AN: Sorry I didn't release a chapter on Wednesday. I had some health issues... Also, a few changes have been made to the previous chapter. Please re-read the ending, to be up to date.


Resources were distributed from the nine prominent vampire clans to the Darkblood Academy every year to produce and groom new talents for the vampire race.

To allocate these different resources, the ranking war was established for all the students, from the first to fourth years. The top ten within each of these ranking wars were given more resources than the others, and the allocation was further distributed according to their ranks. And it just so happened that today was the second-year ranking war. The first part of the competition was already held in the morning in the form of a battle royale with six contestants rising above the other contestants to become the winners.


Despite being in a minor world, the Darkblood Academy was still ultimately within the Lunar World. So it didn't escape the lightning that covered the sky, and the tremors that shook the earth. Thankfully, before a commotion could break out, the authorities were able to soothe the students and maintain order. Mirroring the structure of the Lunar World, the academy was divided into five areas, the northern, southern, eastern, western, and finally central area.

The southern and northern were respectively occupied by first-year and second-year students.

Within an auditorium located in the northern region...

In the heart of the auditorium, a grand ring stood as the focal point, surrounded by rows upon rows of plush seats extended outward, each meticulously arranged to provide an optimal view of the central stage.

The second stage of the second-year ranking war was about to begin but unlike before, the auditorium was full of people. Students from the third and fourth years mingled silently with the second years who had already lost in the battle royale held in the morning and could only spectate the rest of the competition.

"Hey, did you hear the rumors? Apparently, a few first-years were sent into the secret realm and I heard, two of them were not even from our race," said a second-year student.

"Yes...but can it be trusted? I also heard that the third-year students sent perished, and only those three first years survived. Doesn't that sound too ridiculous?" another second-year student responded.

"You are right? But... don't you think the reason why many people came to watch the ranking war today is to see the human boy who had challenged Jude last week, after all, he is rumored to be one of the three first years."

"...True. I can't think of any other reason."

Discussions like these continued within the auditorium, as the students spoke in hushed voices, some opting to communicate with spiritual energy. Hence, despite the majority of the hundreds of spectators present, the place wasn't noisy at all.

Soon, a commotion broke out. Several figures with grand status arrived one after the other.


Higher class nobles!

Middle-class nobles!

The hushed voices slowly died down, and the auditorium descended into pin-drop silence. Only the respectful voices of the Second-year principal and teachers resounded as they welcomed one affluent figure after another.

The students, be it the second years, third years and even the relatively few fourth years knew that a storm was brewing.

After a few moments, the Second-year principal who was a beautiful middle-aged woman entered the ring to announce the start of the competition, but before the words could leave her mouth, three new figures walked into the all, garnering the attention of those seated.

The one at the forefront was a young boy whose dark hair was interlocked with countless snow-white streaks, an amicable smile plastered on his face.

Walking a few feet behind was another dark-haired boy with white reptilian eyes and a girl whose hair was a beautiful blend of snow-white and blood-red. Despite her considerably young age which showed clearly on her face, her body was nothing otherwise. With a height towering above two meters, and a body so plentiful yet not visibly ripened, the little girl with ruby eyes stole the attention of almost all the parties in the hall, especially the young males.

However, a discrepancy was soon noticed...

Stefan led his sister and Joe to a relatively empty corner among the spectator's seats, which coincidentally was opposite the side where the counts and great nobles had been seated.

The tension in the building suddenly rose.

Ugly looks appeared on the faces of almost all the students in the hall, and while the adults tried not to show it, a slight look of displeasure and dissatisfaction uncontrollably found a way to their faces.

How could they not tell from the aura around Arianne and Joe that the rumors had indeed been true? If not, how would they explain how two little kids who just entered the academy were able to release pressure that even superseded those of the third years not to mention the second years?

Unfazed by the situation, Stefan looked at the seats on the other side of the ring, and ignoring the majority of those who were seated there, he smiled lightly at his rival, Toon, who similarly had an ugly smile etched on his face.

Sure, the vampires didn't mind that Arianne had entered the secret realm and reaped the benefits as she was not only one of their own but even their only and respected princess. But what about Joe?

Not to mention that if he was there, then the rumor about the human was also likely true, even though he hadn't appeared before them.

However, since the higher-class nobles and Counts had yet to say a thing or make a move, it wasn't in the place of mere students to do otherwise, Toon included.

The more rational students among the fourth years were able to figure out the reason why the higher-ups hadn't reacted...yet.

Since the beast and human had entered, that too without anyone's knowledge, it didn't take a genius to realize that someone at the top of the ladder had made it so...

Probably the King and Queen, or maybe the Protectors...

Or even their Liege.

As the silence slowly became stiffening, the middle-aged woman in the ring quickly cleared her throat.

"Once again, I welcome everyone to the Second-year ranking war. It is our great pleasure and privilege to have you in our midst! Without further ado, let the competition begin."

Pointing to her left, she gestured towards the nine figures who stood at the side of the ring, with a look of confidence and pride on their faces!

"These are the current best among the batch of second-year students. Ranked first to the ninth, they have proved their talents to be above and beyond those in the same year!"

Because Scarlett had killed the previous first rank in the awakening ritual held some time ago for reasons still unknown, the second to tenth rank rose a level, leaving the tenth seat empty.

This made this week's ranking war a bit special as not only would the seats of the top nine be challenged, but a new student who be chosen to occupy the tenth rank.

Pointing to the other side of the ring, the principal gestured towards a group of six, who looked less confident compared to the group directly across them. Some of them had anxious looks while a few of them even had a look of fear on their faces.

"These six would first compete to decide the new tenth rank, and after that, there would be an open challenge for any of the other ranks. Not only that, a challenge has been issued by the ninth rank to the third rank. If both parties retain their positions at the end of the competition, a duel will be held between them!"

After introducing the program for the day, the principal called the six challengers to the ring to pick lots to determine the matches. However, the first student who was called suddenly raised his hand, "Principal, I would like to redraw from these matches!"

"What!?" The principal furrowed her brows in anger as she questioned, "Why?"

They had important guests and she didn't wish to show them anything disgraceful.

"I want to challenge Jude for his seat!"

"Oh!" The principal's frown slowly smoothened, a thoughtful look on her face.

"What is Roy doing? Why would he miss such a great opportunity?"

"Leave that Idiot! Does he really think he is someone great to keep challenging Jude? I expect nothing less from a Plebian!"

A small commotion broke out among the second-year students.

The boy who wanted to face Jude was the strongest among the six challengers and had even challenged Jude last week only to be dominated completely. It was after his defeat that Arianne had also issued a challenge. Yet it seemed he was still hell-bent on defeating Jude.

'If he had partaken in the matches for the position of the tenth seat, it would have been somewhat easy for him to win. Compared to a total domination and complete beatdown, it would be less satisfying. Besides, it shouldn't affect Jude much in the last duel too...'

In the end, she felt it was okay...or even better. But she still had to ask Jude if he was willing to accept the challenge

"Allow him! It seems I didn't teach him a good lesson the last time. And it just so happens that I don't make the same mistake twice!" Jude readily accepted the challenge. He was already seething with fury. The thought of Arlo and Joe receiving a privilege he had always dreamed of, made his stomach churn and his heart almost burst.

Not to mention that he had flinched after sensing Arianne's and Joe's aura. A feeling of fear had uncontrollably crept into his heart from the thought of the human boy appearing before him with the same might as the duo. But after not seeing Arlo, that feeling had disappeared and slowly gave way to...shame.

He didn't believe he had been afraid of a human boy...and that too at a weakling he had dismissed just a week ago.

Seeing the foolish challenger, he decided to use him as an outlet to vent his emotions. It wasn't for no reason he was called a mad dog.


AN: Thanks to all those who are following the novel.

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