F-Class Destiny Hunter

Chapter 62:

Chapter 62


In the lobby, sounds of astonishment and complaints could be heard. Several trainees from Zone Two were shouting at Annaby with tears in their eyes.

"Is it really over like this? Can't we retry?"

"This is so unfair. Zone Three just has to kill them!"

"Can't we find a new snake and protect it?"

They were the ones who had failed their mission in this stage. Some were even holding their dead snake, protesting. Annaby tried to calmly explain the situation to them, her face still covered.

"The mission of Zone Two is to protect the snake, and you have failed Zone Two's mission. Finding and protecting a new snake is not possible."

"We're almost there! In other stages, we were allowed to retry!"

Even if they tried to argue, it wasn't going to work. Annaby said with a calm voice: "Let me repeat once again. You failed Zone Two's mission, and and you will be automatically discharged after the end of the mission period, so please be aware of that."

"Why are you sending us out immediately? It's not like we're harming anyone..."

While Annaby patiently dealt with them, the people around were silently watching. Father Yohan spoke with a empathy in his eyes, "It must be very disappointing for everyone. This was the last chance..."

"That's true, Father."

Shin Sooah, who was standing next to him, agreed with a nod. After enduring a grueling training period, the end was now in sight. While Annaby and the trainees were in the middle of their confrontation, they saw Seo Gangrim descending from the second floor.

"Ah, Seo Gangrim-ssi."

Shin Sooah greeted him with a nod. As Seo Gangrim came down the stairs, he briefly nodded towards her and then looked at the people still in the lobby.

"What's going on?"

"The people who failed their mission are complaining to Annaby."

"I see."

Seo Gangrim spoke with an indifferent tone, as if he didn't care much. After all, the people he was concerned about wouldn't be failing their missions. If anyone had to worry, it would be Father Yohan. He asked Father Yohan, "Are you okay, Father? It must be difficult to fight both demon beasts and humans."

"Fortunately, I'm fine. Other sisters and brothers have helped me, and I've gained a new ability too..."

After Seo Gangrim briefly glanced at Father Yohan's aura, he casually asked, "What ability is it?"

"It's the ability to create a protective barrier. Now, I can protect people too." Father Yohan smiled brightly as he spoke.

Seo Gangrim felt relieved that at least Zone Two's mission was about protection, not killing the snake. If it had been about killing, Father Yohan would have had a hard time. Seo Gangrim nodded his head, and then turned to Shin Sooah.

"Are you okay, Shin Sooah-ssi? Did you encounter anyone from Zone Three?"

"Yes, I did meet some people from Zone Three, but there were no issues."

That meant she had defeated all the Zone Three trainees she had encountered, which Seo Gangrim found a bit strange. After all, in his previous life, Shin Sooah had formed an alliance with Zone Three and successfully protected all the snakes, allowing everyone to move on to the next stage.

"Did you happen to meet someone named Jang Taehun? He's a big guy in his early twenties."

"Jang Taehun...? No, I didn't. Did something happen with that person?"

Seo Gangrim couldn't decide whether to be relieved or worried that she hadn't met Jang Taehun. He lightly shook his head, saying, "No, it's nothing. Then, I'll take my leave."

After ending the conversation, Seo Gangrim headed towards the Sixth Stage. Despite his mission, his main concern was how to deal with Jang Taehun. As he entered the stage, messages started pouring in frantically.

【Woah, it's Gangrim!】

【We've been waiting for you!】

【We've been waiting for so long!】

【Wow, I'm already looking forward to it.】

Today, it seemed like the gods were causing a ruckus. Somehow, it didn't feel right for Seo Gangrim.

"What's going on?"

【Oh, nothing, nothing at all! I just wanted to see Gangrim.】

【Yeah, I just missed seeing you.】

'Something must have happened while I was away...'

From the gods' reactions, it seemed like something had indeed happened, but they pretended not to know.

【It's a shame Gangrim doesn't trust us.】

【That's because of his lack of faith.】

【How can he have faith when he doesn't even receive Divine Blessing?】

The gods were talking nonsense as if trying to hide their true thoughts, so Seo Gangrim gave up on asking further questions.

'Maybe something happened to Imugi? I should check it myself.'

Fortunately, no warning signals had appeared yet. If anything, it would be worse if he summoned Imugi and was seen by others.

'For now, I should accumulate points and spirit pearls for a week, while thinking about the matter with Jang Taehun.'

Ignoring the gods' murmurs, he headed toward the forest. Suddenly, he felt something rushing toward him. It wasn't too far away.

'Is it a demon?'

It sounded like the thunderous footsteps of a giant beast, like a bear or wild boar. Well, he was going to look for demon beasts anyway, so it was a stroke of luck. As Seo Gangrim headed in the direction of the approaching sound, he stopped in his tracks.

'Is it going in my direction?'

As soon as Seo Gangrim realized this, the footsteps abruptly ceased. At the same time, a presence in the sky became palpable. Sensing this presence, Seo Gangrim stepped back.


A deafening sound and vibration filled the air as Jang Taehun's fist pierced the ground at the center. The ground sank deeply, as if a meteorite had fallen.

"I finally found you. You've made me search for you all day."

Jang Taehun rose from his spot, glaring at Seo Gangrim. Broken pieces of rock fell to the ground.

Even a punch from him was bone-crushing, but with knuckle-shaped gauntlets, he looked even more menacing.

【You found him already?】

【Jang Taehun has arrived!】

【We've been waiting for Seo Gangrim to show up together.】

Since morning, Jang Taehun had been roaming around with the entire place, looking for Seo Gangrim.

While the gods were in the midst of their excitement of the prospect of a fight, Seo Gangrim asked, "Do you have some business with me?"

"Business? Yes, I do."

Saying so, Jang Taehun loosened up his body as if Seo Gangrim's head were his target and threw a punch.

"I have to return what I received."

As he said this, Jang Taehun closed the gap in an instant and aimed his fist at Seo Gangrim's jaw. Seo Gangrim quickly raised his arm to deflect the attack. The clash of gauntlet and blade created a loud clang.


'Now, the next attack will come from the left...!' Seo Gangrim predicted the next move and defended to the left, but he soon realized his mistake. The kick came from the right instead.


Seo Gangrim hastily raised his arm to block the attack, but the impact was bone-jarring. At this, Jang Taehun smirked.


Seo Gangrim felt a burning sensation from just one hit.

'Did he change his attack pattern after realizing I can read it? He's definitely Jang Taehun.'

Changing one's habits so easily wouldn't be easy for most, but Jang Taehun had managed it. Seo Gangrim activated Invisibility and retreated before the next attack came in. After all, just from one hit, the pain was already excruciating, and Seo Gangrim felt as if he were on fire.

Seo Gangrim was not visible at the moment but Jang Taehun was staring in the exact direction where he was.

"Even if you do that, I can roughly figure out where you are. And I'll keep chasing you, so it's better to give up, right?"

【Whoa, how did he spot him?】

【Doesn't he have something like a clairvoyant ability?】

【You fools. Invisibility can only make their body invisible, not erase their traces.】

As the god mentioned, Invisibility was an ability that simply made the body transparent. It couldn't change the traces left on the ground or alter the flow of the air. Ordinary people might not notice, but someone who had reached a certain level could easily sense it.

'As Jang Taehun said, even using Invisibility, I would eventually get caught. It will end up being a direct confrontation.'

Seo Gangrim released Invisibility and appeared in front of Jang Taehun. Jang Taehun smiled, raising one side of his lips.

"At least you're not running away."

"Let me ask you one thing. Why are you so determined to fight me?"

"Because I lost to you last time. I hate losing. And, as a bonus, I have to kill your snake."

In their previous lives, Jang Taehun enjoyed fighting against strong opponents. He wouldn't mind duking it out even with someone like Shin Sooah. So, it was expected that Jang Taehun would seek revenge. However, Seo Gangrim subconsciously thought it wouldn't happen.

'In my past life, I wasn't a formidable opponent worthy of being considered an enemy.'

In his previous life, due to his own weakness, he wasn't recognized as an 'enemy' by Jang Taehun. This time, he became an enemy instead of a comrade. Strangely, Seo Gangrim felt a sense of exhilaration about that fact.

'Becoming someone's enemy doesn't feel bad.'

In his past life, he had always been under Jang Taehun's protection. But now, things were different. Seo Gangrim glanced at Jang Taehun. He was Jang Taehun's archenemy now. In that case, he must use his personality instead to pull him in as an ally. To do that, he had to win this battle first.

'If I activate the 'Fighting Instinct,' I can win, but..."

It didn't matter with demon beasts. However, the opponent was human, and it was Jang Taehun at that. Fighting Instinct was an ability that was difficult to control and he could even kill the opponent in its influence. 'If I used it and Jang Taehun ended up dead?' Thinking about that made Seo Gangrim smirk.

'Jang Taehun won't just die so easily.'

He ridiculed his own arrogance and activated the ability without hesitation. He trusted Jang Taehun because Jang Taehun was not the kind of person who would die so easily.

[Ability 'Fighting Instinct' is activated!]

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