Eye System

Chapter 202: Relaxed Day

After Lex had put his confidence in him and appointed him as a leader, he had no reason to decline and it was the perfect opportunity to implement the changes that he knew needed to be made on the continent.

"But what I am planning on doing is easing the hierarchy system that has been put in place and  the continent should unite, open trade and support each other for the greater good of the continent. We will aim to grow and develop the continent, while increasing our cultivation and seeking out more power and knowledge" declared the Earth Leader.

Everything turned out how Lex had wanted it to turn out and if he became the bad guy, while the Earth Leader became the good guy that was willing to cooperate, then his position as the leader of the continent would be cemented.

His plans were all for the benefit of the continent and its people and he had no plans of stealing any lad or resources from other countries, so the others inevitable agreed.

Even though they had no choice, as Lex was there the whole time and was glaring at anybody that seemed hesitant or against the Earth Leader, most people genuinely 

Lex was satisfied with the outcomes and the plans moving forwards and it had given him some security that on the current continent, if there weren't any unexpected issues, there wouldn't be many children that would have to experience the suffering tath he had to experience in his past reality.

Lex's work was finished and was turned to leave, but before he did, he wanted to make sure that nobody would do anything after he had left.

"This is farewell to everybody and I will be leaving the continent for a while, but don't get excited yet. I am but a step away, and if you ever decide that you wish to work against the continent or the Earth Leader, I will give you the worst death you could imagine" warned Lex.

[System is there anything I can leave behind here just in case] asked Lex.

{Ding, the host can leave an emergency beacon and it can only be used once. Once it is used, you will be alerted of an emergency and the beacon would call you towards its location. The emergency beacon can be used as long as the host is in the same space as the beacon} answered the system.

[Purchase a beacon, I don't really care about the price] ordered Lex.

{Ding, the host has purchased an emergency beacon, which can alert the host and act as a beacon for the host to head towards in an emergency} notified the system.

"I will leave the continent in your capable hands and if you ever have any issues, I am but one button away," said Lex to the Earth Leader as he handed over to the Earth Leader a small black box with a red button.

"Only use it in an emergency, but as long as you press it I will be alerted of the danger and your location" informed him, Lex.

The Earth Leader didn't know how to react and thank Lex, who had saved and helped him many times over.

However Lex didn't want his thanks, and after seeing his grateful expression, finally felt as though his work on the continent was finished and that it was time for him to move on.

Not wanting to stay any longer and waste time, Lex left with Ella beside him as if nothing had happened, leaving behind the leaders of the continent, that were all comparingly old, shocked and amazed by what had just happened.

"That went just like you wanted right, Mr Bad Guy that will kill everyone," said Ella, teasing Lex and mocking how he acted in the throne room.

"Well, I just played my part for the good of the continent and to make sure that they all cooperate with each other" stated Lex ignoring Ella's teasing.

They left the royal district comfortably, using Lex's Dominant Eye to get everybody that they met along the way to ignore them.

"Wanna go have some fun, it will probably be a while before we have a chance to relax like this" offered Lex.

"Yes, let's go and get some food first" agreed Lex as they walked around the areas around the royal district that was very wealthy and fancy.

Lex wanted to avoid getting into any conflict, that although he could easily deal with, would annoy him, so kept his Dominant Eye activated and used it to clear most of the area as he walked around with Ella.

Ella's beauty was incredible and would draw the eye and attention of most people that saw her, which obviously annoyed Lex, and made him order everybody who did so to move away and ignore Ella, which was easy for him to do.

They bought some barbequed meat and enjoyed the meal together, then went shopping together as Lex bought anything that Ella wanted and placed it in the inventory to give to her later.

Lex didn't have any money, but when he wanted to buy things and realised that, he went back to the throne room. 

"I will be taking some money from your treasury" stated Lex to the Gamma King before disappearing again.

The Gamma King couldn't have said anything as Lex disappeared soon after informing him, but even if he could, he wouldn't dare to and didn't care about the money that Lex would take.

It was easy for Lex to find where there was money with his Scouting Eye, and using his Dominant Eye he ordered the guards to open the treasury and allow him to take money.

He took quite a large amount, but nothing that would affect the Gamma King as he had no need for it, and teleported to Ella's side, being able to do so because he left a Spacial Mark on her.

Along the way, Ella and Lex bought a few different desserts and tried out many foods from different stalls, as they both had missed eating tasty food for a long time.

They had been sustaining their bodies with energy for so long, that they had forgotten how enjoyable it was to eat food, as they couldn't help but eat everything that seemed remotely appealing, knowing that it was the only relaxed day that they would have in the near future.

With their fine control over their body, they would have no need to digest the food and could change it all into energy that they would use, and although it was a negligible amount of energy, it made it so that they didn't need to let out any waste or wait for the food to be digested.

Lex and Ella had a nice day, which most of it was spent eating, shopping and laughing, as they enjoyed each other's company and had, what one would call a normal day, together for the first time.

After the sun was beginning to set, they knew that their relaxed day was reaching an end and that the enjoyment had to end there, but both of them were happy and glad that they were able to have a relaxed day.

Returning to the Portable Sub-Dimension with Ella, Lex knew that it was time to continue his training in preparation for exploring the rest of the Lower Plains and leaving the continent.

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