Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 64 - Unexpected Encounters

Hera frantically looked around as if searching for the invisible danger. Clara's lips twitched, giving her a slight hint of a smile, which appeared more like she's mocking Hera. 

"Don't worry, Hera. Ace didn't see me. I was hiding behind this pillar," said Clara. By the look of loathing on her face, Hera guessed, probably she had heard her conversation with Hunter. Clara confirmed it when she spoke again. "So, a second chance for him, huh? You couldn't resist, could you? After everything he did, you still agreed to give him a chance. It didn't take much effort for him to convince you, Hera," she said, shaking her head in disgust. 

She walked closer and continued venting out her hatred, tone filling with disgust while she did so. "You let Ace kiss you. I'm sure it won't take much time for him to get into your pants. Because you'll willingly spread your legs for him, won't you? What a shameless slut, you are!" She spat in disgust.. If the hatred in someone's tone could kill, Hera would've died already. 

Hera winced at her harsh words and didn't miss the look of satisfaction that crossed Clara's face. Hera wanted to defend her actions, but decided against it and averted her eyes. She knew Clara wouldn't understand her reasons. Hera turned to walk away when she heard her yelling in anger, "Oh, my God! You're not even trying to deny my accusations, Hera." 

Hera stopped walking and turned abruptly to face her, startling Clara. "Can't you stop this game of hatred, Clara? I'm tired of fighting with you. For how long are you going to prolong this? Whether you agree or not, Clara, the truth is, whatever I did a year ago, it was for keeping my friends safe," Hera said, looking into her eyes without the slightest hesitation. "So stop hating me. I don't deserve it, Clara. Believe me, whatever I'm doing now, is also to keep my friends safe," Hera said defensively. She couldn't hide the resentment she felt, though she tried hard. 

Clara laughed, ridiculing her reasons. 

"Of course, Hera. I believe you. Kissing him, letting him have his way with you, giving him a second chance, everything is for saving your friends," Clara said, mocking her before she walked ahead without giving Hera a chance to retaliate. "Yeah, I should forgive you and forget as you did for Ace. It's so much easy to let go the hurt of betrayal, right?" Clara muttered under breath. 

Hera bit her lip, exhaled sharply, trying to suppress her frustration. After taking several deep breaths, she silently followed Clara to school. The biting tone and the sarcasm Clara threw at her kept pestering her thoughts. 

As soon as they reached the school, they heard the bell going off. Sprinting through the stairs, they ran racing each other. By the time they reached the floor to their classroom, the second bell rung, warning them that they were late. Hera and Clara urged their feet to quicken their pace. Thankfully, they made it to the class just before their English teacher, Mrs Paige Wilkins entered the room. 

Meanwhile, the students and the teacher exchanged greetings, Hera settled into her seat. 

"I heard about what happened," the gorgeous teacher started before she opened the book. At the bewildered look on the faces of her students, she rolled her eyes and elaborated, "I'm talking about the fight at the breakfast table over a soccer match," she said. It was Hera's turn to roll her eyes, and she laughed inwardly. 

'Yeah, right, a fight over a soccer match.'

Hera thought sarcastically, searching for her friends who got injured because of her. Andrew, Jarred, and Asher looked horrible with their bruised face, which already turned purplish. 

The murmurings among the students stopped when the teacher cleared her throat to grab their attention. 

"I hope, you will utilise your time in the detention class wisely," she said, walking back and forth on the dais. "Instead of wasting your time on these petty issues, make good use of it and start making preparations. Because, your first round tests will be starting from this coming Monday," she said, looking at every one of her students. She heard helpless groans and disappointed sighs in return. Chuckling to their reactions, she opened the book and started the lesson for the day. 

By lunchtime, Hera felt exhausted. Why wouldn't she? She had an English assignment to complete and chemistry formulas to learn and memorise by heart because the teacher wanted her to write detailed notes of the first two chapters. Remember, she'd missed school for ten days? She'd a lot of catching up to do. And to top it all, tests were on the way. 

"Why are you ignoring me, Hera?" Andrew asked her for the umpteenth time on their way to the food court. Subconsciously, Hera's eyes landed on the big white name board with "Luncheon Bar" written on it in black, as they neared. The school owned it and whatever the fund raised from it will go to charity. She'd been ignoring Andrew and her other two male best friends since morning. She was angry because they interfered in her matter and got hurt, despite her warning not to do so. 

'They haven't learned a thing from their past experiences, have they?'

She was giving them a silent treatment. They reached an empty table with four chairs. Celine and Jarred pulled two more chairs from the other table so that they all could sit together. She was allowed to sit with them only until Hunter arrives. Asher took Hera's bag and kept it on the table next to them. "Please take your seat, my Lady, this table is reserved for you," he said, bowing to her. Hera bit back a smile and ignored him again. 

Out of the blue, a harsh light hit on Hera's face, distracting her. Squinting her eyes, she used her hand to protect her face from the sharp brightness. When she tried to search for the source of the light, it vanished. While searching for it, her eyes landed on Adelaide. She was once again sitting with Clara, Noel and a few of his friends, who were not familiar to Hera. 

Ignoring them, Hera went to buy her lunch. On her way back, she bumped into someone and immediately looked up to apologise. She was surprised to see a stranger, a tall, bulky man with handsome features. He'd brown eyes, thick dark eyebrows, slightly crooked, long nose. He looked like a man in his early fifties or something. 

"I'm sorry, sir. I was not watching where I was going," Hera said, sincerely apologising. The man smiled, and it made him look younger than his age. An expensive three-piece suit adorned his form in the perfect fit. He wore an overcoat and a hat. From head to toe, everything he wore was in black. When he removed his hat, Hera saw his black curls of hair. 

'Oh, wow! He looks like Sherlock Holmes!' 

Hera returned his smile, and the man replied, "It's okay, dear. I'm at fault too. I didn't see you coming either." His accent sounded different, and his voice came out a bit rough as if he's trying to control his overwhelming feelings. Hera chose to ignore it as it was none of her business. "Don't mind me, sir, but I never saw you here before. Are you joining our teaching staff or something?" She asked, her tone held genuine curiosity. 

"What's your name, dear?" The man asked before answering her question. "It's Hera. Hera Hunter," she supplied with a smile. Hera was surprised when the man smiled because his eyes showed appreciation and his smile said he knew something Hera didn't. He introduced himself as Johnathan and cleared her earlier curiosity. "My niece studies here. I often come to check on her. You and I didn't cross paths before, that's why you never saw me," he clarified while his eyes roamed around the food court as if searching for someone. 

"My niece just left. She'd some important work in the library regarding her assignment. I hope she's good with her studies?" His tone strangely turned his sentence into a question. 

Hera felt strange. His actions and his words didn't sound convincing. Her gut feeling said the man just lied to her. Hera wanted to ask who's his niece but decided to let it go. Again, it's none of her business. But the man had other plans. He finally asked Hera after a moment of hesitation, "Tell me, Hera Hunter, how's the school? Are you good here? Teachers, other staff and students treat you nicely, I hope?" 

Hera was totally confused and didn't know how to respond. He sounded genuinely concerned, and Hera couldn't decide if she'd imagined the affection she felt lacing his tone, or it's for real. She wasn't used to such interrogations. She never had anyone to show parental concerns regarding her studies or her wellbeing. It felt strange. 

'Why is this stranger so interested in me?'

Sensing her hesitation, Johnathan said, "Never mind, Hera dear. I'll take my leave. Nice meeting you, dear one." 

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