Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 262 - Too Late To Regret Her Decision

Hera invited this trouble when she urged Nathan to speak about his breakup. She didn't know it would backfire on her. Sighing, Hera slid against the door until her bottom touched the floor. She sat crossing her legs, her knee-length sky-blue dress with frills around the hem curtaining her legs. She could say yes to Nathan's suggestion, but deep down, even she knew it would only turn into a disaster. 

It had been a year since Hunter declared that it was a break and not a breakup. As pathetic as it sounded, despite everything Hunter did, Hera couldn't move on, but it didn't mean she had any plans of taking Hunter back. However, much to her anguish, he wouldn't let her go. She was known as his girl in school, and he had forbidden every boy from looking at her, let alone befriend her. 

The one or two times when Hera tried to talk to other boys, Hunter had made those boys' lives a living hell. What bothered Hera more was that Hunter started harassing her friends instead of her. He would bully and torment every boy if she even looked at them accidentally. So Hera had decided to suffer all by herself and obeyed Hunter's every command. He would punish her by hurting her friends otherwise. 

From that day, Hera had never dared to give any other boy a chance. Not that anyone would want to risk their lives by daring to defy Hunter. 

Hera was waiting for Hunter to graduate and leave the school. It was a ridiculous hope that she would get rid of him somehow if he left the school. The thought provided her comfort for the time being, even though it would never happen. Hunter would never leave her alone. He would still stay in her life even after graduating, to win her back or to torment her further, she had no idea. 

"Nate, I don't want to drag you into my problems. I don't want to cause any more fights. You know what Ace Hunter is capable of," Hera said, already sounding defeated. Nathan shook his head, unimpressed by her crushed spirit. 

"Don't give him the power to ruin your life, Hera," he pleaded. "Ace and Bianca are two evil demons who deserve and complement each other," Nathan grumbled, and Hera couldn't agree more. 

"Can't you see, Hera, how unbothered and happy they are in their lives? Why should only we grieve and suffer as if we lost something precious?" Nathan asked indignantly. His eyes burned with anger while he spoke, gritting his teeth. He was right, and Hera couldn't find any more excuses to deny him the chance he was asking for, except how was she supposed to tell him that she wouldn't be able to reciprocate his feelings? 

Nathan walked closer and crouched in front of her before taking her hands in his. Worrying her bottom lip between her teeth, Hera looked at him, hesitation evident in her eyes. "It's okay if you're not ready. I can wait," Nathan said, his voice soft and sweet. He kept assuring her that he would never hurt her like Hunter did if she gave him a chance. 

Hera didn't know what to say, so she lowered her eyes and sighed again, desperate to find an escape. Nathan had an answer to her every excuse, and she was running out of them. Finally, Hera said she would think about it. 

Nathan insisted they go out tonight, if not on a date, then just as friends. He suggested it would refresh her mood, and she would get used to spending time with him. Hera could only nod her agreement.

"Ah, finally!" Clara exclaimed. She was happy that Hera agreed to give her brother a chance. They were changing in Clara's room. Hera rolled her eyes and dumped hers and Clara's dress in the hamper. She hoped the chocolate syrup and whipped cream stain smeared on her dress from the cake would come off after dry cleaning. It was one of her favourite dresses. 

"It isn't a date, Clara. Nate, you and I are going out to have fun because it's your birthday. You know I don't feel about him that way, but I couldn't just say no to him," Hera clarified while shoving her legs into her washed-out blue denim pants. She was somewhat glad that she talked about it, and Nathan understood to some extent. Hera nonetheless rejected him indirectly, but he still promised to wait until she was ready. 

Clara was disappointed at Hera's confession as she thought her brother deserved more than Hera's pity. Pulling down the white top over her head, Hera righted it once it settled on her body. Hiding her disappointment, Clara smiled when Hera looked at her. They helped brush each other's hair and high-fived once satisfied with their look. 

Nathan was sitting on the hood of his father's blue Audi car, patiently waiting for the girls, twirling a bunch of keys around his index finger. They had decided to go on a drive as Nathan wanted to show them his driving skills. He had recently obtained his provisional driving licence. He opened the door and settled behind the wheel when the girls came out of the house. 

Clara pushed Hera to the front and winked at her before settling in the back seat. With a shake of her head, Hera snorted, and after putting on her denim jacket, she sat beside Nathan in the front. "I'm risking my life for you, so please be careful," Hera muttered, making Nathan chuckle in response. 

It was already quarter past eight in the evening, and since it was a residential area, the road was almost empty, making the driving easy for Nathan while the girls enjoyed the smooth ride. 

Suddenly, Hera got alarmed and sat straight in her seat as she inspected the road on either side. Frowning, she pursed her lips as she recognised the place. Nathan was driving towards the backside of their school. 

"Nate, why are you going this way?" Hera asked, her voice already shaking with nerves. "Relax, Hera. There's an empty field nearby," Nathan said, taking a turn. "It's a perfect place to hang out for teenagers like us to party or picnic," he said. Hera was getting nervous because it's where Hunter hangs out with his friends. 

Nathan revealed the property belonged to a foreigner who hardly visited, and it was still as good as an abandoned land. Hera absent-mindedly hummed her acknowledgement while Nathan spoke. 

A thirty more minute drive later, Hera sighed in relief when Nathan passed all the restaurants and pubs where Hunter usually would eat or drink with his friends. 

"Well, mind telling us what are we going to do in that abandoned land, brother?" Clara asked, her curious eyes looking at Hera through the rear-view mirror. "We're going to enjoy our picnic," Nathan stated. "Open the dashboard for me," he requested, glancing briefly at Hera, a grin plastered on his face. Hera was surprised to find the packets of chips and fries inside. 

"Clara, can you check under your seat?" Nathan asked without taking his eyes off the road. As he expected, his sister gasped loudly. Hera turned in her seat to peek at Clara's feet, where she had pulled a box with a few beer cans inside. 

"Nate, you're driving, and Clara and I don't drink," Hera pointed out, her nose scrunching in disapproval. "Why would you even bring it?" she asked, scowling at him. Hera had never tasted beer or any other alcoholic beverages. "Pass me a beer can," Nathan said, and his sister obediently complied while Hera regretted her decision of agreeing to come on this drive. 

"There's always a first time, Hera. You can taste it," Nathan suggested. Hera watched with her jaw dropped, eyes wide, while he removed his hands off the steering wheel for a second to open the beer can. It hissed as his fingers pressed and pulled the stay-tab opening the can. "Nate, please concentrate on your driving," Hera yelled at him, scared for her life. 

Nathan gulped a mouthful of beer, much to Hera's dismay. She snatched the can from his hand and glared at him. "Relax, Hera. I won't let you die," he said jokingly, sounding amused by her anxiety. He took another turn and crossed the open gate to the said vast empty land. Hera missed the nameplate on the barrier Iron Gate displaying the owner's name. 

The contents inside the beer can spilt out as the car rocked, the liquid with tiny bubbles dirtying Hera's hand. She grimaced at the smell and cursed, looking at the wet patches on her pants. Her displeased eyes darted towards Nathan only to find him smirking. He was looking ahead, and the glint in his eyes somehow scared Hera, for it almost looked evil. He seemed so strange with that weird look on his face. 

Clara suddenly screamed, startling Hera. "Nate, watch out," Clara yelled, and Hera looked to the front. Her frightened eyes went wide like saucers. She saw the black Range Rover parked right on their way, and Nathan seemed to be insane for heading straight into it. 

Hera's breath hitched as she recognised the car immediately, and just to confirm, her eyes fell on the number plate. She cursed her luck for being such a bitch to her. 

"No fucking way! God, why are you so cruel to me?" Hera muttered in a shaky voice. Alarmed, she ducked her head and covered her mouth with her hand. She couldn't even dare to scream as their car hit the backside bumper guard of Hunter's Range Rover before she could stop Nathan.

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