Falling into the Abyss

Chapter 51: Unexpected Discovery (II)

Nowadays, Earth was sparsely populated, and many of the large cities that spread all over its surface were uninhabited. As time went by, they became ghost cities. Some of the ancient cities that had experienced prosperous pasts had complex subway systems under them, connecting the various districts in the city. In a few of the larger cities, it was said that the underground subway lines were so complicated that they looked like a maze. A station would have several floors, twenty or thirty different exits, and inside, there were even a few commercial and snack streets. It ultimately felt like an underground city.

There were even rumors that these subways would be used for military purposes in times of crisis. Many of them had hidden subway stations behind their terminals, leading many people to discover numerous secret bases hidden by the ancient governments.

The light above Ethan flashed. It was likely that the power was running out. He hurriedly smacked it a few times, and the light finally stabilized. When he took a few steps forward, his monotonous footsteps echoed throughout the empty hall. The pillars of light swept over the dense cobwebs and flying dust on the tops of the pillars. On the opposite platform, he saw a few mice scuttle past rapidly.

A dusty subway route map was hung on a circular column. Ethan wiped it with his hand and read the words on it. It was written in a popular, ancient language, and the title was: Subway Route Map for City B.

He looked at the map carefully and found that it appeared very similar to the Forbidden City. In other words, he may be able to find the exit along these tracks.

And…….he might even find a way out of the Forbidden City?

However, as soon as this idea appeared, Ethan’s reasoning told him it was almost impossible. The people who originally designed and built the Forbidden City would have checked these subway routes to ensure that the Forbidden City was completely closed off. Otherwise, there would not be tens of thousands of nonhumans who had been locked up in the Forbidden City for so many years. None of them could successfully escape.

Ethan knew that he did not have much time. Once his headlight went out completely, his chance of escaping would be even more minuscule. He jumped down from the platform and walked along a narrow passageway to the side of the tracks until he reached the area with the train carriage. Who knew how many centuries the carriage had laid here, like a corpse that was cut apart. The paint on the outside of the compartment had cracked, and the exposed iron patches were filled with indents. It was dark inside the compartment, and the windows were covered with dust.

Ethan passed by the compartment. However, when the headlight swept past the desolate windows, he was stunned momentarily. He stopped and aimed the light at one of the windows he had just swept over.

Previously, it was mentioned that these windows were covered with dust. However, on that glass, there was a small handprint.

Such a small hand could only belong to a child less than 12 years old. Still, the most uncomfortable aspect was that the five fingers were close together, and its fingertips side-by-side appeared in a straight line, just like a brush.

Everyone knew that a human’s five fingers were different in length. Even if there were sometimes two or three fingers in the middle that were the same length, it was impossible to have five fingers with fingertips that were the same length. The hand would have a thumb and little finger that were too long, and the middle finger would be too short.

Moreover, judging by how clean the handprint appeared, it was probably left recently.

Ethan swallowed and sped away from the compartment. He recalled the subway route map he had seen before and headed for the next station. If he could find stairs leading from there to the upper two floors, that is, near the factory in the East area, he might be able to find an exit to the surface.

As he walked within the ancient ruins, Ethan suddenly had the illusory feeling that he had crossed time and space. He was surrounded by emptiness, but he was afraid that a train would suddenly roar towards him, lighting up the tracks with its ghostly headlights.

Because of his imagination, he lost track of reality and was suddenly distracted.

When he glanced down, he saw a human corpse sitting against the wall. It was a corpse that had rotted so much that only bones remained.

He let out a cry and hurriedly ran away. Although he had only taken a glance, he still noticed that the ragged clothes on his body were a nonhuman’s uniform from the Forbidden City. How did this person get into the subway system? How did he die here? Was it because he couldn’t get out all this time and died of thirst and starvation?

Ethan stopped abruptly, pale and panting. He struggled to sort through the thoughts in his mind and resisted the impulse to escape as he turned to the corpse.

He crouched down and covered his nose with his sleeves. He hadn’t noticed when he was distracted, but now, the smell of death and decay slammed into his nostrils. The skeleton only had a thin layer of skin and tissue remaining, and its internal organs and muscles had long since been eaten by maggots. Ethan endured the urge to vomit and carefully observed the corpse.

He found that a large area of skin on the body’s neck was missing, and its neck bone was broken. It had obviously been bitten by something.

In these abandoned subway tracks, there were not only children but also beasts that could bite people to their deaths? However, why didn’t the beast eat that person after biting them to death? Was it merely biting them for its amusement?

Ethan felt that the subway system was growing increasingly mysterious. He tried to get in touch with Tanisiel, but no matter how hard he focused, he couldn’t feel the other person’s response. Ethan forced himself to calm down, and as he continued, he searched the ground for tools to defend himself. He never thought that there would be such a strange place so close to the Forbidden City. Now, he did not dare to imagine escaping from the Forbidden City using these subway lines. He just wanted to get out of this damned place as soon as possible.

Finally, he arrived at the next subway station. It was obviously much larger than the one he came from. He rushed to study the subway system’s map, and he carefully studied the complicated entrances and exits. He found a ladder leading to the upper two floors near the transfer area. However, just before he reached the top of the station, he heard someone laughing behind him.

Cluck. Cluck.

Ethan immediately turned around and saw a small shadow standing on two feet under the stairs. He felt his scalp turn numb, and he turned around and ran for his life.

The laughter was so strange. It didn’t sound like a child’s voice or even a human’s voice, but it was similar to the insects he heard in the pipes previously.

Ethan rushed up the last flight of stairs leading to the surface, only to find that the exit was sealed with bricks and stones. This time, the bricks and stones were very strong, and they wouldn’t budge no matter how he kicked them. He banged hard on the wall, shouting for help until his voice turned hoarse. He was exhausted and felt his belly ache after a day without eating. Finally, he grew too tired to shout. He turned around and stared at the darkness below the flight of stairs, fearing that a small hand with five fingers would suddenly appear under the illumination of his headlight.

It was clear that the headlight would go out soon. Ethan felt short of breath, and the back of his neck began to itch again. His skin felt tight and swollen, and he was very uncomfortable. Just as he was about to descend into despair, he suddenly heard the sound of someone chiseling across the wall!

He was saved!

When the wall finally broke down, and the light from outside shone in, Ethan’s eyes turned red with excitement. When he rushed out of the darkness, the first person he noticed was not Samuel at the forefront of some other nonhumans but the solemn Tanisiel.

Ethan could not believe his eyes. The priest had really come to the Forbidden City!

He instinctively wanted to rush over, but Samuel suddenly embraced him after taking two steps. The Omega showed an expression of surprise at being able to find Ethan and fiercely whispered in his ear, “Don’t forget that other people are watching!”

Ethan realized that he had almost made a big mistake. He had no choice but to suppress the surging impulse in his heart and tightly pursed his lips, looking at the priest from a distance. Tanisiel’s mouth slightly perked up, and an unmistakable thought flashed into his mind: It’s alright.

Although he had just been frightened for an entire day, at this moment, Ethan suddenly felt that it was worth experiencing all those strange things earlier, just to see the priest.

He was immersed in the ecstasy of being able to escape from the clutches of death. He didn’t notice Gray Fur’s thoughtful and calculative gaze when he glanced at Samuel, who held Ethan in his embrace from a distance.

When Ethan finally got the chance to be alone with Tanisiel, he learned that the reason why Tanisiel came to the Forbidden City this time was because the machine that tested Ethan’s blood last time had failed, so he came to take a new blood sample. This didn’t seem to explain why he asked the chief security officer to take some of his men down to a section of the sealed tunnel near the edge of the East area’s factory district to search for someone when he came to the Forbidden City. Still, people on Earth understood that the Eve priests had an extraordinary sixth sense, so they didn’t question him.

Tanisiel examined the back of his neck, frowning. The thin black lines that had faded were spreading again, and it had spread much faster than before. He also noticed a slight bulge where the black veins were most concentrated.

Ethan had told him about the fingerprints, the corpse, and the black figure he saw in the abandoned subway station.

The priest believed that it was possible for a city like the Forbidden City, which gathered the most negative emotions and chaotic mental forces in the galaxy, to attract some eccentric sojourners. Although humans had ruled Earth for countless centuries and even nearly destroyed Earth, they did not fully understand their homeland. Many species that have existed on this planet for a long time had not been discovered.

“Do you feel as though after you were infected, the strange events occurring to you became increasingly intense?” Tanisiel said in a slightly playful voice.

Ethan frowned and asked, “What do you mean?”

“According to my observation of you, your fear will accelerate the mutation in your body and may even break through the shackles of the power of order. Maybe it’s the God of Disorder who wants to make you mutate as soon as possible, which is why so many strange things keep happening to you. Maybe for some reason, they need you very much.”

Ethan was very dissatisfied with his seemingly unworried and curious tone and was even a little aggrieved and angry. “What God of Disorder are you babbling about. It was you who led me to that subway station!”

Tanisiel was puzzled. “Me?”

“Yes, I only found the subway station after you directed me to go to the left or right through our soul bond.”

Tanisiel gently shook his head and sighed. “I only told you to calm down after sensing your panic, and then I couldn’t contact you again. That was why I found an excuse to come right away.”

Ethan was dumbstruck after hearing Tanisiel’s words. “So you weren’t the one who told me how to get there?”

“No. Although my mental strength is strong, it is not to the point where I can feel the specific environment around you without being at the scene.”

Ethan suddenly felt a little dazed and asked, “Then……who guided me?”

“It’s been three weeks since your last injection, and you were in an environment that caused you to be nervous and panic. Since the power of the God of Order’s egg had weakened, then maybe……it was some other mental force that wished for you to mutate that was guiding you. I’m also not sure,” Tanisiel said as he took out the familiar blue syringe from his luggage, “But don’t worry too much. With this, you will be able to restrain the impatient god.”

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