Falling into the Abyss

Chapter 47: Atonement: Mars (VII)

Soul binding was usually formed between an Alpha and an Omega. It needed the Omega to be repeatedly marked by the same Alpha and for the two to live together for a long time to completely stabilize their hormonal cycles. It would significantly increase the chance of pregnancy, and they would be much less affected by pheromones released from other Alphas or Omegas. This bond would usually take a year to several years to form and usually happen after marriage. Although it was called ‘soul’ binding, it was just a name in today’s interstellar age, and it did not really imply that humans had immortal souls. This binding was just a mishmash of hormones and was purely physiological. As for whether the similarity of the partners’ mental wavelengths was related to soul binding, there had been no significant findings in relevant studies.

Ethan’s eyes widened slightly. He never thought that Tanisiel’s solution would have something to do with soul binding? He was not sure if Tanisiel was serious, and he was stunned speechless for a whole five seconds.

Tanisiel seemed a little uneasy. His eyes darted around Ethan’s room, but he avoided looking at him. “The Eve’s soul binding doesn’t just occur at the hormonal level. I think you’ve occasionally heard of certain popular love stories. Some couples who undergo soul binding can feel each other’s emotions to a certain extent. Some people also say that when one party is injured, the other party will perceive that their partner is in danger. The Eves have extraordinary perceptual abilities, so it is not as difficult to perceive these feelings when compared to humans. However, it is a kind of inevitable connection. That is to say, if you bind with me, then I will know if a mutation is occurring within you.”

Ethan blinked a few times before pushing up his glasses, scratching his hair, and grabbing a chair to sit down on. He thought for a while and said seriously, “Let me sort out my thoughts. Can I ask a few questions?”

Tanisiel said, “Yes, but we don’t have much time. I don’t know when your guard will be notified to take you back.”

Ethan nodded and began to ask, “First of all……are you serious?”

Tanisiel: “Yes.”

Ethan: “Can priests bind to human souls?”

Tanisiel: “It’s strictly forbidden, just like how it’s forbidden for your Earthling’s Catholic priests to get married and have children. It’s absolutely forbidden. But if it’s just a temporary binding, and you and I keep it secret, then no one will know.”

Ethan shivered and swallowed nervously. “But I’m a Beta. There are very few Alphas that can bind to a Beta. What’s more, you and I are different races.”

Tanisiel paced slowly in Ethan’s room, looking at the scene of the forest projected on the wall. “This ritual has a certain compulsion and can form a bond between any pair, but the bond between an Alpha and Beta won’t last as long as that between an Alpha and Omega. On Eve, same-sex Alpha, Beta, and even Omega couples will occasionally go and submit applications at the temple, hoping that we can use this ceremony to bind them.”

“A same-sex Omega couple……” Ethan sighed with slight surprise. In the Earth Union, it was illegal for two Omegas of the same sex to fall in love. It was considered extremely dirty in the ancient Earth’s culture.

However, not all planetary states in the galaxy had such regulations, especially after the rise of the Omega equal rights movement. However, the Earth Union rarely allowed access to the information of alien countries. Even the Omega equal rights movement was newly emerging, so this set of beliefs had been handed down to this day. That was why Ethan thought it was weird.

“On the eve of war, many people who have not yet formed soul bonds will request us to bind them with their lovers who are going to the battlefield so that they can know whether they are safe. However, even if there is such a mental connection, I won’t know what you are specifically thinking, and I will only feel your emotions. So if you are afraid of this, you don’t have to worry about it,” Tanisiel continued to explain. Ethan nodded, but he still didn’t dare to believe that Tanisiel would actually propose such a ‘solution’.

“And……one last question.” Ethan lowered his head, picking at his fingernails, and asked in a tone as normal as possible, “Is it worth taking such a huge risk to help me?”

Tanisiel was not at all surprised by this question. He shrugged his shoulders and said in a tone expressing it was no big deal, “I’m not doing it entirely for you. From the images I have been able to perceive, your infection is probably related to the God I believe in. I’m willing to do anything to obtain the opportunity to get closer to the God that oversees all, the God of Imbecility.”

He was not doing it entirely for him. That was to say, at least a part of it was for him?

Ethan felt a tinge of bland sweetness emerge in his heart as if melted sugar water had spread throughout his body.

“The ceremony…… How do you do it?”

Tanisiel finally looked him in the eye. There was a slight surprise in the priest’s eyes, and he stammered, “You……you agree? It’s not a trivial matter. Even if it’s a temporary binding, it’s still a bond.”

This time it was Ethan’s turn to shrug his shoulders as if it wasn’t a big deal. “No one would want to be bound to a nonhuman. I’m happy you’ll be able to save my life. Besides, I don’t have anyone I like.”

Tanisiel covered his lips with his fist and coughed lightly. “Alright, but besides you and me, you can never let anyone know about this matter. Otherwise, I’ll be in deep trouble.”

Ethan nodded. “Don’t worry.”

The Eve’s soul binding ritual had three steps. During the initial preparation, both parties needed to swallow a drug that contained an aphrodisiac agent that would stimulate their hormone levels. The second step required the two parties to have a sexual connection according to the ritual. During this process, the priest needed to use his spiritual power to guide the two parties’ brain waves to fuse with each other. The third step, which usually happened naturally after the second step, was marking. Although Betas didn’t have Omega glands, some races in the Milky Way possessed unique genetic memories that would cause them to hallucinate, allowing them to complete the entire ceremony.

Obviously, Tanisiel hadn’t prepared that kind of medicine, so he had to secretly obtain the recipe for sexual hormone medication suitable for Alphas and Betas from another medicine research center. After that, he crudely made two small bottles of medicine by himself.

Ethan took the medicine, a little suspicious. “Why do you know so much about synthesizing medicine as a priest? Are you sure this has no side effects?”

“Where I am from, the priests are sometimes responsible for the treatment of certain diseases, so we have all received general training in pharmaceutics.” Tanisiel ordered two glasses of vermouth from the automatic dispenser machine in Ethan’s room and served one to Ethan. “I heard a colleague say that this kind of vermouth has an aphrodisiac effect on you Earthlings.”

Ethan lifted his head and drank the medicine, and the bitter taste made his face scrounge up like a bun. He then gulped down the beautiful light green wine. The strong smell of anise spread out between his lips and teeth and sank to his stomach. It was not a pleasant taste. Ethan smacked his lips, hoping that some of the residual taste would dissipate.

It seemed that Tanisiel also didn’t like this strange and choking taste. He tried to suppress the expression on his beautiful face so that his reaction wouldn’t be so exaggerated. “Shit, how can there be such a bad wine…… When you have the opportunity to come to Eve, I must invite you to drink our wine. How can you swallow this kind of thing.”

Ethan replied with a shallow smile, “It’s unknown whether or not I will be able to leave the Forbidden City in my lifetime, so I’m afraid I won’t have the chance to go to Eve and drink.”

An awkward silence stretched out between them. Tanisiel realized that this was not a suitable atmosphere for romance and love, so he stood up and walked to Ethan, who was sitting on the bed. He lowered his bright gaze and stroked Ethan’s neck.

“Are you ready?”

Ethan nodded and pursed his lips that were wet with wine. It was really strange. The two of them had already had sex twice, so why were they still so nervous? It was laughable that he was already 30 years old, yet this kind of uneasy mood made him seem like a little virgin on his wedding night.

Tanisiel took out his ten-thousand function sphere. After drawing a command in the air with his finger, the little thing suddenly floated and melted into layers of small rectangles. Like the crashing tides, it shook once before quickly stretching and deforming in the air and formed the simple platinum scepter that Ethan saw when he first met Tanisiel. Ethan observed that the crystal shining in the center of Tanisiel’s ten-thousand function sphere was placed in the head of the scepter, emitting a blue hue similar to the God of Order’s egg. Without the support of his hand, the scepter fell to the ground. Then, the head of the scepter was caught between Tanisiel’s palms.

Tanisiel chanted a prayer in the Eve’s language, and the third eye on his forehead slowly opened. At the same time, the blue crystal in his palm also lit up brightly, emitting fine bursts of electric light. Bit by bit, the blue light filled the whole room.

Under the blue light, Tanisiel slowly began to unbutton his clothing. He nodded to Ethan and motioned him to do the same.

Accompanied by Tanisiel’s gentle recitation, the two men took off their clothes: robes, jackets, waistcoats, trousers, and underwear. Tanisiel’s perfect body appeared like an ancient Greek marble sculpture with a golden ratio. While Ethan’s body was not as perfect as his, he also had broad shoulders and a narrow waist. He was very proportional and did not appear too thin. The two naked bodies intertwined, muscular male figures interweaving like light and shadows. They were like a calm and resolute hymn, filled with a ceremonial beauty.

Tanisiel’s voice had a kind of noble and stern power, and even the flesh that should have stirred Ethan’s desires became sacred. Ethan felt waves of drunken heat rising from his crotch. It felt like warm spring water had tightly wrapped around his consciousness. In his eyes, Tanisiel became a God, tall, beautiful, and omnipotent. He prostrated at his feet, willing to be his slave.

Tanisiel suddenly said in the Earthling’s language, “Follow along with my next movements.”

He first stuck his left hand on Ethan’s heart, so Ethan also stuck his left hand on Tanisiel’s heart, which was supposedly a bit more to the right than a human’s. The scalding heartbeat spread from his palm and resonated with his pulse. Tanisiel’s hand moved away from Ethan’s chest to Tanisiel’s own heart before his palms reached out to Ethan once again. Ethan mimicked his movements and finally placed his palms tightly against Tanisiel’s.

Tanisiel’s chanting turned into singing. It was a harmonious melody, and the rhythm hit all of the throbbing regions on Ethan’s body. His throat was dry, and his palms were sweating, and he had already had a reaction somewhere.

“Lie down,” Tanisiel ordered softly.

Ethan obediently lay flat on the bed, his legs slightly apart. He saw the priest move above him and cover him like a dome. He gently took off Ethan’s glasses and placed them on the bedside table before placing his hands on both sides of Ethan’s cheek as he sang the rest of his prayers.

“I forget to tell you, but this time may be a little boring,” Tanisiel whispered in his ear.

Ethan smiled before reaching out his hands and hooking himself around his neck. “Have you forgotten that I’m a boring Beta?”

However, it turned out that this so-called boring sex was not boring at all. Tanisiel, as always, was domineering and powerful, plundering him wantonly. Ethan was dazzled and panted for breath as he uttered meaningless pleas, but even he did not know what he was asking for. Amid the pleasure, another warm and powerful force floated around him, pushing him to heights as comfortable as the clouds. The priest’s chanting voice interspersed with the vortex of power, guiding him step by step to a pure height that he had never experienced before. Ethan felt as though he had been entirely laid bare, and all his thoughts and emotions were exposed. However, he was not afraid at all, and instead, he felt happier and more satisfied than ever before. It was as if he had suffered from loneliness for a long time, where he didn’t even know himself before he finally fused with another beautiful soul.

When they reached the heights of pleasure, their souls had finished bonding. Almost naturally, Tanisiel bowed his head and whispered his last prayer against Ethan’s neck before biting down.

The author has something to say:

The mission on Mars is probably the most nourishing mission Ethan had ever completed……

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