Evolution Theory of the Hunter

Chapter 175

The lodging the American government prepared for me was a considerably high class mansion. Should I say that it was like a Hollywood star’s house.

There was a large swimming pool in the garden, a separate building with a garage and the main building consisting of 3 floors. The garden was so large that the driveway connected to the iron gates seemed to be about 500 meters long.

“It’s a safehouse. People from the government will arrive shortly while you’re resting. She left after guiding us to the mansion.

I let my body sink into the living room sofa and stared at the ceiling with blank eyes.

My god, Edward of all people.

He, who was sitting next to me suddenly opened his mouth.

“Why did that woman take my phone number?”

“I’m not sure. It seems she’s planning on using it as an experiment.”

“She was excessively kind considering that though? If I’m not wrong, she seemed to want to become my servant.”

“No, I don’t think it’s like that.”

I shook my head with a solemn face.

I felt like there was a need to explain a girl’s life in detail to this guy. No, in the first place, weren’t vampires a race that hoarded women?

“To try to meet me without even the thought of becoming a servant. I have no idea what she’s trying to do.”

“Are you a virgin by any chance?”

I asked just in case. It was weird no matter how one looked at it.

“Humph. I’m a vampire.”

Edward crossed his legs while wiping one side of his hair.

But he couldn’t hide the quivering of his eyes though.

“You’re a virgin I see.”

“I don’t think you’re in the position to say such things though. If I’m a virgin then aren’t you incompetent?”

“In, incompetent you say……! Hey! Is a human being the same as a vampire?”

“What’s so different? Are you thinking that vampires are born Casanovas or something?”

“They have such an image.”

“It seems you don’t know something but have you heard of the existence of female vampires?”

“Hm…… Aren’t there?”

“Not servants.”

“Are there not?”

“Nope. In the first place, women can’t accept peerage.”

Now that I think about it, vampires had a peerage system of their own. This guy was still a vampire viscount. He was at level 4 thanks to constantly sucking monster blood and he will advance to count once he become level 5.

“Either way, what about that side not having women.”

“From your standards, it can be seen as riding an all boys middle school, high school, and engineering tech tree. The life of a vampire you see, as long as it’s not a vampire with a surname, they will only ever see men their entire lives. Can you understand? Such a life?”

“So in other words, you’re a virgin?”

“Listen properly for fucks sakes!”

In the end, Edward started raising his voice. It’s been a long time since this guy raised his voice. No, is it the first time?

Either way, a virgin vampire. I didn’t expect that at all.

On top of that, it’s said that a large number of vampires unintentionally live like Buddist monk so it feels like the great image I had of them is crumbling down.

I placed a hand on his shoulder.

“This big brother will help you.”

“No, take care of your own business. Mrs. Soo-ah is one thing and what are you going to do about Mrs. Yeon-gyeong?”

“What about her?”

“At night on the day before we left…… mmmm!”

I desperately blocked his mouth.

There wasn’t anybody listening but just in case something like wiretapping…… No, even if there was there’s no danger of Soo-ah finding out huh.

“How did you know?”

“I’m a creature of the night. If it’s at night, I’m able to see through walls to distinguish matter.”

“Are you saying that you peeked?”

“No, I was on the ceiling of your room from the beginning.”

“Why were you there?”

“Then make me a room or something.”


I finally realized that I didn’t make a separate room for Edward to stay in.

However, there are many empty rooms.

“Are you a child. You could’ve just gone into any empty room.”

I was going to do so. But that day, there were particularly people in every single room.”

Certainly, it was the day when everyone drank and dropped dead.

Most drank outside but some went back inside and fell asleep. It wasn’t weird for Edward to be in my room.

I couldn’t help but nod at his flawless logic.

However, this leery feeling didn’t disappear. I was thinking about what it was when I remembered something from what he said.

“Wait. Does that mean that you can peek on the girls at night?”

“The girls?”

“Soo-ah and Yeon-gyeong.”

“Ah. I don’t do that.”

“You don’t but not can’t? Why?”

“Because they’re ugly.”


I silently stared at his face for a while.

He had eyes that didn’t have a hint of lying.

This guy. He said that for real.

I tried asking just in case he wasn’t into Asians.

“Then what about girls at the level of the one from just now?”

“Are you talking about Jane Gray?”


“That girl is uglier though. To be honest, I only realized that she was a girl after hearing her voice.”

This guy was amazing. Where the hell were his eyes planted?

“Then what kind of girls are beautiful?”

“I’m not sure…… Perhaps on the level of Joo Ja-yeon?”

Joo Ja-yeon was a famous actress that comes out on TV these days. She was also an idol that receives great praises saying that she has a face that only comes out every 100 years or so.

It’s hopeless. This guy is destined to forever be a virgin.


Staring blankly at the sky while letting my body rest in the water of the swimming pool, I could finally understand why Soo-ah wanted to make a swimming pool at my house.

It was a pretty good feeling.

It was the middle of winter in December and even though the sun started going down it didn’t feel that cold. The water temperature was adequate as well so I don’t think I need to worry about a cold either.

Of course, I wasn’t in the water for simply playing in the water.

I let my body slowly float up to the surface.

I slowly raised my body after letting my body touch the surface of the water.

I was eventually able to succeed in making my feet stand on the water.

I could also see ripples being created on the surface below my feet as well.

I took a step forward. My foot sank deeply into the water causing my body to sway momentarily but I was able to get my balance.

After walking a few steps like that I soon got used to it. People might be surprised if they saw this but it was pretty easy once you get your balance.

My body got sucked into the water once more.

This is pretty fun.

“What are you doing?”

Edward said as he sat on the edge of the swimming pool.

“Ah. I just wanted to try it once.”

“Pointless thing to do.”

“A human that walks on water has been a long romance. I’m not the only one you know?”

I said it like that but it wasn’t merely for repricating something that would only come out in a religious book.

I am currently in the middle of training to control psychokinesis meticulously. It was a new ability and I had to get my body used to it if I wanted to use it in battle.

“And that’s why you’re making such a mess at the pool?”

“There’s that as well but I won’t get hurt even if I fall into the pool once I start training flying in the sky.”

“That’s not what someone who fell from 100 meters in the air should be saying.”

“That’s because I was wearing armor. That armor is really heavy you see. It’s only possible for me to wear it because it’s me.”

The level 10 armor I had at the moment was a no name with no options. Even so, it had good defensive abilities and it could protect my entire body since it was a full plate armor.

The only flaw was that it was extremely heavy.

That’s why its price was cheaper compared to other level 10 items.

I scooped up some water while thinking about this and that.

A large bubble of water then rose up. It was approximately the size of a fist. It would be more accurate to call it a chunk of water than a bubble.

“What’s that?”

“Should I call it a training ball?”

A spherical ball of water lingered in front of me as if water was spilled in zero gravity. I tried disfiguring it by concentrating my attention.

At first, it was difficult to even make it move according to my will but I was able to create whatever figure I wanted.

First a triangle, then a rectangle, changing to various shapes gave a pretty large help in learning how to control psychokinesis minutely.

As I got used to it, I made two balls of water float up. I was going to try using the power separately instead of focusing it in one place.


“Urg. It’s difficult as expected.”

It was definitely difficult to focus on two different places instead of one.

The Dancing Sword didn’t matter since it would move on its own without me controlling it but psychokinesis was completely different.

It was on the same difficulty as drawing two different shapes with each hand.

“Where are you planning on using such an ability to practice so hard?”

Edward asked while yawning.

I didn’t have any thoughts in particular at first. It’s because I thought that it wouldn’t be very useful in battle even though I thought ‘oh great’ since it was psychokinesis and all.

Psychokinesis was currently at 2,000.

In other words, I had the power to move 200 kilograms but it only meant that I could lift an object of that weight; It wasn’t possible for me to attack an opponent or something.

It wasn’t even possible to tie an enemy down with that strength. There’s no way the monsters I fight will subject to that level of strength after all.

I pondered whether I should just use it to turn the lights off or to get the remote that was far away and decided that I should first see how others use psychokinesis first.

However, it wasn’t easy to find posts on psychokinesis on the market bulletin board.

It was because it was a rather pointless skill to have when there was only a single skill slot available.

Hunters don’t use these. It was better for civilians with a surplus amount of money to use it.

I gave up in the end and started digging through regular communities.

However, there weren’t many gains there as well. There was quite a bit of content but it wasn’t useful.

The psychokinesis of the old system did not allow minute control and was only able to move light things making its usage limited.

Flipping up a woman’s skirt, catching a smartphone while its falling. They were all pitiful things like hidden cams.

Was it not possible for me to find a better usage for this skill.

I suddenly got an idea while changing channels using psychokinesis.

I thought that it would be useful for blocking bullets.

Guns were the best weapons for dealing with hunters. It didn’t matter much to hunters that were covered all over but those kinds of armors weren’t common and were bound to have a few exposed parts.

Even an excellent hunter would eventually get killed if dozens of soldiers continuously fire.

However, what if I used psychokinesis?

The gun itself was a scary weapon but in the end, the thing that fires it is the finger on the trigger.

Also, it doesn’t take much strength to prevent that finger from moving.

If I could appropriately distribute my power in that area, I can at least prevent the guns I can see from firing.

If I could use the ability more skillfully, it might be possible to destroy the gun itself.

In the end, a gun also words by machines moving. If I could disable the firing mechanism that hits the gun it might not be impossible.

After thinking that, I went out to study concentrating my power in a small location.

I did this and that and came to the conclusion that it was ‘difficult’.

If it was only a single enemy then it wasn’t difficult.

However, what if it was dozens?

Distributing my power to each and every one of them seemed almost impossible.

However, time was all I had left. I could train psychokinesis as much as I wanted before people came from the American government.

The reason I’m using pool water is to make it easy to see the form psychokinesis shows its power. Changing the shape of the ball of water was to practice precise control.

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