In the heart of the mist-covered lake, an ethereal veil shrouded the hidden depths, concealing the monstrous inhabitants beneath the tranquil surface. The mist, thick and elusive, added an air of mystery to the surroundings, leaving the water's secrets veiled in an enigmatic dance of wisps.

As one ventured onto the lake's surface, jade-like steps materialized, a magical path emerging to defy the conventional boundaries of land and water. Each step, smooth and luminescent, hovered above the mist-kissed lake, creating an otherworldly walkway that beckons the adventurous.

Yet, stepping onto the jade steps initiated more than a mere physical journey. A mind trial unfolded a surreal experience where the very fabric of one's thoughts was tested. Whispers of memories and reflections manifested, drifting through the mist-like apparitions, challenging the traveler to navigate the labyrinth of their own consciousness.

The mist, now a silent observer to the inner struggles, responds to the triumphs and tribulations of the mind trial. If one successfully traverses the jade steps with a clear mind, the lake unveils its secrets and the monstrous entities within remain at bay. However, should the mind falter, the mist becomes a tempest of illusions, casting shadows of doubt and fear upon the journey.

In this mystical place, a few small figures surrounded by four monstrous winged red ants appeared before stepping on the lake.

Jade-like steps appeared underneath the legs of Arlo's group but before they could even appreciate the mystery of the situation, their minds were pulled by a strange force before they got sucked into different worlds...all but one person.

"Huh? What is going on?"

Joe had unconsciously prepared himself to face the lake's trial. From the rumors he had heard in his kingdom while growing up, he already knew that the lake tested one's inner demons or fears. Yet he didn't hesitate to venture into the lake all in the hope of accompanying Arlo.

Yet, what was this?

Where is the trial?

Joe looked around and noticed that he couldn't see Arlo and the other's figures. But he was sure from the mist surrounding him that he was still on the lake.

It was then that he met eyes with another being that was unaffected by the lake.

"Was it you?" He looked into the glowing starry eyes of the snake coiled around his neck. The snake seemed to sigh before it gestured with its head for him to head deeper into the lake.

Joe hesitated before he took another step, but when he noticed that nothing happened, he quickened his steps and hurried to leave the mystifying lake which looked more like a damned place to him.

The snake sighed at Joe's unchanging cowardice before it gazed at the floating mountain high in the colorful sky.



Immediately after stepping onto the lake, Arlo was pulled into a strange world.

He found himself in a small town. Within this town was a family of three, Arthur, Rita, and their only son, him.

What was even more strange was that there was no cultivation in this world, and everybody was equal, as humans.

Slowly but surely, Arlo integrated into this life after a few days. His yearning for his parents made him forget the strangeness of the situation.

He had never been so happy before. Now that he knew the value of what he lost, he unconsciously treasured it more. His relationship with Arthur became closer, and unlike before, he confided more in him than his mother.

It was a bright day.

The town was bustling with people moving along with their daily lives.

"You didn't need to follow me." Rita's smile seemed to light up the entire street. Occasionally, people would glance at her as they wondered how a human could be so unnaturally beautiful.

Rita seemed to already be used to this situation, but Arlo wasn't. Back in the village, no one looked at his mother in such a manner. In fact, her beautiful appearance didn't raise any attention. Not to mention that there were several other beauties present that could hold a candle to her, Rita also didn't leave the house without a veil covering her face. But that didn't seem to be the case here. Arlo suppressed the raging emotions welling within him, and smiled as brilliantly as possible, "I want to be with you, mum."

He was no different from any other 8-year-old boy at this moment.

A clear look of joy appeared on Rita's face as she heard her child wanted to spend more time with her.

The two entered the market and got several provisions they needed. They arrived before a stall selling different varieties of fruits. Arlo accompanied his mum in choosing the fruits from the stands.

"You have a good eye." The old man who owned the stall couldn't help but praise Arlo as he saw him always choose the best fruits in the freshest condition.

Arlo smiled while Rita giggled happily. Soon they started discussing on the price of their purchase when a voice interrupted them:

"It is good to see you again Rita."

Rita shook visibly, her smile wiped off her face as she quickly hid Arlo behind her.

"Zeke," she called out.

The middle-aged man escorted by two guards looked at Rita's figure with a look of appreciation, and not an ounce of obscene light in his eyes as he spoke:

"Rita, I haven't been with any woman even till now. Why don't you come with me? You will live a comfortable life by my side and you could even bring your child. You know what, you can even bring that useless husband of yours..."

"Zeke!" Rita cut his words off, her voice was stern and there was a touch of cold on her face.

"I am a married woman. Please, leave me alone."

Before Zeke could reply, one of the guards beside him shouted:

"Insolence! How dare you talk to the son of the city lord in such a manner? You are just a bitch that refuses to whore herself. Don't take yourself to be anything special."

Zeke raised his hand, stopping the guard from continuing with his insult.

"I apologize!" Zeke bowed his head with a sincere look on his face, causing the guards to flinch.

"But, my lord, there is no reason for you to act like this?"

"Enough!" he shouted, cutting them short once again. Seeing the angry look on Rita's beautiful face, Zeke decided to redraw for the day.

"I hope to see you again." He said, before walking away with his guards. The three of them didn't notice the cold light flashing within the eyes of the eight-year-old golden-haired boy hidden behind Rita's back.

Immediately, when they crossed the street, one of the guards couldn't hold it anymore and spoke out:

"My lord, you have been chasing that bitch for nine years now. Yet, she married that useless carpenter, humiliating you and dragging the name of the city lord to the ground. If you want, you could have her by force."

Rita's enchanting figure hugged by the black dress flashed within Zeke's eyes, and a feeling of lust couldn't help but flash within his eyes. But he quickly suppressed it, and spoke with a wry smile:

"Such a goddess should be won and not forced."

The guards were unconvinced but seeing that their words fell on deaf ears, they decided to let the issue off, not knowing the true thoughts going through their lord's mind.

'Such a woman should be pressed under me willingly. Only then can I enjoy her to the fullest.'

That night, when Arthur returned, Arlo recounted the events in the market to him, causing Arthur to fuel up in anger and leave the house. He ignored Rita's shout and plea for him to remain, and went deep into the city, to the city lord's mansion.

Three hours later, three guards approached the single-floor building in which Arlo's family lived.

Rita who had been outside the house anxiously awaiting her husband, burst into tears when she saw the state of Arthur.

Arthur was covered in blood and his legs dragged on the ground as he was raised by the arms. It was clear that his legs were broken.

"Ar-Arthur..." Rita cried as she ran toward him, only to be slapped flying by one of the guards.

A trickle of blood fell down the side of her mouth, but Zeke's low yet cold voice pulled her out of her reverie.

"I chased after you for almost ten years. Ten good years!" his low voice became louder the more he spoke, "But you ignored me all this time and shamed not only me but my entire family. 'The son of the city lord was rejected for a mere carpenter', the people gossiped about for years, yet I swallowed my pride and continued to run after you all in the hope that you would acknowledge my love one day."

Zeke lowered his head, hiding his expression from everyone on the scene, including the neighbors that had heard the ruckus, and decided to check what was happening.

The words spoken by his father, the city lord earlier during the night kept ringing in his head, "You are an embarrassment! A disgrace! You are almost 30 years old, yet you haven't married. The rumor is that you have never even laid with a woman. Yet you keep chasing after a girl who has rejected you countless times and has moved on with her life. Now, even a carpenter has the guts to come shout at me in my own house? You have made me lose face within this city!"

After a brief but seemingly long silence, Zeke spoke in a low voice that almost sounded like a whisper:


However, the response he received caused something to snap within his head.

"My husband... please, release my husband."

"I see..." Zeke spoke before he walked towards the fallen Rita and grabbed her roughly by the hair. The completely different eyes Rita saw caused a chill to run down her spine.

"It is my fault for making you think you were so special. In this world, what matters is power and not beauty...* As he spoke, he removed his clothes and started pulling down his trousers, causing Rita to go pale.

"Wh-what are you doing?"

"Do you really think I love you?" Zeke snickered as he enjoyed Rita's fear-filled face, "Since you wouldn't allow me to enjoy you, I will do it in front of the public's eye and make sure that you are nothing but a bitch. Besides, I can also tackle the rumor of me not having laid with a woman by showing off my skills. Isn't that nice? Killing two birds with one stone?"

Zeke appeared in his birthday suit. Realizing what he wanted to do, Rita cried out for help from the people who had come to watch what was going on. Among them was the old man who always sold her fruits.

However, after seeing the guards that surrounded the scene with a menacing look on their faces, the townsmen who wanted to speak swallowed their words.

What put Rita in even more despair was that she saw the look of expectation on some of the town men's faces and the gloating look of the women who always gazed at her with envy.


The side of her dress was torn.

"No!" Rita shouted in tears as she looked at Arthur for help. But Arthur was already unconscious after being subjected to brutal torture by the hand of the city lord himself.

"Shaaaaa!" Another side of her dress was torn, revealing her pale yet mesmerizing skin for all to see.

Rita closed her eyes and relented to her fate. She decided to commit suicide only for her body to flinch as she remembered somebody she shouldn't have forgotten in this situation.

She opened her eyes, ignored Zeke's lustful eyes, and looked to the front of their house.

"Arlo?" Her eyes widened as she saw Arlo look at the situation unfolding in front of him with no apparent emotion in his eyes. But Arlo's next words sent her into a state of confusion, temporarily making her forget about the man who was about to defile her.

"I almost forgot this world isn't real. There is no way my dad and mom could be this weak. But still..." Arlo smiled at his tearful but currently stunned mother.

"Sleep! This is all a dream."

That was all she heard clearly as she slowly drifted into sleep. But she barely made out Arlo's faraway figure that had instantly flashed before her, and the painful cry of Zeke that followed soon after before she lost consciousness.


In the secret realm.

"Is he alright?" Arianne spoke anxiously.

It had already been more than half a day since they started the trial. The others had already appeared on the other side of the lake, yet Arlo didn't seem to have even taken one step.

Rose who was the only one who could see into the mist with her eyes and watch Arlo's still figure spoke, "We can only wait."

It was fortunate no one could witness the massacre that was currently unfolding in Arlo's trial.


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