Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 46 - Think Of Lucifer And He Appears

Subconsciously smiling at the memory, Hera checked Hunter's wardrobe and found his sweatshirt and gym shorts. She changed into his clothes and got comfortable. This room, this bed, held sweet memories. Though she didn't know much about intimacy at that age, she still felt that those moments they spent together were special. 

Since Hera and Danny couldn't go to their home during weekends, they all used to spend that time here with Hunter and his friends. 

Hunter's parents were in another country. Mathew, his bodyguard, also acted as his guardian in their absence. Hunter's parents had given that power to him.. School authorities never questioned Mathew whenever he came to take Hunter home. Hera never understood how or what Mathew did, but somehow he managed to persuade the school, and they let him take Hera, Abby and Danny as well along with Hunter. 

As for Hunter's friends, Eric's father was a well known Attorney. He worked for Hunter's father, and also they were best friends. Michael's father worked for senior Hunter as well. But Hera didn't know much about him because Michael never talked about him. Evelyn's parents were in film production, and Bianca's parents were doctors. 

They all knew each other from New York since birth. So it shouldn't be a surprise that they were staying together in London. That's why Hunter's father bought them this gigantic mansion. 

First thing Hera did in the morning was to get out of Hunter's Mansion as she'd promised herself. Thankfully, his driver John was ready and agreed to bring her to her dormitory. She thought to leave a message for Danny, but surprisingly Jessica had already been there in the kitchen. Hera asked her to convey the message to Danny and left before anyone could wake up and stop her. Jessica was kind enough to pack some sandwiches for Hera, which she accepted with gratitude. 

Her Sunday was not bad at all. Honestly, Hera enjoyed it. She walked in the park, visited the game room, and she watched TV for some time. Later, her friends came back with a hangover, a good enough excuse for their whining. She finished arranging her wardrobe. She had a good time with her friends. Except, it felt a little awkward when Clara returned to her room. She behaved normal with everyone and ignored Hera like always. 

Finally, Monday arrived and so did Hera's first official day of high school. 

Hera didn't want to be late for school on her first day. So she woke up early and got ready on time. At least for once, she tried to be on time because tardiness had become second nature to her. 

Hera joined the students gathered in the Assembly for school prayer. Out of habit, she let her gaze wander randomly. 

A tall figure with charcoal black hair caught Hera's attention and she double-checked before her eyes went wide. The most good-looking boy in their campus and the heartthrob of SPALEV HIGH had his eyes fixed on her. Students were standing in rows and columns while the members of Student Council and Class Prefects stood in the front, facing them. Principal and teachers were right behind the members on the dais. 

Hera reflexively lowered her head and glanced down at her new uniform. A Navy blue blazer and skirt which reached her mid-thigh paired with cobalt blue top and an ink blue tie. She thought she looked good. But this same colour uniform looked magnificently royal on his body, making her a little conscious about her looks. He looked super handsome in his navy blue dress pants and blazer, with a dress shirt and a tie that matched with hers. 

Hera scoffed in disdain. 

Even his shiny black shoes and black belt demanded attention. His fair skin looked slightly tanned, making him look even hotter. 

"Good God! I've never seen anything so mesmerising in my entire life. And what the fuck! Why is he staring at you, Hera?" Adelaide whisper yelled somewhat sounding jealous and upset at the same time. Hera ignored her and gave him her dirtiest look while he winked at her. 

"Did he just wink at you?" Adelaide asked, the disbelief lacing her tone matched with her shocked face. Hera squeezed her eyelids shut in sheer embarrassment. Meanwhile, her friends tried to smother their giggles, so did the other girls around them. 

"Yes, Ade. He did. That's our school's pride and Hera's man, one and only Ace Hunter," Celine whisper answered. Hera hissed at her friends. "Shut up, both of you. I don't want to get detention on my first day," she scolded, trying not to shout in anger. "He's so hot. I'll gladly die and go to hell for him, and what detention are you talking about?" Adelaide asked in her cheerful voice. Hera rolled her eyes as the other girls agreed with Adelaide. 

As soon as the prayer finished, Principal Sandra Mathew cleared her throat, checking the microphone in front of her. 

"Dear students, I have something important to tell you. Your President here has come up with a brilliant suggestion to help students improve their grades, who are struggling with their studies," she paused to look at Hunter with a proud smile before continuing. 

"The members of the Student Council will help you, and their friends will tutor you during their free time. We can make good use of detention class as well instead of wasting your time there. Whoever gets detention will be tutored if he or she is not good enough with grades. Or if you're intelligent, then you'll tutor the not so smart students. Your President, and his team, along with your class prefects, will be available to help you at any time. He'll be in charge of detention class as well," said the Principal. 

Hera's jaw almost touched the ground. She wasn't happy one bit. He would purposely write a detention slip for her and Hera was sure about that. 

'Bloody hell! How damned will I be?' 

Hera looked at him while their Principal gave a pat on his back and nodded in appreciation. 

And the Jerk smiled at Hera. 

"He is charming, isn't he?" Hera heard murmurings and giggles. His female fan club went gaga over his charms, and Hera groaned in disapproval. She couldn't wait to get out of there. 

Hera went to the locker hall and turned to her locker, working on the combination to open it, and she heard fingers snapping behind her. Without turning around, she sensed the emptiness around her. She could tell, everyone vacated the locker hall. 

'Of course, he can make people vanish by just clicking his fingers.' 

Hera scoffed internally.

'Bloody Thanos!'

She closed her eyes, trying to make her racing heartbeats steady. Hunter could make her that much more nervous. She felt his presence without even turning to look. She could feel him without him touching her. 

And Hera forgot to breathe. Her heart conveniently chose that time to skip a beat or two. 

'Stupid heart, not the right time to betray me.' 

She reprimanded her heart and mentally banged her head to the cold metal of her locker. 

"Took you so long to come back to me, Goddess," he whispered, his hot breath brushed the side of her neck and a shiver ran through her involuntarily. "Think of Lucifer," she muttered. "And he appears," Hunter finished the statement for her, followed by his melodic chuckle and he moved closer. 

Hera's books dropped to the floor. She felt the front of her body, pressed up against the cold metal of the locker. She pressed her palms to the metal locker to push him off her, but only felt his hard body sinking further into her from behind. His fingers wrapped around her wrists tightly. He kissed her jaw and then went down to her neck, pulling her uniform shirt top aside in the process. 

He bit her shoulder blade, nipping and sucking. 

Hera gasped audibly. Her eyes went wide. 

For once, she was thankful to be sandwiched between him and the locker. If not, she would've collapsed on the floor already, either by shock or by fear. He never did this before. Surely they'd hugged and kissed each other before though never had he touched her absurdly. 

All this was new to Hera. 

His lips were doing things to her, and she felt millions of butterflies dancing in her stomach. His divine and hypnotising voice brought her out of her reverie. "Missed me, my gorgeous Goddess?" Hunter asked, and Hera tried her best to compose herself steady. 

"Oh, the irony!" She sneered. He moved back a little withdrawing his body from hers, allowing her to turn around and face him, but still kept her caged between the locker and himself. His eyebrows arched up in challenge, his jaw clenched before he spoke, and his voice sounded angry. 

"What does that supposed to mean, Goddess?" He asked and looked down deep into her forest-green eyes as Hera slowly glanced up at his face.

'Why does he has to be so tall? Always towering over my small form.' 

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