AN: This is the bonus chapter as promised.

"What is going on?"

"I-I don't know."

"Hmm..." Scarlett looked at Arlo with narrowed eyes. Even Evangeline who was directly beside him gazed at him in bewilderment. What just occurred was simply inconceivable even for existences such as them. The Secret realm had been existing for several Millennia but now it was gone. If such news should spread, it would not only shock the Lunar World but also cause a commotion in the entire dark galaxy.

But who thought that after a few minutes of pondering, Scarlett would merely nod, "Okay!"

"What!?" King Jake exclaimed. Even Emperor Razor looked at her in surprise.

"You are going to let the matter go just like that? It is the secret realm we are dealing with, for goodness's sake!"

"You do not need to worry. I will look into it." Scarlett replied curtly. She looked like she didn't want to continue on the matter but King Jake didn't seem to pick the hints.

"But even if the boy is special to you, you shouldn't..."

"Foolish Daddy!" Rose suddenly pulled a few of his unshaven beards, causing him to jolt from the sudden pain. His eyes couldn't help but widen when he saw the unexpectedly serious look on his daughter's face. Rose had always been one who spoke her mind unreservedly, without care of how the person on the receiving end would feel. Even he, her father had been mocked several times. Not to mention, this behavior of hers had raised several problems for him giving him a great deal of headaches.

In the end, he could only endure her antics, after all, she was the only and most important person to him, especially since her mother died on her birth bed. But never once had he seen her look so serious, in fact, he could detect how her face was slowly becoming pale. And it wasn't until he noticed her greatly spinning mysterious eyes that he understood why.

As the air around him cooled by several degrees, he raised his head in time to see Scarlett's eyes glowering at him. There was no outburst of aura, no application of pressure, neither was there a change in her expression, but the intensity with which her glowing ruby eyes pierced into him made him realize that he had outstepped his bounds.

"I am sorry. I was simply anxious about what would become of us now that the secret realm is no more." Despite bowing in apology, any sensible person could hear the truth in his words. While the Lunar World was a higher world, what mainly drew the attention of outsiders was the allure of the Secret realm.

A stiffening silence ensued as Scarlett kept looking at the still-bowing Jake for a full minute during which no one dared to breathe loudly. Slowly, Scarlett's glowing eyes returned to normal but she didn't redraw her gaze, causing the King not to dare raise his head. In fact, he was thankful he was lowering his head, that way his forehead which was already matted with swear wouldn't be shown openly.

"Aunty is too strict! Hmph, I don't like such persons." Rose's voice broke the silence, her mouth turning into a pout at the end of her words. With her chubby face, her pout looked extremely cute, however, nobody gave a f*ck about that, and instead looked at her with bulging eyes filled with horror, her father included.

"What!? I am now Arlo's girl!" she added after seeing their expressions.

Finally, Rose's words caused Scarlett's expression to change slightly.

"Oh!" Raising a brow, she looked at Arlo and saw his stunned figure. But before the person in question could even justify himself, another person beat him to it.

"Stop spouting nonsense!" Arianne growled menacingly.

"Hehe!" chuckled Rose as she hid behind her still-bowing father.

A glint of surprise flashed within Scarlett's eyes when she saw this little exchange. While Arianne seemed angry, Scarlett could still pick up the sense of familiarity with which she had responded. That in itself was very surprising, as she thought the addition of Arlo and Joe as her granddaughter's friends was already the limit.

Nobody noticed how Rose had diffused the tense atmosphere, thereby saving her father from his difficult position.

"I and Scarlett will carefully look into the issue of the secret realm later." Rebecca suddenly spoke, before looking at Arlo, Arianne, Arlo, Theodore, and the others one by one. "Now, can somebody explain to me what happened within the secret realm?"

She could see that aside from her daughter, no other werewolf was present within the groups who returned.

Ella suddenly lowered her head. Since she appeared, she had yet to say a word, and while there didn't seem to be any difference in her appearance, Rebecca could notice the look of sadness hidden within her drooping purple eyes.

As if in planned unison, Arlo, Arianne, and the others looked at Emperor Razor. They could judge from his aura that he was a magical beast, and since he was able to stand among Scarlett, Rebecca, and Jake, it didn't take a genius to figure out his identity.

Emperor Razor who had yet to speak a word, due to his shock at the sudden appearance of Joe, couldn't help but furrow his brow. He suddenly had a bad feeling, and sure enough, his worst fear came true.

"The magical beast team killed all the werewolves and vampire seniors. A few elves were also killed by them." Arlo's cold voice rang out, causing King Jake, Theodore, and the others who were still oblivious to what took place within the secret realm, to draw a sharp breath.

'Those idiots!' Emperor Razor cursed in his mind.

The air which had returned to its normal temperature for barely a few minutes, suddenly chilled once again, this time several degrees lower.

"" Rebecca pronounced her words one by one, with electricity sparking within her slowly fluttering hair.

Arlo gave a brief recount of what happened within the secret realm. Of course, he omitted a few details such as the existence of Seraphina and his lightning tribulation. Even now, none was the wiser that the floating mountain in the secret realm was actually an egg, a dragon egg!

Before anybody could react, a lightning bolt as thick as a human's thigh fell from the clear crimson sky, and smashed into Emperor Razor, knocking him down from the sky.


A crater about 50m in diameter formed on the ground. As the dust cleared, Emperor Razor looked at the figures in the sky, his eyes locking onto Rebecca, whose fluttering purple hair was now enveloped in crackling lightning, her expression one of fury. Despite her short frame, she looked like a lightning goddess.

Emperor Razor's body trembled constantly from the lightning still electrocuting him. With a small groan, he rose to his feet before wiping the blood that trickled from the sides of his mouth.

"Explain yourself, if not do not blame me for being harsh!"

Emperor Razor looked at Rebecca with narrowed eyes, the gears in his head spinning furiously.

'Those idiots must have killed the vampires and werewolves to extract their bloodlines, something I warned them not to do unless they were hundred percent sure of success. But it seems even though those brats were caught, they didn't reveal anything about the bloodline extraction technique.'

'Still, the blood pearl must be with one of them. I must get my hand on it first, if not everything I have planned for almost a decade would be ruined.'

As his mind arrived at this point, he lowered his head and spoke with a clear voice:

"Your Highness, I am just as shocked as you all!"

"Oh! So you mean to say you are oblivious to your subordinate's actions?"



Starting with a light chuckle, Rebecca suddenly burst into laughter. Emperor Razor quickly added when he saw her reaction.

"Something we don't know must have happened. Maybe something or someone tempered with their minds, if not I don't believe they would dare to act against the vampires or werewolves. Even me their leader don't have the audacity, not mention them."

Queen Rebecca's laughter slowly died down when she heard his words, her expression returning to that of indifference. It was hard to tell how she was feeling from her expression.

King Jake slowly and quietly moved away from the area, bringing Rose, Theodore, and the others with him. Of course, he didn't dare to leave the area but the aura emanating from Rebecca despite her indifferent look made him feel uncomfortable. Not to mention, the still silent Scarlett!

"While I didn't see what happened, I could tell the magical beast's action was planned." Arlo's voice resounded in the now tense surroundings.

Emperor Razor couldn't help but gaze at him, and even though he tried his best to repress it, the angry light that flickered within his mind for barely a second was still picked up by Scarlett.

"Oh!" Scarlett flashed a wide smile, revealing two long fangs surrounded by a clear white and pristine set of teeth. Her smile was simply captivating, but none dared to look at her at this moment.

*Pit pat!* *Pit pat!* *Pit pat!* *Pit pat!*

The sound of liquid trickling onto the ground suddenly echoed loudly, and when those present gazed at the source, they were shocked to see a stream of blood leaking from Emperor Razor's eyes, nose, ears and mouth.

Unlike Rebecca, nobody knew when or how she had acted, causing the dread they felt for both her and Rebecca to spike past the possible maximum.


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