Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 44 - Give Her A Break

Hera was never comfortable with compliments. It always made her feel flustered and shy. So to avoid the awkwardness, she absent-mindedly grabbed the beer container and thought of finally tasting it. Hera brought it to her lips to take a sip when a hand from behind jerked hers. Someone snatched the beer can from her, making it spill all over the table in the process. She was angry and wanted to burn the person who dared to snatch it from her. 

She turned to lash out at whoever it was, only to freeze in her place. 

Furious cerulean blue eyes were glaring daggers at her. 

She gulped in fear. 

"You, bloody bugger, she's under-aged to drink alcohol," Michael spat, looking over her head. He had his jaw so tightly clenched she wondered he could even utter those words through his gritted teeth.. Suddenly, the movement of someone falling at her feet demanded her attention and Hera screamed in horror. 

Noel was on the ground with an injured nose and lips. He was bleeding. Danny grabbed him with his shirt collar and made him stand before twisting Noel's hands behind his back in a tight grip. Noel winced in pain and grunted when Eric punched his jaw again. "I thought, you would know after that fight, she's off-limits to you and every other male here? You fucking dare to touch her?" Eric's voice was icy cold making Hera shiver. She was scared for Noel's life. 

"Please don't hurt him, Eric. We were only talking, and he didn't touch me. Please stop, Eric. He's bleeding," Hera tried to pull him away from Noel, but her strength was useless in comparison to his. She turned to Michael and urged him to stop his friends. She returned her shocked gaze to Noel when she heard him chuckle. 

"Chill, dude. I didn't know someone had already claimed their stake, not that I was hitting on her anyway. As she said, we were only talking. I was asking her to help me with her friend over there," Noel said assuredly, pointing his finger at Adelaide to make his point. Micheal, Eric, and Danny, all three of them turned to Hera for confirmation, and she vigorously nodded her head in agreement. 

"Consider it your last warning. Next time, you won't be walking on your legs," Michael's voice was calm, but his lips flashed a dangerous smile. He paused for a second or few before continuing. "Don't ever try to hit on her. Not unless you have a death wish," he concluded, eyes piercing as a sharp knife. Noel silently agreed. Erick and Danny shoved him hard, making him fall on his ass again. He looked up at Hera, and she mouthed "Sorry" before Michael dragged her out of his sight. 

Hera wanted to cry but somehow managed not to as she didn't want to give them the satisfaction they craved. It had always been like this. They acted as her bodyguards in Hunter's absence. They wouldn't hurt her, but they would hurt every other person who tries to get close to her. 

He dragged a chair in front of her. The screeching sound made her cringe. She didn't dare disobey his silent command and took her seat without protesting. He disappeared into the kitchen. Meanwhile, Eric and Danny placed a table in front of her. 

Hera glanced around once and realized that they'd chosen a convenient place. Well, Convenient for them at least as they could keep an eye and watch her from anywhere now. From the kitchen, the bar, the pool, the makeshift platform they'd created, she's in their direct line of sight from every direction. 

A hand came into her view, holding a large cup, which got quite rudely placed on the table. Hera dragged her forest green orbs up to meet Michaels blue ones. "Apple juice. If you want to drink something else, there's orange juice in the refrigerator," Michael said. He leaned forward, pointing his forefinger at her and Hera jerked back in her chair reflexively. 

"If I see you touch the beer container again, I swear, I'll slice the fingers of that person who dare passed you that container," Michael said, waiting for her agreement and Hera nodded in defeat. She was smart enough to know, not to trigger his temper anymore because his threats were never empty. 

And then they all went back to the party, leaving Hera alone. 

"This is supposed to be my welcome party," Hera said out loud in utter disappointment. What kind of welcome was that? She shouldn't talk to anyone, not allowed to drink, no swimming and dancing, no game, and no fun. 

"Ah, man! They forgot to tell me if I can breathe or not," Hera murmured sarcastically to herself. Sipping her apple juice, she tried to ignore the fact that she's bored to death. Her eyes surveyed her surroundings once again, hopelessly searching for something that would kill her boredom. And it stopped at angel Gabriel aka Eric. 

Eric was sitting on a countertop at the bar and had his eyes fixed on Hera like a hawk. The school's gossip girl, Hilary was standing by his side running her hands on his thighs, caressing them. Her hands were inching slowly towards that male organ. Hera averted her eyes in disgust. The girl had no self-respect and was shamelessly trying to seduce him. Not that he's not enjoying her hands on him, but the smug bastard was treating her no less than a whore. 

He would use her until he got bored and then she would get discarded like trash. 

Someone banged the table and Hera jumped in alarm. Her nostrils flared as she inhaled and exhaled in frustration when she saw the face of the intruder. She was one step away from ripping her hair out. 

'Not again, dear Lord, give me a break.' 

"What do you want, Samantha? Why don't you just leave me alone?" Hera asked, gritting her teeth. Samantha stared at Hera. Her face was blank, void of any emotion, but her eyes told a different story. They were tired, looked sad even. She pulled a chair and surprised Hera by sitting next to her. 

"You are all alone having fun with yourself, I see," she said with a sarcastic smile and looked around as if searching for something or someone. "Looks like, nobody is bothering you now. Of course, you are Ace's girl, after all. Who will dare to mess with Ace Hunter?" She asked a rhetorical question. Her voice slurred, she was drunk and wasted already. She laughed humorlessly, and Hera could tell, she sounded so hurt. 

"You know what, Hera? I was practically grinding some dick a while ago in front of my friends. Guess what? They didn't even react. Nobody cares, you know. And our Hera here barely looks at some guy, and they all bring hell on earth," Samantha said in a playful tone as though she was gossiping with one of her best friends. But Hera saw through her facade. It was similar to the calm before the storm situation. 

Hera couldn't understand, what was Samantha trying to imply? She was confused and waited for her arrival at some sensible context. What was this girl up-to-now? She didn't have to wait much longer as Samantha finally snapped. "I am his fucking GIRLFRIEND," Samantha said, her voice slowly rising. She poked her index finger into Hera's chest in anger. "Yet, you are the one addressed as HIS GIRL," she stated. 

She banged the table hard again with her little fists. If it had hurt her delicate hands, she didn't show any sign of it. Hera flinched in reflex and got a little worried. Samantha was going crazy, and she needed her friends because only they could help or calm her. Hera's eyes involuntarily searched for Hunter's friends. 

Eric was now busy sucking Hilary's face.

'Not helping.'

Hera shook her head, and her next option was her brother. Unfortunately, Danny too was busy sucking a face. It seemed Evelyn and Danny were having a "Who would kiss better" competition in the swimming pool. They were kissing others to make each other jealous. 

Hera found Noel sitting at the same table where they sat together previously. She was surprised to see Adelaide sitting next to him and the boy she was dancing with earlier. She was laughing at something the other boy said. Strangely, Noel had his eyes fixed on Hera and this time he didn't seem friendly at all. It was kind of creepy and sensing trouble Hera averted her eyes. 

She needed not to worry about him as he was just another stranger to her. She could think about his eerily disturbing demeanour, later. For now, getting rid of Samantha seemed more urgent for Hera. She continued her search and found Michael and Bianca. They both were busy racing to win the "Who'll drink more booze" game. Michael's eyes caught Hera's. He observed her surroundings for a few seconds, then went back to his drinking game. 

'Of course, the bastard will ignore now.' 

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