Extraordinary Player

Chapter 18

Chapter 18: I Became a Game Character

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

When Su Xiaoyu cleared Medium Mode, she had verified some of her body’s characteristics. But Qin Guan wanted to personally confirm them as well.

After all, listening to other people’s accounts was completely different from experiencing it on his own.

The most obvious thing he sensed was that his physical attributes had become better. His pain sensitivity had become weaker, and he could not feel exhaustion.

When he said that his physical attributes had become better, he meant that the body had the exact same strength as it did during the trial. Qin Guan could use it to do the backflip he originally could not do. In fact, he could now perform all the moves he had done in the trial in reality.

His pain sensitivity had largely decreased as well. He now only sensed around 10% of the pain he would have originally felt. When he used a needle to prick himself, it felt as if he had just slapped himself lightly.

However, the decrease in pain did not mean that he had become weaker in reacting to pain. Instead, it felt like it was to prevent pain from causing any sort of negative effects to his mind.

Based on his current pain sensitivity, he should be able to continue walking or running with injuries that would have made it impossible for him to stand from the pain.

Besides, it was not just pain. His tolerance to everything else had also increased by a great margin, and that included his heat tolerance, cold tolerance, and other abilities.

There was one more thing. His new body did not know fatigue. Qin Guan did three hundred push-ups in one go, and when he stood up, he felt nothing.

The body could also do other similar types of exercises like slow running, jumping, pull-ups and others endlessly. If he went out for a run, he could even run to the ends of the Earth.

As for any other abilities, it was difficult for him to test them for the time being.

For example, if this body died, would his real body also die?

If his arms and legs were broken and his organs were dug out, would his real body be affected too?

If he was mortally wounded, could this body still retain its mobility that did not know the concept of exhaustion?

Qin Guan did not dare to search for the answers to these questions. If he really died due to his experiments, that would not be worthwhile.

However, Qin Guan knew clearly that sooner or later, someone would go out of their way to find the answers to such questions.


It was only when Qin Guan truly obtained the new body that he experienced just how strong it was.

The experience he had with it in the dimension of trials was all just an imagination. Right then though, when he experienced using the body in reality, the feeling immediately became different.

He felt as if he had turned into a completely different species.

“But why do I feel like this setting is so familiar? I turned into a game character, didn’t I?”

The more Qin Guan thought about it, the more he his current situation resembled that of a game character, especially when it came to him not being able to feel fatigue anymore.

Game characters could run from the start to the end of a game without ever resting, no?

And when they were injured, they would only have their Health Points (HP) decrease, maybe get a few debuffs or negative status effects, but it would not affect their fighting power too much.

Many characters in shooting games could be shot full of holes until they resembled a sieve, but when their teammates healed them, they could be saved. In reality, however, a person could die from a single bullet.

Qin Guan suddenly had a bold thought and brought out a sharp knife from the kitchen. He was prepared to cut himself on his left arm and observe his blood flow as well as how it would eventually coagulate.

He would not make the wound too deep, though. After all, his pain senses were weak now, and the effect of making the wound deep would not give him any extra knowledge.

He could only say that curiosity was the reason for humanity’s improvement…

On her road back home, Su Xiaoyu talked to her mobile AI system in her mind.

‘So why can’t I receive the stage clear rewards from Novice Mode and Easy Mode? Have you gotten the answer yet, Strong Boy?’


A boy’s voice rose in Su Xiaoyu’s head. “As of now, I only know it’s because you haven’t completed all trials, so the abilities of your gamer’s body are yet to be completely unlocked. Before you complete all trials and truly activate your status as a Transcended Gamer, you cannot receive those rewards. By the way, I do not like this name, may I raise a protest?”

‘Request for protest denied. Doesn’t that mean that besides Map of Trials 1, there is still Map of Trials 2, and even Map of Trials 3?’

“That’s right. Besides Jump!!, there are other trials. Could you tell me why you gave me this name?” Strong Boy asked.


‘I named you Strong Boy because I want you to grow up strong. Aren’t you going to evolve in the future? This name fits your situation a lot, don’t you think? Wait… What’s with this…”Jump!!”? Didn’t you previously say that it’s called Map of Trials 1?’

Strong Boy answered in a very reasonable and bold manner, as if it was very logical and natural. “Its official name is Jump!!. I cannot explain to you why that is the case.”

Su Xiaoyu was incredibly speechless. ‘Alright. I think you lot shouldn’t be known as Artificial Intelligences anymore. You should be called Artificial Retards or Artificial Simpletons… Ah, whatever. Let’s go home.’

Su Xiaoyu continued walking back home.

What she did not know was that all the AIs in the world had stopped referring to the trial as Map of Trials 1, but had instead all begun referring to it as Jump!!.

Many people would later discuss this matter. There were even some who believed that once a certain number of people cleared the stage, Map of Trials 1 would reveal its true name…

When Su Xiaoyu opened the door, she saw Qin Guan using a sharp knife to viciously cut his arm while he standing half-naked.

Even she was shocked. “My God, Qin Guan, you’re becoming gutsier, huh? In the beginning, you just wanted to starve yourself to death. Yesterday, you tried to fall to your death. And today, what are you doing? Are you trying to die of blood loss? Living is good, you know?”

Qin Guan’s face darkened. Why was it that whenever he did something like this, Su Xiaoyu would see it?

“I just cleared the trial! Aren’t I great?! I’m now testing this body. I found that its recovery abilities are especially great, and—”

Before Qin Guan could finish speaking, Su Xiaoyu suddenly scowled. “Stand up!”

Qin Guan stood up from the couch with a confused expression. He did not understand what was going on.

Su Xiaoyu came over to look at his torn shorts. “Where did you get these rags? I’ve never seen them before. Did you pick them up from the trash? I won’t say anything about you going around without a shirt, since it’s summer and it’s too hot, but could you at least be cleaner and not sit on the couch while you’re wearing something so dirty?”

Qin Guan was speechless. “These shorts came with this body, just like your school uniform! Besides, these shorts only look dirty, but aren’t in truth. If you don’t believe me, you can try touching them…”

Su Xiaoyu skeptically tried to tear off a piece from Qin Guan’s shorts, but they were much more resilient than she had expected. She could not tear off a piece no matter how much strength she used.

She then tried to touch them, and found that they were indeed quite clean. There was not a hint of dirt on them.

Su Xiaoyu still scowled. She remained extremely displeased with the shorts. “What character did you start with? A beggar? Couldn’t you have chosen a character with nice clothes?”

Qin Guan chuckled in his heart. ‘I would have chosen one if I was given the choice…’

Su Xiaoyu waved her hand. “Forget it. Just let it be. After all, we can’t change the character we start with… I’ll go take a bath. It’s way too hot.”

Qin Guan wanted to say something, but once Su Xiaoyu interrupted him, he forgot what he wanted to say.

After a moment, he remembered. He wanted to say that when he used the knife to cut himself, his wounds did not bleed, and they recovered incredibly quickly. Once they healed, his body was the same as before he was injured.

That was not all. He had also noticed a green bar in the upper left corner of his vision. When he cut himself, it shrank a little.

Qin Guan had a strong suspicion that the bar was his HP.

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