A couple of years ago, the magical beasts of the central continent were threatened by not only the vampires and werewolves but even by outsiders who appeared out of nowhere. To resolve the problem, their then king, King Joe, one of the most talented geniuses in their race, had no choice but to personally venture out and investigate the figures threatening their existence.

However, while the outsiders were indeed taken care of, the casualties were enormous by then. After that particular incident, the Royal Basiliks under the order of King Joe had called the three other Great Beast families for a meeting.

After a long and careful debate, the four great families agreed to relocate the capital city to a massive island surrounded by water. The important members of their families were moved to the island, and while the general public response to their decision wasn't good, they didn't care. Besides, it wasn't as if they abandoned them as they still had many branches and members spread across and controlling the various cities in the continent. After some time, affluent figures were able to gain access to the island, and before you knew it, the city grew to the size it was now.

Emperor Razor watched with cold eyes as the werewolf queen, someone who in normal situations he wasn't able to have a single exchange with disappear due to his meticulous yet treacherous plan. He had to use a special technique to hide the scent of his body to the utmost limit due to the inhuman sense of the werewolf race. And yet despite all his plans and even after withdrawing his aura to the fullest, he was almost found out in the first instant she set his eyes on him. Thankfully, everything turned out well, all because of his supposed last born.

'The greatest decision I had ever made is not corrupting that boy.' He couldn't help but thank his lucky stars for the choice that he had made then because of the unique abilities of the boy. But now, that decision of several years was what saved him today.

'But it is not yet over...'

Not even a second after Rebecca disappeared, Emperor Razor's eyes moved inside the helmet covering his head as he quickly surveyed the room.
He felt a pang of pain at the loss of his Elders who he was planning to corrupt. Such terrifying figures had been eradicated in a mere instant...he. couldn't help but feel a chill...

Shaking his head, he noticed that the majority of the figures he had brought with him had died, some by Rebecca's hands like his two deceased sons and some from the aftermath of the lightning falling from the sky. The only person remaining was his last born who had been protected by Rebecca herself yet had been her downfall. Seeing the boy disappear into the shadows, Emperor Razor couldn't help but nod his head in appreciation.

'Smart boy...'

However, his eyes soon creased when he didn't see a figure or at least his corpse in the destroyed hall.

'That coward must have fled at some point...' He wasn't surprised to see his uncle Dave had fled. In fact, if it wasn't because he had to be prudent because of how alert his uncle was, he would have corrupted many more among the elders.

All these thoughts went through his mind in less than five seconds. He knew that the guards along with other members of his race would be here soon due to the brief yet alarming battle, but most importantly...

'She will be here any moment. I have to act fast...'

His body seemed to defy all logic, as he broke the sound barrier with a Sonic boom, the sonic wave clearing all the debris around him. In less than a split second, Razor disappeared from the spot as he crossed several kilometers in but a second. Without holding back his strength he ran with all his might, his only thought, to leave as much distance as he could from the ruined palace.

Five seconds after Emperor Razor disappeared from the scene, the space suddenly distorted for a moment before a tall and slender figure appeared.

Standing at over three meters in height, Scarlett's snow-white hair danced behind her even in the absence of air as her aura increasingly rose. Her usual indifferent but cold eyes shone with a rare murderous intent as she surveyed the scene around her. She had just left the minor world in which the humans were hidden and were about to head to the Darkblood academy when she felt the aura of her sister suddenly vanish from her senses.
She could sense some fluctuation in the space before her, which she didn't need to guess to be the reason for her sister's disappearance. Seeing that the fluctuation was about to disappear completely, she quickly spread her will which was connected to the world together with her spiritual sense.
It didn't take Scarlett long to notice two figures running in opposite directions as if trying to escape from something or someone. Scarlett frowned a little when she saw the small boy of about twelve years running with all his might, as a greenish essence covered his body. She quickly ignored his existence as she didn't believe such a young boy could have anything to do with her sister's disappearance.

But when she focused her senses on the other figure, a wave of murderous intent erupted from her body. It didn't take her a moment to identify who he was. If she had not entered a minor world, she might have sensed his presence if she had tried to search for him again, alas, it seemed luck was on the other party's side.

Her body blurred for a moment as she thought to give chase, but she quickly decided against it when she could only feel a slight trace of the previous fluctuation in space in front of her.

Without hesitation, she slashed her hand down as if wielding a sword in front of her and what happened next was nothing short of shocking.

A long tear appeared in the space before her and not even a second later, Scarlett plunged into it, but not before her cold voice resounded in the area.


The long crack in space quickly healed and in just three breaths, it disappeared without a trace.

Emperor Razor had already left the area around his palace and soon after he left the grand estate owned by the Royal Basiliks. Even then, he ran without any care of the expenditure of his mana, as he entered a street lined by the sides by tall luxurious buildings.

Just when he sighed a bit in relief, a cold voice seemed to cut through space and arrive beside his ears:


Razor's face fell, as his body became cold. Looking up, he saw the clear sky covered by several flying beasts suddenly darken, causing the aerial beasts to scream in fear.

Chaos erupted as the blue sky turned dark. Then the sky for hundreds of kilometers rumbled as lightning cackled noisily, and intermingled with the blood-red snakes were crimson flame whose terrifying heat seemed to burn the ground despite the distance.

Several figures panicked as little beasts in their human forms cried in fear, while the fear-filled roars of countless beasts filled the skies.

No one knew or understood what was happening but their instincts told them to move as far away as they could from the darkened skies. However, how was it possible for these weak beasts to cross hundreds of kilometers in a short time when even Razor could not?

Less than three breaths after the blood-red lightning and crimson flames manifested in the sky, a massive pillar formed from their combination suddenly fell from the sky, covering an area of hundreds of kilometers.

The ground turned into lava before the pillar of flame and lightning even arrived, and countless figures died before they could scream in fear.


An angry and unwilling cry suddenly shook the area.

Emperor Razor watched the falling pillar of destruction with craze-filled eyes, and without any restraint, all his mana burst out from his body.

His skin turned crimson red from the falling pillar, however, the pain he felt only fueled his unrelenting determination to survive. His will erupted from his body and together with his mana, the poison laws in his almost seventy-kilometer surrounding had no choice but to fall into his control.

An evil essence erupted from his body soon after, before covering the same range of the field formed from his will. All those who had survived the heat screamed in fear as their bodies engulfed by the evil energy, started getting corrupted. But before the process could even finish, Emperor Razor's will finally manifested.

The ground beneath him and his will field seemed to turn into an abyss located within the terrifying maw of an ancient beast. Soon after, a pillar of black-greenish poison rose from the ground before rising to the sky to meet the crimson pillar with blood-red snakes crackling around it.



The skies rumbled as the earth shook. All the lives under the falling pillar were instantly sniffed out, safe for Emperor Razor who was still roaring atop his lungs with his eyes raised high as if supporting the skies.

The black-greenish breath-like attack surrounding him seemed to stop the crimson pillar from falling from the sky despite being several times smaller.
However, Emperor Razor's already reptilian eyes narrowed into pin size as the falling reflection of a crimson pillar stopped for a moment before descending with a crushing force shone in his eyes.

"NOOOOOO!" An unwilling scream shook the area before it was swallowed by the crimson pillar.


The entire city spanning thousands of kilometers shook as if experiencing a severe earthquake. Shocked cries filled the entire city as it descended into pandemonium.


The Emberclaw Legion, Stoneclaw Pride, and Beast association were alerted to the sudden chaos within the city. Several grand figures trembled in fear as they gazed intently at the calamity that had abruptly descended from the sky.

They didn't doubt for one second that the main branch of their rulers, the Royal Basiliks had been razed to the ground, as their territory was also within the range of the crimson pillar. The only question in their mind was how many survived and why such a disaster had befallen them in the first place.

After the dust settled, several strong aura suddenly flew into the sky in the direction of the attack.

Not before long, the leaders and elders of the three great families arrived at the scene. But what they saw shocked them to the core.

A massive crater hundreds of kilometers wide and hundreds of meters deep formed in the ground. The ground had turned into molten lava, the heat searing at their skin even though they were in the sky. The sudden flashes of blood-red lightning within the lava pool made their hearts tremble.

"Heavens! Wh-What is going on?" An elder couldn't help but voice out with a shaky voice, unfortunately, nobody could answer him, as they were just as oblivious to the situation.

Just when many of the elders were about to move to check on the territory of the Royal Basiliks, a certain part of the lava sea below them bubbled, causing them to flinch in fear.

"What is it now..." Before that person could finish his words, a figure engulfed in thick darkness burst out from within the lava before shooting into the sky.

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