F-Class Destiny Hunter

Chapter 64:

Chapter 64

At those words, Jang Taehun swiftly turned his head to glare at the other person, which made the man shut up.

"Don't mess with Seo Gangrim. I'll beat him on a one-on-one."

"Weren't you to him losing for the past few days, and what if you don't kill a snake?"

"I can win."


"I have no doubts."

As Jang Taehun spoke firmly, the other person, after glancing around, left the area.

Imugi stared at the figures, thinking it was either Seo Gangrim or Jang Taehun or some other strange human being. The Imugi then disappeared into the deep waters once again.

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【Finally, finally!】


【Today is the last day!】

The gods, who had been noisy for days, were particularly fervent today.

As soon as Seo Gangrim entered the Demon World, they bombarded him with messages and offered Divine Blessing. It took him a while to ignore them.

【Will Taehun come today?】

【Oh, he better! That's the most anticipated part right now.】

【It'll be interesting if Gangrim loses today.】

【But then, Imugi will die. What did Imugi do wrong?】

【Imugi met the wrong owner.】

While listening to the gods' conversation, Seo Gangrim took an orb out of his pocket. Inside it was a miniaturized Imugi. Just in case, he had entrusted the Imugi to Seo Jeongmin last night, and Seo Jeongmin had sealed it within this orb. Seo Gangrim had been uneasy due to the Imugi constantly surfacing last time, and only sealing it this way brought some relief to him. However, the seal would soon be broken. After the designated six hours, the orb would forcibly shatter.


Seo Gangrim threw the orb into the water, and the partially awakened Imugi emerged from it. He then said to Imugi, "Don't come out no matter what. Just endure today."

The Imugi gave him a skeptical look and then disappeared back into the water. It must have understood, right? It didn't want to die, and it was clever enough not to jump into a dangerous situation. As he watched the Imugi disappear, he heard a voice from behind, "Today is the last day."

The wind sharply cut through the forest as he turned to see Jang Taehun standing there. The air froze as if they were in the midst of a frost. Jang Taehun's expression was different from usual; it seemed like he was more determined than ever.

Seo Gangrim asked Jang Taehun, "If I win, what will you do? Will you find another snake and kill it?"

"I won't do such a pointless thing. I'd rather lose."

That was expected of his personality. But if he chose that, it would be problematic for Seo Gangrim.

"Then let's make a deal. If I win, you have to obey one of my commands."

"Fine. You think you'll win, huh?"

Jang Taehun gritted his teeth, and slowly approached. He seemed to emanate a powerful aura.

"We can discuss that after you lose!" he declared.

As Jang Taehun rushed towards Seo Gangirm, he activated his ability.

[Ability 'Fighting Instinct' activated!]

With the activation of 'Fighting Instinct,' his heart pounded loudly. His muscles expanded and strength surged throughout his body, but his mind remained calm. He then enveloped his entire body in 'Flame Radiance' and charged at Jang Taehun.


Jang Taehun didn't avoid Seo Gangrim's attack; instead, he took the sword directly. As he blocked the flaming sword with his palm, the fire began to transfer to him little by little. However, Jang Taehun was still smiling.

"It's not very hot!"

After he finished speaking, he swung his other fist. With a loud thud accompanied by a sharp pain on his shoulder, Seo Gangrim hastily retreated before the follow-up attack could come. Jang Taehun's left fist was now burning in flames.

[Ability 'Flame Resistance' is in effect!]

During Seo Gangrim's battle with Jang Taehun, Seo Gangrim had grown stronger, and handling his abilities had become easier for him. However, this also applied to Jang Taehun; being engulfed in fire every time he punched had given him resistance.

"Now that ability won't be of much use."

Even as both of his fists were singed and blisters formed, he continued to strike Seo Gangrim.

As Jang Taehun's words suggested, Flame Radiance was no longer beneficial. It would better to use magic power elsewhere instead, so Seo Gangrim quickly deactivated Flame Radiance. Jang Taehun swung his fist and extinguished the flames.

"What are you going to do, you trusted that one thing, what are you going to do now......."


Seo Gangrim answered through action rather than words. He swung his sword, slicing through Jang Taehun's arm, and blood splattered along with his torn clothing.

Jang Taehun asked in surprise, "What the hell is that?"

Until now, Seo Gangrim had been using an ordinary-grade weapon purchased at the store, which was sufficient for fighting Jang Taehun. However, today he had to win at all costs, so he pulled out the Seven Branches Sword. The aura surrounding the sword radiated in seven directions. Seo Gangrim's enhanced physique seemed to be dancing with joy as he held the Seven Branches Sword. Now he could sense how inadequate the sword he had been using was.

- Clang, Crash!

Jang Taehun's expression, gestures, and breathing were desperate as he struggled to defend against Seo Gangrim's attacks.



Unable to evade in time, Jang Taehun was struck deeply in the thigh by one of the Seven Branches Sword's blades. With his mobility reduced, the advantage was now Seo Gangrim's. Then, a gleam appeared in Jang Taehun's eyes.

"You pulled out a strange weapon first, isn't that cheating?"

At that moment, Jang Taehun's eyes lit up.

【Why is he distancing himself?】

【He's a close-quarters fighter, so why is he creating distance?】

【Did he bring a new weapon?】

Jang Taehun's fighting style excelled in close combat. But if he was distancing himself, he must be planning to use another ability. A red energy began to gather in Jang Taehun's right arm.

[The ability 'Formless Spear' is activated!]

Those who received a Divine Blessing were bound to be influenced by the god behind it. Jang Taehun's patron god primarily used a legendary spear called the Jang Pal Sa Mo. Jang Taehun swung at the empty air as if thrusting a spear, and roared in Seo Gangrim's direction.

"Dodge this one!"

The sharp aura turned into a spear shape and descended toward Seo Gangrim. As Seo Gangrim ducked out of the way of the long-range attack, Jang Taehun lunged at him.

'This much speed even with a broken leg?'



Seo Gangrim thought Jang Taehun was coming in with a punch, but suddenly he used the spear he had created with magic power to strike Seo Gangrim. The formless spear leaped wildly, assaulting Seo Gangrim relentlessly.

【Woah, the Formless Spear is insane!】

【Can Gangrim block that?】

【It's a surprise attack; how can he endure... Wait, what?】

【Can he endure it?】

This attack would have easily taken Seo Gangrim down if it was in close quarters. But he already knew a lot about it, while Jang Taehun was still not very familiar with the Formless Spear.

- Thud!

Taking advantage of the opening created by swinging the spear, Seo Gangrim plunged into the center. He plunged his elbow into Jang Taehun’s side. Jang Taehun gasped for breath, but it wasn't a fatal blow. Seo Gangrim hadn't directly cut him before, but now that the Formless Spear had appeared, he had to be sincere in his efforts.

[The ability 'Fighting Instinct' responds to your fighting spirit and evolves into Spirit First-class!]

It was as if his eyes had suddenly opened wide, and he could see Jang Taehun's trajectories and weak points clearly. Seo Gangrim's Fighting Insctinct showed him the way. At this moment, he forgot everything and only focused on his opponent and victory. He swung with all his might, following the path shown by the ability.

- Swish!

With the Seven Branches Sword, Seo Gangrim's slashed diagonally across Jang Taehun's chest. Hot blood sprayed in all directions. Jang Taehun tried to hold on, but he collapsed, his eyes rolling back.

- Groan...

He no longer moved, and amidst his stillness, the voices of the gods were heard.

【Wow, Seo Gangrim won!】

【What? How did he win?】

【He even pulled out the Formless Spear and lost?】

Jang Taehun might have won if he hadn't summoned the Formless Spear. No matter how powerful the Formless Spear was, he had hardly ever wielded a spear before. Choosing an unfamiliar weapon was a miscalculation.

[Ability 'Fighting Instinct' is deactivated.]

Seo Gangrim did win, but he was also greatly affected in various ways. His stamina and magic power were almost depleted. Of course, he was in better condition than Jang Taehun.

【Is Taehun dying?】

【Look at the blood.】

【Well, at least he avoided the vital spots.】

Seo Gangrim had tried to hold back, but he still seemed to have gone too far. He sprinkled the remaining healing potion on Jang Taehun's wounds. While it helped with stopping the bleeding, it couldn't fully heal everything. It seemed like Seo Gangrim needed to either wake Jang Taehun up and take him to Father Yohan or send him back to his training facility. As Seo Gangrim sat down next to Jang Taehun, trying to wake him up...


Bullets came flying from behind. Since he hadn't let go of the sword yet, Seo Gangrim managed to lift it just in time to block the bullets. The bullets bounced off and scattered on the ground, and the attackers launched their assault.


Three of them charged at Seo Gangrim, brandishing their swords. He parried their attacks and quickly assessed their faces. They were all unfamiliar. It was clear they belonged to Zone Three, and they seemed quite excited.

"Alright. This guy must be exhausted!"

It seemed like they had been waiting for Seo Gangrim to get tired.

They all appeared to be around Human-class. Normally, Seo Gangrim could have taken them down quickly, but due to the fight with Jang Taehun, he was running low on stamina.

"Quick, finish him and move on!"

Kang, Keng, Kaang!

Their attacks began to rain down from all directions. Three of them engaged Gangrim in close combat, while the other one or two hid in the bushes, shooting guns or using magic.

'Damn, this was getting annoying.'

【What are these guys?】

【Hey, Gangrim, are you okay?】

【Is Gangrim really losing like this?】

【Didn't Jang Taehun prepare them?】

The voices of gods and humans swirled in his head, making Seo Gangrim dizzy. For now, it seemed best to retreat. He stepped back, trying to create some distance, until suddenly...


Seo Gangrim felt a sharp pain in his leg as something latched onto his calf. It was a trap, the kind used for catching bears.

【It's a trap!】

【Hey, isn't that a trap for catching wild animals?】

【These guys are serious.】

The pain in his leg was so intense that his body froze. Now that his movements were completely restricted, the attackers pounced on him as if they had been waiting for this moment.

"Now, this should end it..."


The scream didn't come from Seo Gangrim; it came from one of the attackers. Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected presence right in front of his eyes.


The Imugi had sunk its teeth into the man's throat. The poison began to spread, turning his face purple. There was a mark engraved on the Imugi's neck--Seo Gangrim's name.

【Wow, did the Imugi come to help?】

【It's repaying a debt of gratitude.】

【It's a tsundere, just like its owner!】

The appearance of the Imugi left the members of Zone Three a startled mess. The arrival of the Imugi might look like Seo Gangrim now had the upper hand, but that was not the case. He needed to send the Imugi away immediately. Unfortunately, the words were already flowing from people's mouths.

"What... What is this? Why is the snake so big?"

"Is this really a snake?"

"It has to be a snake! What else could it be?"

At the mention of the word snake, the Imugi's body twitched, and it froze.

'Damn, I had to stop this now.'

Seo Gangrim needed to take the Imugi and run, but the steel trap around his leg was not easily broken. Nevertheless, he tried to force his leg out, but it only resulted in excruciating pain, and blood to spurt out.

【Gangrim, you lunatic!】

【Hey, I can see bones!】

【Your leg is cut off, you idiot!】

His leg wasn't the top priority right now. The Imugi's body began to twist and change shape. The people of Zone Three sensed something was amiss and turned their weapons on the Imugi instead of Seo Gangrim.

"Hey, is there something wrong with this snake?"

"What's the big deal, just kill it!"

Many of them rushed to attack the Imugi, and as the sword's flesh began to fall away, blood flowed profusely. Under the relentless assault, the Imugi's body continued to contort.

[The state of 'Imugi' is beginning to change!]

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