Falling into the Abyss

Chapter 94: The Worm’s Pathway (V)

Tanisiel finally finished chatting with the little brother from the spaceship management registry. He recalled that Ethan and Samuel were sitting opposite them and drinking the iced coffee that they had not had for a long time. His butt landed beside Ethan, and he squeezed the Beta to the inner side of the bench.

“There’s a little problem. I just inquired with that little brother, and the spaceship I used to come here has been detained,” Tanisiel whispered.

Samuel quietly cursed and asked, “What will you do now?”

“I’ve rented a spaceship. Since I don’t have a reservation, no one would rent to us today, but there will be one tomorrow morning.”

Ethan habitually pushed up the decorative glasses on his face. “So we have to stay here all night?”

“That seems to be the only way.”

Samuel took a big sip of the espresso in his cup and knocked his hand on the table impatiently, keeping his voice down. “There are now photos of Ethan and I all over the city. It’s easy for us to reveal ourselves, even if we dressed like this. And as you can see, there are so many robot policemen on the road. If any of them suddenly ask to test our DNA, we will be detected immediately.”

Tanisiel supported his chin and thought. “As long as we stay in the hotel and don’t go out, it shouldn’t be a problem,” he said, putting a note with a string of addresses on the table. “Just now, I asked the little brother over there to introduce us to a hotel. If we have his introduction, then we can check in without giving our identity information.”

Ethan turned the note over and found an ID number written on the back, which could be used to go to another’s home page in the public domain for convenient contact. The number was followed by a name: Les.

The secretary snorted and said dryly, “He’s very enthusiastic. He even gave you his personal ID number.”

Tanisiel looked at him with his head tilted and a crooked smile on his face. He asked with his eyes curved, “Jealous?”

“Come on.”

“Don’t worry. I only have you in my heart.” Tanisiel looked at him with tenderness and affection. Samuel, sitting opposite them, felt as though he had been regarded as a transparent person and wasn’t able to stand looking at their interactions, so he could only turn his head to the side and cough loudly.

The hotel was on the edge of A city, and the narrow streets were full of tramps, addicts, and some people with special occupations. The hotel looked small and dilapidated, huddled in the middle of a series of tall and short concrete buildings, with several letters in its neon sign not lighting up.

The trio asked for two suites. It could have been three rooms, but Tanisiel insisted on living with Ethan since he had just recovered from a serious illness and needed care. The fat Omega, who looked to be about 50 years old, collected money from them but had been watching his little TV the entire time. He casually collected their room money in advance and gave them the key without asking them for their IDs.

The narrow corridor was covered with stained red carpet. Through the other doors, they could hear the sounds of quarreling, people playing cards, and even a faint murmur of a prayer. There was a strong smell of cigarettes and mildew in the air. Ethan opened the door and saw a small room, which appeared crowded with two single beds.

Tanisiel closed the door behind him, and Ethan felt his heart tremble. As soon as he turned his head, he saw someone flash in front of him, and a pair of hot lips pressed against his mouth with the intensity of fire. The priest’s strong body collided with his, and he threw him on the bed behind them. Ethan exclaimed, and Tanisel’s tongue went deep into his mouth, searching for the body fluid between his lips and teeth. Ethan felt that the air was going to be sucked out of his body. As the two bodies rubbed together, Ethan’s blood heated up, and soon his body had a reaction.

Tanisiel chuckled quietly and bit Ethan’s earlobe, and he felt the Beta shiver with satisfaction. “Just keep your voice down.” As soon as he finished speaking, he put his hand into his pants……

Ethan quickly covered his mouth with his hand to stop himself from moaning.

He hadn’t relieved his desire for a long time, and his beloved was right in front of him, staring at him with hot eyes. Who would be able to control themselves?

Therefore, he tugged on Tanisiel’s female Alpha suit, hooked Tanisiel’s head down, and kissed his sweet lips smeared with lip gloss. Their wigs had been torn off, and their makeup was smeared. At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

“Do you need a massage?” The beautiful voice of an Omega came from outside the door.

They both jerked to a halt. Tanisiel spoke in the soft voice he used when he pretended to be a woman, “It’s not required. I’m already massaging the guests.”

A flurry of apologies came from outside, and the footsteps moved towards Samuel’s room next door.

In the room, Ethan and Tanisiel looked at each other for a second, and they both laughed. After laughing for a while, Tanisiel suddenly quietly gazed at Ethan before reaching out and brushing away the long hair on his forehead.

“Ethan, were you well while I was away?” he asked seriously.

Ethan also looked at him with a similarly silly smile and said slowly, “I was not good……”

“Were you bullied?”

Ethan shook his head. Facing the priest’s quiet gaze, the faint despair that had been deeply buried in his heart for many days began to surface. Ethan didn’t care whether he was beaten badly or nearly died, but he was afraid. He was afraid that his body and soul were becoming stranger and stranger.

He was afraid that he himself was dying, and his soul was unknowingly twisting into something terrible and dark. He had killed so many people, so many that he was afraid he had killed more people than the most brutal serial killers he knew, but he still lived with peace of mind. He remembered the happiness he felt when he was tearing those bodies apart, the satisfaction he felt when inhaling their flesh and blood into his body, and the indescribable feeling he felt, as though he was superior to all foolish humans. It was like those people were no longer human beings but inferior animals that could be slaughtered at will.

He hated those who were easily brainwashed by their beliefs and lost all independent thought, only knowing to follow their teachings to kill and persecute those who were different from them. However, was disgust an excuse for his massacre? If so, what was the difference between him and those who were completely enslaved by their surging emotions?

If his mother and father saw him this way, would they still be able to recognize him? Did he still have a chance to see them?

He couldn’t tell anyone these words, and he didn’t even want to recall them. He was afraid that once he spoke them aloud, all his fears would come true.

He turned over and exchanged his position with Tanisiel, before lowering his head and deeply kissing the priest on his lips. However, as they kissed, he gradually shed tears. His shoulders trembled, and he stubbornly buried his head against Tanisiel’s shoulder. The priest opened his arms and hugged him around his shoulder.

“Tanisiel.” He dried his tears using the priest’s clothes and propped himself up. “Will you heal me? I don’t want to be a monster.”

Tanisiel showed a very beautiful smile and said, “How can you be a monster? In my eyes, you are the most beautiful being.”

“Beautiful? Have you ever seen me turn into a monster?” Ethan’s voice was a little hoarse as he got off the priest. He had completely cooled down. “I……I…those things grow on my back from the back of my neck……I crave blood and meat……I really want to absorb them……I can’t describe that feeling, but I am completely out of control like I’m going crazy.”

“That’s because you have the force of Disorder in your body, which makes you a tier higher than all of the existing galactic races. Isn’t that a good thing?”

“Good? I’m not even human anymore!”

“Ethan, tell me truthfully, do you really want to be a human?”

Tanisiel’s rhetorical question made Ethan unable to answer him for a moment.

Of course he wanted to be a human, but sometimes, he saw so many people hanging others alive just because they loved each other. He saw people on the Internet use their mouths to force one person after another to fall into the center of public opinion. He saw that there were so many wars in history. There was not an evil ruler who wanted to conquer the world, but hundreds of millions of people, filled with hatred, chose leaders who were willing to kill other races and invade other countries. He saw that people spoke cruel words and did cruel things, yet they still thought they were a good person and were enacting justice. At this time, he would think that if this was human nature, it would be better to destroy it.

But what was he? How could he have the right to judge them?

Before he could answer, there was an urgent knock on the door. Samuel was outside shouting, “Open the door!”

Tanisiel placed the quilt over Ethan’s half-open clothes, and he straightened himself up a little before he opened the door. When Samuel came in, he saw that their hair and clothes were in a mess, but for the first time, he didn’t say much. He locked the door and said impatiently, “I just went to the entrance to buy some beer, but I saw several teams of police officers searching door to door!”

Tanisiel and Ethan looked at each other. “Door to door? They’re checking each door?”

“Yes! I saw that they arrested a lot of people, both male and female ABOs! Should we escape?”

“Don’t worry.” Tanisiel leaned against the window, opened a gap in the curtain, and looked out. In the open street, there were three groups of guards, each controlling several people who were handcuffed by electronic locks. At that moment, one group of guards was entering their building. Almost immediately, they heard the door crash open and screams at the end of the corridor.

“It’s too late. Get dressed first!”

Ethan and Tanisiel used their fastest speed to wear their clothes and wigs, wipe off the makeup on their faces, and re-apply a thick layer of foundation to hide their original looks. Then, in a low voice, Tanisiel asked Ethan, “Do you still have the strength to use the things behind you?”

Ethan pursed his lips. “I can try.”

Tanisiel nodded and looked at Samuel. “Don’t panic. It might not be us they are looking for.”

Not long after, there was a rude knock on the door, and a rough voice called from outside the door, “Open up! I’ve been ordered to search for members of the Lord Grace’s Association cult!”

Tanisiel took the initiative to open the door and gave them a charming smile. When he smiled this way, he really had a strong lethality. The Alpha, a tall man, was originally rude, but he was stunned for a moment when he saw the priest, and his tone became much softer.

“We have been ordered to search for illegal items such as pamphlets of the Lord Grace’s Association.” He cleared his throat and presented the badge on his chest, which showed his name and serial number. It really looked like he was a policeman.

“The Lord Grace’s Association? Is that the religion that has suddenly become popular recently?” Tanisiel asked, pretending to be surprised, “What happened?”

“Obviously, those mindless believers tried to rescue their ‘Great Teacher’ in the Forbidden City yesterday. It seems that they caused a lot of trouble, and they’re spreading rumors that the Great Evil God has appeared on earth. We don’t know much about it because it’s not allowed to be reported.” When the police entered the room, they saw Ethan sick in bed and Samuel staring at them with a fierce expression. After that, they make a simple sweep of the room. Then, they questioned them, asking whether they knew about the Lord Grace’s Association and whether they had joined the cult. The questions were so pointless that it was equivalent to them not asking. After that, the police rummaged through their room. Of course, they didn’t find anything.

“Apologies for the intrusion,” the policeman said, and just as he was about to leave, Tanisiel approached the door, leaning on the doorframe and asking with a smile, “So you guys aren’t sleeping all night because you want to catch the cult members? Our Earth Union hasn’t had trouble due to a religion for a long time, right? ”

“The main reason is that we discovered this matter too late, and the speed at which this Lord Grace’s Association spread was amazing. Even other space stations have begun to talk about the end of the Milky Way,” the officer lowered his voice and said to the priest, as though he was taking a risk by telling him this, “Besides, it seems that even the president has heard about it. Everyone knows that religion is something she hates most.”

“Ah……it’s really a mess. It’s been hard for you.”

“This is my duty, so it’s something I should do.”

Tanisiel closed the door, and all three of them let out a long sigh of relief.

Samuel said, “Damn it, after all that ruckus, it turned out that those people wanted to catch that trash from the Lord Grace’s Association.”

Tanisiel nodded. “Thanks to the trouble they caused in the Forbidden City yesterday, I don’t think the Forbidden City has the energy to care about the three of us for the time being.”

Ethan took off his decorative glasses, rubbing his eyebrows as he thought to himself.

Had the Lord Grace’s Association expanded to such an extent that even President Appiah was afraid of it? When he was in the Forbidden City, he did not expect that even people outside the city would be affected. It was probably because the guards had taken Chen Zeng’s preachings outside the city.

Strong religious ideology was the biggest threat to an oligarchy like the Earth Union.

Ethan vaguely felt that it might get very chaotic in the Earth Union.

The author has something to say:

The next chapter would open the instance of the Eves’ planet, the tentacled shou would go back to the home planet of husbando~

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