Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 58 - She Doesn't Need Hair Ties

Bianca picked up her electric trimmer, eyes shooting daggers at Hera. Hunter's eyes held a silent question to his best friend when he looked at the trimmer. 'What are you up to?' He looked cute with one eyebrow raised in curiosity. She just winked at him with a smile and walked out of the room. 

Hunter silently stood leaning against Hera's study table, crossing his foot over the other, hands buried deep into his trouser pockets. He watched while Celine grabbed her backpack and thrusting Clara's into her hand, she walked out, dragging her along and disappeared.

Adelaide adjusted her backpack on her shoulder, and Brittany came out of the bathroom just in time, dressed in her uniform, her hair tied into a messy ponytail. 


"Do you want me to stay, Hera?" Adelaide asked, her stance held confidence, but it crumpled the moment Hunter spoke. "No. She doesn't," he said, standing next to Hera. Hera glanced up to look at his face. A nerve twitched in his jaw, and his large eyes were wide with anger. His words came out so harsh, Adelaide flinched and took a step back. His tone left no room for further interaction. Adelaide nodded and walked out, followed by Brittany. 

Hunter looked over Hera's head, and it surprised her when he spoke to Samantha. Hera thought everyone left, and she forgot Samantha was still standing there, watching everything silently. When Hera sneaked a peek at her, she was glaring daggers at Hera, seething in anger. "Why are you still here, Sam?" He asked. Whatever Samantha was about to say in reply got cut off by his stern order. "I said, leave."

Throwing one last menacing look at Hera, she made her way to the door. To Hera's surprise, Hunter followed her, only to lock the door from inside. Hera caught a glimpse of a teardrop running down Samantha's cheek before she disappeared from Hera's sight. Agonisingly Hera realised that he slammed the door on Samantha's face. 

'Poor thing! Please don't punish me for this lord. You know I'm innocent in this.' 

Before Hera could notice, he was standing right in front of her within an arm's length. His hands clutched the lapels of his uniform blazer, and he removed it before tossing it on her bed. Her feet shuffled, unconsciously taking a step back. He moved forward, and with each step, she kept walking backwards. 

Hera's eyes roamed all over his body without her permission. He looked so handsome in his uniform. He's a pleasant sight for the sore eyes.

His blue dress shirt fitted his muscular chest perfectly, and she could even see the shape of his abs through the material. She couldn't ignore his bulging biceps as they flexed every time he moved. His long legs and toned thighs looked so strong while he walked. And that black belt with silver buckle around his waist made her blush for some unknown reason. 

When her eyes landed on his shiny boots which seemed to get closer with each step, she realised what's happening. 

It wasn't long until her hip collided with the edge of the table. Hunter planted his palms on the table from either side of her, caging her in between. 

Biting her lip nervously, Hera tilted her head up. His purple orbs were slicing through her green ones. He's standing so close, all that she could breathe was his cologne, his aftershave, and his very own unique scent which smelt like the earth after the first rain. So masculine and yet so sweet. 

The movement of his left hand going up drew her attention to it. His fingers stroked her hair in admiration before grabbing a handful of it. "Didn't I tell you, Sweetheart, that I like your hair this way? Long, soft and waving down to your waist. It dances along with your hips when you walk. You don't need hair ties," he said before sniffing her hair. 

Hera stared into his eyes with an audible gasp when he tugged her hair. 

His lips landed on hers without warning. 

Hera felt him closing the distance between them. His right hand went around her waist, pulling her body more into his chest. The kiss started soft and slow, though his lips were firm against hers. Hera felt him running his tongue over her lips in between the kiss, but she didn't know what to do, so she let him do whatever he wanted. She heard him groan in appreciation. She knew he was moaning in pleasure. That sounded so hot, making butterflies swirl and flutter in her tummy. 

'That's a warning bell, and I should stop him before he gets carried away.' 

Hera was familiar with every move of his lips against hers. She could tell when his teeth would move on her lips, scraping, nibbling in between before sucking sweetly. It's like as if he couldn't get enough of her lips. She remembered Hunter's every kiss and knew when he would become intense and lose control. And to prove her right, Hunter's hand around her waist got tightened, and his kiss turned a bit hard. 

Hunter caught her lower lip between his teeth, tugging a little harder and Hera moaned in protest, which sounded more like a cry. To soothe the stinging sensation, he used his tongue and lips sucking on her lips slowly. She didn't even remember when her hands moved. Now her right hand was on his chest, feeling the rhythm of his heartbeats, and her left hand was holding his right arm for support. Hera used her hand that was resting on his chest to push him, but he didn't budge. 

Hunter pulled away reluctantly when Hera pushed him hard enough, using her both hands. 

Hunter took a few steps back and stood silently watching her. Hera was aware of the movement of her chest, swelling with every intake of breath while she tried to control her heavy breathing. Without looking she could tell he's doing the same. Hera heard the sound of his heavy breathing in the silent room. When Hera looked at him, she found his eyes already fixed on her. Nervously, she ran her tongue over her lips, and his eyes followed the gesture. 

Hera knew her lips were swollen, red because of their intense kissing. She watched as a satisfied smirk graced his lips. He looked proud while observing his handiwork, or should it be called lip work? 

His eyes slowly slid down to her neck, then to her heaving breasts. Hera couldn't help but blush. She couldn't tell if it's because of embarrassment or was it a pleasant feeling. 

Hunter's gaze fell at her feet, then slowly travelled upwards. She was barefooted, and yet to put on her shoes and stockings. Her creamy white legs and thighs were on display for him to savour. She was in her uniform, minus the blazer and tie. Her shirt top not tucked in yet. He was taking his sweet time exploring her curves. His eyes were shining bright with appreciation as he checked her full busts, narrow waist and wide hips. 

He liked her newly acquired hourglass figure. 

His blatant perusal made her shiver. 

Hunter took a step forward, and on an impulse, her hands clutched the edge of the table for support. Suddenly her legs felt too weak to carry her weight. Hera wiped the beads of sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand. 

'Am I burning hot with fever or the temperature in the room just got hotter?' 

Hera was extremely anxious. She chewed her bottom as his eyes went back to her barefoot, lingering on her left ankle. She knew what he's staring at, her white gold anklet. When he looked into her eyes again, her heart skipped a beat. They both were reminiscing about the same memory. For a moment, she got lost in his eyes. He made her go back to that day when they met for the first time. 

'So many beautiful memories, until you ruined them all, Hunter.' 

"Will you stop staring? It's creepy and annoying as hell," she tried her best to sound annoyed, but her breathless tone gave out her pretence. Hunter smirked knowingly. 

"You started it, Love. You were ogling and drooling a while ago over this," he said gesturing to his body. The gesture was anything but innocent. He placed his left hand on his chest, right under his throat before brushing over his upper torso, slowly moving down until it reached under his belt. Meanwhile, his gaze roamed over her body lazily, as if he's imagining touching her body in the same manner. 

Hera felt so dirty. 

Her heartbeats turned wild. A blush had spread over her already flushed face. 

She abruptly turned her back to him, avoiding looking into his eyes. She needed to distract herself from his hypnotising gaze. Hera pulled the drawer of the table, taking out another hair tie. She moved away from him, quickly walking to the mirror. "Leave, Hunter. I've to get ready," she said and silently thanked her feet for not betraying her trust. Otherwise, she would've fallen flat on her face. 

'That would be quite humiliating.'

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