Extra Nobody

19 Big Bad Djinns

A thunderous sound reverberated through the museum. In an instant, everyone fell silent. Thud. Thud. Thud. Repeated thuds pulsed through the deathly silence. The sound, resembling the footsteps of a giant creature, soon led to the crashing sound of something breaking. The atmosphere in the museum took a sharp turn.


"What is that!?"

The unknown bred anxiety and anxiety quickly spiraled into a panic. Ordinary visitors screamed and began to run. However, only death awaited them outside. The safest place was inside the museum. Outside, an intermediate-rank monster and its subordinates launched an attack.

A single intermediate-rank monster posed little threat. A Hero would arrive in less than a minute, and twenty minutes would be enough to handle the entire situation. But that wasn’t the only problem.


There was a Djinn present. It was a double-pronged attack. After arriving at the scene, Heroes typically headed toward the most dangerous area. Since the museum had security guards, it was comparatively less dangerous, putting it lower on the priority list. Taking advantage of this fact, the Djinn Association dispatched an assassin to target a child considered by the Hero Association to have a special Gift.

The dreadful atmosphere suffocated those inside as the intermediate-rank monster asserted its presence from outside with a roar. Museum visitors screamed and ran aimlessly in panic at the monstrous sight before them. Some tried to flee outside, but that only exacerbated the chaos.

The giant monster, surrounded by over twenty subordinates, blocked the museum's entrance and wreaked havoc among the panicking crowd. The civilians felt helpless as fear crept into their hearts like a vile sickness.

Realizing the truth, they understood that the safest place was inside.

Finally, the museum's security measures were activated. Mechanical doors fell in partitions, protecting the people inside and keeping the monsters at bay from the outside. Whether this was a natural phenomenon, such as a dungeon break, or an attack remained unknown.

But Nayun knew. And so did Hajin.

“Get inside! Move away from the doors!” Nayun shouted to the crowd while she punched a glass panel, retrieving the Seven-Branch Sword.

Meanwhile, Hajin tried to offer a helping hand to the terrified crowd. “Please do not panic. The rescue team will come soon. The Heroes will arrive in about twenty minutes, and they will handle the situation outside quickly!” As he attempted to soothe their anxiety, he carefully observed the people around him, fully aware that a Djinn could be lurking nearby.

Hajin felt a flicker of confidence wash over him at the thought of Suho being with them. As much as he understood that this attack specifically targeted Chae Nayun, he refused to blame her for it. If there truly was someone to blame, then Kim Hajin might as well shoot himself in the foot.

Albeit slightly, Nayun recognized the changes in Hajin’s countenance, as if something was bothering him. “Hajin... Is there something wrong?”

“Huh? Eh... No, there is nothing wrong.” Hajin shook himself from his trance, fiddling with his smartwatch, which provided him a modicum of calm amid the disturbing thoughts swirling in his head. So many questions raced through his mind. Could he kill another human being? Though Djinn were less human than humans, it didn’t stop him from thinking of them as such.

“Are you sure?” Nayun asked, her eyes filled with concern.

“Don’t look at me like that... You’re making me feel uncomfortable...” Though he had no real reason to feel guilty, the weight of his emotions pressed down on him, irritating him. “I would be lying if I said I was okay... Of course, something is not okay.” He cast a glance at the panicking civilians, implicitly signaling to Nayun what exactly troubled him.

“Ah~! Yes.” Nayun fell silent, realizing she needed to take their situation more seriously.

Meanwhile, Hajin was psyching himself up to do his utmost... to survive, to triumph, and to show his very best.

“I can only rely on myself…” It was a cruel truth that he quickly grasped in this world where he often felt alone. But Kim Hajin, while alone, was not entirely alone. He glanced at Nayun, who was alertly scanning their surroundings. She was an ally. Hajin felt a surge of safety knowing someone as strong as Nayun stood beside him.

The red alert blared, signaling the forced lockdown of the museum. This was the first crisis of their story and the first confrontation the protagonists would experience. As he considered the many changes from his own novel, tension coiled in Hajin's stomach, anxiety rising about the dangerous changes he could not foresee.

The natural progression of the plot dictated that Chae Nayun and Kim Suho would join forces to repel the invading monsters in the museum.

But because this world was a remake, he knew there would be alterations. Increasing the level of difficulty was a given. Hajin cursed the co-author in his mind for suddenly dying and leaving him to navigate this chaos alone. A specific message replayed in his thoughts, leaving him increasingly unsettled.

'What kind of super cosmic entity suddenly dies after sending someone to another world?'

As he grappled with this grim reality, the sound of the monstrous roars outside intensified, resonating through the walls of the museum. Each thud felt like a countdown, and Hajin knew they didn’t have much time before the monsters would breach the barriers. With every ounce of determination, he steeled himself, reminding himself that he had allies, and he would not falter.

Kim Hajin focused on the present, forcing himself to exorcise the distracting thoughts swirling in his mind. He activated his [Observation and Reading] skill, extending his attention around him. He scanned for potential threats, and then he felt a jolt of realization. “Behind you!” he shouted to Nayun as he noticed a Djinn disguised as a human preparing to sneak attack her.

Chae Nayun responded instinctively, stimulating her Gift, [Sea of Magic Power]. With a fierce determination, she unleashed a furious blade of pure magic that sliced through the air behind her. The Seven-Branch Sword made a clean arc as it connected with the Djinn's neck, severing it completely.

“Close,” she commented, sweat dripping from her forehead as she turned to face the crowd. “Is everyone okay?”

To her question, she received a chorus of positive responses, though the others backed away from the headless Djinn in shock.

Nayun's gaze fixed on the dead Djinn, and memories flooded her mind. It was the same Djinn from her recollection of a painful defeat in the past. A rush of happiness surged within her; in this revenge match, she had emerged victorious. Ignoring the fallen Djinn, she redirected her focus toward tending to the fears and worries of the civilians around her.

Meanwhile, Hajin found himself lost in thought. 'How is she so strong? Well, she is strong... but she shouldn't be this strong.' The increase in Nayun's strength baffled him yet felt like a welcome development. “Let's call the authorities,” he called out to her, trying to regain his composure.

But then, the headless Djinn defied logic, rising with explosive speed. It lunged at Nayun, wrapping its arms around her in a vice grip. Dark, destructive flames erupted from its form, bursting forth in a mesmerizing but terrifying display. The severed head lying on the ground rolled into Hajin's line of sight.

The Djinn’s head... was laughing. “Kekeke. Kakakaka!”

Hajin's heart raced as panic gripped him. He rushed forward, but he knew he needed to think fast. This was a diversion, a trap laid by the Djinn. “Nayun! Break free!” he shouted, urgency lacing his voice.

The flames surrounding the Djinn swirled dangerously, their dark magic threatening to engulf Nayun. But she didn’t falter. Drawing on her Gift once more, she concentrated her magic into a defensive barrier, deflecting some of the flames. The intensity of her resolve shone through, and with a swift movement, she raised the Seven-Branch Sword, ready to counterattack.

“Get away from me!” Nayun shouted, pushing against the Djinn’s hold. With a surge of energy, she swung her sword in a wide arc, aiming for the creature's torso, the flames still raging around her.

Hajin’s mind raced as he formulated a plan. He needed to support Nayun, but the Djinn’s hold on her was fierce. Channeling his magic, he prepared to unleash a spell that could help free her from the Djinn's grip. “Just hold on, Nayun! I’ll get you out of this!”


In a different area, another bloody spectacle unfolded.

Kim Suho knelt on the ground, cradling the lifeless body of his fellow cadet, Ryeo Dae, in his arms. She had been full of life just moments ago, making a sudden confession that left him momentarily speechless. But now, as the warmth drained from her body, he could only watch helplessly as she bled to death in a matter of seconds. The culprit stood nearby, a sinister smirk spreading across her face.

The Djinn responsible for this horror snickered, her voice dripping with mock sympathy. “Oh! Kim Suho. I am really sorry, but you have to di~e… Unfortunately, I kind of missed...” She playfully teased, licking her gnarly claws with satisfaction, reveling in the pain she inflicted.

Suho's heart raced with fury and despair. This wasn’t how things were supposed to be. In the original timeline, Ryeo Dae had been safe. He had promised to protect her, yet he had failed again—this time in the most miserable way he could imagine. As a Transmigrator who had once been a Knight and a Survivor of the Devil Morax’s invasion, he knew death all too intimately, and now it wrapped its cold fingers around him once more.

“I will slaughter you…” he vowed through gritted teeth, his voice barely above a whisper, heavy with rage and sorrow. He felt the weight of his failure pressing down on him, a familiar ache that gnawed at his resolve.

With a surge of adrenaline, Suho grabbed a sword from one of the nearby displays, aiming it at the Djinn with fierce determination. Drawing power from his anger, he focused, and the blade began to shimmer. Brilliant light coated his sword, a calm fury emanating from him. It pulsated with rage yet exuded an unsettling tranquility, the contrast making Suho’s figure appear more terrifying than ever.

The Djinn, however, only laughed, her amusement evident as she watched him. “Oh, look at you, trying to be a hero!” Her voice was taunting, a cruel melody that echoed in the chamber. “But you won’t be able to save anyone now, will you?”

Suho’s grip tightened around the hilt of the sword. He felt the familiar rush of magic coursing through him, the essence of his training as a Knight igniting his resolve. The memory of Ryeo Dae’s smile fueled his anger, pushing him forward. “I won’t let you get away with this!”

With a swift motion, he lunged at the Djinn, the sword blazing with the intensity of his fury. The air crackled with energy as he closed the distance, ready to unleash all his pent-up rage on the creature that had torn his world apart. No longer would he allow himself to falter. This time, he would fight back.

Yi Yeonghan rushed into the room, Suho’s close friend. He quickly assessed the scene, eyes widening as he took in the bloody tableau before him—Ryeo Dae's lifeless body cradled in Suho's arms and the sinister Djinn laughing with wicked delight.

“Let me help you!” Yeonghan urged, readying himself for the fight.

“No!” Suho barked, his voice sharp and resolute. “You need to evacuate the others! I can’t risk anyone else getting hurt.” The words rushed out of him, heavy with urgency. He could see the fear in Yeonghan’s eyes, but there was no time for hesitation.


“Just go!” Suho insisted, pointing toward the exit. “I’ll deal with this!”

Yeonghan hesitated, torn between his instinct to fight alongside his friend and the grim reality of their situation. The Djinn, sensing the moment of uncertainty, sneered. “You think you can handle me alone? How adorable!” She stepped forward, her claws glinting in the dim light, ready to pounce.

With a final, resolute nod, Yeonghan steeled himself. “Okay. Just… be careful, alright?” He turned and sprinted toward the exit, his heart heavy with worry for his friend.

As soon as Yeonghan disappeared from sight, Suho refocused on the Djinn, drawing on his magic once more. The sword in his hand felt alive, humming with energy as he took a defensive stance. “You think you can toy with us?” he growled, his voice steady despite the turmoil inside him. “You’ll regret underestimating us. Me.”

The Djinn merely chuckled, her confidence unwavering. “Oh, I’m counting on it. But you’ll be the one who regrets this encounter!” With a flick of her wrist, she summoned dark tendrils of magic that snaked toward him, each one crackling with malevolence.

With a surge of adrenaline, he launched himself forward, his sword cutting through the air with precision. The Djinn twisted and dodged, her laughter echoing in the room as she taunted him. “Is that all you’ve got? You’ll need to do better than that!”


I steeled my nerves, focusing on the scene unfolding before me. “You know what? Fuck Murphy,” I muttered under my breath, feeling the frustration boil within me.

Yoo Yeonha was barely hanging on a thread between life and death, weaving through the slow but bulky Djinn with an acrobatic grace that belied her dire situation. She didn’t even have a weapon in hand, and I couldn’t just watch from the sidelines. I knew I had to do something, even if the odds felt stacked against us.

Keeping my presence concealed through [Always Here], I blended into the shadows, hidden in plain sight as I assessed the chaotic battlefield. My heart raced, each beat resonating with my urgency. Yeonha’s determination to evade the Djinn's grasp only fueled my anxiety. I couldn’t let her down.

This shouldn’t be happening. It was all wrong—nothing like the story I had read. Not like the manhwa that had filled my mind with certainty about how things would unfold. I struggled to recall any mention of this Djinn, yet here it was, a grotesque nightmare that threatened to consume us both.

The weight of the rusty old dagger in my hand reminded me of the stakes. I had pilfered it from a display, and while it looked like an inferior piece compared to my training daggers, I sensed its potential. I knew that the dagger’s true power lay in its history, its ancient origins pulsing with a magical essence that could cut through the darkness of our situation.

As I gripped the dagger tightly, I could feel the energy emanating from it. This nameless blade held the potential to do real damage to the Djinn, and I couldn’t afford to miss my chance.


“Grooarar!” A moaning roar echoed through the museum's halls, a guttural yell reminiscent of the dead drowning in tar.

“You slimy woman! LET ME TOUCH YOU!” the Djinn screamed in perverse aggression, drool spilling from its mouth like a grotesque waterfall. It made a massive swipe, fingers like gnarled tree branches reaching for her. Just as she thought it would catch her, Yeonha flipped backward twice and slid to her left, narrowly avoiding the attack.

The Djinn, despite its bulk, had explosive acceleration, each movement filled with a terrifying force that sent tremors through the air. Yeonha’s mind raced as she completed her analysis of the situation; she needed help. Her gaze flicked around the chaotic scene, searching for Hyon Hyung. However, panic set in when she realized he was ditching her.

“Unreliable… To think that even a crazy person has the natural instinct to save their own hides...” Disgust churned within her, mingling with regret that she should have escaped at the first sign of trouble. The Djinn’s next roar shook her from her thoughts.

“DIE!” it bellowed, swinging its fist overhead. Yeonha could easily see through the attack, but the Djinn had more tricks up its sleeve. Hidden within its enormous palm was a sizable chunk of concrete, small enough to conceal but large enough to cause serious damage—at least half the size of a human head.


The sound of the projectile sliced through the air, creating a crisp trajectory parallel to the ground. Yeonha's heart raced as she realized she couldn’t react fast enough to this unexpected assault. In that microsecond between life and the flying concrete, her thoughts spiraled, and her life began flashing before her eyes.

‘Sigh… What a dog life… Died a virgin… Such a sad... sad... reality...’ she thought, a bitter laugh escaping her even as she closed her eyes, rejecting the notion of death entirely.

Then came the boom—the crisp explosion of the concrete colliding with something hard. When Yeonha finally opened her eyes, her heart nearly stopped at the sight of Hyon Hyung standing in front of her, breathing haggardly, his face pale and drawn.

“L-lend me your… shoulder a bit…” he gasped, coughing painfully, a trickle of blood leaking from the corner of his mouth.

“Hyung!” Yeonha’s voice cracked as she moved instinctively to support him, a mixture of relief and dread flooding through her. “What happened? Are you hurt?”

“I’m fine,” he wheezed, though the blood on his lips told a different story. “You need to get out of here.”

“No way!” she protested, determination surging within her. “What the hell are you thinking!? You should have—”

“I… I couldn’t just leave you,” he rasped, a faint smile breaking through his pain. “You’re worth the risk.”

But as he spoke, the Djinn roared again, fury in its eyes as it readied another attack. Yeonha’s heart sank, the threat looming larger than before.


It was annoying. At my current level, using [Not Here] and its invisibility aspect felt like too much. Forcing myself into that state despite my lack of magic power control left me with this injury.

“Get rid of your fear and step back out there, you fucking pussy!”

I reprimanded myself for my incompetence. I knew I was going too hard on myself, but it was death out there. Still, I couldn’t help but imagine what could have been. If I had just had the courage to go invisible much earlier and straight stab the Djinn, wouldn’t there be a happy ending waiting for us?

A heavy sigh escaped me at my foolishness.

Of course, that would be impossible. It was wishful thinking!

Just look at those muscles on that Djinn; they clearly possessed resistance to damage of all kinds. My method of attack was limited, and my physical attributes were lacking. As a freshman Cube Cadet, I’d be better off dead in a ditch than providing the foe a chance to reduce the others’ morale.

“Fucking Djinns.”

To make matters worse, I was a fake Cube Cadet, especially with my sloppy combat power.

I peeked at the giant brute, using Yeonha’s shoulder as a crutch. She shot me a look of disgust, and I almost forgot that she was a clean freak. Perhaps the only reason she allowed me to lean on her was that her Cadet uniform had full sleeves. I sighed again, realizing my thoughts were straying to random topics at the worst possible time.

The big bad brute raged against anything in sight. Fortunately, his eyes hadn’t landed on any of the museum visitors yet, but I felt pity for the various displays around us. They must have been worth a fortune.

“Yeonha, do you know how to use other weapons?” I asked, stabilizing my breathing with Suho’s method. My trembling body slowly regained control.

She answered quickly. “I’m fairly below average with other weapons. I simply work best with a whip because I can do a lot of tricky attacks with it… But…” Her voice trailed off. The museum didn’t have any whips on display within our proximity.

 “Hmmm…” I pondered what kind of strategy we could devise. I knew I could rely on Yeonha more. “What do you think? Let me pick your brain.”

“What are your abilities first? Your Gift and anything that can be useful,” she urged, urgency coloring her tone. “If anything, I want to do everything in my power to defeat that Djinn.”

We were in a crisis, and I trusted Yeonha’s unique intelligence. She had a reputation for creating direct applications that were immediately effective and rarely failed. So, I laid out what I had in my arsenal.

“My physical abilities are slightly inferior to average cadets, but I’m confident in my dodging skills. I’ve practiced a lot in the evasion room.” I left it unsaid that I was able to do only at stage 4, since I knew she’d freak out. “I can’t use my invisibility in direct confrontation, as you can see. It hurts like a bitch and eats magic power like a hungry pig.”

“Yes, I understand…” She quickly formulated a strategy. “Hit and run. I’ll provide cover fire, and you’ll provide me cover fire. Please be aware of the distance. I can use a bow, but my range is only 12 meters at best…”

Twelve meters. For an ordinary person, that was impressive, but for a Hero specializing as a shooter, it felt laughably short.

But it could work. It would work. Because it was Yoo Yeonha. Taking the terrain into account, we were lucky. There were not many civilians around us anymore; they must have fled when they realized staying was a death sentence. We could do this. I psyched myself up and prayed to whatever cosmic entity might be listening for some kind of blessing.

"Be reminded, his speed is only so-so, but his explosive speed is something else," Yeonha added, doing her best to boost our chances for survival.

“I’ll be the vanguard; please don’t shoot me…” I said playfully, embracing the nervousness and using it to sharpen my instincts to the max.

For the first time in my life, maybe from both my past world and this one, I chose to wield bravery.

“Steroid Man! Look fucking here, I’mma cut your balls and feed them to the pigs, so you better listen well.” I activated taunt, a non-existent skill, and then flipped him the bird. “Yo mama so fat, I almost didn’t recognize you!”

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