Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 49 - Pleasant Memories

"It's for you. I have written a message inside the wrapper. Read it after eating your chocolate," the boy said and smiled. 

Eyeing the chocolate bar, little Hera blushed again, but it had nothing to do with her shyness. It was because of pure embarrassment.

She was embarrassed by what he said. She extended her little palm hesitantly and peeked at him from under her lashes. 

"I don't know how to read. I have not gone to school yet," Hera admitted shyly, looking at her toes. The boy just smiled at her charmingly. "That's okay, keep the wrapper safe until you learn to read. You can read it then," he said suggestively.. Hera agreed with a pleased smile. She kissed the puppy before saying goodbye to him. 

The boy kissed her cheek, making her blush again, and they parted ways. 

And of course, Hera did keep the wrapper safely until she learned to read. 

The message inside was the sweetest one. It said, 

"You are so beautiful.


The most beautiful I have ever seen.


Like a Goddess.


And your forest green eyes are beautiful too.

I love them.


It's my favourite colour from now on.


Until we meet again, think about me and miss me.


Because I will do the same." 

At that time, though Hera couldn't read what he'd written for her, she was undoubtedly impressed with his handwriting. She thought it was beautiful. 


The memory lit up Hera's face with a warm smile. Hunter had teased her for using the word "beautiful" again and again. Indeed, everything about him was beautiful. That day, she'd fallen in love with him, with his beautiful eyes, his beautiful voice, and his beautiful smile. 

'He was perfect in everything, even at that young age.' 

The colour purple had become her favourite colour since then. Hera kept Hunter's chain safely inside her backpack. She knew it's very special to him and he never takes it off. She would return it to him tomorrow. 

Hera went to her wardrobe and took out the zip magnet purple wallet from her luggage bag. There, inside that wallet, she'd kept her mother's chain hidden. It was hers to own, yet like a thief, Hera had stolen it from her aunt Liezel because Liezel refused to give it. 

Her aunt had said it would give away her identity to her gangster father if she wore it, and it would put their lives in danger. 

Hera stole it years ago. But she never wore it. It's a white-gold chain with a heart pendant. She held the heart pendant in her palm, letting the chain dangle through the gap between her fingers. She felt the familiar feeling of longing that she'd been feeling for years now. She touched the name engraved on it, caressing it with her thumb. 


It was time for dinner. But Hunter was in no mood for the food. Or so he wanted to believe. But to be honest, he didn't have the courage to face Hera right then. Her words echoed in his mind throughout the day. 

'I know how it feels when someone breaks your heart.'

Hunter knew what exactly Hera meant when she said that. She was mocking him for hurting her. 

'I did hurt her. After all, I broke her heart, didn't I?' 

He was exhausted. He spent all his energy on the soccer field, using it as a distraction to drain his tension and stress away. But nothing helped. What he did two years ago was haunting him like an unsatisfied evil spirit, torturing him to hell. 

Hunter couldn't forget that ill-fated day. He died and went to hell that day. He was enjoying kissing her lips one moment, and the next moment everything between them shattered into nothingness. It killed him to witness Hera's heartbreak. And to top it all, he's the one who hurt her. He made her go through that hell. He still remembered how she cried, how broken her spirit was. 

He could still see everything that happened on that unfortunate day, playing in front of his eyes, as if he's watching a live telecast of his favourite game on the big screen. 

Two years ago: 

They both had a free period, and Hunter asked her to spend that time with him. He wanted her all to himself. Hera obediently followed him while he led the way, her right wrist tightly clasped in his left hand. 

Hunter let go of her wrist once he pulled her into the room. Hera giggled while watching his handsome back as he turned around to lock the door from inside. She ran her gaze around the room, which was encrusted with dust and decay. They were in the abandoned old chemistry lab located in the school's old block, deserted after the new block for laboratories got built. It was one of their secret spots since it provided them with the needed privacy, free of intruding students and teachers. 

Hera watched while he cleaned the dust-filled lab countertop with his handkerchief and gestured her to sit. Trying to look arrogant, she smirked, nodding once in approval before jumping onto the countertop with his helping hands on her waist. Hera remembered him saying he'd something important to talk. 

"You said you wanted to talk. What's it?" Hera asked, making herself comfortable on the cold countertop. Hunter smiled softly. Little did Hera know, talking was the last thing on his mind. He desperately wanted to kiss her. He didn't get a chance to kiss her the whole day. He had classes, then lab, gym class, Council's committee meeting. His day was tiringly busy. 

Hera rolled her eyes as soon as his hand retrieved the chocolate bar from his pocket. "What is it that you can't tell me directly and needed to depend on the messenger sweet to say it? What have you done, Mr Hunter?" Hera asked, fingers already working on the wrapper. Once the wrapper came off the chocolate, Hera frowned as she couldn't find any message. 

She glanced at him, furrowing her brows. "Hunter, there's no message," Hera stated. Hunter held her wrist and guided the chocolate in her fingers to her mouth. She bit it and chewed the sweet, her closed lips forming into an adorable pout while she ate. It was a bar of plain milk chocolate. Hunter leaned forward and kissed the corner of her lips. "I missed you, Mrs Hunter," he whispered against her cheek. 

Caught off guard, Hera stopped munching, and he could see the excess saliva forming in her open mouth. Grinning, he closed her mouth, using his thumb and pointer finger before clutching her jaws softly. He massaged her cheeks with his fingers, playfully reminding her to chew the chocolate. 

"We had breakfast together, and you saw me at the assembly," Hera said with her mouthful. Her face held the look as if she wanted to ask why was he acting so dumb. "Yet, I missed you so much, Goddess," he said, pecking her cheek. His grin grew wider. His gaze filled with absolute bliss, it reminded Hera how happy and proud he looked every time he held the winning trophy after his soccer match or while receiving the best student award. 

Hera giggled, shaking her head at his blatant admiration. She ate her chocolate while he watched. Hera brought the remaining chocolate near his mouth, offering him the last bite, but he refused and made her eat it. While Hera was chewing the mouthful of sweet, Hunter leaned forward and without warning covered her mouth with his. She hummed her protest as he savoured the sweetness coated on her lips. 

It didn't take much time for him to get lost in the kiss. It was pure ecstasy until Hera decided to ruin it. 

"Hunter, what's that? I felt something poking my stomach," Hera asked in between the kiss. He ignored her and continued with his kissing, sucking and nibbling her lips. Her palms which were resting on his chest, pushed him hard to get his attention, and thankfully it worked. "What happened, Goddess? Did I hurt you?" He asked, breathing heavily and voice filled with concern. 

Hera shook her head negatively, and her eyes travelled down to his belt, then lowered below the belt. Her eyes widened in surprise, and then they immediately lifted to meet his darkened purple ones. Hunter pulled his lower lip in between his teeth, assaulting it before he pushed himself off her and turned his back to her. He cursed under his breath while raking his fingers through his hair. 

Grabbing his arm, Hera turned him to face her. He could read worry, fear as well as anger charged in her eyes. 

"I asked you what's this?" Her finger was accusing the culprit below his belt. She was pointing to the unmistakable bulge in his pants. "What are you hiding in there, Hunter? Are you carrying a gun?" Hera asked, getting angrier each second. 

She was so naive that he wanted to laugh at her innocence, but he bit back his laughter. It wasn't the right time to get amused as he had a more pressing matter to take care of. 

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