that spans thousands of years and will never be forgotten? Why did Lü Bu fight with Hattori Hanzo, and why was Diao Chan on her way? A love-hate relationship that spans thousands of years, Lü Bu, Diao Chan, and Hattori Hanzo, unknown secrets, let me tell you in detail]

There are many malicious speculations in this title that are not suitable for children. It is completely a bloody romance drama, and it was criticized by people.

"The OP is an idiot, talking nonsense!"



"+I bought a watch last year."

"Louzhu, a clown who seeks attention!"

"Seeing everyone scolding the OP, I feel relieved"


"That person may not be sensational."After reading the forum, Ye Chen pondered again. He had to admire the power of the state machine. It smoothed out the storm in the middle of the night and successfully diverted the attention of netizens.

This is the advantage of the information age, but it is also a disadvantage. It depends on how to use it.

"Xun'er, how is Lu Xiaobu doing?" Ye Chen asked

"Brother, he just got up, and China is sending someone to test him."

After saying that, Xun'er called up the monitoring room.

In the picture, there was no slice research as the world maliciously imagined, nor was there any detention and interrogation. The top management just asked China's youngest and most beautiful female doctor of psychology to come and talk to Lu Xiaobu.

"Mr. Lu Xiaobu, you don't have to be nervous. This riot was an accident. There were no casualties. The law will not hold you responsible, and we will not restrict your personal freedom. Besides, the Lu Bu you played was really domineering. Can I have an autograph?"

The female doctor in a white robe smiled gently, and the infection of this smile made Lu Xiaobu's tense nerves relax slightly.

However, the words"no casualties" made Ye Chen and Xun'er sneer; is the dead Hattori Hanzo not a human being? Although in a sense, Hattori Hanzo is not a complete life...

"Drink a glass of warm water first."

Seeing that Lu Xiaobu didn't say anything, the female doctor got up and walked to the water dispenser and brought him a glass of warm water.

"Thank you, Doctor Li."Lv Xiaobu smiled and nodded. He was just about to drink some water because people tend to be thirsty when they are nervous.

The female doctor smiled slightly. Getting a person to speak is the first step to unlock his heart.

With this step, it will be easier to talk. Under the guidance of the female doctor, Lv Xiaobu gradually let down his guard and told almost all his experiences from childhood to adulthood.

The female doctor was like his close friend. She listened to everything patiently with a smile. However

, he frowned slightly in his heart because his background and experience were really not related to"Lv Bu".

The only connection was the stage name, Lv Xiaobu.

This was the stage name he got after his debut in his first TV series.

"Maybe this is fate, and I will just assume he is Lu Bu's reincarnation."The female doctor thought to herself

"In fact, I never thought I would become famous. I have to thank my wife who always supports me, as well as the director and my good friends in the crew."Lv Xiaobu said with gratitude.

"Um, you just said that you and your friends in the crew like to play games, especially those about the Three Kingdoms."

The female doctor said casually

"Yes, Three Kingdoms, fantasy, etc., I remember it!"Lv Xiaobu stood up suddenly and said excitedly

"The Three Kingdoms? What happened to the Three Kingdoms?"The female doctor's eyes sparkled. She knew that Lu Xiaobu liked to play the Three Kingdoms game, so she pretended to mention everything related to the Three Kingdoms casually. Unexpectedly, she asked the key point.

"I may know why I transformed into Lu Bu."Lu Xiaobu murmured

"What?" Upon hearing this, the female doctor couldn't help but be shocked.

In the center of the military base, the Chinese heads of state and senior officials who were monitoring the reception room all changed their expressions and stared at the screen.

"Then, may I ask you the reason? If you don't want to tell me, that's fine."

The female doctor took a deep breath, quickly calmed down, kept smiling, and asked softly.

""Yes!" Lu Xiaobu unexpectedly did not refuse, which made the female doctor and the Chinese leader overjoyed.

However, before the female doctor and the Chinese leader were happy for a second

"Because I played a Three Kingdoms game!"Lu Xiao preached


There was only one expression on the female doctor's face: Are you trying to make me laugh?


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